
Naruto: Thousand Hands Chengye

Naruto of a thousand hands and leaves [Translate] Author: A sauce A sauce A history of the growth and resistance of the Naruto natives. The protagonist Chiju Sekiha is the son of the second Hokage. Chengye's growth process as a Hokage native. Cheng Ye, as the "defender" of the Naruto world, fought against the process of crossing the other world. The full text of the latest chapter Hokage: A Thousand Hands is recommended for reading: /qidian44/book/99824858.html

Duasatuplus · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 14 The cooperation of the eighth class

The hand-to-hand combat between Tsunade and Hyugatian has entered a white-hot stage.

Hyuga Tiansheng has white eyes, and can clearly see the chakra output method of each acupoint when Tsunade is attacking, and then use soft fists to reduce the chakra attack he bears in time.

Tsunade, on the other hand, relies on her excellent chakra control, so that she has a lot of chakra blessings in every blow, resulting in huge punching power.

This kind of power has kept Sun Xiangtian on the defensive, passively defending.

Just when Tsunade was becoming increasingly irritable because of Hinata's cowhide candy-style play, Jiraiya was defeated by Chengye in a short period of time.

The form changed in an instant, and Cheng Ye, who had less than one shinobi unit remaining, came to Uchiha Suzuki who was fighting with Orochimaru.

Suzuki, whose level of ninjutsu and taijutsu has not reached the D level, is not at all an opponent of Orochimaru, who is obviously at the C level of ninjutsu and taijutsu.

If it wasn't for Cheng Ye's water who stood up for Suzuki for a few minutes, she would have been defeated by now.

Orochimaru, dressed in a snow-white kimono, held a sharp kunai. With his agile and quick movement, he exhausted Suzuki's physical strength in a short period of time.

Orochimaru threw a powerful left fist and blasted away Suzuki's cross-defending hands, and then the Kunai in his right hand pierced the position of Suzuki's heart with a cold light.

''Chong! '' The metal collided and burst into sparks of fire.

When Suzuki was about to give up, Cheng Ye held his special kunai and blocked Orochimaru's sharp decisive blow.

Then, the two started a spark-splashed Kunai melee.

Cheng Ye, who has turned on the perception state, originally only reached D-level physical skills, but he was barely able to deal with Orochimaru.

And while Orochimaru fought with Chengye, he began to carefully observe the boy who was already short of breath in front of him.

"I don't have a perception eye similar to a wheel eye or a white eye, but it can sense every attack of mine in advance, make the most correct avoidance response, and make a sharp counterattack... Perception ability? As expected of one's background A ninja from the Senju clan."

Suzuki, who got out of the attack range of Orochimaru, looked at Cheng Ye who was doing his best to block in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and his tired body struggled, and his whole body seemed to have strength gradually pouring out from various acupoints!

"That ninjutsu... I seem to be able to do it!" The technique and sequence of a ninjutsu knot appeared in Suzuki's mind unconsciously.

Wei-Yin-Xu-Ugly-Mao-Yin, Fire Escape, Great Fire Ball Technique (D-level)!

At first, only a red flame like a small flower spewed out of Suzuki's mouth, but gradually, the flower of flame bloomed quickly, and finally converged into a fireball with a radius of three meters, which smashed towards He Chengye with intense intensity. Competition Orochimaru!

Keenly felt that the water molecules behind him began to evaporate quickly by the flames, Chengye didn't have time to think about it, but at the cost of being kicked in the thigh by Orochimaru, he grabbed Orochimaru's clothes fiercely, and his arms were rounded. Throw it, and threw it behind him.

In fact, Orochimaru also noticed the appearance of the fireball technique for a long time, but because he was very curious about what the next generation of genius of the Thousand Hands family and the son of the second generation of Hokage would do next, he let Cheng Ye do it. Leaf throws himself out.

Looking at the oncoming fiery fireball, Orochimaru's face showed a trace of excitement, and he started to form a seal without haste, and then pressed his hands to the ground hard!

Orochimaru unleashed his third ninjutsu in this game - Earth Escape, Earth Formation Wall Art! (Class C)

A five-meter-high, dark-grey giant wall rose up in front of Orochimaru, and then collided with Suzuki's flamboyant fireball technique, producing a crackling explosion.

Watanabe was watching from the side, and while he was happy that Suzuki finally mastered the art of fire escape and fireball, he exclaimed: "Sandaimu, at this age, your student is not only excellent in taijutsu and ninjutsu, but also chakra. The capacity is so amazing, it is a rare genius."

With a faint smile on his face, Sarutobi Hiizan of the third generation did not speak. He had already seen the talent of Orochimaru.

