
Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

In an alternate universe of the Naruto world, the Kyubi attack unfolds differently, leading to a significant shift in destiny. The Fourth Hokage chooses Konohamaru Sarutobi as the jinchuriki instead of Naruto. The attack claims the lives of Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto’s unborn sister, leaving Naruto to grow up unaware of his true heritage. Raised as an orphan, Naruto becomes a prodigy through sheer determination and hard work. Despite the hardships and bullying at the orphanage and the academy, he excels and graduates early, quickly rising to the rank of Chunin like Itachi. His remarkable talent catches the eye of the Third Hokage and Danzo, leading him to join the Anbu and work under Shisui Uchiha. During his time in Anbu, Naruto discovers his unique Storm Release bloodline, a powerful combination initially as a kekkei genkai, which he then develops into a full kekkei tota. Naruto’s journey is one of self-discovery and resilience. He navigates the complex politics of Konoha, making allies and avoiding conflicts with influential clans. His path takes a dark turn as he befriends Mizuki and becomes embroiled in Danzo’s schemes. As he unravels the secrets of his lineage, Naruto’s resolve strengthens, even as his loyalty to the village weakens. He becomes a beacon of hope and strength, embodying the spirit of the Uzumaki clan and the will of the whirlpool. With his newfound powers and the support of unexpected allies, Naruto prepares to face the ultimate challenges that threaten the peace of the ninja world. In "Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm," witness a reimagined tale of Naruto Uzumaki as he rises from the shadows of obscurity to become a legendary shinobi. Check my Patreon page patreon.com/ThirdFireTriden for exclusive chapter. Tags: Anbu Naruto, Prodigy Naruto, Bloodline Naruto, Lemons, Smut, Great Plot.

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Chapter 24: The Last Harbinger Rears Its Head

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm


Chapter 24: The Last Harbinger Rears Its Head

Join ThirdFireTriden on !

Chapter 25: Remnants of a Great Village is out!

Chapter 26: The Bond of Loyalty IS OUT !

Chapter 27: The Turning Tide is out!

Chapter 28: Clash of Loyalties is out!

Chapter 29: Return to the Leaf is OUT! (Mist Arc is completed!)

Chapter 30: Political Crossroads is OUT!

Chapter 31: A Fitting Punishment IS OUT!

Chapter 32: Embracing Change IS OUT!

Chapter 33- Monster of a Sensei IS OUT!

Chapter 34: "The Uchiha and the Tower" IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!


Author's Note: Thank you for your patience and continuous support. This chapter has been intense for me to write. Initially, I didn't get an angle to bring out the Storm Release, but finally, after a lot of work and reworks of this chapter, I have come to an acceptable version. Enjoy the ride!

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity." - Sun Tzu


Happy reading!


For Shisui, the past four and a half months had been a relentless test of his endurance. Balancing his role, scouting, and reconnaissance while training Naruto was exhausting. It wasn't that the boy was weak; on the contrary, Naruto's potential was immense. However, the firepower they would need if their cover was blown would be tremendous.

Initially, when Naruto confided that their cover had been compromised by none other than the Wraith of the Mist, Shisui had been ready to fight their way out of the village, that if they survive that escape. The thought of being exposed to someone as formidable as Jinin Akebino was enough to make any seasoned shinobi consider drastic measures. Yet, when it became clear that Jinin was not taking immediate action, Shisui saw a fleeting opportunity to escape. But Narutoʼs unwavering belief and a faith in Jinin Akebino defied all logic, insisted on staying. He vouched for the man, something no sane shinobi would do.

In a rare bout of what could either be considered foolishness or sheer genius, Shisui suppressed all his instincts and decided to trust Naruto's judgment. This decision, which seemed reckless at the time, paid off in full dividends as Naruto received training from one of the original Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. The opportunity to learn from Jinin Akebino was invaluable, a chance few ever had.

Despite the benefits, the last few months had left Shisui scarred in more ways than one. Mission after mission took its toll, and with the civil war intensifying, Naruto found himself thrust into the chaos of battle. The boy was now more experienced in real-life war and guerrilla tactics than most new chunin and even some jonin in the village. He woke in the middle of the night with nightmares from the war, muttering things like "awareness" or "abandonment." Shisui helped Naruto recover from these post-war traumas, providing support and guidance to help him heal.

