
Naruto What IF


THE_GreatRed · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

CH-14=Naruto GOD Of WAR(What if)

The world of Kratos was a realm of unending suffering and torment. Trapped within a seal in another universe, the once-mighty God of War had been stripped of his strength, left to languish in agony. His body, though still godly, was damaged beyond repair, the seal preventing any healing or respite. Kratos was condemned to an existence of ceaseless torment, a prisoner in his own godly form.

But one day, as he endured the relentless pain, Kratos sensed a disturbance. A presence that did not belong in this forsaken world had entered his realm. It was Naruto Uzumaki, a young shinobi from another universe, who had ventured here during his training journey with Jiraiya, his legendary mentor. Bored with Jiraiya's prolonged absences, Naruto had decided to train alone and stumbled upon this nightmarish place.

As Naruto ventured deeper into this nightmarish domain, he sensed a malevolent force, a godly aura radiating anguish. Kratos, in his weakened state, was barely able to call out to the young ninja, but Naruto heard him. The two beings, from vastly different worlds, began to communicate and share their stories.

Naruto learned of Kratos' plight, his endless suffering and his desire for release. Kratos, in turn, discovered that Naruto had not given in to the darkness, despite the trials he had faced. There was something about Naruto's unwavering spirit that intrigued Kratos, a stark contrast to his own tumultuous journey.

It was during these conversations that Kratos shared the secret he had discovered, a way to escape the eternal torment of the seal. He could transfer his godly essence, his power, his memories, and his weapons to Naruto, effectively granting him the strength to escape the seal by taking his own life. This would free him from Athena's clutches and offer him the release he had longed for.

Naruto understood the gravity of the decision he was about to make. He was being granted immense power, the legacy of the God of War himself. In return, Kratos would embrace death, an end to his interminable suffering. Naruto agreed, and the transfer of power commenced.

The infusion of Kratos' essence brought about a dramatic transformation in Naruto. His body grew taller and more muscular, his once mighty chakra now intertwined with the power of gods. Legendary weapons materialized at his side, and he acquired the ability to wield powerful magic in addition to his formidable chakra. Naruto's appearance altered, making him even more handsome and imposing than before.

His personality remained largely unchanged, but when he was in battle or training, he became much more serious and focused. Naruto's determination to protect his world from the threats it faced, including the likes of the Akatsuki and the Otsutsuki, was unwavering.

Back in his original universe, Naruto's return to Konohagakure sent shockwaves through the village. He had become a god among mortals, possessing godly powers and the visage to match. Many were in awe of his incredible strength, and he became an object of admiration for the villagers.

His appearance also garnered the attention of many young women who were drawn to his newfound charisma and might. Naruto, however, remained true to his unyielding spirit, determined to use his newfound powers to protect his loved ones and the world at large.

The world was not without its challenges, and some individuals, like Sai, remained skeptical of Naruto's abilities. Ordered by Danzo to test Naruto, Sai made a grave error in judgment. He attacked not only Naruto but also his friends, Shikamaru and Choji, a mistake that would prove fatal. In his anger and pain, Naruto struck down Sai, a man who had become an enemy of the current Hokage and whose absence would not be widely mourned.

This tragic incident further solidified Naruto's resolve to protect those he cared about and to harness his newfound godly powers for the greater good.

As the battles against the Akatsuki and the Otsutsuki raged on, Naruto's strength became a beacon of hope. He wielded the powers of a sage, including the Sharingan and the Rinnegan, making him an even more formidable force.

Sasuke, once a rival and antagonist, was captured and imprisoned, while the likes of Kabuto and Orochimaru met their ultimate fates. The world was still fraught with danger, but with Naruto as its guardian, it had a godly protector who would stop at nothing to ensure its safety.

Naruto's journey as a god had begun with a fateful encounter in a realm of suffering, and it had led to his transformation into a powerful deity. The trials and challenges that awaited him were daunting, but he faced them with unwavering determination, for he was the God of War, a protector of his world, and a symbol of hope for all who knew him.

Note=guys as i said English is not my language i am using Gramerli software to correct my grammar in my story so you are seeing the novel  which was corrected by Ai grammerli Software .Also guys if you want to suggest somethings or any idea so send me on (hellthefire1@gmail.com).and pls explain your ideas in short summary so i can create short What if .Also guys DONT FORGET TO GIVE POWER STONES and guys pls do send you idea because i am also getting short of ideas because previous chapter are my imagination of around 5 months of thinking  that dosn't mean that i dont have idea.i do have ideas but not fully completed.and lastly once again pls DONT FORGET "POWER STONES".