
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 57 Ambush

After Chengye and the others left Sea Lion Town, a figure appeared silently in the dark corner of the East Gate. He quickly wrote this paragraph on a piece of paper with a black pen:

"I have asked the mayor to issue an extermination mission, and three Konoha Chunin have already set off for your location. There is no information on the specific strength, but be sure to kill them all!"

In the next second, a black eagle took off quietly and flew towards Chengye and the others with this note.

But what Sombra didn't realize was that Uchiha Kazuki and Mitarai Shinichi had already arrived near the east gate and waited.

Under Hongyue's writing wheel eyes, all darkness will be invisible, and the face of this traitor has been clearly seen by her!

But Hongyue did not immediately take action to capture the man, but jumped, rushed into the forest, and followed the footprints left by Chengye and the others.

Mitarai Shinichi stayed where he was, followed the trail of the shadow, and returned to Sea Lion Town.

In Chengye's three-person team, Chengye ran at the front of the team because of his perception ability.

And only Yuna, who has reached the C rank in ninjutsu, runs in the middle position, and Sakumo, who has reached high standards in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and combat experience, is in charge of the tail of the team.

In order to ensure the control of the surrounding situation, Cheng Ye has consumed the Chakra of a Chunin unit to summon Qing Wu. Its sense of smell can reach a range of 500 meters, and it can issue an alarm in time when it is about to encounter danger.

After marching for 100 kilometers, Chengye and the others began a marching rhythm of resting every two hours.

In the case of being far away from the station, they must maintain sufficient energy at all times to deal with any unexpected accidents.

After a few hours, the three of them were less than ten kilometers away from the bandit village marked on the mission map.

Qing Wu, who was constantly leaping in the jungle, suddenly jumped to Chengye's side, biting into his pants, Chengye hurriedly stopped, and tightened his belt.

"Hey, hey, Qing Wu, my pants are about to fall off! What are you doing?" Cheng Ye asked Qing Wu strangely.

"Hoo! Hoo!"—"I can't smell any animals within the range of 500 meters in front of me. If you don't want to die, you'd better be careful."

Qing Wu solemnly reminded her with a serious expression.

Cheng Ye closed his eyes and began to perceive the surrounding plants and trees.

"Yona, Sakumo, come here." Cheng Ye turned around and began to discuss with his two companions.

A few minutes later, the figures of the three of them continued to move forward, but Qing Wu disappeared.

When running through a dense jungle, a resistance suddenly came from the front of Chengye's ankle. When he looked down, he found that it was a slender steel cable.

Cheng Ye's face showed a panicked look, because in the next instant, dozens of lijian were shot from all directions from the hidden traps in the woods, densely and quickly.

The three did not dare to resist, so they had to jump up with their own strength and landed on a few tree trunks that were located in the blind spots of the shuriken.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, several firelights lit up under their feet without any warning. Looking down, there were actually explosive symbols already set on the tree trunk in advance, waiting for Chengye and the others to come.

"Boom boom boom!" Sparks splashed everywhere, explosions sounded everywhere, the forest bird took off, and Cheng Ye and the three completely disappeared into the smoke.

Several footsteps sounded after more than ten seconds, and three men in gray cloaks came to the jungle where the explosion occurred, and seemed to want to check something.

"It's no wonder that the adults want to set up traps here. It was expected that the group of people in Sea Lion Town would not die, and they would send people to attack us." One of the young people said with admiration. His name is Miyamoto.

The three of them who came here were all from the nearby Qingshan Town.

The town used to live a peaceful life of indifference, but after a few unidentified ninjas arrived a few months ago, everything started to change.

Several foreign ninjas handed over the training skills of Chakra to the residents of the town, and even cultivated a few genin, so that Qingshan Town has its own armed force.

Later, the alien ninjas began to drive the townspeople to do things that deviate from their original life, such as robbing the transport team of Sea Lion Town.

After the success of the first operation, a lot of wealth poured into Qingshan Town. Although some of them were handed over to foreign ninja adults at the meeting, it still brought the residents a rich life that was completely unimaginable before.

At first, everyone will feel uneasy and guilty, but after a long time, they are used to getting something for nothing, who cares about this?

Sea Lion Town used to hire some samurai or wandering ninjas to attack Qingshan Town, but with the assistance of those adults, which time was not killed completely?

This time as well, all they need to do is to confirm the result of the trap.

As for the Konoha ninja guarding the sea lion town, several ninja adults have said that they will not care about the life and death of the sea lion town.

The east wind whistled past, blowing away the smoke with a strong smell of gunpowder, and the three Qingshan Town xiamen jumped off the tree trunk with ease.

The moment they landed, Sakumo flashed out of the shadows, held two kunai in both hands, and stabbed directly into the hearts of the two enemies.

Then he kicked the remaining Genin from Qingshan Town into the air, and Yuna, who was hiding in a dense tree, flew out, kicked the Genin in the abdomen, and shot him directly into the air. in the soil.

Sakumo withdrew his blood-stained hands as if nothing had happened, let the two enemies who were instantly killed in an instant fall down weakly, and set off to face the screaming enemies who were trapped in the mud.

"How many ninjas are there in your bandit village?" Sakumo asked, pinching Miyamoto's neck.

Miyamoto looked at the Konoha forehead guard on Sakumo's forehead, his mind was full of panic and confusion. "Didn't those lords say that this time it's just a few samurai warriors who don't know how to live or die? How... how could it be Konoha's ninja?"

Seeing that the person in front of him was a little sluggish, Sakumo wanted to ask again, but Chengye's anxious voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Sakumo, Yuna, be careful! There are still people!"

A silver sword that was two meters long fell from the sky, and it was about to come. Sakumo had no time to avoid it, so he could only pull out his family's white ninja sword from the black scabbard behind him, and clenched his hands tightly in front of him.

"Clang! The two knives collided head-on, and the huge force of the fall made Sakumo kneel on one knee. He looked up and saw that the man holding the knives was tall, with a sneer on his face and countless wounds on his arms.

The moment Yuna heard Cheng Ye's reminder, her hands had already begun to form seals, "Tu Dun · Tulong Spear Technique!" (C rank)

After the land behind the attacker fluctuated briefly, several sharp khaki-colored long spears changed and stabbed towards the attacker's back.

The tall ninja continued to exert pressure on Sakumo as if he had never heard of it, as if he wanted to crush Sakumo with his strength.

Earth Escape · Earth Formation Wall Technique! (Class C)

A solid gray wall of earth appeared against his back, blocking Yuna's attack firmly. At the same time, several kunai flew out from the darkness of the forest and came directly to the blind spot behind Yuna's head.

Cheng Ye, who has been in charge of investigating and sensing that he did not appear, had to take action at this time, separated from the water and came to Yuna to help her knock all the Kunai flying.

At the same time, he whispered nervously: "Yona, I sensed three extremely powerful Chakra targets, they should be Jounin, come and gather!"

After speaking, Shui was controlled by Chengye to rush towards the person who released the earth escape ninjutsu. The body jumped down from the tree trunk and rushed towards the side of the tall ninja. Several shuriken flew from his hands. out.

Threatened by Chengye, the tall ninja snorted coldly, dissipated the strength that suppressed Sakumo, jumped back a few steps, and avoided Chengye's harassing attack, his rough face was full of evil spirits.

The moment Chengye, Yuna, and Sakumo meet, Chengye finds that his water body has disappeared, and the enemy's physical skills are extremely strong, and he can even use the bones in his body as a weapon, making his water defense impossible.