
Naruto The Farming Ninja

I really liked this fan-fiction on mtl so i am translating and uploading it here with english correction, so all of us can read it here and listen as well. Keep enjoying. The cover photo of book is used from pinterest application.

Doom_Writer · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 18 It turned out to be a cat [fourth more]

The room is very tidy, without the slightest dust, and the layout of the furniture is also very regular, giving people a sense of decent and generous.

The owner was obviously very careful, and the ground was clean and his eyes dangled.

"Only Uzumaki Kushina can be so careful."

Yin thought in his heart, so he stepped into the room and slowly looked at Whirlpool Kushina's room. It wasn't luxurious, but it was exquisite, warm and comfortable.

"Is it a bit abrupt to break into the room of an unmarried woman?"

He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the lights in the corridor, Yin hesitated, and just at this time, an unexpected sound attracted Yin's attention.

"Get out of here!"

A harsh scream came suddenly, Yin was startled, his eyes hesitated and introverted, turning into a breeze, and instinctively thought that Uzumaki Kushina was in danger.

In the depths of the corridor, he broke into a room full of steam, and Yin was stunned to find that an unclothed body was looming, which could capture the plump career line. Even if it was blocked by the water vapor, the sight of the silver was excellent. No more.



Yin choked unnaturally, his face turned deep red, and when he looked to the ground, it turned out that it was a rat that had been trampled to death.

"Who? Who is it?"

Perhaps because of the excessive steam in the bathroom, Uzumaki Kushina's vision is blurred, but he still follows the root cause.

"Hurry up!"

Without even thinking about it, Yin directly used the instantaneous technique to flee, and in a blink of an eye, he fled from the house of Uzumaki Jiuxina in embarrassment.


Under the shade of the tree outside Uzumaki Jiuxinna's gate, Yin was gasping for breath, vomiting blood in his heart, and couldn't help cursing: "Although it's a good thing to take a peach blossom, you can't play with me like this. Seeing the naked body of her future wife will surely break my body, and Uzumaki Kushina will definitely not let me go."

Yinping breathed in calmly and calmly. Last time he didn't pay attention and accidentally saw his sister-in-law Uchiha Mikoto's whole body. This time he became Uzumaki Kushina again. Thinking about Yinping's soul is chilling, he spit out: "If I am still in Konoha in the future, I will definitely have the turn of Hyuga Hinata, my daughter, Hinata Hinata!" Love to read www.adshuba.com

"It's you, silver."

A pleasant voice came from behind, the ghost turned his head awkwardly, and it was Kushina Uzumaki in a simple bathrobe that came into view.

"Uh...it turned out to be Miss Nushina."

Hearing that, Yin felt desperate in his heart, took a step back, and said, "Aren't you here to kill people?"

"Killing and killing? What are you talking nonsense, did you see anyone running past?" After a strange glance at Yin, Uzumaki Kuzina asked.

"So she didn't realize it was me."

With a sigh of relief, Yin wiped off the cold sweat on both sides of the temples, and smiled calmly: "People didn't see it, but just saw a black cat running past."

"It turned out to be a cat, that's good."

Uzumaki Kushina was relieved, and he had no doubt about Yin's character. After all, he was only a twelve-year-old kid now. Although he was a little mature, Yin's slightly immature appearance still dispelled Uzumaki Kushina's doubts.

"Swish swish!"

When a cool breeze blew, Uzumaki Jiuxina felt cold all over, only then realized that he was only wearing a bathrobe, and his face was reddish, and he quickly pulled silver into the room.


"You wait first. Watergate will come after a while. I was taking a shower just now. Now I'm going to change clothes."

After speaking, Uzumaki Jiuxina hurried upstairs.

"There is no danger."

Glancing at Uzumaki Kushinai, Yin showed a relieved smile, and couldn't help but think of the graceful carcass of Uzumaki Kushinai in his mind, and a heart began to dream about it involuntarily.

The twelve-year-old boy, especially Yin, is exercising all the time, and his ability in certain aspects has long been awakened.