
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 11


Her legs wrapped around my torso. I'm holding her up by her ass. Her dress is short so I can feel her panties. They feel lacy with a small ruffle. She's so curvy in all the right places. I start to slide one hand up her back as she kisses me. I have no idea how I got here. My mind seems to be screaming from the rooftops that she's kissing me. Her mouth is plush, she tastes sweet like peaches.

I didn't even understand why she was so angry with me. I don't even remember why I was so upset before. She suddenly pulls away. Underneath, the moonlight we stare into each other's eyes. There's a hint of uncertainty in her eyes with a slight shade of lust. I'm still holding her up in my arms. How did I get so lucky? This could have gone so wrong. I really have to thank Alexei.

Alexei! fuck, I can't let him near her. She's mine now. There is no way I'm ever letting her go after this.

Her eyes start blinking rapidly, she swallows hard. Shifting around in my arms. Sensing that she's uncomfortable I set her down. She turns away from me and a soft breeze blows through her dress, her hair twirling in the wind. I rub the back of my neck, trying to figure out what went wrong. This girl is a roller coaster of emotions, and I can't seem to understand her. One-minute she's open and touchy the next she's distant.

I softly grab her hand and lead her to the car. She's dainty so I have to remember to be gentle with her. I can't ever grab her like I did at the restaurant again. We ride the rest of the way in silence. I helped her out of the car as soon as we arrived back home.

"Do you need anything before bed?" I ask as I head into the linen closet. I come out with some blankets in hand. She still hasn't responded let alone made eye contact with me.

She heads into the room. Throwing the blankets on the couch I call out to her, "If you need anything I'll be out here. You can just call out for me."

Ella stops in her tracks. She slowly turns around and gazes at me. "You're going to sleep out here?"

"Uh yea" My chest tightens under her glare.

"Why? Nikolai, do you not like me?" She whimpers, "Do you not find me... attractive?"

I'm completely taken aback. "Of course, I find you attractive. Your curves, your lips, the way that you look at me; it's all-" my face turns hot from embarrassment.

"Then why don't you want to sleep with me? Why don't you make a move?" She pleads

She wants me to make a move? It seemed like she didn't like me in the field earlier when she suddenly pulled away. I better just do what she says before she gets angry at me again.


From an early age, I've learned that men always go for what they want. Does Nicky not want me? He seemed to have enjoyed our kiss in the field so why is he suddenly acting so distant? Deciding to sleep on the couch. I try to excuse my thoughts by simply stating married couples don't do that when I really just want him close. Why did I have to make the first move? Does he not feel the same as I do?

I'm standing in the doorway when Nicky rushes over to me. Alarmed, my legs trembled. I didn't think he would actually do it. He stops in front of me and observes me. It feels like he can see me beyond the surface. His eyes scanned me from head to toe. Feeling pressured, I avert my eyes from him, not being able to continue eye contact.

Nicky puts his hand on my chin and lifts my head. Forcing me to face him; to look at him. He slowly comes in for a kiss. His touch feels so tender, his lips are inviting. I grab his face pulling him closer. In one swift motion I'm up in his arms again until he gently sets me on the bed.

Nicky is so attentive with me. I feel like a delicate flower; he's trying to protect. Undoing my dress with one hand and caressing my back with the other.

Tracing his fingers from my lips down to my collar bones he whispers, "Of course, I want you." I could feel his soft breath on my lips. Sending goosebumps down my thighs. Aware of it, he grabs them. His hands firm, making my heart skip. He loosens his grip, softly caressing me.

I'm watching him as he studies my body. Touching every inch of skin. He wants to know what feels good to me. Paying close attention to where I let moans slip my mouth. I'm tingling underneath him, his watchful eyes making my breath scarce.

He dives into me, mouth full of my breast, he watches my reaction to how he plays with my nipple. Swirling his tongue in circles, lightly licking them. He places his hands on the curve of my back. They tighten as I utter small whimpers. His mouth slowly moves down my torso.

Ever so lightly leaving a trace of kisses and small licks. I'm playing with his hair as I enjoy these small sensations. My eyes widen as I notice he lays me on my back. Nervously tightening my legs.

"Nicky... wa-" I whisper.

He grabs my thighs again, gazing into my eyes. He slowly continues to massage my legs until they relax. I catch him peeking at me in between his soft kisses. His eyes are bright with the moonlight peering in, a lustful gaze. He grabs hold of my hips. This time he isn't as gentle, jerking me closer to his face. He sends me a devilish smile before stationing his tongue inside of me, sending waves of pleasure. My back arches, clenching the covers I let out multiple moans. "Wait Nicky... I can't-"

He stretches his arm out to touch my chest. "It's okay... Just relax your body." drawing soft circles on my collar bone to soothe me.

Focusing on his touch and my breaths; my body relaxes. The pressure of his tongue rubbing against me; licking me is enough to turn me into putty. My legs are shaky. I'm feeling a rush. My eyes start to flutter; I can no longer keep them open. I start to feel his finger circling my nipple. His hand tightly gripped my thigh causing my breaths to accelerate. My hips buck, a moan falls from my lips. A wave drums through me and my whole-body crashes on the bed as soon as it's gone. I can't believe I came so fast. I can't believe I came. I feel my face flush with embarrassment.