
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 58 Fighting on the ninja

·At this time, it was the evening, and the surrounding trees, under the bright red sunset in the sky, seemed to be stained with boiling blood and burned.

In the shadow of the forest, two enemies appeared silently, one had short lavender hair, two dark red circular marks between his eyebrows, and black and red eyeliner was drawn under his eyes, and his body was slender.

The other is a female ninja, with long chestnut hair, sly and agile eyes, a cute face, and a petite figure.

"The intelligence said that there were three chunin, but I didn't expect it to be three such young bastards. I really can't do it, don't you think? Yamato" The female ninja who spoke was named Eguchi Akiko, and her face at this time was There is a strange excitement.

"Akiko, Yamato, don't be too careless, pay attention to the signs on their sleeves, there are two Senzhi Senju from Konoha!" Kaguya Yamato frowned and reminded him. After a short observation, he intuitively told him , the opponent is not an ordinary chunin.

"Humph! No matter what family they came from, they all have to die here today, don't they?" Fujikawa raised the dagger in his hand and pointed directly to the tip of Sakumo's nose, his eyes full of contempt.

The three Cheng Ye, who were facing each other, stood side by side and were discussing in a low voice.

"Chengye, are you sure that they are all at the level of Joinin?" Sakumo's words rarely heard a bit of unease.

"Well, the three of them all have the chakra strength of at least one Jōnin unit, you can't go wrong." Cheng Ye's brain was running frantically, thinking about every possible solution to the problem in front of him.

Yuna's palms were already soaked in cold sweat, and her purple eyes stared at the three enemies, hardly blinking.

She didn't have much actual combat experience and knew that she was incapable of giving correct advice. Cheng Ye and Sakumo decided what to do, and she followed.

"According to the fight just now, it can be confirmed that the enemy has two physical skills, which have reached the B level. If we choose to escape, with our running speed, there is no possibility of survival."

"Considering all factors, we have only one option left, and that is to fight to the death and wait for support."

Cheng Ye, who has entered a state of perception, still looks as calm as water when making such a difficult decision.

Sakumo nodded in agreement, in the case of insufficient strength, no matter if one or two people are left behind, they will not be able to stop the enemy's advance, but will spread their own strength.

The three of them didn't discuss at all why there would be enemies that were inconsistent with their intelligence strength. This kind of issue was not worth thinking about in battle.

Sakumo took out the three red smoke bombs in his backpack and shot them straight into the sky, emitting thick smoke.

Cheng Ye quickly got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind. As the captain, he said to his two companions in a firm voice: "Let's start, use the A tactics we practiced earlier."

The cold wind was chilling, the grass and trees were blood red, and the three of them formed a zigzag formation, marching forward inexorably.

The three Cheng Ye who were running adjusted their bodies to the most tense state, and their fighting spirit continued to climb to the top.

Their target is Kamunin Fujikawa, who just fought against Sakumo. In the case of insufficient strength, they must concentrate all their strengths to one point. This is the basic consciousness of ninja fighting.

Seiha and Sakumo simultaneously drew their weapons and attacked, while Yuna stopped behind them both, watching the movements of the other two enemies at any time.

With a D-level physique, if she gets into a melee fight with Fujikawa, she can only cause trouble for her comrades.

"These little devils are staring at you, how do you say, do you want to go up together?" Eguchi Akiko looked at Cheng Ye who rushed up with interest, and asked with a giggle.

"You two just need to keep an eye on their available escape routes, the two chunin, a few knives." The conceit in Fujikawa's eyes was undisguised, and he clenched the silver sword in his hand and killed the two of Chengye.

Kaguya Yamato, who was wearing a black kimono, held his hand and didn't make a sound to stop it. It was naturally the best that Fujikawa could solve it.

Otherwise, if he makes a move, he will involuntarily fall into that emotion again, which is very troublesome.

A cold light flashed, and Sakumo's white short blade swung out and took it straight to Fujikawa's waist.

Cheng Ye jumped up from behind Sakumo, threw four shuriken and a kunai, and flew towards Fujikawa's waist.

In the face of the shuriken's attack, Fujikawa's body side, easily dodged, and then he pressed the dagger in his hand forward, firmly blocking Sakumo's slash.

The two famous knives collided violently, and the clear sound that was unique to the metal made one's heart tremble.

Fujikawa stared at Sakumo's calm black eyes, his heart was full of anger, and the muscles all over his body erupted with amazing strength, and the sword directly pressed Sakumo's short blade and slashed towards his forehead.

Sakumo, who was suffering from a loss of strength, involuntarily froze for a while, but he was not panicking about it. He held his short blade upside down with his palm, which was already slightly sour, and blocked Fujikawa's downward slash at the last minute.

Chengye completed the seal after throwing the shuriken, and a water body appeared in the air, grabbed the ankle that had already started to fall, and threw it towards Fujikawa.

Cheng Ye's hands appeared light blue dagger-shaped chakras, seized the opportunity of Sakumo's stalemate with the enemy, and slashed the most vulnerable neck of Fujikawa's upper body.

"This is... a chakra scalpel!" Facing the coherent physique coordination of the two, Fujikawa's face sank, and he wanted to use his strength to repel Sakumo again, and then deal with the attack from above.

But the next moment, he went to find that the white-haired kid in front of him didn't step back like a rock, giving him no chance at all.

I don't know how many bloody battles Fujikawa has experienced, his fighting instinct has already reached a terrifying height.

In an instant, he suddenly released the strength of the sword in his hand, and the sword changed from vertical to horizontal, from attack to defense.

Sakumo's short blade lost its block and cut straight out, but it started to slide over the tip and the blade like an ice skating along the tip of Fujikawa. The sharp friction of the knife handle and the knife screamed like a demon, which was annoying.

Fujikawa followed the sword's posture and made a 90° left squat, causing Chengye's attack to fall into the air. But Cheng Ye, who had turned on the perception state, was aware of the enemy the moment he made a move, how could he let him dodge so easily.

The chakra scalpel in both hands turned into a downward slash, and two ten-centimeter-long wounds were directly drawn on Fujikawa's strong back. The blood stained Cheng Ye's palm red, and the enemy's breath became more violent.

"Drink!" Fujikawa roared like a wounded beast. Two diagonal slashes were slashed into the air. Cheng Ye and Sakumo used each other's body as a fulcrum at the moment when they completed the attack. , out of Fujikawa's attack range.

Kaguya Yamato, who had been standing quietly, suddenly changed his eyes.

"I didn't expect that two Chunin would be able to push you to this point... I've missed such excitement for a long time! Hahaha!" He, who was originally calm, suddenly burst into a frantic laugh. Filled with bloodthirsty thirst.

"Yamato! They are my prey, you can't..." Fujikawa said with an unhappy expression, but Kaguya Yamato didn't care about him at all, like a cheetah who found a lamb, and rushed towards Cheng Ye and Sakumo.