
Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

In an alternate universe of the Naruto world, the Kyubi attack unfolds differently, leading to a significant shift in destiny. The Fourth Hokage chooses Konohamaru Sarutobi as the jinchuriki instead of Naruto. The attack claims the lives of Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto’s unborn sister, leaving Naruto to grow up unaware of his true heritage. Raised as an orphan, Naruto becomes a prodigy through sheer determination and hard work. Despite the hardships and bullying at the orphanage and the academy, he excels and graduates early, quickly rising to the rank of Chunin like Itachi. His remarkable talent catches the eye of the Third Hokage and Danzo, leading him to join the Anbu and work under Shisui Uchiha. During his time in Anbu, Naruto discovers his unique Storm Release bloodline, a powerful combination initially as a kekkei genkai, which he then develops into a full kekkei tota. Naruto’s journey is one of self-discovery and resilience. He navigates the complex politics of Konoha, making allies and avoiding conflicts with influential clans. His path takes a dark turn as he befriends Mizuki and becomes embroiled in Danzo’s schemes. As he unravels the secrets of his lineage, Naruto’s resolve strengthens, even as his loyalty to the village weakens. He becomes a beacon of hope and strength, embodying the spirit of the Uzumaki clan and the will of the whirlpool. With his newfound powers and the support of unexpected allies, Naruto prepares to face the ultimate challenges that threaten the peace of the ninja world. In "Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm," witness a reimagined tale of Naruto Uzumaki as he rises from the shadows of obscurity to become a legendary shinobi. Check my Patreon page patreon.com/ThirdFireTriden for exclusive chapter. Tags: Anbu Naruto, Prodigy Naruto, Bloodline Naruto, Lemons, Smut, Great Plot.

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Chapter 23: In the Lion's Den 

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

Chapter 23: In the Lion's Den 

Join ThirdFireTriden on !

Chapter 24: The Last Harbinger Rears Its Head Storm release is out!

Chapter 25: Remnants of a Great Village is out!

Chapter 26: The Bond of Loyalty IS OUT !

Chapter 27: The Turning Tide is out!

Chapter 28: Clash of Loyalties is out!

Chapter 29: Return to the Leaf is OUT! (Mist Arc is completed!)

Chapter 30: Political Crossroads is OUT!

Chapter 31: A Fitting Punishment IS OUT!

Chapter 32: Embracing Change IS OUT!

Chapter 33- Monster of a Sensei IS OUT!!!!1



Author's Note:


Welcome to Cp 23. Please comment on how your journey of reading until here was. Storm release will finally come in the next chapters and the mist arc will come to end in next two chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.


"The true strength of a shinobi is not measured by the jutsu they master, but by their will to endure and protect those they care for." – Unknown


Happy reading!


The next few days after the Mist graduation exam were a whirlwind for Naruto. He found himself entangled in endless formalities and registrations, a stark contrast to the simplicity of Konoha. Every morning, he would queue up with other newly graduated shinobi, filling out forms and providing detailed information about his skills and background. The Mist Village's bureaucracy was thorough and invasive, leaving no stone unturned. This new world he had entered was one of constant vigilance and subtle tests, a far cry from the somewhat nurturing environment of Konoha's academy.


The atmosphere in the Mist Village was palpably different. Conversations among shinobi and civilians alike were laced with the harsh realities of their world. Unlike Konoha, where the ideals of camaraderie and protection were emphasized, here the focus was on survival and ruthlessness. Instructors didn't sugarcoat the dangers awaiting them. They spoke openly about the gruesome nature of their missions, the likelihood of death, and the necessity of unwavering loyalty to the village. Naruto couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment.


One thing that stood out to Naruto was the loyalty tests. After the initial excitement of graduation had worn off, he and his fellow graduates were lulled into a false sense of security before the Mist struck with subtle and not-so-subtle methods to test their loyalty. These tests were designed to catch any potential traitors or spies. Naruto found himself under constant scrutiny. One evening, an instructor pulled him aside, asking probing questions about his past in Lian Island and his reasons for loyalty to the Mist. Naruto's heart pounded, but his quick thinking and wit saved him. He fabricated a detailed story about his family's tragic history and how their deaths at the hands of raiders had fueled his dedication to the Mist.


Despite the danger and constant vigilance, Naruto managed to navigate these treacherous waters. He knew that one wrong move could expose his true identity and jeopardize his mission. Each day presented a new challenge, but he remained vigilant and determined to survive, gather information, and maintain his cover.


