
Naruto The Farming Ninja

I really liked this fan-fiction on mtl so i am translating and uploading it here with english correction, so all of us can read it here and listen as well. Keep enjoying. The cover photo of book is used from pinterest application.

Doom_Writer · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 20 I just read two more books [second more]

Old Gin's face turned black, and he murmured in his heart. Because of being the young master of the Uchiha family, he was born with the hostility of Danzo. The contradiction between the Uchiha family and Danzo is well known. Feng Shuimen's thief ship can only respond with a wry smile.

"Pratun, will Danzo count us?" Thinking of Danzo's vicious character, Uzumaki Kunai worried.

"This one…"

Bo Feng Shuimen didn't know how to answer, and perhaps he didn't believe it, but the target was Danzo and he had to put a big question mark.Undoubtedly, Danzo is absolutely loyal to Konoha Village, but his fierce methods are unsatisfactory, and Danzo has also had criminal convictions in the matter of pitting his own people.

"Let's take one step at a time, I believe Danzang will put the overall situation first."

With a smile on her face, Yin soft voice comforted her, that what should come cannot be stopped, it is better to relax her mind and face the unknown changes than to worry.

"Sure enough, the child is optimistic!"

Uzumaki Jiuxina sighed, and Yin rolled his eyes with a single sentence.

Time flies, and a night passed in a blink of an eye, and the next morning was cloudless, and the three of them stopped in a dense forest at the junction of the country of wind and the country of fire.

"The front is the border of Shayin Village. Let's eat some food and hurry up." Bo Feng Shui said, with a touch of caution in his words.


It is really not easy for the three of them to cross a country. Once they are discovered, they will face countless ninjas in the sandy hidden villages, and they may be pursued and killed by a large ninja village. The mission is self-evident.

Therefore, the three generations of Naruto will also divide this mission into Super S Class!

"Swish swish!"

Suddenly a sandstorm hits the clear sky, leaving a lot of sand in the mouth when you open your mouth, making your eyes hard to open.

"Be careful."

The compressed biscuits in Bo Feng Shuimen's hands were relieved, his eyes were full of warning, and Kuwu had already taken out.

"It should be okay." Uzumaki Kushina frowned and asked, "It is very close to the Kingdom of Wind. It is normal for sandstorms to blow over..."

"This is not normal."

Like Bofeng Shuimen, Yin also had a guard on his face, eating the cold flashing kunai in his hand, and explained while guarding: "Don't forget that this is in the woods. How can sand be blown in? The dense leaves are natural shelter. Protecting places is obviously a human factor."

"Well said."

Bo Feng Shuimen glanced at Yin unexpectedly, and looked at him with admiration, but he was so careful at a young age that he seemed to have noticed this subtle change a long time ago.

"Tsk tusk, when did Konoha have a young man like you? Seeing that your kid is only eleven or twelve years old. Are you interested in working in Shayin Village? I can teach you personally." Biquge dm www.zhaidm.com

In the violent wind and sand, several silhouettes suddenly appeared. The person headed in the middle praised: "I heard from the intelligence source that you seem to be from the Uchiha family, and I will treat you sincerely when I take refuge in our sand hidden village!"

"Treat me sincerely? I'm afraid I'll goug my eyes and kill them as garbage." Yin sneered sneer.

"It turned out to be the fourth generation of Fengying."

After witnessing the visitor, Bo Feng Shuimen's mind sank, and after seeing the few people behind him, his heart fell to a trough.

"The thousand-generation mother-in-law of Shayin Village... Also, that old man seems to be a person from Shayin Village, and the wife of four generations of Fengying, Kayura."

After seeing a few people, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai's pretty face seemed to lose its luster, and finally said that he became more and more solemn.

"To bring so many people, it seems to be waiting for us in advance."


Yin suppressed it. It was obvious that Konoha had leaked the news, and he secretly said: "Even if the old boy Danzang is dissatisfied with me and Bo Feng Shuimen, he will take action by himself. Now he is waiting for work forever and telling our news. Feng Ying sold to Shayin Village, but the old man should not be underestimated."

"Silver, come here."

Bo Feng Shui Men suddenly approached Yin and said in a low voice, "Wait later, Jiu Xin Nai and I will try to hold them as far as possible. You will find a suitable space to escape."


Hearing this, Yin shook his head resolutely and denied: "This is impossible. It is not difficult to see that they have been waiting for us long ago. I am afraid there are ninjas in the surrounding forest. It is estimated that the sky and the earth have already been set up. It is impossible to escape. of."

His words changed the expressions of Bo Feng Shui Men and Uzumaki Jiu Xin Nai slightly. Seeing the four generations of Feng Ying Luo Sha talking and laughing, it was obvious that he was confident.

"In fact, it's not that there is no chance of winning. I paid attention to it when I came here. The surrounding land has different levels and was obviously destroyed. Moreover, it should have been turned up from the soil under the ground. The soil is still wet. It is estimated that one or two days. There was a big battle here before. The only enemies fighting here are Konoha and Sagyun. If we concentrate our forces on a surprise attack, we can join Konoha's large forces."

"Strange, the first time you performed a mission, you didn't even go to ninja school. Who taught you these?"

Looking at Yin blankly, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai was extremely surprised. Even she and Bo Feng Shuimen hadn't noticed such a small thing.

"I just read the book for two more years," Yin said calmly, staring at everyone in Shayin Village.

"As long as we severely inflict a few people in front of us, we can escape and ascend to heaven."

With awe-inspiring gaze and cold light, Yin Tongren's murderous intent emerged, and his swift and violent actions stunned the audience.They didn't come to their senses until the roaring sea of ​​fire appeared.
