
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 56 show Off

In the building of the station, Chiju Yuna was watching the battle intently, and there was another person next to her, Ryota.

Seeing that Chengye finally won, Yuna was so excited that she pulled Ryota's sleeve, and her pretty face was full of smiles: "Brother Ryota, did you see that? Chengye is really good! No wonder Mommy values ​​him so much."

Ryotai looked disdainful, and said sourly: "Hmph, isn't there a psychic beast, I will have it in the future, and it is much stronger than theirs!"

He looked like this on the surface, but his heart was full of shock and puzzlement, "Hatake Sakumo, if I remember correctly, is the man who will surpass Sannin in the future and possess far more than shadow-level strength!"

"The bastard Qianshou Chengye can gain the upper hand in the confrontation with such a terrific character, but it has never appeared in the original book. It makes no sense!" The more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. memory was doubtful.

"Forget it, as long as there is a system, it doesn't matter what Hatake Sakumo or the young master of the Qianshou clan, all of you will be crushed by me in the future!"

In the last operation to rescue Yuna, although he was controlled by the illusion early, Shunsuke Uchiha was repelled by Chengye.

But in the end, Yuna was out of danger, so his mission was successfully completed.

A 20-point favorability score of Chakra and Yuna from a Chunin unit was successfully captured by him.

"Hmm... With 80 favorability points, you should be able to confess, right?" Ryo Tai's plan to get rid of the order began to stir, and she couldn't hold back anymore.

"But, in what way? Thirty years of single dogs have no experience!!!" Ryo was very confused.

In the sky tonight, the originally dazzling stars disappeared without a trace, and the dark curtain of the dome descended, making people breathless.

Uchiha Hongyue stood on the highest lighthouse in the giant whale port, looking down at the still busy ships and workers below without saying a word.

In the port at this time, because there are still many transport ships coming from afar, the lights are still bright, and the heavy breathing of the unloading and loading workers is one after another.

After a few jumps, Kamunin Sarutobi came to Hongyue and handed out a letter.

"Commander-in-chief, this is an urgent letter just sent from the village."

Hongyue quickly opened the letter, and there were a series of cipher codes written on it. Others would only feel confused when they read it. Only those who have mastered the translation code can successfully decipher it.

It took Hongyue a few minutes to fully translate the message, and a tiny flame spewed from her mouth, reducing the letter to ashes.

"Uchiha Shunsuke returned to the village with serious injuries, and then died in battle due to his injuries. According to his vague statement before his death, it is very likely that there were spies in the giant whale port."

This is the most critical sentence in the urgent letter. Hongyue's expression is a little dignified, and she thought about it silently for a long time.

"Let everyone come over, I have something to announce." Hongyue faced the howling sea breeze, her tone as cold as sea water.

"Yes!" Sarutobi bowed his head, and disappeared.

Sea Lion Town——

Ryota, who couldn't stand her impulse any longer, summoned up the courage of two lifetimes tonight and invited Yuna to a meatball food stall on the street outside the station.

Seeing Ryota's fidgeting appearance, Yuna blinked her watery eyes and asked strangely, "Brother Ryota, the skewers in this family are so good! Why don't you eat them?"

Ryota, who has been pondering how to speak, blushed like a seven-year-old boy for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Yona, I have... Some can't be said."

"Huh? We've known each other for so long, what can't we say? Hee hee." Yuna put down the various colored skewers in her hand, pushed her short brown hair behind her ear, and asked with a smile.

Yuna's smile gave Ryo a little courage, he clenched his fists, his whole body trembled a little, and forcefully squeezed out a few words from his throat: "Yona, actually I..."

"Yo, Sister Yuna! You are here." Cheng Ye's voice appeared between them out of time.

"Mr. Hongyue asked us all to gather at the Giant Whale Harbor, saying that there was something important to announce." Chengye also picked up the meatball skewers on the table and ate it with a look of satisfaction.

Yuna hurriedly wiped out the remaining balls, then pulled Ryota's clothes and stood up, and said hurriedly, "Brother Ryota, if you have anything to say, please wait until you come back. Our Captain Hongyue has a bad temper and can't be late."

Looking at Cheng Ye who was satisfied after feasting, Ryota felt tens of thousands of alpacas running by. "Thousands of hands bear leaves! Young master, I will be at odds with you in the future!"