The day of the team assignment came a shock to him, Naruto thought he would be assigned to a team. He had hoped for a non-disruptive jonin, someone who wouldn't draw much attention. To his horror, he was placed under Jinin Akebino, one of the original Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist who wielded the Kabutowari. Jinin was the only survivor of the rampage by Might Duy and unlike Zabuza and Kisame, he was the last living member of the first generation legendary swordsmen of the Mist. He was the original user of the Kirigakure Jutsu and a master in water manipulation. To Naruto's greatest dismay, he was the sole student chosen to be Jinin's apprentice.


The day Naruto was assigned to Jinin, tension filled the academy. The instructor entered the classroom, his face a mask of disdain. "This is one of the most worthless batches in the history of the Mist. Even after graduating, many of you were dropped because of feeble resolve or lack of loyalty," he sneered.


Naruto knew this was a good crop of shinobi. From his experience, the bar was always set high in the Mist. There was no concept of positive reinforcement. The instructor continued, "I don't know what Lord Jinin saw in one of you worthless pieces of trash to take as an apprentice."


Murmurs began to fill the room. Naruto felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.


The instructor started calling names for the teams. "Ray, you will be the personal apprentice of Lord Jinin."


Before Naruto could even process what was happening, a whirl of water appeared in the middle of the class, and a large man stood there, exuding enough killing intent to make even the instructor back away. Naruto took a closer look. It was Jinin. He had a brown beard and hair tied into a topknot. His face was angular with a very protuberant nose. He wore a dark-colored poncho over a standard Swordsman attire, consisting of a sleeveless dark shirt and matching pants along with a waist-guard, pin-striped arm and leg-warmers typical of his village, and Kirigakure's forehead protector. He also had bandages around his neck like all the members of the previous generation of swordsmen.


Jinin's voice was menacing as he spoke. "Sai Ren whatever your name is, come to 'Plaza of Death'." With that, he vanished in another swirl of water.


Naruto got up and jumped out of the window, setting off in pursuit of his new mentor, his mind racing with anticipation and dread.


As Naruto sprinted towards the Plaza of Death, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, each more daunting than the last. The implications of being chosen as the apprentice to one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist were overwhelming. It was now almost certain that even after his mission, the Mist Village would hunt him to the ends of the earth. His rotten luck had shown its ugly face again. He would have to be extraordinarily careful.


Before embarking on the mission to the Mist, Naruto and Shisui had been given extensive files on important individuals—nobles, influential men and women, and shinobi alike. They were also taught about significant landmarks and historical events to maintain their cover. Jonin Jinin Akebino, the sole surviving member of the original Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, was a name that stood out. It was rumored that all of the original crew had died in Might Duy's suicidal rampage, but later intelligence from Konoha revealed that Jinin Akebino, though mortally injured, had clung to life until he received help. He was an S-rank shinobi, like many of the first-generation Seven Swordsmen.


Even with rumors of his diminished skills due to his injuries, Jinin could easily take Naruto down with both hands tied behind his back and his eyes closed. Jinin still wielded one of the seven legendary swords, a clear indicator that his prowess remained formidable. The file on Jinin Akebino detailed his exceptional skill in utilizing Kabutowari, a blunt sword comprising a single-sided axe and a hammer joined by a leather strap. It was said to be capable of breaking through any defense. This was achieved by first striking with the axe and then hammering it through the obstruction with the hammer, effectively using the axe as a wedge. Jinin's ambidexterity allowed him to exploit both the axe and the hammer to their fullest potential. He could also use the hammer to create powerful shockwaves by slamming it into the ground. His aggressive fighting style and the pure offensive nature of Kabutowari made him a deadly opponent. Additionally, Jinin was a master of silent killing, even with his large, heavy sword.


Naruto knew that despite any injuries Jinin might have sustained, he was still a force to be reckoned with. The thought of being under the direct scrutiny of such a formidable shinobi was both terrifying and thrilling. As he reached the Plaza of Death, where only elite shinobi could train, he felt a mix of fear and nervousness. However, from a mission perspective, he knew this was a significant achievement. Short of being the Mizukage's right hand, this was the greatest success he could hope to achieve. The level of clearance and secrets he would have access to would be immense. Entering the ground, he saw Jinin sitting on a rock, observing him with a calculating gaze.