Shisui was always close to his teammates, but he had a deeper bond with Naruto that transcended mere camaraderie. He was the quintessential black sheep of the Uchiha clan, and yet he recognized in Naruto a greatness that resonated deep within his Uchiha blood. His instincts screamed that Naruto was destined for something monumental. But whether that greatness would bring enrichment or destruction was a question that gnawed at him. If his suspicions about Naruto's lineage and the political games being played had any grain of truth, then Naruto's path might parallel the circumstances of the Uchiha clan. And if his hunch about Naruto's mother was correct, the revelation would lead to a deadly dance of politics and power.

These days, Naruto had been going on mission after mission. The civil war was truly picking up momentum. Naruto had been on battlefields and could now be argued to be more experienced in real-life war and guerrilla tactics than even most new chunin and some of the jonin in the village. Shisui was always close to all his teammates, the quintessential black sheep of the Uchiha clan. But he and Naruto shared a deeper bond than mere comrades or brothers in the battlefield. Shisui now knew in his very bones and blood that Naruto had greatness written all over him. His Uchiha blood instinctively recognized another warrior. But the question was, would Naruto's greatness bring enrichment or destruction? If Shisui's suspicions about Naruto's lineage and the politics being played had any grain of truth, then his case would be very similar to the Uchiha's. And if his suspicions about who Naruto's mother was were true, then a dance of death would accompany the revelation.




Meanwhile, Naruto was on a mission inland, close to the Land of Wind and the Land of Water. They had already been on the journey for three days. The last four and a half months with Jinin-sensei had been intense. Initially, he started with a few C-rank missions, then B-rank. Almost every time, Jinin-sensei took him to either B-rank or A-rank missions. He was also deployed to the battlefield to fight the rebels. He saw firsthand what it was like to see people butchering each other. For every mission, there was some logic that justified it, but on the battlefield, it was only senseless slaughter.

Initially, it was disgusting, and he could only watch as people begged to be killed to avoid torture, with some desperately trying to cling to their lives. He felt very sad and disheartened to see men, women, and children alike being killed for the only crime of being born. Despite not having a bloodline, he sympathized with them, as he himself belonged to a long-extinct clan. He gave children ways to escape and never killed children. Jinin-sensei never forced him to kill the innocents, but sometimes he had to kill. However, he drew the line at children.


He still remembered the day they were to ambush a rebel camp. It was a successful mission; they slaughtered through the token defense the rebels put up. Naruto was very adept at fighting and sensing the chakra of bloodline users. He never flaunted his ability to sense someone's elemental affinity and the amalgamation of natures to create bloodlines. In that mission, after getting through the defense of the camp, it was mindless slaughter.

Naruto moved silently through the camp, his eyes scanning for threats. He saw a woman trying her best to cover her children while a man attempted to do unspeakable horrors to her infront of the her children. Naruto's gaze shifted to the children—a boy, three years old, and a girl, seven years old.

Without a second thought, Naruto looked around to ensure no one was watching him. In swift and silent movements, he slit the throats of the three aggressors. As the bodies fell, he crouched down beside the woman, his voice low and urgent.

"Go east. There is a canyon. Hide there for a few hours. By then, this will clear. Then go wherever you want."

The woman looked at him with wide, tear-filled eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling. She hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder. "Thank you so much."

The children clung to their mother, their faces pale with fear. Naruto gently pushed the woman back and reached into his pouch, pulling out a few kunai and a small sealed scroll filled with rations. "Here," he said, handing them to her. "This should help you survive. Do you know how to use these?"

The woman nodded, still weeping. "Yes, I do. Thank you, thank you."

Naruto stood up, his expression unreadable. "Go now. Stay safe."

As the woman gathered her children and hurried east, Naruto watched them disappear into the night. For a moment, he allowed himself to feel the weight of what he had done, the lives he had taken and the ones he had saved. He shook his head, pushing the emotions aside. Survival was all that mattered.

He turned back to the camp, ready to continue the mission. The echoes of the woman's gratitude still to this day lingered in his mind, a small reminder that even in the midst of war, there were moments of humanity.


