Join our friend Ren. Whose soul got transferred into the universe of Naruto as a civilian, with a strange system by his side
"Alright, that's it for now everyone. I'm proud of you all for becoming a Genin. Now all of you wait for your Jonin Sensei to call your team. Good luck!"
Iruka said stated to us one final time, before leaving the room as we awaited for our Sensei. Everyone still cannot get over the situation earlier about my decision
I then noticed Ino looking at me with a smile on her face. Sensing that she was satisfied with my choice earlier
"So, you decided to join Team 10 huh~"
Ino said to me as she giggled cutely after she said that
"Yeah, but partly. I may be a part of Team 10, but I am free to do my own thing as well. So it was a 50/50 split from the choice I had from Iruka"
"Yeah, but still. I reckon that you just wanted to be on the same team as me"
"... Who knows. Maybe"
I vaguely said, hiding a small smile from her
[See, even she knows the "Real" reason for your choice. You're too predictable bro.]
'...How about you go suck a lemon Lix'
[Is it you're lemon?... Just kidding, I ain't gay... I think not. And besides, Ino would kill me if I sucked your lemon before her. I can already imagine it... Not me sucking your lemon of course.]
Not too long later, the door opened and our Sensei's finally arrived. Minus someone with white greyish spiky hair, but it's to be expected
Asuma then called us out as we left the Academy, leading us to an empty training ground
"I didn't expect you'd be our teammate Ren!"
Choji said quite excitedly
"Yeah, I didn't expect you'd join us. Is it not a waste of time for you?... No offense guys"
Shikamaru also joined in on our conversation as we were currently sitting down in the middle of the field in the training ground while Asuma was preparing something
Shikamaru and Choji were sitting next to each other while me and Ino were also sitting closely together
"Don't put it like that Shikamaru. Of course, there's a reason I joined with you all. And that's because all of you are the closest people to me these past few years during the academy"
"Eh, I guess it makes sense"
Shikamaru replied as he proceeded to lay down on the grass, facing the sun and closing his eyes while the wind breezes all over him
I looked at him with a dead expression. Even till now, this man, or boy rather, keeps napping if given the opportunity...
'Eh, I can relate'
I thought to myself
"You'll get used to it. He does it pretty much routinely"
Ino said as we talked for a little bit before Asuma came in front of us. Perhaps for our test
"Alright my students, first, before anything else. There will be a test"
Asuma said as Ino and Choji raised their eyebrows to his statement
"Now I know what you all are thinking right now. But it's just to be sure that you are prepared to be a full fledge Genin"
Asuma then explained a bit more before finally saying the contents of the supposed test
"Now, since the addition of Ren, I've changed a thing or two about the test. And so that's why I'm asking you all to please attack me. All four of you at once, while trying to steal this scroll from me"
Asuma then brought out a scroll to show it to us
"Is that all Sensei?"
Ino asked him as Asuma nodded
"That's all. Now, you four can attack me whenever to start the test. But once it begins, you only have... 15 minutes to get the scroll from me. And if not... I have no choice but to send you all back to the academy"
Asuma stated. Ino was surprised hearing the instructions and as well as the punishment if we failed the test. Choji was also in the same boat, and Shikamaru just sighed and muttered something about being troublesome
'So, basically the same concept as Kakashi's test, teamwork. Though I'm a bit surprised that we only have 15 minutes to work with, but then again, we are four people so he must expect that it would be easier. This should be quick work'
I quickly thought and analyzed the test
"Everyone, I have a plan for this test. If done right, this will end in less than 5 minutes, max"
"Let's hear it then"
Ino said as I started to lay out my plan to them
"And that's all to it"
"Hmm... It's straightforward. I agree"
Ino said as all of us stood up
"Ehh, it should work. I didn't expect to be another test, very troublesome"
Shikamaru lazily stood up and stretched a bit, while Choji started to get hungry
"Then stop lazing around and pull your weight for a bit Shikamaru. This will end shortly anyway, let's go!"
I then started to rush at Asuma with Choji trailing just behind me
"Let's go Shikamaru, you know the plan"
"Yeah yeah"
Both Ino and Shikamaru disappeared into the forest, unbeknownst to Asuma, who was busy with the sudden speed burst from me
'This speed...'
Asuma then barely sidestepped a punch from me as he jumped backward. Creating a bit of distance between us
'His speed and strength is something else! If he would've hit me with that punch, I'm not certain I could've withstand it fully...'
Then, Choji appeared to the left of Asuma, releasing a bunch of attacks towards him. But Asuma easily parried all of it
"You can do better than this, Choji!"
Asuma exclaimed, trying to get Choji to give it his all
I shouted as Choji immediately retreated away
'Let's see how you can defend from this'
I thought, appearing in front of Asuma, who for a second ago, was with Choji. Engaging in a Taijutsu battle
'What the?... He used Choji as a divergence, and appeared in his position in an instant! Replacing him!'
Asuma thought, sweating nervously a bit
'... It's not like I'm fighting a normal Genin... It's like I'm up against someone much greater'
"Fire style: Fireball"
Those words came out of my mouth as I released a huge fireball straight at Asuma in point-blank rage
Asuma hurriedly substituted himself away from my fireball, but not without sustaining any damage. His chest was noticeably burnt, causing damage to his vest and other parts of his clothes
'This power... That wasn't any ordinary Fireball jutsu. Its power is unreal... I didn't particularly say that Ninjutsu can't be used, but still. Feeling that attack from him... I'm starting to believe what Kakashi said earlier. Such a monster...'
