
Chapter 17: Fuinjutsu

'A lot of them huh... I can sense a huge chakra signature from one of them... No denying that it's him'

I thought. And a few moments later, a group of Anbus arrived in the area. I showed myself to them, and they were surprised to see me

"What happened here?"

Asked one of the Anbu's immediately towards me. I then smirked a little, which made them raise an eyebrow

'That gravity-defying hair is something you can't possibly leave unnoticed. Oh Kakashi'

I then started to explain the entire situation to him. Including Mizuki's intentions and orders from Orochimaru, though I purposely left some details out, like my sword and such. I wouldn't want anyone to have that information about my weapon as of now

'Hmm... He's telling the truth. But it's unbelievable how he killed Mizuki, especially since he mentioned him having help from Orochimaru... Hokage must know about this'

"Alright, thank you for your cooperation. You may leave now, we will handle the rest of this mess"

Kakashi said to me and I nodded. Disappearing in front of them, and making my way back to my room

'Now that is over with, it's time to train with these newfound techniques. Lix, can you lay it out for me?'

[Sure my good buddy.

The techniques you've acquired from the Forbidden Scroll are the following

Part of the Flying Thunder God

The Eight Gates

Edo Tensei or Impure World Reincarnation

Summoning: Rashoumon, Triple Rashoumon and Quintuple Rashoumon

Shiki Fuujin or Dead Demon Consuming Seal

There were also a lot of Seal techniques. But you've never really gotten into Fuinjutsu. I would say start training on it. It's the perfect time to do it!]

Lix said as I nodded. Satisfied with the things I've acquired from the Forbidden Scroll

"Fuinjutsu huh... I've been holding it back for quite a while. I guess it's time for me to focus on it"

[It's quite simple anyway, albeit a bit complex but should be simple enough for you.]

"Well then let's start. Lix, bring out the materials I bought. I knew I would use them one day"

I said to Lix as out of thin air, a bottle of ink, a high-quality refined brush, and a bunch of paper for me to write on appeared on the floor in front of me

'Let's get started. I might stay up for the whole night, but it's worth it'

[A Few Moments Later...]

'Hmm... So in order to practice Fuinjutsu, one must be accurate at writing the symbols and also have extreme chakra control in order to make the symbols close to perfect. While at the same time, knowing exactly and understanding the various types of symbols and seals out there... I get it now. Alright, let's see if I can make a few storage and weight seals'

I thought. I held my brush firmly and started to create symbols for the seals I intended to make

The storage seal was simple. It took me not long to make one. I know I can do better next time, but this should do. It's at least better than what the others are selling here

The weight seal is not so simple. Each symbol needs to coordinate perfectly in order for the weight seal to be perfect. Accurate flow of chakra in the seals and precisely drawn symbols were required to make the seal

And in the end, I managed to create a very amazing weight seal. The quality is very high, it even made me a bit stressed while making it so you know it will be good. A seal like this would be very expensive

'Very nice'

I thought as I spawned a bunch of clones in my room

"All of you practice Fuinjutsu and make me more seals. Remember our saying? Practice till it's perfect"

I said as the clones nodded and they went straight to work while I went straight to my bed

"Hmm... Soon the Flying Thunder God will be mastered when I understand Fuinjutsu more. In the meantime, I'll master the others... The Eight Gates should be easy to train on in the meantime..."


"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes Hokage-sama, that Ren Jisakai wasn't lying at all. My eyes didn't detect anything suspicious out of him"

Said Kakashi in front of the sleepy Hiruzen

'If it is true... Then Orochimaru must have something planned... '

"...And you said he killed Mizuki?"

"Yes. Though strangely, when we were examining Mizuki's body, we still sensed part of his chakra signature in his body. But then, a second later, his whole chakra network was completely crippled and destroyed in an instant. It was very strange that even I was surprised when I first saw it"

Kakashi explained to Hiruzen the weird phenomenon that he discovered. Kakashi wasn't expecting something like that at all

"Hmm... Isn't that what usually happens?"

"This is a bit different... He was alive when we got to him... At least, mostly alive. And then suddenly, his chakra flow and network were completely crippled in an instant... And my eye, it's like seeing his life force being drained... Or like his soul vanishing in a way. Though I am not sure, I couldn't give any idea of what it really could be"

'Ren Jisakai... What are you really?'

