
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 17 Attack on Black Pearl Harbor!

The country of waves, a country with a small area and strength, it does not even have a Ninja village that belongs to its own country.

But at the same time, it is located between the mighty land of fire and the land of water, and is a very important buffer between the two great powers.

The country of waves, which is in the cracks, has been swinging between two great powers for a long time in order to survive, and whichever country is stronger depends on which country.

And now, because of the power of Konoha Village, the military power of the Fire Nation has gradually become the most powerful among the five major countries.

Therefore, the country of waves can only bow to the great name of the country of fire, pay tribute and give gifts, and seek refuge.

The surrender of the country of waves also allowed the military power of the country of fire to use the country of waves as a springboard to directly threaten the border of the country of water.

The daimyo of the Land of Water was very dissatisfied with this situation with almost no sense of security. He ordered Wuyin Village to secretly strengthen its strength and be ready to attack at any time to change the disadvantaged strategic situation.

As long as the ninja troops stationed in Konoha Village are driven out of the Land of Waves, the situation can be reversed, and the Land of Water will in turn pose a direct threat to the territory of the Land of Fire, thereby inhibiting the rapid development of the Land of Fire.

Mist Village—

The second generation of water shadow office—

The fair-haired Ghost Lantern Moon Moon sat on a chair with his right hand on his head, and listened to the report from the Anbu Mist without expression.

The weather outside was gloomy, and another heavy rain was coming.

"Second generation, according to our investigation, Konoha's strength in the country of waves is about 60 people, and they are the establishment of two squadrons of ninjas."

Anbu, wearing a dark blue mask, knelt down on one knee and reported the information they had obtained to Ghost Lantern.

"The scale of 60 people... How about the number of Shangnin? Who is the main person in charge?" Ghost Lantern asked with a frown.

Anbu hurriedly took out the record book and replied cautiously: "The exact number of Junin is not clear, but according to Konoha's practice, we speculate that there are about 15 Junin people. In addition, according to the undercover information, this time the specific person in charge of Nami is in charge. The defense deployed is a team of Hokage directly subordinate to Anbu transferred from Konoha Village. There are 4 people in total, and each of them is at the level of elite junin. It seems that the enemy has already noticed our actions. "

After listening to all the information, Ghost Lantern Huanyue stroked her forehead and thought for a long time.

Listening to the pattering rain outside the window, Ghost Lantern Huanyue's mind kept appearing, the face and voice of the famous name of the Land of Water, which was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

"If Wuyin can't take any practical action against the Land of Waves this time, then you don't want to receive any quests in the Land of Water in the future, and for my sponsorship, don't even think about getting a penny of my money. !"

Ten minutes later, Ghost Lantern Huanyue gritted her teeth fiercely and said firmly: "This battle must not be a big one, it must be resolved quickly, and before Konoha reacts, we must quickly seize control of the country of waves! Otherwise! If it evolves into a protracted war, our Wuyin Village will not be able to afford it."

"In this way, try to arrange the seven people of ninja swords who have no important tasks to go, and make sure to drive the Konoha ninja out of the country of waves!"

"Yes! Mizukage-sama." After receiving the order, Kirigaku Anbu disappeared immediately and went to announce Mizukage's decision. "

The country of waves—

Black Pearl Harbor, a port close to the border of the Land of Water—

This port is the most important port for trade between the Land of Waves and other countries. There are thousands of fishing boats and merchant ships in the wharf, mixed with fish and dragons, and the daily import and export volume is very large.

Konoha Village, which is responsible for maintaining the security of the country of waves, naturally arranged for ninjas to be stationed here. In the past, there were two teams with a total of 8 people, and the two teams took turns on duty.

Under the scorching sun, a large cargo ship from the Land of Water came to the port. There were more than 20 fishermen on board, and they were busy preparing to unload the cargo.

Ye Shanyu wore the fisherman's unique black cloth shoji, with blue leggings on his thighs, and walked up and down the deck carrying the cargo.

After a while, he stopped working, walked slowly to the pier, took out a pipe, and seemed to want to take a break from smoking.

The moment he closed his eyes, chakra surged up in his body, and then merged into his brain.

In an instant, the water-attribute chakra with a radius of 1,000 meters became his eyes, perceiving everything for him.

Ye Shanyu is the same chakra-sensing ninja as Qianshou Chengye, and as the commander of this fog vanguard attack force, he has the strength of elite jōnin. Therefore, his perception range is much larger than that of Chengye. !

"1...2...3...16 Konoha reptiles hiding? Humph..." Ye Shanmu sneered when he sensed the enemy ninja lurking in the dark. He picked up his pipe, turned and walked back to the cargo ship.

Somewhere in the forest a few hundred meters away from the port—

A Konoha Anbu wearing a rabbit face mask suddenly shuddered!

"Someone is perceiving us!" The lurking Chiju Hirako is also a perceptive ninja. In the short moment just now, she keenly felt that someone was perceiving herself not far away.

The Anbu squad that was transferred from Konoha to be in charge of the defense was the Anbu squad directly under the leadership of Hokage, whose captain was Hirako Chiju.

"Immediately send a signal to inform the people in the port to retreat. The enemies of Kiriyin are ready to act! They are good at water escape, and fighting in the port is very unfavorable for us."

Then, "Hey~" With a bang, a blue smoke bomb rose from the forest, attracting the attention of everyone in the port.

On the cargo ship, Ye Shanyu, who had secretly pulled out a sharp long knife, looked up and saw the blue smoke. He was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said loudly: "They are going to run! Action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he tore off his shoji, revealing the gray Mist Hidden upper ninja vest, holding a long knife in his hand, and slaying towards a corner on the pier.

