
Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

In an alternate universe of the Naruto world, the Kyubi attack unfolds differently, leading to a significant shift in destiny. The Fourth Hokage chooses Konohamaru Sarutobi as the jinchuriki instead of Naruto. The attack claims the lives of Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto’s unborn sister, leaving Naruto to grow up unaware of his true heritage. Raised as an orphan, Naruto becomes a prodigy through sheer determination and hard work. Despite the hardships and bullying at the orphanage and the academy, he excels and graduates early, quickly rising to the rank of Chunin like Itachi. His remarkable talent catches the eye of the Third Hokage and Danzo, leading him to join the Anbu and work under Shisui Uchiha. During his time in Anbu, Naruto discovers his unique Storm Release bloodline, a powerful combination initially as a kekkei genkai, which he then develops into a full kekkei tota. Naruto’s journey is one of self-discovery and resilience. He navigates the complex politics of Konoha, making allies and avoiding conflicts with influential clans. His path takes a dark turn as he befriends Mizuki and becomes embroiled in Danzo’s schemes. As he unravels the secrets of his lineage, Naruto’s resolve strengthens, even as his loyalty to the village weakens. He becomes a beacon of hope and strength, embodying the spirit of the Uzumaki clan and the will of the whirlpool. With his newfound powers and the support of unexpected allies, Naruto prepares to face the ultimate challenges that threaten the peace of the ninja world. In "Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm," witness a reimagined tale of Naruto Uzumaki as he rises from the shadows of obscurity to become a legendary shinobi. Check my Patreon page patreon.com/ThirdFireTriden for exclusive chapter. Tags: Anbu Naruto, Prodigy Naruto, Bloodline Naruto, Lemons, Smut, Great Plot.

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Chapter 22: The Crucible of Shadows

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm


Chapter 22: The Crucible of Shadows



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Chapter 23: In the Lion's Den is Out!

Chapter 24: The Last Harbinger Rears Its Head Storm release is out!

Chapter 25: Remnants of a Great Village is out!

Chapter 26: The Bond of Loyalty IS OUT !

Chapter 27: The Turning Tide is out!

Chapter 28: Clash of Loyalties is out!

Chapter 29: Return to the Leaf is OUT! (Mist Arc is completed!)

Chapter 30: Political Crossroads is OUT!

Chapter 31: A Fitting Punishment IS OUT!

Chapter 32: Embracing Change IS OUT!!!!!!!!


Author's Note:


Welcome to Chapter 22 . Please comment on how your journey of reading until here was. Storm release will rear its infant head in the coming two chapters. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and as always, your feedback is greatly appreciated.



"The true strength of a shinobi is not measured by the jutsu they master, but by their will to endure and protect those they care for." – Unknown



Happy reading!



The day of the examination dawned, and Naruto, under the alias "Ray," stood ready at the Mist academy. The air was thick with anticipation, the tension palpable among the students. The academy's dark walls loomed over them, casting long shadows that seemed to whisper of the trials ahead.


Naruto took a deep breath, steadying himself. He had trained for this moment, both to excel and to maintain his cover. The first part of the exam was a demonstration of the academy's basic jutsu. Naruto executed the Clone Jutsu, the Transformation Jutsu, and the Body Replacement Jutsu with ease, his movements precise yet deliberately unremarkable.


The instructor called out, "Ray, you're next."


Naruto stepped forward, forming the hand seals slowly enough to appear competent but not extraordinary. "Clone!" he announced, creating a few clones that mirrored his appearance. The instructor nodded approvingly.


"Good. Now, show me three D-rank jutsu," the instructor ordered.


Naruto nodded, performing three rudimentary water jutsu with ease. Each jutsu was executed flawlessly, but Naruto made sure to insert slight hesitations to maintain his cover. The instructor's eyes gleamed with satisfaction.


"Well done. Now, a C-rank jutsu," the instructor commanded.


Naruto took a deep breath and formed the hand seals for the Water Prison Jutsu. He summoned a sphere of water, trapping the instructor's aide within it. He pretended to struggle slightly with the hand seals, making it appear as though he had just barely mastered the technique. The instructor observed closely, his gaze critical but ultimately approving.


"Acceptable," the instructor said with a nod. "Proceed to the next stage."


The battle arena was next, an open space where students would fight among themselves. The rules were clear: no killing, but the fights were brutal, pushing the students to their limits. The instructor announced, "This is a battle royale! Everyone is everyone's enemy! Fight until you can no longer continue or quit like cowards."


Naruto started off against a burly student named Goro. The boy's eyes were filled with bloodlust, eager to prove his strength. The fight began with a flurry of punches and kicks. Naruto dodged and countered but allowed himself to take a few hits, wincing in pain.


Goro smirked, thinking he had the upper hand. "Is that all you've got, Ray?"


Naruto gritted his teeth, pretending to lose control. "I'll show you what I've got!" He lunged forward with a ferocity that took Goro by surprise, landing a series of blows that knocked him to the ground and punctured his lung with a kunai. The instructor watched closely, ensuring no one went too far since, in Kiri, only ruthlessness was respected.