"That's all for now Kakashi. And, be ready for tomorrow. You may take your leave"

Kakashi nodded and left

Hiruzen, who was still sitting in front of his desk, had many thoughts lingering in his mind. And within those thoughts include a young shinobi, Ren Jisakai. He wasn't sure but he felt as if that this child is... Different, from all the others. He has this different type of feeling that Hiruzen can't comprehend much at all

In the end, Hiruzen decided to leave his thoughts to himself for another day as it was still late at night. Tomorrow will be another stressful day as usual for him


"... What's this?"

I suddenly muttered as I broke out of my meditation. Suddenly I felt something in my chakra that was a bit different than usual

'Huh... My chakra, it's so pure and dense... So that's why my body feels good every time I output chakra'

[You managed to refine your chakra fully. Making it pure and dense just like you said. It started the day you unlocked your chakra and you subconsciously started to refine your chakra without you knowing it at all. I thought that this was your usual chakra back then so I didn't pay it much attention, but comparing it now to the others. I should have noticed the huge difference much earlier.]

"I see... Well, I'm glad I've obtained such pure chakra... I think no one has ever gotten this right?"

[No one even knows the existence of such a thing, until you came in and broke the laws and reality that you managed to get it.]

"It's not my fault. Besides, no one could turn down such strong power. Especially not me"

[Yeah yeah whatever... Oh yeah, tomorrow is the day for your team, right? I wonder who it will be.]

"To be honest with you, I think I much prefer being alone. But who knows..."

[You just want to be on the same team with Ino. I know it.]

"Shut it. I'm not talking to you anymore"

I said and continued my meditating while Lix snickered evilly at me. That damn bastard



"Alright, everyone. Today is the day you'll be getting your team. I'll announce every member of each team and their assigned Jonin sensei. Once done, you will be called by your sensei so pay close attention"

Iruka announced as everyone was excited for their team. The other girls wished to be on the same team as Sasuke, while the boys were mumbling about the Jonins that would be their sensei

Meanwhile, I was in the back of the class in the corner meditating passively. My Fuinjutsu training from my clones was very fruitful

The clones were able to make a bunch of storage and weight seals that were top-tier. However, they didn't venture forward to creating various seals since I am not familiar with any seals. Except of course the storage and weight seals

The storage seals are pretty simple, you can buy them here in the village so I know the basics of it, and I also have previous knowledge. The weight seal, however, I had to rely on my knowledge from watching videos about it and reading various sites that mention it

It took a while to get a hang of it but it was a success. Now I am wearing weight seals, one each on my arms and ankles. The more chakra you put into the weight seal, the heavier and denser it becomes. And this stuff gets heavy

I had to put a lot of chakra on each one to make me feel the weight on my body. It's been too long to feel some pressure on my body and it's the reason why I wanted to also make these from the start. It will help me increase my physical attributes

There are also other factors to improve my physical capabilities. Not just in strength. There are other aspects for me to improve so this should help me a ton

"Ren, do you think we'd be on the same team?"

Suddenly, Ino's voice echoed in my ear as I turned to look at her

"Who knows? We'll have to wait and see"

I said as Iruka started to announce the teams

And to the surprise of me a little bit, the teams were still the same. My name wasn't called out at all and that made everyone confused and wonder why

"What? Why wasn't your name announced? You should have been in a team... Unless something is going on"

Ino said, a bit confused as well that my name didn't get called out. But then, Iruka coughed to get the attention of all of us

"Alright, I know you may be confused about

Ren not being in a team. But his case... Is very special. The teams that I announced were handled to complement each member to each other. Making each team's teamwork complimentary. But for Ren, it's a bit of a different story"

Iruka explained as everyone was shocked

"Since being the number one in class and the entirety of school. It was a bit difficult putting Ren on a team to balance everything out because there were so many other talents as well that needed to be fixed. But Ren has a choice, and this was requested by the Hokage himself"

Everyone again was surprised when they heard that Hiruzen specifically made an opportunity for me. Though they want to know what Hiruzen did

"Ren... You have a choice of joining any of the teams mentioned. Or you can do it alone, but don't worry, you will still have a Jonin sensei. It's up to you"

I heard Iruka say to me. Raising an eyebrow at Hiruzen's request for me

'Bullshit, at least the old fart could've tried... Well, I guess it could be worse. But, which one should I choose?...'

I thought, and everyone in the class turned to look at me. Awaiting for my decision. Ino also stared at me, almost like she wanted me to pick the right one. And if not, I will suffer her wrath

'Hmm... This...'

[Hmm? Is Master perhaps troubled by his current situation~?]

'Shut it Lix... Hmm... Alright fine'

"Iruka-sensei... I'll do it alone, but with a condition"