
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 15 Destruction Operation

one year later--

Konoha 20 Years Summer——

An unknown forest in the land of fire——

Behind a thick tree, a sturdy-looking man in black mail was breathing in with his mouth open.

His face was dripping with sweat, and there were multiple wounds on his body, especially the severe burn on his left arm, which made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Damn, I finally established an organization, but this battle has almost wiped out all the members!" The man thought fiercely.

His name is Jiang Qito. He was originally a civilian in the country of fire. After spending all his money, he bought books on chakra training in the black market. Through his own efforts, his ninjutsu gradually reached the level of lower tolerance.

After becoming a ninja, he discovered that he had just taken a small step on this road, and his ambition to gain more power was rapidly expanding in his heart!

But as a commoner, where can he find enough resources to support his cultivation?

So, Jiang Qito united with a few wandering ninjas who were in the same predicament as him. With him as the leader, they developed an organization called "Dark", and began to slowly accept the E, which almost all major ninja villages would not accept. , cheap missions of the F-class category.

Slowly, however, their desires start to outweigh what they get paid for.

So, when the number of people in the organization reached 15, the "dark" organization, which was impatient and unwilling, began to commit murder and robbery.

Not long ago, they chose to take the risk and robbed the motorcade of a minister in the country of fire, and got a huge sum of 80,000 copper dollars!

When the minister of the country of fire heard the news, he was extremely annoyed, and immediately entrusted the task of hunting and killing to Konoha Village.

Because it is not very clear about the strength of the "dark" organization, the task department of Konoha Village tentatively set the level of the task as B.

Just a few hours ago, Eqito and the others were ambushed outside the organization's base, and 15 members of the organization were killed on the spot.

Eqito analyzed the strength of the enemy at the first time, and he found out in despair that this was an elite team from Konoha Village!

because one of them used a powerful

Class B Ninjutsu - Tu Dun· Dungeon no! Instantly trapped his 5 subordinates in it!

Then, fire escape, water escape and other ninjutsu came one after another. When Chakra was sucked away by the dungeon, the five people were instantly killed, and the corpses were on the spot!

Eqito, who realized that the gap in strength was too large, immediately ordered a retreat and ran away with the remaining 10 people.

However, this Konoha ninja team has been chasing after them, and no matter what traps they set along the way, they can't stop the chasing enemies for a moment. open!

Reacting to the moment when the enemy had a perception ninja, Jiang Qito ordered everyone to divide into different directions and flee in all directions with a tone of despair!

Konoha only had 4 people here, and he had 10 targets on his side. He believed that he would have a good chance of escaping.

However, Eqito seems to be unlucky, he was alone, but was chased and killed by one of the Konoha ninjas alone!

He was caught up several times, and after several fierce battles, with a burst of blood, he forced his enemy, a tall black-haired girl, to retreat.

However, he himself was hit by the other party's fire escape ninjutsu, and he fled with injuries. His physical strength was huge, and he had to hide and rest at this time.

"I can't die! The door of the ninja has just opened for me, and I want to become stronger! I want to make all those who despised me before pay the price! And these bastards of Konoha Village, I will one day make Kill them all!" Jiang Qihu's chest was full of unwillingness, and he secretly encouraged himself frantically in his heart.

At this moment, two shuriken suddenly flew by his sides, and then collided strangely in front of him, making a crisp "ding" sound, with the breath of death, flying towards him!

Caught off guard, Jiang Qito could only dodge sideways with all his strength, but his severely injured body had already become sluggish.

He only had time to dodge one, and the other shuriken, with a cold light, was inserted into his injured left arm at a very fast speed, and several lines of blood rushed out, making Jiang Qito's expression almost contorted in pain. .

Knowing that he had been discovered by Konoha Ninja, he had to slowly walk out of the back of the tree, with his left arm drooping, silently looking at the enemy in front of him.

And the person who hunted down Eqito was Uchiha Suzuki.

She is dressed in a simple black Uchiha family battle uniform, her left and right hands are tightly wrapped with white bandages, her smooth black hair is tied into a ponytail with a red headband, and her pretty face is as crystal clear as jade, like a crescent moon. Halo, the beautiful eyes are black and white, like the snow in the dark night.

The breeze blew her face, and her breathing was a little short.