As the fights continued, some students lost themselves in their bloodlust. The chunin instructors quickly subdued them with overwhelming killing intent, reminding everyone of the academy's harsh discipline. "Control yourselves! This is not a slaughterhouse!" one of the chunin barked. Kiri could not afford to lose potential shinobi in the midst of a civil war. Their ranks were already depleted due to all the bloodline users leaving.


Naruto faced several opponents, each fight a test of endurance and strategy. He made sure to display just enough skill to be seen as above average but not a prodigy. He took hits, staggered, and even feigned exhaustion, all to blend in.


One opponent, a wiry boy named Kenta, sneered at Naruto. "You're a weakling with mercy. You don't belong here."


Naruto narrowed his eyes, replying, "Maybe, but I'll show you what I can do."


The fight was intense. Kenta charged at Naruto with fierce speed, aiming a high kick at his head. Naruto ducked, rolling to the side and countering with a sweeping kick that knocked Kenta off balance. Kenta quickly recovered, launching a series of rapid punches. Naruto blocked and parried, allowing a few hits to land to keep up the facade of struggling.


"Is that all you've got?" Kenta taunted, panting heavily.


"Not even close," Naruto replied, channeling chakra to his feet and launching himself forward. He performed a few rudimentary water jutsu, creating a small water wall to block Kenta's advance. Kenta tried to break through, but Naruto sidestepped and struck him with a spinning kick, sending him crashing to the ground.


"You little—!" Kenta growled, scrambling to his feet.


Naruto saw an opening and executed the Water Gun Jutsu, a concentrated burst of water that hit Kenta square in the chest, knocking him back and leaving him gasping for air. The crowd of students watched in awe as Naruto stood victorious, breathing heavily.


Naruto's thoughts raced. He knew he had to be careful not to reveal too much of his true abilities. This was a delicate balance between survival and subterfuge, and he was determined not to fail. He glanced at the instructors, noting their scrutinizing gazes, and silently vowed to continue walking this tightrope with precision.


Another fight began almost immediately. Naruto squared off against a girl named Lin, known for her agility and quick strikes. She wasted no time, darting around Naruto and striking at his weak points. Naruto deflected most of her attacks but allowed a few hits to get through, making it look like he was struggling.


"You're too slow, Ray!" Lin taunted, launching a flurry of kicks.


Naruto caught her leg mid-kick and twisted, sending her spinning to the ground. "Maybe you're too predictable," he countered.


Lin quickly regained her footing and came at him again. This time, Naruto used his water release to create a slippery surface, making it hard for her to maintain her balance. As Lin stumbled, Naruto delivered a swift, calculated punch to her midsection, knocking the wind out of her.


The fights continued until only a handful of students remained standing. Naruto, despite his best efforts to blend in, had caught the attention of many, including the instructors. He knew he had to keep his cover intact, even if it meant taking a few more hits than necessary.


With a final, powerful strike, Naruto knocked a student to the ground, panting heavily. The instructors stepped in, declaring the remaining students the victors. As Naruto stood there, catching his breath, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He had managed to excel in the exam while maintaining his cover. The instructors handed him a soldier pill to recover, acknowledging his performance.


Naruto's heart raced as he glanced around, taking in the reactions of his peers and the instructors. He knew the challenges ahead would be even greater.


The final part of the exam involved facing the instructors themselves. After a short rest and a soldier pill to restore their energy, the victors from the student battles were pitted against the seasoned chunin. The objective was to push the students to their absolute limits and test their resilience and combat abilities in real-world scenarios.


Naruto stood before his instructor, his muscles tensed in anticipation. The arena was tense with the collective anxiety of the remaining students. The instructor, a towering figure with cold, calculating eyes, wasted no time, launching a barrage of attacks that forced Naruto to defend with everything he had.


Naruto utilized his water jutsu and basic taijutsu skills, but made sure to let the instructor land heavy blows, bruising and battering him. Each hit sent shockwaves of pain through his body, but he clenched his teeth and pushed through, knowing he had to maintain his cover. The instructor's strikes were merciless, each blow a testament to his strength and experience.


The instructor's voice was cold and unyielding. "Show me your true strength, Ray. Or you'll be crushed."


Naruto grunted, pushing back with renewed effort. He used rudimentary water jutsu to deflect some attacks, but he took care not to reveal anything beyond what a genin-level student should be capable of. His basic defense and counterattacks were enough to keep him in the fight, but he allowed the instructor to land hit after hit.


The instructors derived a sick satisfaction from pummeling the students to the brink of their endurance. They believed that only through extreme pain and hardship could a true shinobi be forged. Naruto, confident in his abilities, knew he could take them on one by one, but he had to hold back. He had to endure their beatings while showing just enough skill to pass without drawing undue attention.


Naruto's inner monologue kept him focused. I could end this quickly, but that would expose me. I have to endure... for the mission.


The instructor's relentless assault continued, and Naruto found himself on the defensive, taking blow after blow. His body screamed in protest, but he fought through the pain, determined to see it through. He allowed himself to be knocked down, only to rise again, bloodied but unbroken.


