
Naruto: The Altruistic Ninja

After being reincarnated 6 times when he was about to be reincarnated for the seventh time, the Representative decides to simply do anything to send the MC to another universe with some cheats. The Naruto universe doesn't belong to me just my OC characters. Illustrative Credits for An Dry - Intagran: kaosmerah.

SharonMeuToba · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

7 An Unexpected Encounter

The next day after waking up I hurriedly go downstairs to the kitchen where I find my parents flirting which makes me sick when I start coughing to alert them to my arrival.

"COF COF COF Good morning!" I speak still embarrassed by the situation causing them to stop flirting, but I notice a mocking look on my dad's face when I remember he was a sensor ninja and knew clearly that I was around.

'Idiot he wanted me to see this shame' I think as my expression turns serious as he starts to smile wider teasing me.

"Breakfast is ready" my mom says serving up the breakfast consisting of a well seasoned omelet, when I simply ignore my dad's childish act because they are a couple and not because of the food clearly.

After having breakfast, my father leaves for work again, my mother and I are going to carry out the daily tasks, when I ask for the first time to go to the playground, which shocks her before she authorizes me to go suspiciously.

When I arrive at the playground I end up being greeted by the same people and the same annoying girls who don't get off my back when I simply walk away to be alone as I delve into the park to test out some ideas I came up with after reading my dad's notes.

Reaching a good spot to test some theories and meditate, I sit down and open the book I had read during the night and go to the page that contained the hand seals and sit in a meditative pose and close my eyes turning my attention to my chakra core.

'Yesterday while I was performing the Fireball Jutsu hand seals I could clearly feel my chakra moving strangely as if I was executing some kind of code I don't remember this being commented on in the anime or by other people' I think when I start to perform the Fireball Jutsu hand seals again, but with the same intention and speed trying to unravel this mystery.

As I slowly made the seals I could feel my chakra moving in the same way as the day before, but I stop performing the hand seals when I get to the last part so as not to perform the Jutsu and attract unwanted attention.

Paying attention to the way my chakra was behaving I notice that it remains molded in the same position as when I had stopped performing the hand seals and so I wait intently focusing all my attention on this strange movement.

After a few seconds pass I feel my chakra move again in a movement contrary to what was previously shaped using possibly the exact same path as when I was performing the seals.

'Amazing and if what I'm thinking is doable I would give it up so I can manipulate chakra in many different ways' I think anxiously as I start thinking about my next step.

When I hear some leaves from a bush next to a tree moving and I open my eyes quickly assuming a combat pose from my past life and start watching the bush closely until I see someone come out of them pushing the bush with his hands.

"Hello boy what are you doing here alone?" asks the fair-skinned, tall, strong-built man with spiky blue hair he wore a kind of pale green samurai armor that covered his neck, shoulders, chest and belly going down to just below his hips.

I don't answer your question as I start to analyze his armor with a discerning eye when I spot a Senju clan logo on his armor and freeze for a few moments when I recognize which clan this "Ninja/Samurai" belongs to.

When Senju notices that I freeze after looking closely at his clan's logo, he assumes a battle stance and scrutinizes me from head to toe.

"Which clan do you belong to, child, is it useless to lie? I saw how you looked at my clan logo you must have already recognized that I'm a Senju" he says seriously not taking his eyes off me for even a second he looked like he was possessed by a fish because he didn't blink.

"I don't know what you're talking about I don't know any Senju clans" I reply as I start to feel impatient knowing that I could end up getting killed at any moment.

"So it will be like this I know your clan very well I have already killed many of your Uchiha relatives!" he says seriously as he puts his hands behind his head and starts to slowly pull out a sword when I get desperate listening to the sound of the blade being taken out of its sheath, the feeling of death then takes over me when he launches a slight killing intent .

"I'M NOT AN UCHIHA, OLD MAN I'M A SAYAJIN AND I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU" I shout with determination as I manage to resist his killing intent as I feel my chakra momentarily energize as some rocks start to rise and the ground cracks nicely slowly.

"Hmm, I believe you young man," he says after putting his blade back in its scabbard and relaxes his battle stance.

"You believe?" I ask in surprise when I realize he no longer had any intention of attacking me.

"Of course I've never seen any Uchiha with a monkey tail" he says pointing to my tail which was no longer curled around my hips and had the hairs on end bouncing back and forth.

"It's true" I say as I relax my guard and wrap my tail around my hips again and go back to being relieved when the danger of death has passed.

"Is what true?" he asks frowning.

"It's true that nobody has a tail so it's impossible for an Uchiha to have why...because I'm the only one who does" I say stuttering in the last part pretending innocence.

"hmmm I know... I'm getting too old to deal with kids... so are you going to answer my question now?" he asks softly.

"What question"

"What were you doing here alone?" he asks again.

"I was meditating" I reply after pondering for a few seconds as it was possible that he had been watching me for a while.

"Meditating at such a young age, I remember seeing you making some hand seals with your eyes closed," he says with sharp eyes.

"Well I was doing seals with my eyes closed because… I was just practicing the seals while meditating" I say like it's a normal thing to do trying to confuse him which apparently doesn't work very well.

"I know you were trying to do a Fire Jutsu boy! I just mistook you for an Uchiha before because you guys are extremely similar and you guys practice Fire Jutsus" he says calmly as he starts walking towards me.

"Where were you going Mr Senju?" I change the subject obviously.

"I have business in the nearby village" he says when some people suddenly appear when I take my book from the floor and put it in my pocket not escaping the eyes of those present including my father who appears smiling at Senju as he walks towards us .

"Hello Mr. Senju we've been waiting for your arrival" says my dad with a warm smile as he gives me a serious look and I quickly understand that it was the perfect time to leave.

While my father was talking to Senju I was silently leaving when Senju turned towards me.

"Goodbye young Saiyan" says Senju looking at me when I notice a confused look on my father's face.

"We'll talk later" says my father who says goodbye and disappears in the next second followed by Senju and the other ninjas.

'I'm screwed' I curse mentally thinking that Senju will probably ask about me and my dad will ask him about me.

Encourage me by sending Power Stones so I can continue the story.

Leave a review with your opinions about the fanfic I accept constructive criticism

I will be updating the chapters daily around 5 pm Brasilia time

i was thinking to name the Mc based on the vegetable watercress any ideas, post in the comments.

Regarding the MC's love interest I'll let you decide between Political Relationship, building a love from childhood to adulthood, love at first sight, or love after overcoming a heavy tragedy like Abuse, I don't like the latter but it's still an option that I found because in the Warring Realms it's a normal thing to do to strengthen the clan using women from powerful clans and our MC would save that woman.

I say in advance there will be no Harem I don't like the idea of using women to satisfy a man I can at most grant the MC two love interests.

The comments with the most likes will be more likely to occur, so write whether or not the Mc should have only 1 love interest or 2, and which one of these love interests should fit.

SharonMeuTobacreators' thoughts