The 20 or so fishermen around him and the Kirigakushi ninja dressed as porters also took off their disguise and started rushing towards the target on the pier.

Just now, Ye Shanyu had already informed everyone about the hidden location of these Konoha ninjas.

The cargo boxes on the ship were slammed open, and the ninjas in the fog kept jumping out of them, one by one, like wolves and tigers, and they rushed to the dock.

However, the ones who reacted faster than them were the figures in the corners of the piers.

At the moment when the blue signal flares sounded, these figures in green vests turned and jumped in an instant, running towards the forest behind the port.

"It seems that Konoha's ninjas also have sensory ninjas with the same strength as me. It's a mistake..." Ye Shan sighed.

But remembering the look in the eyes of Lord Shuiying who had high hopes for him before leaving the village, Ye Shanyu felt that he had no time to waste!

Since the sneak attack failed, it can only be attacked!

The art of psychic, the art of water wolf! (B-level) Ye Shan bit his finger and pressed his hands to the sea!

A series of complex and special runes appeared, "bang", and after a huge smoke, a huge creature suddenly appeared.

This is a giant wolf whose whole body is composed of sea water. It is about 8 meters high and 15 meters long. Except for the purple eyes, other body parts are slightly blue.

The moment he was summoned, the purple eyes of this giant wolf were filled with endless murderous intent.

"Hu...hu...hu..." Ye Shanli knelt on his knees, panting like a cow.

Although he has the chakra volume of three joinin units, summoning this huge psychic beast consumes almost all of his chakra, which makes his stamina close to exhaustion.

Ye Shanyu struggled to stand up and waved his right hand forward fiercely!

Following the guidance of Ye Shanyu, the water-colored giant wolf let out a shrill howl and charged towards the woods where the Konoha Ninja was.

The huge soles smashed the ground along the way. Wherever they passed, many civilians on the dock were trampled to pieces and shattered to pieces!

For a time, the dust was flying and the sand was dancing.

In the forest, more than a dozen Konoha ninjas have gathered.

Qianshou Hirako, who took off the mask, gave an order quickly: "According to my observation, the enemy is suppressing us in numbers, and you immediately notify other people in the country of waves!"

"Now every 4 people form a team, cover each other to retreat, break it into pieces, and spread into the entire country of Wave to fight! I have sent flying eagles to inform the village that there will be support soon! "

"Understood!" The Konoha Ninja replied briefly.

"Disperse!" Hirako Qianshou gave an order, and all the Konoha ninjas dispersed, leaving only the 4-member team of Anbu led by her to stay behind.

The next moment, a creature with a huge amount of chakra broke into Hirako's perception range!

"This level of chakra, is it a B-level psychic beast... It must be killed, otherwise at such a fast speed, many people will be caught up." Pingzi frowned slightly, and made a decision in an instant.

On the other side, the water-colored giant wolf took the lead, running at the forefront of the Kirigaze ninja team, galloping towards the forest where the Konoha elite Anbu team was located!

Obviously, this is a psychic beast known for its speed.

Suddenly, its body involuntarily leaned to the right, and the speeding figure suddenly lost its balance, but its right foot stepped into a yellow swamp!

The earth and the earth are flowing! (B-level) Chiju Hirako appeared with the instant body technique.

At the moment of landing, she accurately used this B-rank ninjutsu to break the balance of the water-colored behemoth, slowing it down.

The water-colored beast roared, took a big mouth, and violently spurted out a huge stream of water! It's also a B-level ninjutsu, water escape · burst wave!

Seeing this, Pingzi kept his hands, and quickly formed seals, and the earth escaped the earth formation wall! (Class C)

The dark red earth wall rose in front of her, but compared to the water jet spewed by the psychic beast with the huge chakra, it was vulnerable. After blocking it for only 1 second, the earth wall shattered into pieces.

Pingzi took advantage of this short second, Chakra merged into his feet, jumped back, and avoided the attack range of the water-colored behemoth, and said at the same time: "It's now, go!"

As soon as her voice fell, a Konoha Anbu with a dog-faced mask appeared, and completed the knot while running, and the chakra of the thunder attribute gathered wildly in his hands!

Lei Dun · Four Pillars Bound! (B-level) Four blue giant pillars drilled out of the soil and surrounded the water-colored giant beasts. At the same time, thunderous lightning was launched, and stabbed into the giant beast's body.

"Roar!!" The water-colored beast roared, and the body composed of seawater was paralyzed by Thunder Dun for a while, cutting off Chakra's transmission.

The rest of the cat face and fox face mask Anbu then shot,

Fire Escape Great Flame Bullet! (B-level) Wind Escape Big Breakthrough! (Class B)

The high-temperature flame bomb was more than doubled in size due to the blessing of the wind, and heavily bombarded the head of the water-colored beast. The hot flames fought against the sea water, forming a large range of steam.

The severely injured water wolf roared wildly, raised its huge soles, and slapped the cat-faced Anbu ninja fiercely, trying to crush the human into patties.

With a sound of "Shuh!", the cat-faced ninja threw out an iron chain, tied it to a big tree, and pulled it hard, driving his body to avoid the water wolf's attack.

"Retreat!: Hirako saw that the enemy psychic beast was seriously injured, and immediately ordered to retreat. In just a few seconds, the Kirigakushi ninja was about to arrive, and he must not be entangled here!

"Hmph, with such a big move, do you still want to run?" At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Qianshou Hirako and the others, like an ice pick, piercing people's hearts!