Shaking his head to clear his musings, Naruto turned to Jinin-sensei. "What are we to do on this island, Sensei?"

Jinin glanced at him, his expression serious. "This is an S-rank mission. We are to assassinate an S-rank shinobi."

Naruto's eyes widened. S-rank shinobi were monsters. Once in private, Jinin had told him that he was no longer an S-rank shinobi after his injury, only a high A-rank.

Sensing Naruto's tension, Jinin tried to lighten the mood. "It won't be that interesting of a mission. The target will be sedated and weakened. There are two platoons from our side and two platoons from theirs who will neutralize the target if necessary. From the looks of it, the measures taken by the higher-ups are very thorough. We won't even have to lift a finger. It will still give us a nice pay, although lesser than usual due to the number of people involved."

Naruto was shocked. "What do you mean, two platoons from their side? Won't they protect their own? Who is the target anyway?"

Jinin looked at him, amused. "Shakuton no Pakura, the Hero of Sunagakure."

Naruto's eyes bulged. He knew exactly who Pakura of the Scorch Release was. She was one of the highest bounties from Suna after Lady Chiyo, Lord Ebizo, and the Kazekage. Due to treaties, no kage could be put on the bingo book, making her the third highest bounty and strongest shinobi in the Suna forces. He had learned extensively about her in ANBU and from briefings on missions in the Sand Village. He was well aware of her feats in the Third Shinobi War against Iwa, including her fearsome demolition of Iwa's Explosion Corps, proving she was more dangerous than Gari, the famed Iwagakure shinobi and head of the village's Explosion Corps. She had gained the moniker "Hero of Sunagakure" after her feats on the Suna-Iwa borders.

Naruto's voice was filled with awe and confusion. "Are we to assassinate the Hero of Sunagakure? Why would her own village want her dead after all she's one of the strongest kunoichi in the village?"

Jinin looked at Naruto with a grim face. "Politics can be a very ugly thing. Her fame and glory in Suna are threatening to unbalance the authority of the Kazekage, and our leader hates bloodlines. Furthermore, this has been sanctioned by our own daimyo. If Iwa was to be implicated, they would have to give reparations to Suna or risk starting a war, which they can't afford due to their depleted resources and the divide between Lord Tsuchikage and the Iwa daimyo. Suna fared better in the last war, along with their alliance with Konoha. Iwa will fold; they don't have much to lose either way."

Naruto's mind raced with the implications. "But... she's a hero to her people. How could they turn on her like this?"

Jinin sighed, a look of resignation crossing his face. "Hero or not, power is a dangerous thing. Pakura's influence was growing too strong, and the Kazekage couldn't afford to have his authority questioned. People like Pakura, they become threats in the eyes of those who hold power. They'd rather eliminate a potential problem than risk losing their grip on control."

Naruto felt a knot tighten in his stomach. "But to betray one of their own... it feels so wrong."

Jinin nodded. "It is wrong, but that's the reality of our world. Politics, power, and survival—they drive people to do things they'd never imagine. We're just pawns in a much larger game, Ray. We do what we're ordered, even if it leaves a bitter taste in our mouths."

Naruto looked out towards the horizon, his thoughts heavy. "I don't like it but I think I understand, Sensei. But it's still hard to accept."

Jinin placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, his grip firm. "Remember that out here, emotions can get you killed. Stay focused on the mission."

They reached the island and camped there, their commander for the mission being Jonin Akido Hisura, a high A-rank shinobi. He asked them to rest and provided only the bare minimum information about the mission. Given its high secrecy, there were no genin or even chunin involved; Naruto was the only one because he was the apprentice of one of the Seven. The two platoons were composed entirely of jonin. The instructions were clear: in one swift and precise cut, Jinin-sensei would lop Pakura's head. If necessary, the rest of the platoon would engage. The main objective was to finish this mission silently, without any fanfare.



The next morning, they went to meet Pakura and her platoon. She was an ambassador to Kiri to discuss the possibility of an alliance, but ironically, she was the price of the alliance. They walked forward to a plain clearing, where Pakura stepped forward and handed Jonin Akido a scroll.

