
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 16 fog and clouds

After half an hour—

"Mr. Watanabe, why is this kid Hin Xiangtian so slow? He hasn't come back yet, so nothing will happen, right?" Chengye asked Mr. Watanabe a little worriedly.

Watanabe shook his head slowly, and replied with a look of confidence: "His strength has reached the standard Chunin level like yours, and only half of the enemies this time are Genin, and the rest are just ordinary robbers, right? A day with white eyes can't pose a threat, don't underestimate the boundaries of the blood of the Hyuga family."

As he was talking, he saw a pure white figure appear, it was Sun Xiangtian.

His expression was neither sad nor happy as usual, but the scarlet blood stained on the white bandages of his hands was very striking.

At the same time, in his white eyes, there was a trace of excitement that could not be suppressed.

When chasing and killing the enemy, at the beginning, Hyuga Tian just wanted to make a quick decision and complete the task as soon as possible.

However, before the battle had even begun, and before the outcome was decided, one of his enemies suddenly gave up resistance, desperately begging Hin Xiangtian not to kill him.

Looking at the enemy who was kneeling on the ground, tears and snot, while desperately kowtowing and begging for mercy, an inexplicable and intense anger suddenly emerged in Ri Xiangtian's body!

As a ninja, when faced with a powerful enemy, how can you easily give up resistance and allow the slaughter? In the face of the fate of failure, these idiots can't show any courage to fight, and they will only beg for mercy.

At that moment, a certain voice suddenly appeared in Hi Xiangtian's heart.

In an unquestionable tone of voice, he said contemptuously towards himself: "No one can escape the hand of fate, your enemy can only resist like a worm in the face of failure. Just like you, you will always be the A humble branch family, a loyal dog of the clan."

"Wow", a bright light flashed, and Ri Xiangtian slashed the neck of the enemy kneeling on the ground with Kuwu. He had to vent his negative emotions through this violent method.

He is a genius, different from this group of scum who are born useless! They only deserve to die, and they will eventually get rid of the shackles of the fate of the family, and one day they will trample the people of the clan under their feet!

After that, in the process of chasing other enemies, Hin Xiangten killed them with Kunai cruelty.

He gradually discovered that when he killed these wastes with his own hands, he would feel a little pleasure in his heart! His whole body was shaking with excitement! All the cells are roaring like crazy!

For Hi Xiangtian, ruthlessly crushing his enemies, this seems to mean that he is completely different from these garbage who don't know how to resist.

They are doomed to die because they are too weak. And the one who kills these garbage will be distinguished from them! Destiny will eventually be trampled underfoot!

"Hey, Ri Xiangtian, can't you use a soft fist to break the enemy's heart? How can you get so much blood? Isn't it hurt? Hahaha, idiot." Chengye saw the blood red hands of Rixiangtian. , some weird rants.

"These wastes are not worthy of my soft fist." Ri Xiangtian smiled contemptuously and replied coldly.

When Mr. Watanabe saw the members gathered, he smiled and said, "Report all the results and check if there are any fish that slipped through the net."

"Three, they're all rubbish." Hi Xiangtian took out three black earrings.

"Ri Xiangtian, you are so stinky, does your mother know?" Cheng Ye couldn't stand his facial paralysis, "I killed two guys who weren't even shinobi."

"I have four here, how about you, Suzuki?" Mr. Watanabe asked Suzuki.

"I caught up with one. It's not strong, but it's hard to deal with. It should be the leader of these people." Suzuki took out an earring and replied softly.

In this way, in a very short period of time, the ten members of the "dark" organization who ran away were all killed by the four members of the eighth class.

Seeing that the mission was successfully completed, Watanabe was really relieved and said, "Since all the robbers have been eliminated, our mission this time is over, and now we are ready to go back to the village. I just received the carrier pigeon from the village and ordered Our team rushed back immediately, we have urgent tasks to hand to us."

"It's so sudden... is it what happened in the village?" Cheng Ye had never encountered such a situation before, and asked Mr. Watanabe with some doubts.

Watanabe really looked a little solemn and replied: "When I left the village a few days ago, a ninja of the same class who came back from the country of waves told me that the village of Kiriyin was recently in the country of waves, and there were signs of abnormal activity. ... However, the purpose is not yet clear, and there is a possibility of war."

When Chengye and the others heard the word "war", they didn't show much reaction, they just began to talk to each other in a low voice.

"Chengye, do you know what will happen if there is a war?"

"Uh... the battle should be fierce! But I believe Konoha will win!"

"Idiot, war is not as easy as you think."

"Yes, yes, as far as you know, come and come, tell me why it's not easy?"

"I'm too lazy to explain it to someone like you."

"Ri Xiangtian, if I don't beat you all over the head today, I will curse me for bedwetting for the rest of my life!"

"Tian, ​​Chengye, calm down for me, Watanabe-sensei is still here!"

Seeing his three students chattering non-stop, their faces flushed red, Watanabe was really depressed.

At the age of eleven or twelve, these children have been born and died with themselves for a whole year, and they have completed no less than ten B-level and C-level tasks, and D-level tasks are even more numerous!

And now, do these kids even have to go through war...

Thinking of the various events that he experienced in the first Ninja World War, Watanabe still feels nervous and has lingering fears!

Companions were killed in batches, and civilians were killed and wounded. Some of the central areas of the battle can be described as corpses everywhere and hell descending.

At that time, he was still Chunin, how lucky must he be to survive such a tragic battle time and time again? Watanabe is still unable to imagine this.

Just when he was sighing and dazed by himself, Chengye ran behind him at some point, and posed cutely to get ready to start.

With a shout of "Ha!", Cheng Ye rushed out, then jumped up and rode onto Watanabe's neck, rubbing his teacher's ears with both hands.

"Mr. Watanabe, what are you doing in a daze? Do you miss your girlfriend? The one I saw last time...that beautiful lady named Uchiha Red, do you like people, teacher?" Cheng Ye With a look of pride, as if he had mastered the teacher's little secret.

Mr. Watanabe's cheeks flushed, and then he smiled bitterly, "You stinky brat, you think beautifully for me, but he is a young Shangnin from a famous family, with unlimited potential, how can I be worthy of it?"

Cheng Ye didn't believe Mr. Watanabe's words, and continued to say with a cute smirk: "Hee hee, Mr. Watanabe, you can't lie to me, when you graduated and divided classes, I saw you sneaking glances at others! Hahaha!"

Looking at Cheng Ye who was laughing and leaning back, Ri Xiangtian frowned and spit out two words: "Idiot."

Chengye never rubbed the sand in his eyes when he spoke to the sky, and then retorted:

"Ri Xiangtian, who are you calling an idiot? You have the guts to say it again!"


"You have the guts to tell me twice?"

"Idiot, idiot,"

"You have the guts to tell me ten more times?"