Asuma thought, shocked at the display of strength and capabilities I was showing to him
"Ren... You're quite strong, I might have to keep my guard up now"
Asuma said to me, but then before he could use body flicker to create more distance, his body suddenly flinched, feeling a sudden force creeping up on him
'This... Shikamaru!'
He quickly noticed shadows binding him in place tightly, as the trail led directly from the forest
'I forgot all about them... I was so occupied by Ren. Was this planned by them? I won't let them win so easily!'
Asuma then started to break from Shikamaru's hold
"Oh no you don't Sensei! Mind Transfer Jutsu!"
Suddenly, while Asuma struggled in Shikamaru's shadow, Ino launched her clan's technique. Using the advantage of Shikamaru's technique to further immobilize him
'Nice, perfectly executed. With Shikamaru holding him down, and Ino's technique. It's hard for Asuma to break out mentally'
I thought, smiling as the plan turned out successful. Ino managed to successfully land her jutsu. And with both Ino and Shikamaru controlling Asuma, they threw the scroll that Asuma was holding at me. And I caught it easily
[Damn, not bad.]
"Hah, looks like we passed Sensei"
I said, holding out the scroll in front of him, a smile plastered over my face. Ino and Shikamaru broke their control over Asuma as they made their way towards me and Choji
'No way. Did they just do that...'
Asuma was purely speechless at the display of our teamwork and coordination. Still can't get over the fact that he was treated to this point by mere fresh, out of the academy Genins
I then threw the scroll back at Asuma as he caught it
"I... Can't believe it. Well, I guess I have no choice but to say that all four of you passed with flying colors! You managed to get the scroll in the allotted time that I gave and quickly understood the true meaning of the test, which was teamwork. You all worked together harmoniously, and I'm proud of you all"
Asuma finally stated with a smile, as Choji and Ino yelled in victory. Shikamaru sighed sleepily, while I just chuckled at Asuma's reaction
'Ah, it feels good to break people's egos'
"Well, that's all for this day. Be prepared tomorrow as we will take our first mission together. You have the rest of the day to yourselves now. Goodbye"
Asuma then used body flicker technique. Probably going to report to Hiruzen
"We did it!"
Ino suddenly went up to me and hugged me tight
I was a bit surprised by this but hugged Ino back. She felt... Good
Then, she realized what we were doing and she blushed. And not a moment, later she broke the hug, shyly looking at me with a cute blush on her cheeks
"Well, if you two lovebirds don't mind. Me and Choji will head back, or else I'll get an earful from my Mom. Troublesome woman"
Shikamaru said as Ino felt a another wave of heat pulsating through her face when she heard him mention us being lovebirds
"Ow, hey!"
Shikamaru brought his hands onto his head, feeling the wrath of Ino's fist
"Yeah, I need to have my lunch. I'm starving after that test"
"Well then, farewell you two"
I said, waving them goodbye while Ino did too. And now we were the only two left here in the training ground
[Ooo~ Just the two of you alone... I think I might know where this is headed~... Get it? head? Teehee~]
I sighed hearing another one of Lix's abnormal remarks
"Say, Ren... I was thinking if we could have lunch together? I made us bentos"
Ino then brought out two bentos packed into a bag. The smell of the food already leaking out and into my nose as it smelled good
"Sure, let's sit in one of those benches just outside of the training ground"
I said as she nodded. Making our way out of the training ground
And after not too long later, we arrived and we sat down next to each other. Ino gave me my food, and it was none other than Omurice. My favorite
"Aw, you didn't have to you know Ino"
I said to her, feeling a bit happy that she cooked me Omurice
"Well, you know me. That's just me being considerate since I know you love Omurice... I just hope is as good as your Mom's though"
She then looked at me with the highest of hopes. Hoping that her version of Omurice, can beat Mom's Omurice, or at least match it
I then grabbed my chopsticks and ate my first bite
Ino was nervously waiting for my response. Was it good enough? Did I overcook the egg? Was the rice not fluffy enough? All of those things ran through her head whilst I took my first bite of it
"This... Is amazing!"
I said with a wide smile. This tastes just as good as Mom's
Ino was relieved and happy about her cooking, feeling very good as her reading was not in vain after all
'I knew It! That "How To Be A Perfect Wife" novel came in handy! My cooking is now good. Enough to make him happy, and now I'll focus on the other aspects'
After a while, we both finished eating. Both of us were satisfied after today's events as we stayed at the bench for a little bit
"Ren... I'm glad that you're here with me"
Ino said to me, scooting over to me closer, and laying her head onto my shoulder. Closing her eyes and feeling the warmth that was emitting from me with a sweet smile and a bright blush illuminating her cute and pretty face
I looked at her from the side as I couldn't help but smile too. She was so cute right now, and who can't deny such cuteness?
"I'm glad you're here with me too... And it's not like I'm leaving anyways"
I said back as she chuckled
'I love you... Ren... '
'Ino... I...'