Finally, after a few seconds of silent observation, Jinin spoke. "Let's see if you can handle being trained like a real shinobi," he said, his voice dripping with menace. Without another word or introduction, he launched a surprise attack that beat the living daylights out of Naruto. Naruto tried his best, using all the techniques he knew, but it was futile. Even if he hadn't held back, it wouldn't have made much difference. He wielded his simple katana in every ingenious way he could think of. He also used genjutsu and water jutsu in conjunction to land at least one lucky shot, but Jinin didn't fall for any of his traps. He was good—really good.


As Naruto stumbled out of the training ground, Jinin's words echoed in his mind. "What's your name again?" Jinin asked, his voice calm but menacing.


"Ray," Naruto replied, his body aching from the intense session.


"You are passable in kenjutsu at best and good in water manipulation. But remember, you have potential, and we will bring it out," Jinin said, his voice dripping with bloodlust. The intensity in his eyes frightened Naruto. To test him, Jinin had nearly killed him multiple times. Naruto shuddered to think what this madman would do to bring out his potential.


When Naruto finally reached home, he was met with the exuberant face of Shisui. Naruto found himself thinking about when he had started referring to this place as home. His musings were interrupted by Shisui's concerned voice.


"What got you so battered?" Shisui asked, his eyes scanning Naruto's injuries.


"You will not believe who my sensei is," Naruto replied, wincing as he sat down.


Shisui smiled and joked, "Knowing your luck, it may be Karatachi Yagura, the Mizukage."


Naruto shook his head. "Oh, it would have been better. He wouldn't have the time to look closely into me nor beat me up daily. You are looking at the sole apprentice of Jinin Akebino, also known as the 'Wraith of the Mist' (Kirigakure no Maboroshi)."


Shisui's face paled. "What??" he almost shouted. "You are telling me the Wraith of the Mist (Kirigakure no Maboroshi) is your sensei and his sole attention will be on you?"


"Yep," Naruto replied grimly.


Shisui sighed deeply. "Wonderful. You're so lucky, Ray," he said, but his eyes conveyed a different message. In a series of covert signs, he indicated that they needed to contact the higher-ups immediately.


Later, in the underground basement, Shisui spoke with urgency. "We have four more months of this mission, but we need to petition to be relieved sooner. There is no conceivable way we can keep your true identity hidden from the experienced eye of the Wraith of the Mist (Kirigakure no Maboroshi). He will surely discover who you are if he hasn't already."


Naruto nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The stakes had never been higher, and they needed to tread carefully if they were to survive and complete their mission.


Over the next two months, Naruto was pushed to the brink of death, only to be pulled back and pushed to the same brink the next day. Despite his wariness of Jinin-sensei, a bond of master and apprentice began to form between them. Jinin started breaking down the kenjutsu stances that Shisui, Hayate, and Kosuke had taught Naruto, introducing him to a unique style that Naruto quickly took to like a fish to water. It was even better than the Crescent Moon Style that Kosuke and Hayate had drilled into him. Jinin also corrected several mistakes Naruto had been making with water manipulation.


Naruto vividly remembered an incident ten days after the team selection during a simple bandit extermination mission outside the village. Out of nowhere, Jinin said, "If you hold back like you do in our spars, I will bury you here and report you as a casualty."


Naruto paled instantly, his hands starting to tremble. He slowly turned back, only to be jerked out of his fear when a large hand settled on his shoulder.


"You think I am blind, boy?" Jinin's voice was cold but oddly reassuring. "I have seen all three Shinobi Wars. I can clearly see you are hiding your skills. Don't worry, I will not report you. Everyone has their secrets, but when it comes to the master-apprentice relationship, there is no deceit or lies."


Naruto's heart sank. He knew he was caught. This was the moment he and Shisui had dreaded from day one. He tried to calculate all possible escape scenarios, but each one ended with the same conclusion: a deer caught in the lion's den. He cursed the higher-ups as he remembered the day well.




Shisui had sent an urgent message the very day Naruto was assigned to Jinin, even though it was not advisable. If there were any watchers, they would be particularly observant on the day of selection. But Shisui took the risk, believing that Naruto being under Jinin was more dangerous than sending an ASAP message to Konoha. The real shocker came in the reply.


Shisui, reading the letter, turned pale. "The mission is extended by three more months. The cover is not to be abandoned."


Naruto, seeing Shisui's reaction, felt a sinking feeling. "What does it say?"


Shisui's voice was filled with frustration. "It says we're stuck here for seven months instead of four. This is borderline suicide!"


Naruto saw Shisui pacing, mumbling under his breath. "If they wanted to get rid of me, why sacrifice him too?"


Naruto tried to keep his composure, but the added pressure was almost unbearable.