This sturdy robber ninja is very difficult to deal with. In close combat, he is all deadly. Although he is weaker than himself, he has escaped many times. It seems that he is the leader of this organization.

"The little girl of the Uchiha family, stop fighting, I will admit defeat to you." Jiang Qito said suddenly with a face of discouragement, and at the same time threw his ninja bag aside, raised his still movable right hand, and took it with him. With disheartened eyes, he expressed his surrender to Uchiha Suzuki.

Uchiha Suzuki's black eyes showed an unexpected look, he hesitated for a while, then put his hands into the bag, and kept rummaging, as if he believed it, looking for a rope to tie the enemy and bring it back to Konoha.

Jiang Qito looked at the girl's movements, and smiled coldly in his heart, the kid was always a kid, and was deceived by his performance.

Now there is a highly poisonous hidden arrow in his left hand sleeve. As long as the enemy approaches, he will reluctantly raise his left hand and shoot the hidden arrow, forming a perfect counter-attack!

After a few seconds, the girl seemed to have found the rope and walked towards him slowly, taking her hands out of her bag.

In an instant, the scorching chakra gathered towards Uchiha Suzuki, Jiang Qito looked closely, there was no rope in her hand, it was a ninjutsu knot sign!

Fire Escape·Big Fire Ball Technique! (D-level)

The huge flame bomb flew towards Eqito with high temperature, and was caught off guard. Jiangqito was swallowed by the flames before he even completed the seal of the substitute technique!

"Ah!!!" Jiang Qito screamed, his whole body covered in flames, he turned into a burning man, and could only keep rolling around.

Uchiha Suzuki's face was unbearable, his body trembled slightly, but his hands kept on, he quickly threw a kunai and inserted it into the enemy's forehead, ending his life and ending his pain.

Jiang Qito didn't know that the task request received by the eighth class was not to capture the people from the "dark" organization, but to exterminate this group of robbers, leaving no one behind!

Uchiha Suzuki bit his lip, endured the shudder after the killing, and took the black earrings from the enemy's ears, which is the symbol of the "dark" organization and the proof of the completion of the task of the eighth class.

On the other side, Cheng Ye had already ended his battle. The two corpses were facing the ground, with several small blood holes on their necks and backs, which seemed to be wounds caused by some kind of sharp weapon.

Cheng Ye took off their earrings and slowly entered a state of perception, which is his habit after every murder... Perceiving other things and diverting his attention can clear the smell of blood in his throat and make him To be able to escape the shiver that creeps in the soul.

A year has passed, Senju Chengye has grown a little taller, and is still the unique aqua blue battle coat of the Qianshou clan, with a slight red in the eyeballs, which is more and more like his father, Senju Tobirama.

During this time, Chengye's chakra has exceeded the amount of a Chunin unit, which made him, who had already mastered C-level ninjutsu - Tu Dun · Earth Formation Wall, officially entered the Chunin level, but he still lacked villages. examination and approval.

Of course, in the continuous mission, Cheng Ye also began to kill people, killing many, many people.

At first, the dripping blood made him feel sick and endlessly terrified, but gradually he learned to escape from it by entering a state of perception, and he became more and more numb to the killing without knowing it.

Although every time a life is terminated, a question is knocking on his heart over and over again - "Is it worthwhile to take the lives of these strangers for the mission?"

However, every time this question arises, he can hide his heart from thinking about this question that makes him unable to answer, confused and afraid.

Cheng Ye felt that since Mr. Watanabe, Hin Xiangten, and Suzuki seemed indifferent to murder in every mission, he should also behave like them, as calm and ruthless.

He cherishes everyone in the eighth class, and he is afraid to be different from them.

After a while, Cheng Ye returned to a dark cave, which is the base of the "dark" organization, and unexpectedly found that Mr. Watanabe and Uchiha Suzuki were already waiting for him.

After killing two people in a row, Cheng Ye still felt a huge discomfort in his body, but when he saw Suzuki coming back, he still wanted to say hello with a smile: "Yo, Suzuki! Are you alright?"

But what Cheng Ye didn't know was that at this moment, his face was only grinning, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Suzuki didn't answer, just shook his head silently, walked to Cheng Ye's side, patted his back lightly, then closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.