

In a world plagued by chaos and rebellion, a young genius, unaware of his origins, leads a major corporation in Aratsun Country. With extraordinary intelligence and formidable combat skills, he seeks to uncover the mystery behind his caretaker's death and the truth about himself. As revolution shakes Aratsun, he stands at the forefront, challenging the ruthless dictator who controls the country. In his struggle, he uncovers a profound secret about himself that could change everything. With the loyalty of his friends and the strength of his resolve, he fights for freedom and justice in a world filled with betrayal and injustice.

Pk_12 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The large dining table, over three meters long, was laden with various raw food preparations. Fresh vegetables, neatly cut fish, bread with jam, and high-quality eggs were beautifully arranged on the table. The food looked delectable, comparable to a five-star hotel service, perhaps even approaching six-star quality. Lily knew this well because her father was a hotel entrepreneur.

Seven servants were specifically preparing breakfast. Lily was very surprised by what she saw, far from her expectations. At her home, there was only one person who prepared meals, and she was an old woman. However, what she saw now was different; these men and women had impressive physiques like fighters, yet oddly, they were excellent cooks.

"It's very peaceful here," Lily said with a slight smile.

"Of course," Navies replied. "This mansion is the only building around here. We are surrounded by many gardens. I also love the air here; I hope you enjoy the atmosphere," Navies smiled.

"Let's eat," invited Navies. Lily looked a bit confused because what was in front of her were not meals but only raw ingredients. She looked around awkwardly, a bit embarrassed. Navies chuckled, covering his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"Oh yes, my apologies. I forgot you must be confused. I usually have breakfast by choosing my own menu; I enjoy creating my own meals."

Navies deftly took a plate and selected various ingredients from the table. He looked like a chef preparing a dish. Lily was mesmerized by what she saw. Navies then handed over the food he had taken, "This is perfect for your diet; I'm sure it will keep your beauty intact," Navies smiled. Lily's face flushed slightly, and shyly, she took the plate.

"I'm not that beautiful," Lily said, blushing.

They continued eating while chatting. Luckily, Balqis was not at home; otherwise, she would have been very angry and jealous because Lily was the first person to have breakfast with Navies. Even a president might not be allowed. Navies' hospitality changed Lily's perception of him. From feeling comfortable and warm, Lily regretted not knowing Navies better.

"Thank you, Navies," Lily said with a sweet smile.

"I have prepared some clothes for you. Stay here until you feel a bit better. I believe your father is very worried."

Lily felt a bit sad when Navies mentioned her father. "Actually, my father is not doing well. Our hotel company is facing serious problems. The stock value dropped because our hotel failed to acquire the beachfront property from NFC Group. Instead, the exclusive contract went to Vilaria Hotel, and our fresh food supplier terminated the contract with my father's company. This has shaken many people; management and investors are losing faith in my father. He might be removed from his position as director."

"Are you sad?" Navies asked, a bit serious.

"Of course not," Lily said with a smile, though her eyes were glistening. "In fact, I'm happy. But a little shocked," Lily continued. "Do you know why I am harsh, intimidating to those around me, and look bad in people's eyes? My mother, yes, my mother was horrible. She always treated me badly when my father was not at home." Lily's tears began to fall. "My father never believed me; he didn't care if his child had bruises on her face. He only cared about that vile woman. I was always tormented at home, every moment felt like hell. I miss my mother. If it weren't for that vile woman, my mother would still be alive."

Navies approached Lily, hugging and trying to comfort her. "I understand your feelings, Lily. I know what it's like not to have parental love, but at least you can still see them. You can stay here for a while if you want." Navies patted Lily's shoulder to soothe her.

Balqis entered the back storage of the mansion carrying some food. A man in a very disheveled appearance sat chained by both his hands and feet. Balqis approached, "Eat this first, at least it will help you survive. This is a form of my master's kindness." The man quickly devoured the food as if he hadn't eaten in a year. "We could be kinder than this if you choose to cooperate. My master Navies will always forgive someone's mistake if they are sincere, but he never gives a second chance. If you change your mind, let's talk," Balqis smiled as she left the storage behind the mansion.

In a luxurious room, Lily was feeling a bit better after her morning meal. She smiled slightly, seeing the new clothes in her room. "Did Navies choose these clothes for me? Does he want me to wear them?" Lily smiled again. One of the servants entered, seeing Lily lost in thought.

"Miss Lily, are you okay?"

Lily snapped out of her reverie. "Ah, yes, I'm fine." Lily turned to the mirror, trying on the clothes in her hands. She felt a bit shy, "Do I look pretty?" Lily asked the servant, slightly embarrassed.

