

In a world plagued by chaos and rebellion, a young genius, unaware of his origins, leads a major corporation in Aratsun Country. With extraordinary intelligence and formidable combat skills, he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his caretaker's death and the truth about himself. As revolution shakes Aratsun, he stands at the forefront, challenging the ruthless dictator who controls the country. In his struggle, he uncovers a profound secret about himself that could change everything. With the loyalty of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he fights for freedom and justice in a world filled with betrayal and injustice.

Pk_12 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"Are they dead?" Albert asked Mike anxiously, still upset about losing the bet due to Navies' defeat. Ian opened a can of beer and tossed it to Mike, who caught it deftly.

"I don't think so. They'll be fine," Mike replied with a smile, taking a sip of his beer. On the second floor of the grand building, two young men lay weak on a sofa. This building had three interconnected floors. In the middle of the building, there was a vast and extreme bicycle track connecting the first to the third floor. This track was the main training ground for DBW, where they raced, bet, and honed their skills to determine who the best cyclist among them was.

Laughter and cheers echoed throughout the building. Mike had created a place that was not just a training ground, but also a paradise for them to express themselves freely and enjoy their freedom. Here, they could temporarily forget the pressures of the outside world.

Rendra and Navies woke up from their sleep, feeling a bit confused and dizzy. As their eyes began to open, they looked around and realized how lively and vibrant the atmosphere was.

"Ahhh, you're awake," Albert said with a suspicious smile. "Drink this and eat this bread to restore your energy because you'll need a lot of it soon."

Shortly after, they were brought into the crowd and introduced to the other members. Applause and welcoming cheers greeted them. However, before they could officially join the DBW club, there was one ritual they had to go through.

Albert, still upset about losing the bet due to Navies' previous cycling defeat, took this opportunity to tease them a bit. "Navies, is this track surprising you? Making your legs tremble? I don't think you dare to ride it," he said challengingly.

Navies, with a slight smile on his face, accepted the challenge. "Albert, you don't know me well yet. Let's do it."

They prepared on the third floor with their bikes. The bike track connecting the third floor to the first was very steep and extreme, full of obstacles and sharp turns. The race between Albert and Navies began with cheers from all the DBW members. Albert, with his strong leg muscles and more experience, led at the start. However, Navies, with his wit and agility, started catching up. They both sped at high speed, jumping over obstacles and avoiding traps on the track.

Navies pedaled with determination, utilizing every opportunity to close the gap. The cheers from the audience grew louder, adding to the spirit of the competitors. Rendra, standing on the sidelines, was terrified watching Albert and Navies' actions. He couldn't imagine having to navigate that track himself. But he was impressed; Navies learned quickly and was very brave, though he didn't have high expectations.

In the final seconds, Navies caught up to Albert and approached the finish line with a very narrow margin, with Albert beside him. Unfortunately, Navies' bike chain broke, and he fell. Everyone fell silent. Albert, who reached the finish line, was shocked to see Navies fall from the track. The atmosphere was silent for a moment until Navies, lying down, gave a thumbs up. Everyone laughed, cheers and applause echoed throughout the building.

Albert, although initially upset about losing the bet before, finally smiled and acknowledged Navies' abilities. "Alright, you're pretty good, Navies. Welcome to DBW," he said, patting Navies on the shoulder. They shook hands warmly, marking the beginning of their friendship.

As evening approached, they celebrated their success and togetherness with a big party. A bonfire burned in the middle of the field, music played, and all DBW members danced and sang together. Rendra and Navies felt accepted and appreciated. Although initially, they only came to fulfill Mike's invitation, they now found a new family.

Amidst the evening's excitement, Mike sat near the bonfire, looking at the stars. He then started telling the story of DBW's history. "This place used to be a shopping center. When I heard it was going to be closed and replaced with a casino, I decided to buy it. I didn't like the idea of a casino here, so I created this great headquarters instead."

Navies, curious, asked, "Why choose to be a bicycle gang, not a motorcycle gang?"

Mike smiled and scratched his head, looking a bit reluctant to answer. But before he could speak, Albert stood up and kicked a wooden beam nearby, breaking it. "This is why," he said proudly. "Motorcycle gangs never have legs as strong as ours." Everyone laughed, and Mike joined in smiling.

Navies nodded, understanding. "Now I get it. That was a wise choice."

As night fell, they made the bonfire bigger. Laughter, music, and singing filled the night. They partied, danced, and embraced each other. The happiness of finding a new family was palpable, especially for Rendra and Navies, who felt very welcomed.

Rendra, with a big smile, said to Navies, "This is so much fun, it feels like home."

Navies nodded in agreement. "Indeed. This isn't just a cycling club; it's a family."

"If they hadn't come at that time, we might have faced something very bad," Rendra said, while eating a sausage he had grilled.

"You're right," Navies said. "Those people really beat us up," they laughed.

Navies then remembered something. "What time is it?" he asked, a little scared.

"Why?" Rendra replied.

"I have a dinner appointment; I haven't checked my phone," Navies excused himself from everyone and ran home.

Albert laughed. "That kid is like he's afraid of being scolded by his mother for missing dinner." Everyone laughed.

In the front yard of the mansion, a car arrived and stopped. Mr. Kein Jonson stepped out of the car and walked into the mansion. Balqis and several servants greeted him politely.