Cheng Ye's troubles wiped out the courage he finally gathered.

Staring at Cheng Ye's back with incomparably resentful eyes, Liang Tai kept up with the pace of the two people in front and ran towards the Giant Whale Harbor.

Avoiding the crowded loading and unloading yard, Uchiha Hongyue called everyone in an open space in the port.

Feeling that everyone was looking at him, Hongyue said calmly: "Because it was discovered that the residents of Sea Lion Town have some prejudice against the ninjas of our Konoha Village, the village has agreed, let us be in Sea Lion Town, appropriate to accept some tasks and improve relations with local residents."

In the end, she decided not to disclose the existence of spies to the public.

Preventing the prey from being alert is the most basic consciousness of every qualified hunter.

Hongyue's words entered the ears of all the ninjas, causing everyone to discuss in a low voice.

Accepting quests in places other than Konoha Village is a rare occurrence. After all, posting tasks is one of the core functions of a ninja village, and not all places can have this qualification.

"Just today, the mayor of Sea Lion Town took the initiative to come to me, hoping to let the ninjas of Konoha Village do them a favor. If it is successfully completed, he will represent all the townspeople and will no longer pursue the past." Yue continued to speak regardless of everyone's reaction.

Cheng Ye always felt very strange that the residents of Sea Lion Town rejected Konoha Ninja so much, so he was born and asked: "Commander, what happened, why do the residents in the town have such an attitude?"

The red moon's black eyes swept across the three chunin who had been in the giant whale port before, he breathed a sigh of relief, and explained: "Before Uchiha Shunsuke was lawless in the sea lion town, and he took the residents of the town by force. He even directly occupied the mayor's house. In short, he made many mistakes that damaged the image of Konoha Village."

"Although I don't understand why he, who was relatively restrained in Konoha, became so depraved after he came here. However, since he has been transferred back to the village by me, he will also be punished due to this matter. I don't want to pursue it any longer." Hongyue turned her head and stopped looking at the three of them.

"Commander-in-chief, what is the mission released by Sea Lion Town?" The white-eyed girl from the Hyuga family asked aloud.

A scroll appeared in the hands of Uchiha Hongyue, and then it was spread out and presented in front of everyone.

Mission content: Destroy the robber stronghold located 300 kilometers southeast of Sea Lion Town.

Mission Objective: Kill all the robbers.

Mission level: C level

Mission time: three days

Total remuneration: 5000 copper.

"According to the information given by the mayor, this robber stronghold has been harassing the transport team from Sea Lion Town to the Land of Fire all the year round, and there are several wandering ninjas at the ninja level."

"For this mission, I am going to arrange an idle team to go, so the Sarutobi wing team responsible for the garrison task is not considered. The other three teams, who would like to go?"

Uchiha Hongyue's voice fell, and no one immediately asked to receive the task. It was an ordinary C-level task, and the target location was 300 kilometers away. This was not very attractive to the Chunin members present.

Seeing that no one responded, Cheng Ye, Sakumo, and Yuna looked at each other and raised their hands to take down the quest scroll in Hongyue's hand.

As members of Uchiha Kazuki's team, Cheng Ye and the others need to take the initiative at this moment.

"Chengye, you have to be clear, as the commander-in-chief, I have to stay at the Giant Whale Harbor. I cannot act with you on this mission." Hongyue reminded loudly.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-chief, Cheng Ye and Sakumo are so strong, a few of them can't help us." Yuna Chan said with a smile and patted Cheng Ye and Sakumo on the shoulders with both hands.

Hongyue pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, this time, the extermination task will be handed over to my team, and Qianshou Chengye will serve as the temporary team leader. I will start tonight, don't delay."

"Others return to their respective quarters and pay attention to guard. I will say it up front. If you let me know who dares to do anything wrong in Sea Lion Town, I will definitely not be polite!"

As soon as Uchiha Hongyue said this, the air in the vicinity seemed to have dropped in temperature, and a few Chunin, who were slightly weaker, even shuddered.

Ten minutes later, Cheng Ye, Sakumo, and Yuna put on their luggage and backpacks and appeared at the east gate of Sea Lion Town. The Konoha forehead guard reflected a faint silver light under the full moon.

Cheng Ye held a detailed map in his hand, looked at it for a while, and said, "Let's go."

In an instant, the three figures disappeared into the dense forest.