End Flashback


Returning to the present, Naruto replied with fear still coursing through his veins. "Even if I don't hold back, you'll kill me."


Jinin Akebino's voice held a hint of amusement. "I said I wouldn't report you, and I won't harm you if you use your full abilities. Don't try anything funny; I will know. There's no place to run. I have placed clones and traps to ensure you don't leave the perimeter. Don't even think about activating any suicide pill or jutsu; I've covered that as well."


Trembling, Naruto took a step towards the camp and then sprinted. Jinin's voice followed him. "I will know if you hold back."


Naruto uncoiled himself after so long, his katana dancing through the bandits. He cast B-rank and C-rank water and lightning jutsu in conjunction, weaving intricate genjutsu to free prisoners with the help of water clones while keeping his face covered. He avoided using anything that would implicate Konoha.


At the end, Jinin materialized behind him, clapping slowly. "I won't ask about your past. Your skill is all that matters to me. You're even better than I could have dreamed of. Your training from tomorrow will be more intense," he said, his amusement replaced by seriousness. "Don't dare restart your games with me. When you train with me, you give your all."


Jinin tossed a scroll at Naruto, who caught it. "This is the fabricated version of the mission. Submit it," Jinin said before disappearing in a swirl of water.


From that day, Jinin, the Wraith of the Mist (Kirigakure no Maboroshi), became Naruto's sensei in every aspect. He began by focusing on improving Naruto's water and lightning affinities, which coincidentally were also Jinin's main affinities, along with his rare earth affinity. Jinin tutored Naruto in second-level manipulation of lightning and introduced him to truly devastating A-rank water ninjutsu. After a year of grueling training, Naruto, now eleven, had enough chakra to unleash powerful jutsus, one of which was the dreaded Water Dragon. Though it brought him to his knees with its chakra demands, with his chakra-imbued water seals, he could manage up to three of them, which impressed Jinin greatly.


Naruto also showcased some of the jutsus he had created in the past. One of his favorites was the Water Needle, where he manipulated water into sharp, precise projectiles capable of piercing even the toughest defenses. During one training session, Naruto demonstrated this technique, launching a flurry of water needles at multiple targets with incredible speed and accuracy. Jinin watched intently, nodding in approval.


"Impressive control, Ray," Jinin commented. "But can you maintain that precision under pressure?"


Naruto, determined to prove himself, performed the Water Needle technique again while dodging Jinin's attacks. Despite the added difficulty, Naruto managed to hit all the targets, earning a rare smile from Jinin.


Jinin was also impressed with the jutsus Naruto had created, such as the Thunder Torrent and the Mist Veil, offering pointers on how to improve them. He taught Naruto many lightning jutsus, including several C-rank and B-rank techniques like Lightning Fang and Thunder Strike. Despite the intense training, Jinin never once asked about Naruto's background. They acted as if the bandit mission had never happened. Their focus remained on honing Naruto's skills to perfection.


In addition to elemental jutsus, Naruto also showed proficiency with seals, a skill that piqued Jinin's interest. During one training session, Naruto used a sealing technique to trap a summoned creature, demonstrating his adeptness with complex fuinjutsu. Jinin observed keenly, noting Naruto's precise control and intricate seal formations.


"Impressive," Jinin remarked, his eyes narrowing as he studied the seals. "You have a natural talent for sealing techniques. It's rare to see such proficiency these times."


Jinin's interest was further piqued when Naruto displayed his skills in weapon enhancement seals. During a sparring session, Naruto activated seals on his kunai, causing them to emit a sharp electrical current that increased their lethality. Jinin's eyes gleamed with approval as he watched the enhanced weapons cut through targets with ease.


"You've mastered the basics of weapon seals," Jinin commented, inspecting one of the electrified kunai. "But there's more to be learned. I will teach you advanced techniques, including how to combine elemental affinities with sealing for even greater effect."


Under Jinin's tutelage, Naruto learned to create seals that could enhance the durability and sharpness of his weapons, imbuing them with elemental properties. He practiced creating explosive tags with varying delays and power levels. Jinin's knowledge of seals to enhance weapons was vast, and Naruto soaked up the information eagerly, refining his skills with each passing day.


Jinin also introduced Naruto to the art of silent killing, a technique that required absolute stealth and precision. Despite the large and cumbersome nature of his weapon, Kabutowari, Jinin moved with an eerie silence, demonstrating the deadly efficiency of the technique. Naruto practiced tirelessly, learning to mask his presence and strike with lethal accuracy.