"Is Mr. Navies home? I have something to discuss with him directly," Mr. Kein asked, his voice sounding firm.

"Ah, he hasn't come home yet. He went out with his friend," Balqis replied, with a calm smile on her face.

Mr. Kein was a little confused. "Shouldn't you accompany him?"

Balqis continued to smile. "That was at Mr. Navies' request. He just wanted to go with his friend. But don't worry, Mr. Kein. I've sent three people to monitor and protect him, and I just got word from them that Mr. Navies is on his way home. You should come inside."

In the kitchen, Lily was busy arranging the dishes she had prepared. She was very excited, even though there were many burnt, damaged, and inedible ingredients she produced during the cooking process. However, she managed to make some dishes and was very happy about it. In her mind, Navies would enjoy her cooking and praise her.

"Miss Lily, is there anything else we should prepare?" asked a servant who was helping.

"That's enough; maybe you can add flowers and scented candles," Lily said with a hopeful smile.

"Alright," the servant replied with a nod. "I'll get ready," Lily continued, fixing her hair.

Mr. Kein was surprised when he entered the neatly decorated dining room. "What's the occasion?" he asked, slightly puzzled.

Lily then emerged from the kitchen, her face beaming. Without thinking, she bowed. "Nice to meet you, my name is Lily, Navies' friend. You must be his father?" she asked enthusiastically.

Mr. Kein was momentarily surprised. Balqis gave Mr. Kein a signal to nod. "Ah, yes," he replied, trying to hide his confusion. From his expression, it was clear that Mr. Kein was very happy to be considered Navies' father.

Then Lily looked at Balqis, whose face seemed familiar. "Ah," Balqis said, "I'm Navies' sister, and yes, I teach at your school."

"Oh," Lily smiled, feeling relieved. "Sorry, I prepared this because I wanted to repay Navies' kindness."

Balqis responded, "Ah, alright. Maybe we can sit and chat while waiting for Navies." It was clear from Balqis' expression that she was a bit jealous.

Mr. Kein was a little confused. "How could you live here?" he asked, curious.

With some embarrassment, Lily answered, "Actually..." before she could explain further, a servant came and said, "Mr. Navies has arrived."

"Ah, many people are waiting for me," Navies smiled as he entered the room. "Mr. Kein, Balqis, let's eat."

Lily was a bit puzzled by the Navies family culture. He even called his father and sister by their names. Balqis sent a message on Navies' phone, and Navies just realized what was happening.

"Ah, Lily, let me introduce Mr. Kein. He is the president of the NFC Group and... well, he's my father. But I'm used to calling him Mr. Kein out of respect when in front of others," Navies explained.

Balqis added, "Let's eat before the food gets cold."

They all sat at the dining table. Navies, Balqis, and Mr. Kein tasted the dishes prepared by Lily. As they started eating, they looked at each other. The food was a bit salty but not too bad. They all tried to hold back their expressions and smiled forcibly.

Navies took the first bite and immediately felt the strong salty taste. He swallowed carefully, then smiled broadly. "The food is delicious, Lily," he said, trying to sound convincing.

"Yes, really good," added Balqis with a slight nod, her eyes blinking.

Mr. Kein

, who had already drunk some water before speaking, said, "I agree, Lily. You've worked hard," smiling stiffly.

Lily smiled widely, feeling happy with the compliments. "Thank you, I'm very glad you like it."

After a few more bites, they got used to the salty taste, and the conversation began to flow more smoothly.

"So, Lily," Mr. Kein said, "why did you leave home? Balqis told me a lot about your situation. Are you okay?"

"Actually, I wanted to tell you, Mr. Kein, but ehh, I just ran away from home to get my father's attention," Lily replied with a smile.

Balqis interrupted with a smile, "I'm sure everything will be fine. I bet your father is like a madman looking for you; his men must be in trouble."

Everyone laughed.

After enjoying Lily's homemade dishes, Navies waited on the mansion's rooftop. He stood using his very good and expensive telescope. Navies loved looking at and studying the stars; he was quite knowledgeable in astronomy.

"Mr. Navies," called Mr. Kein.

"Ahh, Mr. Kein. Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

"Yes, sir," said Mr. Kein. "The semiconductor company we are going to acquire is ASM (Aratsun Semiconductor). The company has a considerable valuation, about 700 billion dollars. A lot of money. We've also received information that one of the company's main investors opposes the acquisition by NFC Group. But don't worry, sir, I will handle it."

"Good, continue with the report."

"Next, sir, regarding the investment in Vilaria Hotel, it is going smoothly, and the beach land development has already started."

"Good," said Navies as he resumed looking at some stars in the sky. "Anything else?"

"Yes, sir. Regarding the formation of Division X, I have drafted the headquarters' construction and selected trusted individuals. There are 100 members for 10 teams to be formed. I am just waiting for the names of the team leaders. For their tasks, it is up to you to convey them, sir."

"Good job, Mr. Kein. As usual, you work very well."

Navies walked to the edge of the rooftop and faced the garden, seeing the lights of skyscrapers in the city center. "Justice will soon be felt by everyone. You must continue to help me."

Navies turned and smiled at Mr. Kein. "Always, sir," replied Mr. Kein, bowing his head.