
Naruto: System, but not like any other

Join our friend Andrew. Whose soul got transferred into the universe of Naruto as a civilian, with a strange system by his side

Kurosawa_Taiki · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 19: Progress

"You've grown strong Ino"

I said to her with a smile. Acknowledging the growth she sprouted over the years with my help and guidance. Comparing her to the original Ino, she is a completely different character

Her chakra amount is slowly but surely expanding. In its current state, she has well over enough chakra, a bit more than Sasuke actually. And also, her chakra control is sufficient for corresponding to her chakra, able to precisely control it without wasting a spec of her chakra

Her affinities are water and earth. Those two affinities correlates to how Ino fights and her arsenal of movesets. Water is for how agile and flexible Ino is in Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Her movements filled with fluidity and smoothness

While Earth represents her abdominable physical strength. Hidden beneath Ino's magnificent body, lies a strength that has the potential to surpass even that of the physique of the Senjus

It kind of is like Sakura, but it's completely different. She already has a bunch of Ninjutsu under her belt, and with her current state. I'm certain she'll be one hell of a Kunoichi

"It's all thanks to you... That I even managed to get here"

"You did all of it mostly by yourself. I was just supporting you. And besides, I love watching you work out..."

I said to her, unintentionally saying what was on my mind. Ino hearing what I said at the end, blushed. She then looked at me and gave me a bonk in the head

"Ow! What? Can't I look at you?"

I said, comforting my head as her bonk was a force to be reckon with

"That's for teasing me"

She said, laughing at me as I looked miserable

"Well... You surely did grow in power... And also in specific parts"

I said. And it was true. Her body suddenly went through early puberty or something. Curves and all, were all upgraded, and from the looks of it. It's still in development. Its potential is limitless...

"Well, I think I should head home now. Me and my parents have somewhere to go"

She said as she stood up from the bench, and started to pack up. I also helped her, deciding to also go home for the day and preparing myself. Or in more accurate terms, more training

"Yeah, me too. Watch me make a mark on this world tomorrow Ino"

I said with a smirk. Ino seeing this just smiled at me

"I'm looking forward to seeing it"

She said. And as she was about to leave, she turned around to face me one more time. Suddenly, time stopped for just a moment. We were both face to face with each other, a few centimeters away from our faces touching

As she leaned forward towards me, she gave me a kiss on the cheek

Then, her hands were reaching down what looks to be towards my croch. But it wasn't, she just hugged me tightly. Her soft breasts pressing itself onto my chest. Like a big water balloon

Then, she ran away with a blush covering her face. She looked like one of those anime girls the way she ran. Cute

I was somehow still in a dreamy state about her curves and all. Caressing the cheek that she kissed, still feeling the warmth and softness of her lips

"Well... I'm certainly hard"

I then headed back. Hearing the constant teasing of Lix to go along with it

But then

[Ding! It appears your Fuinjutsu training has been mastered!]

[Your understanding of Fuinjutsu is now absolute. You have mastered it!]

"Oh shit? It seems the clones did well"

I muttered, as vast memories of my clones suddenly invaded my mind. A normal person would immediately have a migraine or headache to the extreme. Maybe even on the verge of passing out. But it didn't budge me one bit as I consumed every memories of the clones

"With this, Flying Thunder God will be learned soon"

I happily said, a big smile appearing on my face as I arrived back home

Since I have the concepts of Fuinjutsu down, I will move on to the thing I want to test myself. Which is the Eight Gates

But before I leave towards our training ground from earlier. I quickly made some new storage seals that were the pinnacle of Fuinjutsu sorcery. I made one for my sword. Putting the seal just below my wrist, and along with hundreds of seals filled with kunais, shurikens, explosive tags, etc along my body

I also increased the weight of the seal on both my wrists and ankles. After I was finished up, I started to go back to the training ground

To activate the Eight Gates, it is basically the chakra points in your body, and then opening it to activate a gate. Each opening of a chakra point will greatly enhance the users physical attributes and such. And as you progress through and open more gates, your strength will tremendously expand to great heights

Though with the effects that these gates give, there is a downside to it. It gives a heavy toll on the body, that's why it is required to have excellent physique, but even then it isn't probably enough. But for me, this will be like walking little Timmy to the park

I was currently sitted in the middle of the training ground. Legs crossed into a meditive position

"Let's see... Opening the first gate shouldn't be a hassle"

I said, and started to control my chakra within me. Not only does the requirements for the Eight Gates an absolute high level of a physical body, it also requires an abundance amount of control and mastery over your chakra. Which both I have

[5 Minutes Later.]

'... There it is!'

I mentally expressed, sensing the first chakra point in my body that I can open

'First gate, Gate of Opening, release!'


A surge of erupting chakra started to emit around me, as the first gate has now been opened. I stood up, feeling the physical enhancement the gates gave in return

"While it definitely gives a satisfying reward. I feel I can open more gates now that I've opened the first one"

I said as I started to feel my chakra points again

"Second Gate, open!"

"Third Gate, open!

"Fourth Gate, come!..."

"... Fifth Gate! Relase!"

The Fifth Gate, the Gate of Limit, is a satisfactory point to end for now. I feel my power is steadily growing high with this

'Though my aim is the Gate of Death, I'll hold it off for now'

I thought, turning off the gates for now. Satisfied with the current results I got

[Gate of Lust would've been cool, though that's just me.]

"Well, no need for that. I've already opened that gate"

I said with the most innocent smile

"Lix, give me a view of my skills as of now"

[Sure my good sir.]

[Ninjutsus -

Fire Ninjutsus: 100+

Water Ninjutsus: 100+

Wind Ninjutsus: 100+

Earth Ninjutsus: 100+

Lightning Ninjutsus: 100+

Yin Ninjutsus: 3

Yang Ninjutsus: 3

Wood Ninjutsus: 0

Ice Ninjutsus: 0

Lava Ninjutsus: 0

Dust Ninjutsus: 0

Blood Ninjutsus: 0

Scorch Ninjutsus: 0

Explosion Ninjutsus: 0

Crystal Ninjutsus: 0

Magnet Ninjutsus: 0

Swift Ninjutsu: 0

Steel Ninjutsu: 0

Blaze Ninjutsus: 0

Medical Ninjutsus: 0

Chakra: Ding! Can't measure! Too much!

Weapon/s: Sword (No name. You should name it dumbass)


Unforgettable Memory

Existence above anything and everything

End Game Eye

Plot Manipulation

Time Manipulation

Space Manipulation

The Eight Gates (Fifth Gate)

Flying Thunder God (Not yet mastered)


Taijutsu/s (Mastered) -

The All Bringer

Fuinjutsu (Mastered) -

Storage Seals

Weight Seals.]

I looked at the hologram in front of me as I nodded. Satisfied with my current state.