Despite the rigorous training and the constant push to his limits, Naruto found himself growing stronger and more skilled. He was no longer just a student; he was becoming a warrior, capable of holding his own in the harsh world of the Mist Village. The bond between him and Jinin, forged in the crucible of relentless training, grew stronger with each passing day.


Naruto's proficiency in water and lightning manipulation continued to grow, and he began developing new jutsus under Jinin's guidance. He worked on refining the Thunder Torrent, making it more precise and powerful. The Mist Veil was enhanced to create illusions within the mist, confusing and disorienting enemies. Jinin's feedback was invaluable, pushing Naruto to perfect his techniques and expand his repertoire.


At the same time, Naruto also trained with Shisui. He didn't show the blade Shisui had gifted him to Jinin. Sometimes, his shadow clones trained with Shisui when he wasn't busy with missions or reconnaissance. Shisui was terrified when he learned that Jinin knew they were spies. He couldn't believe that the Wraith of the Mist wouldn't report them. Shisui was all for packing up and leaving immediately, but Naruto, trusting his gut feeling and knowing they wouldn't make it far before being caught, convinced him to stay.


"Are you sure about this, Naruto?" Shisui asked one night, his voice low and urgent. "We're playing with fire. Jinin could turn us in at any moment."


Naruto looked at him with determined eyes. "I know, Shisui. But if we run now, we're as good as dead. He hasn't reported us yet, and I don't think he will. We just have to be careful and trust our instincts."


Shisui sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I hope you're right. For both our sakes."


Just like Jinin-sensei, Shisui also intensified Naruto's training. But alongside the rigorous physical and chakra training, Shisui began to teach Naruto about history and politics, which puzzled Naruto at first.


One day, after an exhausting training session in the wilderness, Shisui sat down next to Naruto, who was catching his breath.


"Naruto," Shisui began, his tone serious, "there's something you need to know. It's about the tension between the Second Hokage's students, or to be precise, some of the students, and the Uchiha clan. This tension has only worsened over the years, especially after the Kyuubi attack," he went on to explain the bitter feud and politics.


Naruto frowned, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Why are you telling me this, Shisui?"


Shisui looked at Naruto, his expression grave. "Because I think you need to understand the bigger picture. The political landscape of Konoha is complex and dangerous. The mistrust between the Uchiha and the village's leadership runs deep. It's something that could affect you in the future."


Naruto didn't even know there were so many things happening behind the scenes, and the revelation left him thoughtful and concerned. Furthermore Naruto was stumped by the trust Shisui showed him. Sharing such a significant secret went beyond the mentor-apprentice relationship they had. Shisui truly considered Naruto his younger brother in everything but blood.


Naruto swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Shisui's words. "I... I didn't know it was that bad. Why are you telling me all this, Shisui?"


Shisui placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, his grip firm yet comforting. "Because you need to be prepared. I think you will not be just a shinobi; you will be part of something much bigger. The decisions you make, the paths you choose, they will have consequences beyond just your own life. I trust you, Naruto. And I believe in you."


Naruto looked down, processing the gravity of what Shisui had shared. "Thank you, Shisui. For trusting me and for everything you've done."


Shisui smiled, ruffling Naruto's hair. "You're like a brother to me, Naruto. I just want you to be safe and make the right choices. Now, let's get back to training. We still have a lot of work to do."


As they continued their training, the bond between them grew stronger. Naruto cherished the moments of wisdom and trust Shisui shared with him. It wasn't just about becoming a better shinobi; it was about understanding the world they lived in and the roles they played within it.


One evening, after another grueling day, Naruto looked at Shisui and said, "You know, Shisui, you're more than just a mentor to me. You're like the older brother I never had."


Shisui's eyes softened, and he pulled Naruto into a quick, tight hug. "And you're the little brother I never thought I'd have. Let's stick together, okay? No matter what."


Naruto nodded, a determined smile on his face. "No matter what."


Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of "Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm"!

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Chapter 24: The Last Harbinger Rears Its Head Storm release is out!

Chapter 25: Remnants of a Great Village is out!

Chapter 26: The Bond of Loyalty IS OUT !

Chapter 27: The Turning Tide is out!

Chapter 28: Clash of Loyalties is out!

Chapter 29: Return to the Leaf is OUT! (Mist Arc is completed!)

Chapter 30: Political Crossroads is OUT!

Chapter 31: A Fitting Punishment IS OUT!

Chapter 32: Embracing Change IS OUT!

Chapter 33- Monster of a Sensei IS OUT!!!!1



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