Naruto could feel the mist thickening, though not unnaturally so. He marveled at Jinin-sensei's mastery of the technique; he could only sense the chakra laced within the mist because he was specifically looking for it. Otherwise, even he would be caught unaware. From the reports he had read from both Mist and Konoha intelligence, Pakura was not a natural sensor. He knew if Jinin-sensei had the chance to choose the battlefield, he would be a formidable opponent even to S-rank shinobi, especially in the mist where he could move silently and weave genjutsus that were nearly impossible to break.

Pakura's presence was commanding. She was a fairly tall kunoichi with fair skin and pupil-less brown eyes. Her green hair was tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it, and one short and long strand of hair with orange tips framed each side of her face. Her typical attire consisted of a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and back. She wore an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers that extended up to her shoulders, and bandages around her thighs and ankles.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Pakura moved with surprising agility, dodging the attack and creating one of her Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare orbs, which she launched at Jinin-sensei, who dodged.

"We have been betrayed!" Pakura called out, moving to her people. One of the jonin stabbed her in the back with a kunai. She was shocked.

"You... traitors!" she gasped, her eyes wide with betrayal.

In a swift move, Pakura hit her open palm against the jonin before he could move and incinerated the man with her Scorch Release. Naruto shuddered at the sight.

Jinin stepped forward, his eyes cold. "Pakura, it's time for you to meet your end."

Pakura glared at him, pain and fury in her eyes. "You think you can kill me that easily? I won't go down without a fight!"

The battle erupted in a flurry of movement and jutsu. Everyone from the Suna platoons and Kiri platoons attacked Pakura mercilessly. Jinin moved silently through the thickening mist, his figure barely a shadow. Pakura, despite her injuries, stood her ground, her Scorch Release orbs glowing ominously, killing Suna and Kiri shinobi alike.

With fierce determination, Pakura used an S-rank jutsu, Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare (Shakuton: Shakugaryū). The explosion from the combination of all six orbs rotating around her killed more than half of the shinobi present. She was panting heavily after that, her body trembling from the exertion and the poison coursing through her veins. Naruto barely escaped the devastation. Earlier, he had tried using Lightning Release: Lightning sword (Raiton: hien), but Pakura dodged the attack and kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. That was the only reason he escaped the explosion.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu (Kirigakure no Jutsu)," Jinin muttered, and the mist thickened, enveloping the battlefield in an impenetrable shroud.

Pakura's eyes darted around, trying to find Jinin. "Coward! Come out and face me!"

Suddenly, Jinin appeared behind her, swinging his Kabutowari. Pakura barely had time to react, raising a Scorch Release orb to block the attack. The orb exploded, sending both of them flying backward.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet (Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu)!" Jinin roared, sending a massive dragon-shaped torrent of water at Pakura.

Pakura countered with her Scorch Release: Great Fireball (Shakuton: Dai Endan), the two jutsu colliding with a violent explosion of steam. The sheer force of the collision sent shockwaves through the battlefield, knocking several shinobi off their feet.

Naruto watched the battle with wide eyes. He could feel the intensity of the chakra clashing. "Jinin-sensei, be careful!"

Pakura's eyes glinted with determination. "You won't kill me that easily!" She launched another series of Scorch Release orbs, but her movements were slower, the poison in her system taking its toll.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet (Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu)!" Naruto shouted, thrusting his hand forward, a dragon of water heading towards her.

She quickly used Explosion Release (Bakuton) in such a way that the dragon was redirected towards the nearby Suna jonin. Realizing the threat, the Suna jonin intercepted with another jutsu, but the half-destroyed dragon still came crashing onto them, causing chaos.

Pakura swung a kunai at Naruto, and he blocked the attack with his katana, his eyes narrowing. "Don't underestimate me."

He retaliated with a swift series of strikes, his movements a blur. Pakura barely broke a sweat to keep up, Naruto's eyes widening in surprise.

"You've got skill," she admitted, dodging another strike. "But it won't be enough."

Naruto gritted his teeth and channeled chakra into his blade. "Let's see about that."

