
Naruto The Farming Ninja

I really liked this fan-fiction on mtl so i am translating and uploading it here with english correction, so all of us can read it here and listen as well. Keep enjoying. The cover photo of book is used from pinterest application.

Doom_Writer · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 19 LeavingFirst More

A few minutes later, Uzumaki Jiuxina put on brand-new clothes and went downstairs, and the burning sky in his silver eyes disappeared.

"Watergate is really so slow." Kushina, the whirlpool who came downstairs, grumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Something may be delayed."

Yin smiled and muttered uncontrollably in his heart: "That's right, if he could come here a while earlier, this kind of cheating would definitely not happen."

"Are you here a little hastily?"

Uzumaki Jiuxina questioned, Silver had nothing but a backpack.

"I have fully prepared, a ninja bag, and a ninja backpack with some compressed food."

Passing a reassuring look, Yindao.


As soon as the voice fell, Yin's belly was upset and his old face was embarrassed.


"Watergate hasn't come yet, don't worry. When the ninja performs the task, you must maintain enough energy. It happened that I didn't have a meal. You wait first. I'll cook and eat together."

After speaking, Uzumaki Kushina walked to the kitchen.

At the same time, the other direction.

"I'm going to leave so soon, the old man's writing round eyes, and his revenge have not been reported yet, how can I let him leave!"

The gloomy "root" was surrounded by several large and large pieces, and the surrounding walls trembled with the thunderous roar of Danzo.

An arm was cut off by the silver for the time being. Anyway, it could be reconnected with the power of Oshomaru, but the writing wheel was about to fly away and he couldn't bear it.

"This is what you forced me."

In the bloodshot eye sockets, the fierce light was revealed. Shimura Danzang, who did not stop doing two things, quickly repaired the book and handed it to his subordinates. He said: "Give this to the four generations of Fengying in Shayin Village, the mission failed. Don't come back alive to see the old man!"


About ten minutes later, Uzumaki Kushina walked out of the kitchen carrying fragrant rice and two dishes of delicious cooking.

"It's done exquisitely." After watching for a while, Yin commented.First Floor Novel Network www.16txt.com

It can be analyzed from the attractive silver fragrance that Uzumaki Kushina's cooking level is good.

"Come here together."

Putting the dishes on the table gently, Uzumaki Kushina smiled triumphantly at the dazzling array of dishes. The portion was originally made for two people, and she couldn't finish it herself.

Hearing this, Yin nodded, walked to the table and sat down, picked up the chopsticks and put a wisp of meat foam into his mouth.

"How's the taste? Time is a bit rush, it may be relatively rough." Uzumaki Kushina asked expectantly.

"Miss Jiuxinai don't need to belittle herself, your food is delicious."

Yin shook his head and said, this is much better than the dishes he usually eats. He lives alone in the Uchiha family, and he usually eats them, most of which are bought in barrels of instant noodles to satisfy hunger.

"You kid is smart!"


Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai smiled happily, and immediately started to eat. Due to time issues, the two did not pay attention to what to eat, and swept the food on the table like a wind.

When I met Bo Feng Shui Men, he came to Konoha Men.

"It's almost time to leave." Looking at Silver and Uzumaki Kushina, Bo Feng Shuimen groaned: "On the way to the Water Country, we have to pass through Shayin Village and then take a boat to Wuyin Village. When it's dark, drive carefully. some."

Bofeng Shuimen and Yin nodded at the same time, and the three of them rushed into the dense forest.Before leaving, he took a deep look at Konoha behind him, and Yinwu left without nostalgia.

"Swish swish!"

The steps of the three shadows are extremely agile, and Bo Feng Shuimen and Uzumaki Kuzina will not say anything. Both of them have performed many dangerous S-level missions, and the strength can be imagined.Even though Yin was extremely calm when he went out of the village for the first time to perform a mission, he had enough confidence in his own strength, and even if he could not escape from the shadow, he would have no problem.

"Speaking of which, who made the proposal to go to the country of united water and attack Shayin Village this time?"

Under the black night sky, a silver moan sounded.

"It's Shimura Danzo. He teamed up with two consultants to put pressure on Naruto-sama. In the end, Naruto-sama also compromised." Bo Feng Mizuno replied.

Hearing this, Yin's expression froze, and he suddenly realized something bad.Who is Shimura Danzo?The typical conspirator not only killed the enemy, but the most terrible thing was that he would not let go of his teammates.

Silver has offended him, not to mention, there is still a huge goal-Bofeng Shuimen!

Danzo is eager for the position of Hokage. For example, if there is an accidental death at Bofeng Shuimen, then Hokage's position is likely to fall on the head of Oshemaru or Shimura Danzo. Anyway, the two of them are allies. Don't be good at Feng Shuimen.