"You have more in you, Ray. I can see it," the instructor taunted, landing a particularly vicious kick to Naruto's midsection.


Naruto coughed, tasting blood, but he stood his ground. "I'm not done yet," he growled, channeling a final burst of energy.


He executed a basic Water Bullet Jutsu, dodging a flurry of strikes, and countered with a series of swift punches and kicks. The instructor blocked most of them but was forced to acknowledge Naruto's tenacity and skill.


Finally, the instructor called a halt. "Enough. You've proven yourself. You've passed the exam."


Naruto collapsed to his knees, panting heavily. The adrenaline faded, leaving him exhausted and in pain, but he had done it. Despite the brutality and the relentless assault, he had managed to blend in. The instructors handed him another soldier pill, acknowledging his performance with a nod.


As he lay on the ground, catching his breath, he couldn't help but reflect on the experience. He felt bad for the younger students, some his age and even younger, who had to endure such harsh training. But he knew that the world was rarely fair, especially for those destined to be warriors like the Third Hokage, capable of erasing villages with a single command.


The instructors, with a mixture of sternness and satisfaction, moved methodically from one fallen but passed candidate to the next. Each time they approached a student, they handed over the symbol of their new status: a Mist Village headband. The contrast between this ceremony and the one in Konoha was stark. In Konoha, the conferral of a headband was a joyous occasion, filled with pride and celebration. Here, it was a grim acknowledgment of survival, a reminder of the brutality they had endured and would continue to face.


Naruto watched as the instructors reached him. The instructor's expression was unreadable as he handed Naruto the headband. The weight of the cold metal felt heavier than he expected. The moment was surreal. "I didn't know what to feel," Naruto thought to himself. "Now I will be wearing the headband of another village." He secured it around his forehead, the emblem of the Mist glinting in the harsh light of the arena. His body ached from the bruises and cuts inflicted during the exam, each one a reminder of the ordeal he had just survived.


As the ceremony concluded, Naruto stood with his fellow graduates, all of them marked by the day's trials. Despite his success, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. His mission was far from over, and wearing the headband of another village was a constant reminder of his dual identity. The pain from his injuries was becoming harder to ignore, and he knew he needed Shisui's help as soon as possible. Every movement sent jolts of pain through his battered body, but he kept his composure, knowing that maintaining his cover was paramount.


The instructors finished their grim task and dismissed the new genin, who slowly made their way out of the arena. Naruto's mind raced as he walked towards the exit. I have to find Shisui. I need to heal, regroup, and plan the next steps. The mission was growing more complex.


Shisui didn't know what to feel. Unlike Naruto, who was new to infiltration, Shisui understood the intricacies of such missions. Getting into a village was exceptionally challenging and usually relegated to civilians or expendable shinobi. In rare cases, elite groups or lesser-known ANBU operatives were sent, which fit their description for the most part, except for Shisui himself. However, with his Sharingan, he could make most people believe he was not suspicious. But the order to join the Mist ranks outright was an entirely different beast. Even amid civil war, the Mist had ANBU, sensors, and a formidable intelligence agency—so effective that little was known about their first three Kages.


Even in its fractured state, the village should have been nearly impenetrable. Every village took great care when a student entered the academy, let alone graduated as a shinobi. This was why it was far easier to bribe a shinobi to divulge information or abandon their village than to infiltrate. True infiltration involved planting a child at a very young age and brainwashing them to maintain loyalty to their original village while never breaking cover. Such operatives might spend decades embedded in the system. If there was even a hint that their loyalty was shifting, they were swiftly assassinated.


In Naruto's case, he had no prior experience with infiltration nor the backing to stay in the Mist for an extended period. It was nothing short of a miracle that they had not yet been discovered. Now, with Naruto's graduation, the stakes were even higher. Shisui felt a mix of pride and apprehension. He was proud of the boy—Naruto had done exceptionally well, making inroads with the children of some of the most influential shinobi. It was a reflection of how mature Naruto was, both in thought and action, compared to his peers. He played them like a fiddle, manipulating them with the skill of an experienced adult.


This was even more impressive considering these children came from shinobi families where they were taught to detect manipulation and lies from a young age. Deception and concealing true feelings and information were part of their daily lives. That was why Shisui was so proud of Naruto for playing his character so well. But he also knew this wouldn't be the case with adult shinobi. Naruto's role would shift from being the older brother figure and cool kid of the group to a subordinate who would be scrutinized for every action and inaction. The challenges ahead would be immense, and Shisui could only hope that Naruto would continue to adapt and excel.


Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of "Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm"!

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Chapter 23: In the Lion's Den is Out!

Chapter 24: The Last Harbinger Rears Its Head Storm release is out!

Chapter 25: Remnants of a Great Village is out!

Chapter 26: The Bond of Loyalty IS OUT !

Chapter 27: The Turning Tide is out!

Chapter 28: Clash of Loyalties is out!

Chapter 29: Return to the Leaf is OUT! (Mist Arc is completed!)

Chapter 30: Political Crossroads is OUT!

Chapter 31: A Fitting Punishment IS OUT!

Chapter 32: Embracing Change IS OUT!!!!!!!!



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