He unleashed a burst of lightning chakra, the blade crackling with energy. Pakura's eyes widened as Naruto's strike hit home, the electric shock coursing through her body. She withstood it and used Wind Style: Great Breakthrough (Fūton: Daitoppa) in the midst of the fight, throwing him away and continuing to slaughter Mist shinobi.

Jinin reentered the fray. He and Pakura continued their deadly dance, both of them showing signs of exhaustion. Jinin's movements were slower, and Pakura's attacks lacked their previous ferocity.

"This ends now," Jinin growled, summoning all his remaining strength. He charged at Pakura, his Kabutowari swinging with deadly intent. "Jitsunora! (Jitsunora)!" he shouted, executing an S-rank Steel Jutsu of Kabutowari designed to demolish anything in its path.

Pakura, her body trembling from the poison, managed one last desperate attack. She launched a final Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare (Shakuton: Shakugaryū), aiming directly at Kabutowari.

Jinin's and Pakura's attacks collided. The orb and Kabutowari clashed through the air, both combatants throwing everything they had into the attack. The explosion that followed was deafening, sending both of them flying in opposite directions. Jinin stood up with difficulty, his body aching from the intense battle, whereas Pakura was exhausted, unable to stand.

The battlefield fell silent as Pakura lay defeated at great cost. Shinobi from both sides stared in shock at the devastation around them. The mission had been successful, but the toll was immense. As Naruto looked around at the fallen shinobi, he felt a heavy weight settle on his shoulders, the brutal reality of their world sinking in.



In a moment of blinking, a water whip flew by Naruto to slice Jinin. Naruto immediately used the Body Flicker Technique, coating his sword with water and lightning chakra (Water-Lightning Combo Hien), and sliced the whip. He looked in shock at who launched the whip—it was Jonin Akido. Jinin, bloodied and bruised, with one eye closed and blood dripping from him, asked, "Why?"

Akido replied, "Orders are orders," and he shouted, "Kill both of them and the boy too."

Naruto asked, "Why me?"

"Your loyalty is in question. You are the apprentice of him, and we can't have loose ends," Akido said coldly.

Panicked, Naruto surveyed his surroundings. Most were dead or injured, but that sadly included him. He asked Jinin, "Any plans?"

Jinin gave a bloody smile and said, "Smash our way out."

Naruto knew he couldn't run now. Still, he said, "Jinin, can you give me three minutes of uninterrupted time?"

Jinin asked, "Why?"

"I will work on Pakura. I know a bit about poisons. Once she can get up, we can all run from here."

"Okay, kid, make every second count. I've already started. While we were talking, I was examining her blood, which was stained on my clothes from the lightning attack."

Jinin turned to Akido and said, "Why? Why kill me? I have served this village loyally all my life."

Akido sneered at him. "Don't lie. We know all about your affiliation with the rebels."

Naruto looked up in shock. He thought Jinin was trying to buy time. "You finally caught me, have you?" Jinin laughed. "Ha ha ha. You people are fools. I don't know what possessed you to think it's bloodlines that are cursed." With that, he charged into the fray with his axe and hammer, swinging and crushing enemy ninja from Suna and Kiri alike.

Akido was shocked. This man could not move a second ago, but now he was killing indiscriminately. A true shinobi of the Bloody Mist. It didn't take him a second to start lopping off the heads of people who were his comrades just moments ago.

Jinin moved with lethal precision, his axe and hammer a deadly blur. He swung his Kabutowari, the axe crashing into a Suna jonin's chest, sending him flying. Without missing a beat, he brought the hammer down on another Kiri shinobi, crushing his skull. Blood splattered across Jinin's face, but he didn't flinch.

"Come on, is that all you've got?" Jinin roared, his voice echoing through the battlefield. He dodged a kunai thrown by a Kiri jonin and retaliated with a powerful horizontal swing, decapitating the attacker. His movements were brutal and efficient, a testament to his years of experience.

A Suna shinobi attempted to catch him off guard, but Jinin sensed the attack and spun around, using the hammer to block the incoming blade. With a swift counterattack, he buried the axe into the shinobi's side, tearing through flesh and bone.

"You're all traitors!" Jinin shouted, his eyes blazing with fury. He charged forward, meeting a group of Kiri shinobi head-on. They tried to encircle him, but Jinin's mastery of the Kabutowari was unparalleled. He swung the axe in a wide arc, forcing the attackers to retreat, and followed up with a powerful overhead strike that cleaved through another shinobi's shoulder.