"Miss Lily, you are truly enchanting. Your long black hair flowing beautifully and your sky-blue eyes sparkling make you look like a princess from a fairy tale. Your skin glows with a natural radiance, and your gentle smile truly emanates a genuine kindness. Your graceful and confident steps are captivating, showing a perfect blend of strength and gentleness that captures anyone's heart who sees you."

"Sorry if I went overboard, Miss Lily."

"Oh, it's okay," Lily said, her cheeks reddening. In a soft, slightly stuttering voice, she asked, "Does Mr. Navies also think of me that way? Oh, I don't know. Do you want me to ask him, Miss Lily?"

"Oh no, don't," Lily said shyly. "Oh, by the way, I want to go shopping and cook. I want to repay Mr. Navies' kindness."

"Ah, it just so happens I will be shopping today, Miss."

Today, Navies had an appointment with his friend Rendra to go to the DBW headquarters to meet Mike. A young man standing in front of the mansion with a bicycle was none other than Mike. Navies also brought his bicycle.

"I didn't expect you to live on the outskirts of the city. And your house is so huge," Rendra said, a bit amazed.

Navies just smiled. "Rendra, did you buy a new bike?" Navies asked.

"Oh, this is a gift from my father. Although your bike is more expensive," Rendra said, "this bike is the fastest," he stroked his bike.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see."

They both pedaled their bikes very fast and raced with happy faces, especially Navies. This was the first time he experienced having a friend.

"Beep...!" The sound of a car horn honked as it braked, steering to avoid the two crazy young men racing their bikes on the main road.

"Hey, are you guys crazy? Do you want to die?" a driver yelled angrily.

Breathlessly, Rendra said, "Navies, your legs are too weak, an expensive bike wasted." With sweat pouring down and Navies' hair slightly wet from it, "Really?" Navies said, a bit annoyed, and pedaled his bike even faster, leaving Rendra behind.

They headed towards an abandoned shopping area that had been closed down. At the tallest building, the flags of Aratsun and DBW waved. One of the DBW gang members shouted, "Hey, you guys, come out and look at this," everyone ran out of the building. From a distance, two young men could be seen pedaling their bikes rapidly and breathing heavily. Everyone shouted, "Woo... come on... beat him,... use your leg muscles..." Everyone cheered and shouted. Mike just smiled.

"They're crazy. I'll bet on the one on the right, 1000 dollars? Do you dare, Mike?" Albert teased.

"Alright," Mike said. Mike intently watched the bike race. "They are both very interesting."

Navies and Rendra looked like madmen, their breaths erratic, but happiness was etched on their faces, their eyes filled with competitiveness. Five meters from the finish line, they suddenly lost consciousness, their bikes losing balance, and they crashed in front of the finish line. Everyone was shocked and silent. Mike and Albert checked their pulses.

Albert then shouted, "Yeah, they're still alive!" Everyone cheered, "Yeah, what an amazing race!" Albert looked at the tip of their bikes, suddenly sad and annoyed, "Oh no, I lost my thousand dollars!" he cried, everyone laughed including Mike. The tip of Rendra's bike touched the finish line, they laughed happily and took Navies and Rendra to rest.

Meanwhile, at her family home, Lily's father was alone, not wanting to be disturbed by anyone. He was actually very sad about Lily's disappearance.

"Dear," said a woman, "are you okay? Did that naughty child make you sad?"

"Oh no," Lily's father cowardly said that he was sad because his company was facing problems. The woman had already taken him hostage, even his feelings for his own child. It was truly pitiful.

"Miss Lily, is it okay to leave the mansion? What if your father finds us?" asked the servant who was with her.

"Don't worry, I can disguise and cover my face. You can help me," Lily said, pleading with a sweet smile.

The servant could not refuse. "Alright, Miss Lily, but we have to bring the driver."

"No problem," Lily said, a bit cheerful. She kept looking at her phone and saved some recipes from the internet.

At the mansion, Lily and the servant were getting ready to go shopping. They wore simple clothes and brought big hats to cover Lily's face. Their driver was ready in front of the mansion.

"Don't forget to bring the shopping list, Miss Lily," said the servant.

"Yes, I've saved it on my phone. Let's go," Lily replied.

They got into the car and headed to the market. During the journey, Lily couldn't stop thinking about how she could repay Navies' kindness. At the market, they bought various fresh and high-quality ingredients. Lily also bought some unusual ingredients to try new recipes.

Meanwhile, Mada's father was uneasy because of the failed mission his brother undertook to kidnap and kill Navies. He feared that the involvement of the presidential palace would not remain silent. He was very frightened, and strangely Brigadier General Akhtar was not his usual self. He was very anxious. Who was Navies really, and was his family influential? Mada's father, Mr. Huang, was lost in thought. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing phone.

"Hello, Akhtar. What's up?"

"Brother, I have a plan, and I think we can solve all these problems. Let's meet," he invited.

Confused, Mr. Huang just agreed.