Seeing that his ninjutsu still hadn't defeated Orochimaru, Uchiha Suzuki gnawed his teeth, raised a white fist, and attacked Orochimaru.

On the other side, Cheng Ye, who was kicked by Orochimaru in his thigh, saw Suzuki who was running, and his pretty face was full of unwillingness to admit defeat. Aim and throw.

Facing the four shurikens that had lost their heads, Orochimaru didn't even dodge, but rushed towards Chengye, who was almost unable to move effectively.

The battle seemed to be drawing to a close, and it was time for him to end it.

The four-handed lijian didn't even touch a single hair of Orochimaru, and flew straight ahead, flying in front of Uchiha Suzuki.

Suzuki's black jewel-like eyes stared at the four-handed lily swords, unconsciously recalling Chengye's style in every training and battle.

In an instant, four words were silently read out of her mouth: "Sold out!"

Immediately afterwards, looking at the four riken swords flying in front of him, Uchiha Suzuki held his breath and took out four kunai from his ninja bag.

Without any extra movement, his eyes searched for Chengye's four-handed lily sword's flight pattern, and then Kuwu threw it out without hesitation!

"Ding, ding, ding, ding" four crisp metal clashing sounds sounded, and in an instant, Cheng Ye's four lily swords flew back upside down.

These four collisions sounded like the sounds of nature in Chengye. As for Orochimaru, there was an involuntary coldness behind him.

Orochimaru just wanted to turn around, but found that his hands had been firmly grasped by Chengye, unable to seal or move, Unable to move an inch.

Looking at the blue-haired boy with a wicked smile in front of him, Orochimaru was not angry, just a little stunned.

Even though he is the young master of the Thousand Hands Clan, his fighting style is so unpredictable and changeable.

The next moment, the two figures were instantly beside Chengye and Orochimaru. Watanabe smashed the shuriken flying behind Orochimaru, while Sarutobi Hizen patted the two people who were tightly entangled. Said: "Orochimaru, you lost, ninja, it is a taboo to underestimate the enemy."

Hearing Sarutobi Hiizan's words, Chengye's forehead tensed and his body softened, and the strength of his whole body receded like a tide.

At this moment, his physical strength and chakra consumption have reached the limit, and he has no more energy.

Letting go of the hand holding Orochimaru's wrist, Chengye fell backwards, gasping for breath with a happy smile.

After Seiha and Orochimaru were separated, Sarutobi Hizan then came to the middle of Tsunade, who was full of anger, and Hin Xiangten, who had soft legs and feet.

Sarutobi Hizan looked at Tsunade with a blushing face, and said, "Tsunade, your third class lost in this confrontation."

"Mr. Sarutobi, you are talking nonsense! I can obviously beat all three of them away!" Tsunade's face was full of dissatisfaction, and then he punched out angrily.

Sarutobi Hiizhan hurriedly blocked the powerful little fist, because he was not ready, the moment he received the punch, Sarutobi Hiizhan's face couldn't help but turn pale.

"Tsunade! In the battle just now, Jiraiya and Orochimaru have always been to cooperate with you, but you have no intention to cooperate with them at all," Sarutobi Hizan said solemnly: "If it is an official During the battle, two of your companions were killed! Do you understand?"

"Humph!" How could the angry Tsunade hear him? Shaking off his teacher's hand arrogantly, he turned his head and left.

Jiraiya, who has been standing by the side, how could he miss such an opportunity to be alone with Tsunade?

"Maybe with my patient guidance, Tsunade will be relieved, and maybe he will fall in love with me because of this!" Jiraiya thought happily.

So he immediately followed in Tsunade's footsteps and left the training ground.

Seeing his students leave one by one, Sarutobi Hiizhan scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said to Watanabe: "Watanabe, then I'll go first, it can be seen from this confrontation exercise that you teach very well. good."

"Three generations have passed the award, thank you again for coming with the third class this time." Watanabe really hurriedly bowed to express his gratitude.

Then, Sarutobi Hizan rubbed the head of Chengye who was lying on the ground again, and praised: "Little Chengye, you did a great job today!"

Cheng Ye looked at Uncle Sarutobi's smiling face, he didn't even have the strength to speak, with a bright smile, he stretched out his thumb and responded.

Afterwards, Sarutobi Hizan left Konoha No. 3 training ground with Orochimaru. ,

Watanabe looked at his three exhausted students, his bronze square face full of pride.

Without being long-winded, Watanabe really separated two soil clones, and the three of Chengye, who carried their stomachs and groaned, announced loudly: "Konoha Teppanyaki Beef Grill! Let's go!"