Akido watched in disbelief as Jinin wreaked havoc. "How is he doing this?" he muttered.

Jinin's onslaught continued, his rage fueling his strength. He kicked a Suna jonin in the chest, sending him sprawling to the ground, and immediately brought the hammer down, crushing the man's ribcage. Another shinobi lunged at him with a katana, but Jinin sidestepped and swung the axe in a deadly upward arc, slicing the attacker from hip to shoulder.

He turned to face a trio of Kiri shinobi, their faces pale with fear. "You think you can kill me?" Jinin growled. "Come and try!"

The three shinobi hesitated for a moment before rushing him simultaneously. Jinin moved like a whirlwind, his weapons a blur. He parried the first attack with the hammer, spun around to block the second with the axe, and countered the third with a devastating kick that sent the shinobi flying.

Jinin's movements were becoming more labored, his breaths ragged, but his determination was unwavering. He knew he had to buy time for Naruto. "I won't fall here," he vowed, steeling himself for the next wave of attackers.

The remaining shinobi, both Suna and Kiri, regrouped and launched a coordinated attack. Jinin met them head-on, his Kabutowari cutting through their ranks with brutal efficiency. He felt the strain on his body, the pain from his wounds, but he pushed through, his focus solely on the battle.

Jinin swung the hammer with all his might, the force of the impact sending shockwaves through the ground. He followed up with a swift strike from the axe, cutting down another attacker. Blood coated his weapons, his clothes, but he didn't stop.

As the last of the attackers fell, Jinin stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving with exertion. His vision blurred, but he managed to stay on his feet. "Naruto," he called out, his voice hoarse. "Make it count."




A flurry of jutsu was thrown at Jinin.

A voice rang out, "Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare (Shakuton: Shakugaryū)!" A great explosion followed, and Akido looked in horror to see Pakura standing with all her injuries. The brat had cured her of poison and given her a chakra pill, which he was now giving to Jinin. The battle turned into a slaughter. Naruto flickered with his Mirage Shunshin across the battlefield with such speed it seemed like teleportation, killing enemies left and right. He would have been an invaluable asset to the Mist. His water jutsu combined with lightning caused chaos, proving to be a significant problem for the opposition.

The battlefield was a chaotic blur of combat. Jinin, bloodied and bruised, fought with a ferocity that belied his injuries. He swung his Kabutowari, the axe cleaving through enemy shinobi with deadly precision.

"Water Release: Water Severing Wave (Suiton: Suidanha)!" Jinin roared, sending a high-pressure jet of water slicing through the ranks of Suna and Kiri shinobi. The water cut through armor and flesh alike, leaving a path of devastation in its wake.

Pakura, her Scorch Release orbs rotating around her, countered incoming attacks with lethal efficiency. "Scorch Release: Heat Wave (Shakuton: Netsu no Nami)!" she shouted, unleashing a wave of superheated air that incinerated her enemies on contact.

Naruto, darting between opponents with blinding speed, utilized his newly honed skills. "Water Release: Water Encampment Wall (Suiton: Suijinheki)!" he called out, erecting a barrier of water to block a barrage of kunai and shuriken. Immediately after, he followed up with "Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder (Raiton: Jibashi)!", sending arcs of lightning through the water to electrocute the attackers.

"Stay focused, Naruto!" Jinin yelled as he blocked a strike aimed at the boy. "We need to keep them off balance!"

Pakura nodded, her eyes blazing with determination. "I won't let them take us down!" She formed a series of hand seals and called out, "Scorch Release: Superheated Dissipation (Shakuton: Chōnetsu Shōmetsu)!" A sphere of intense heat expanded from her, forcing the attackers to retreat or be burned alive.

Naruto was using the Mirage Shunshin (Kagerō Shunshin) to slaughter shinobi left and right in the mist, making it seem like he was teleporting. His movements were a blur, and the mist added to his advantage, creating illusions that confused and disoriented the enemy.

Amidst the chaos, Akido's voice rang out, "Focus on the brat! He's doing a lot of damage. Correct!"

