
Naruto The Farming Ninja

I really liked this fan-fiction on mtl so i am translating and uploading it here with english correction, so all of us can read it here and listen as well. Keep enjoying. The cover photo of book is used from pinterest application.

Doom_Writer · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 Teaching Itachi [third more]

Looking at it, the young people in the courtyard are clearly visible, with a warm smile, and the first impression they give is polite and friendly.

"I used to avoid Itachi seeing me for fear that the waste disease would be contagious, but now I let Itachi take the initiative to approach me?"

Yin sighed and said, and at the same time he beckoned, and said to the boy in the courtyard: "Come in, Itachi."

The latter nodded, stepped into the room cleverly, looked at the scrolls full of the room, and couldn't help being surprised: "How long will it take to finish reading?"

"Yes, it will take a long time."

Silver nodded without a trace, and smiled: "I will leave the village to perform the task soon. All these things will be given to you, Itachi."


Itachi was overjoyed, and suddenly caught the loneliness deep in the silver eyes, and apologized: "All blame me. Without me, my uncle would not be sent to Daowuyin Village to perform dangerous tasks."

Itachi was full of guilt, lowered his head, unable to lift his head.

"Don't blame yourself, it's all my own will, and it has nothing to do with you."


Yin patted Itachi on the shoulder and said in relief. It was entirely from the bottom of his heart. Even without this sudden mission, he would participate in this war. After all, he could gradually become stronger through hunting and he could also earn points. , So it is destined that silver will not nest in the village.In addition, when the entire Uchiha family isolated him, only this nephew did not have the slightest prejudice and took the initiative to approach Silver.

"Take it, these things are useless to me, they are of great use to you."

While talking, Yin packed all the scrolls in a backpack, and then led Itachi to leave the room and send him home.

Tomorrow is about to leave, and he will go to see Uzumaki Kushina later, and Bo Feng Shuimen to discuss tomorrow's journey.

"Uncle, I know that you deliberately concealed your strength to make your father's patriarchal name worthy of its name. Uchiha is a family that has been inherited from the Warring States Period and focuses on strength. Only the strongest can be qualified to be the patriarch."

Blinking, Itachi continued: "If you show stronger strength than your father, then everyone will question him, so you deliberately suppressed your strength, doing nothing, so that you were scolded as a farmer, the fundamental purpose is to take care of your father. Feelings."


Yin quietly listened, and only after a while did he glance at Itachi in surprise: "No wonder big brother he values ​​you so much, you may indeed make the Uchiha family rise up, and you are so smart." 18 Novel Network www. 18xs.org

Hearing this, Itachi was silent. He often went to silver to play since he was a child. He often watched silver experiments on various types of ninjutsu, Kakashi's Chidori, Hakata's Helix Maru, and many other types of ninjutsu. Used.

He can be called a ninjutsu expert, as if he is omniscient and omnipotent.

"Fame is actually useless, it's not as good as a meal. On the contrary, in the past few years as a farmer, I have seen many things..."

Yin said in a low voice, his eyes shining wisely, and his eyes showed a blank expression: "Itachi, listen clearly, no one in this world is worthy of absolute trust, including the so-called relatives, and the only one who can be trusted is you. I want it. To see the essence of a person clearly, you can only see what is inside when you are in trouble."

"I know."

Itachi replied in a crisp voice, and when he was about to take Yin home together, the latter suddenly stopped.

"You go back, I have something to leave first."

After speaking, Yin rubbed the ferret's hair and left. Against the setting sun, the shadow of Yin was extremely long.


An old-fashioned sigh appeared on the immature face. Looking at the silver's disappearing back, Itachi's delicate face was a little more sad, and he walked into the house with a bag full of scrolls.

"It should be here. Could it be that I remembered it wrong?"


Glancing at a few houses close at hand, Yin frowned.Suddenly he found that he couldn't tell which one it was, and he had gone to the wrong two successively.

"Boom boom."

Knocked on the door, Yin Lang said, "This is Uchiha Silver, is Ms. Kusina at home?"

There seemed to be no one in the room, and there was no response.


Just as he was about to leave, the closed door suddenly revealed a few gaps. Yin leaned in and looked around. He couldn't help but pause. Suddenly he was sure that this was Uzumaki Jiuxina's home.