
Naruto: The Altruistic Ninja

After being reincarnated 6 times when he was about to be reincarnated for the seventh time, the Representative decides to simply do anything to send the MC to another universe with some cheats. The Naruto universe doesn't belong to me just my OC characters. Illustrative Credits for An Dry - Intagran: kaosmerah.

SharonMeuToba · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

8 Senju Vision

Senju vision

After traveling for a few days I realize that I was approaching to the village that my clan was trying to approach for future commercial and military agreements, as I approach I notice my bird flying over my location.

Stretching out my arm he quickly approaches to my location and sits on my forearm as I quickly locate a small message on his leg and pull it out to review the village patriarch's answers.

'So they will agree to talk to me I must remain alert because in the last report on the Uchiha clan's movements it was stated that they were interested in these regions and were looking for support from some clans slightly stronger than average' I think as I enter the forest towards the village.

While traveling quickly I noticed a boy in a meditative position, when I start to approach slowly without him noticing that i was around, watching him for a few seconds he begins to make some hand seals and I can distinguish the Jutsu he was preparing being a trademark of the Uchiha clan, I start to ponder if I should kill him because he had a great resemblance to the Uchihas in general, but even before taking an attitude towards the boy I notice that he interrupts the Jutsu and goes back to meditating so I decide to observe it longer.

After watching his movements I decided to test the boy because he looked very promising and if he belonged to the Uchiha clan I would just kill him quickly.

Approaching through the bushes making noise on purpose I notice the boy get up quickly and raise his guard up which was not bad but also not good demonstrating that he had some kind of training in Taijutsu, but not the Taijutsu taught by the Uchihas which I find strange doing me doubt whether the Uchihas had changed their way of fighting.

"Hello boy what are you doing here alone?" I speak calmly, analyzing him intently when his vision momentarily loses focus and he freezes in place which intrigues me realizing that he had located the symbol of my clan the Senju on my armor.

'I understand then the boy recognized that I am from the Senju clan due to his resemblance to the Uchihas and the way he froze when recognizing my clan he should not be an ally, there is only one clan in these lands that would teach their children to recognize the Senju Symbol as your enemies at such a young age' I think as I assume my battle stance ready to assassinate this young man of the Uchiha clan.

"Which clan do you belong ?, child is it useless to lie! I saw how you looked at my clan logo, you must have already recognized that I am a Senju" I ask without taking my eyes off the boy.

"I don't know what you're talking about I don't know any Senju clan" he answers me.

"So it will be like this, I know your clan very well I have already killed many of your Uchiha relatives!" I speak trying to destabilize the young man by insulting his clan while unsheathing my sword from its scabbard to cut this Uchiha in half then I cast a small killing intent in the Uchiha.

"I'M NOT AN UCHIHA, OLD I'M A SAIYAJIN AND I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU" he yells resisting my killing intent which shocks me for a moment when at the same moment his belt that holds his clothes comes off his hips.

Looking more closely at the boy I notice that his belt was actually a monkey's tail and taking into account his previous sentence this child did not belong to the Uchiha clan.

'Never heard of this Saiyajin clan' I ponder watching the boy who begins to emanate a thin layer of golden colored chakra while being surrounded by small sparks of blue lightning when the ground under his feet starts to slowly crack and some rocks to rise up slowly.

'His affinity with the lightning element is so terrifying that he manages to transform his chakra into lightning unconsciously without making any kind of hand seal, that faint golden aura is also very bizarre his chakra has certainly strengthened' I think looking at the boy when in a moment later I notice that his eyes were varying from black to a cyan blue tone and his hair had stood on end as if he had received a shock.

"Hmm, I believe in you young man" I say calmly relaxing my guard as I have never seen an Uchiha have a tail and perform such a phenomenon before.

"You believe?" he asks with surprise I don't think even he realized what he was doing.

"Of course I believe no Uchiha has a monkey's tail" I say pointing to his tail that was standing on end and waving from side to side.

"It is true!" he says as his body relaxes and he assumes his former form and curls his tail around his hip again.

"Is what true?" I ask frowning slightly.

'He sure knows my clan and the Uchiha the way he reacts already shows that he knows us, but at the same time not very strange' I think looking at the child with suspicion.

"It's true that nobody has a tail so it's impossible for an Uchiha to have because... because I'm the only one who has" he says stuttering which makes me more confused.

"hmmmm i know... i'm getting too old to deal with problem kids... so are you going to answer my question now?" I ask the boy softly, giving up on trying to get any information from him regarding his knowledge.

"What question?" he says cynically I was already starting to get fed up with this kid, I just asked a simple question there is no need to act this way.

"What were you doing here alone?" I ask again refreshing your memory.

"I was meditating" he replies after stopping to think for a few seconds.

'He tells the truth, but I feel something is wrong' I get suspicious.

"Meditating at such a young age, I remember seeing you making some hand seals with your eyes closed."

"Well I was doing seals with my eyes closed because... I was just practicing seals while meditating" he says trying to come up with some lame excuse.

"I know you were trying to do a Fire Jutsu! I just mistook you for an Uchiha before because you guys are extremely similar and you guys practice Fire Jutsus" I try to explain to him to make him let his guard down, when I realize I'm just wasting time with this kid so I start walking in towards the village as I have a mission to complete.

"Where are you going Mr Senju?" he asks.

"I have business in the nearby village" I say exposing the real reason when I realize that there were some ninjas who were watching us around they probably had a sensor to locate me so easily.

In the next instant a group of ninjas approach.

"Hello Mr. Senju we were waiting for your arrival" says a ninja who approaches with a warm smile, but its false.

"Hello" I reply with a serious look as he approaches when I noticed his resemblance to the boy after seeing them talking to each other with stares.

'He must be the child's father, he doesn't have a tail, did he cut it off? Would that explain the boy's cynicism after his father, only better and weirder' I wonder watching the interaction between possible father and son.

"You don't need to worry we were sent to receive you and introduce you to the village patriarch" says the alleged father of the boy who was sneaking out as if I were blind and couldn't see him.

"Goodbye young Saiyan" I say to the boy who was silently walking away.

"We'll talk later, let's go Mr. Senju" says the supposed father of the boy who seemed uncomfortable with the way I called his son which left me slightly confused a really very strange clan.

"Of course Mr. Saiyan" I reply as we start to leave and again he reacts strangely.