Jinin gritted his teeth and continued his assault, his Kabutowari swinging in deadly arcs. "We've got to keep them on the defensive!" he shouted, driving his axe into the ground and creating a shockwave that sent several enemies flying.

Pakura unleashed another wave of superheated air, her orbs glowing brightly. "Let's make them regret underestimating us!"

Naruto, seeing an opening, formed a series of hand seals with incredible speed. "Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet (Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu)!" A massive dragon-shaped torrent of water surged forward, smashing into the enemy ranks and scattering them.

Jinin, taking advantage of the chaos, charged forward with his Kabutowari. He blocked and parried attacks with his hammer, then swung his axe in wide, powerful arcs, cutting down anyone who dared to stand in his way.

Pakura, her energy nearly spent, gathered her remaining strength. "This is our chance! Naruto, get ready!"

Naruto nodded, his eyes focused and determined. "Right!"

As the enemy forces regrouped, Akido's voice echoed through the battlefield. "Don't let them get away! Attack with everything you've got!"

The remaining Suna and Kiri shinobi launched a coordinated assault, their combined jutsu creating a deadly barrage. Jinin, Pakura, and Naruto stood their ground, countering with their own powerful techniques.

"Water Release: Water Severing Wave (Suiton: Suidanha)!" Jinin shouted, sending another high-pressure jet of water slicing through the attackers.

"Scorch Release: Heat Wave (Shakuton: Netsu no Nami)!" Pakura called out, incinerating the incoming jutsu with a wave of superheated air.

Naruto, seeing the opportunity, began forming hand signs. "Jinin-sensei, Pakura, cover me!"

Naruto then said, "Carry me if fall. I want to try a jutsu."

With that, he began forming hand signs. Jinin watched, wondering what a single water dragon could do, but then he noticed inconsistencies. Some of the signs were for lightning jutsu. He realized the water for this jutsu was coming from Naruto's water seals. "Combination jutsu: Water-Lightning Dragon(Gattai Jutsu: Suirai no Ryū)!" Naruto shouted, Jinin and Pakura were shocked.

Jinin knew Naruto had been studying one-handed hand signs from him and Kiri's archives, but seeing him seamlessly blend them into the water dragon jutsu, which itself had 44 hand seals, was astounding. The water dragon was enormous as Naruto poured all his chakra into it. Naruto's eyes flickered, black spots appearing in his vision, but he persisted. With a shout, he fainted, and the water dragon became blueish-yellow.

Jinin could only look with his mouth agape. Initially, he was beyond impressed by Naruto's seamless weaving of water and lightning, but now, the form of the new elemental release, the dreaded ʼSTORM RELEASEʼ, was shocking. Pakura watched in morbid fascination as the new water dragon tore through the enemy lines, uprooting trees and crushing boulders and jutsu alike.

The dragon rampaged across the battlefield, its form a terrifying blend of water and electricity. It plowed through enemy shinobi, reducing their formations to chaos. Trees were uprooted and flung aside like twigs, boulders were shattered into dust, and every jutsu thrown at the dragon was effortlessly obliterated by its sheer power.

Jinin's voice cut through the din of destruction, "Run!" he commanded Pakura.

She didn't need to be told twice. With Naruto draped over her shoulder, she followed Jinin, her eyes never leaving the spectacle of devastation behind them. The storm dragon continued its relentless assault, a force of nature that none could stand against.

Jinin, despite his injuries, kept pace, his mind racing. How had Naruto managed to create such a monstrous jutsu? The boy's potential was beyond anything he had ever imagined. As they fled, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride mixed with awe.


Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm!

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Chapter 25: Remnants of a Great Village is out!

Chapter 26: The Bond of Loyalty IS OUT !

Chapter 27: The Turning Tide is out!

Chapter 28: Clash of Loyalties is out!

Chapter 29: Return to the Leaf is OUT! (Mist Arc is completed!)

Chapter 30: Political Crossroads is OUT!

Chapter 31: A Fitting Punishment IS OUT!

Chapter 32: Embracing Change IS OUT!

Chapter 33- Monster of a Sensei IS OUT!

Chapter 34: "The Uchiha and the Tower" IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!



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