
Naruto: System, but not like any other

Join our friend Andrew. Whose soul got transferred into the universe of Naruto as a civilian, with a strange system by his side

Kurosawa_Taiki · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 16: The Forbidden Scroll (Rewrite)

After I got my sword, I initiated my simple plan on getting my hands on the Forbidden Scroll

First, finding and looking over Naruto. I need the event to happen without any distractions of others that might interfere. And not long after, I found Naruto in a secluded part close to the Academy. His aura emitted sadness because he didn't pass the exams earlier, and therefore didn't get to be a Genin

'Good, he's at his lowest at this point. Though I didn't expect Mizuki would also be spying on him'

I thought to myself, hiding myself well out of anyone's eye view while having my eye on the spying Mizuki

Sensing him, I can see and feel the curse mark he has from Orochimaru. It is filled with Nature Chakra, probably from Orochimaru too. I am surprised he didn't put up much of a fight with that thing on him in the show


The sun is starting to set as it is almost time. I sense Mizuki's presence preparing himself

And sometime later, the scene unfolded itself in front of me. Naruto, who was still sad, naively listened to Mizuki's words

I can hear their conversation easily, as it went exactly how it went in the show. Naruto started to move, and Mizuki disappeared into the forest where he told Naruto to meet later

I quickly and quietly caught up with Mizuki into the forest

'Mizuki will die today'

I thought, my glowing red ruby eyes stared at Mizuki's back. He didn't know at all I was behind him, and I was getting more excited

A Few Minutes Later

After a while, Mizuki situated into the branches on one of the trees while waiting for Naruto

I was right above the tree he was hiding in, as I was sensing Naruto making his way here

And then the events started to unfold. I waited until Mizuki appeared in front of Naruto and I made my move, appearing in front of Mizuki and kicking him back into a tree

Mizuki spat out spit from the force of my kick as his eyes widened when he saw me


"I'm sorry, but I won't let your plan go smoothly that easily Mizuki"

I said as I turned around to look at Naruto, and then the Forbidden Scroll

Naruto stumbled down onto the ground after witnessing my surprising arrival. He held the scroll tightly while at the same time, looking at me and to the bruised Mizuki

"You bastard!"

Mizuki quickly got up and rushed at me with all of his speed. Gripping a kunai in his hand, intending to slice off my head

I simply turned around again to face the rushing Mizuki, and smiled at him

"... Halt"


Suddenly, everything around stopped moving. Mizuki, who was about to attack me, stopped as well

Many of the floating particles all around the area and such also froze in place, allowing me to see them. All of Time has stopped under my guidance

I quickly made my way to Naruto and grabbed the scroll from him and started to open it

Inside contains techniques that I expected it to have. I grinned like a maniac when I saw the contents of the scroll

[Damn, you have The Flying Thunder God, The Eight Gates, Rasengan, Impure World Reincarnation, or better known as Edo Tensei, complicated Fuinjutsu seals, the summons of Rashoumon, Triple Rashoumon and Quintuple Rashoumon, more Fuinjutsu seals, and then the Shiki Fuujin... ]

Lix examined the scroll as I quickly digested and analyzed every single molecule about these. This was a great find right after becoming a Genin

'Good, I think I can learn all of this today. I'm glad I went for this. With techniques like these presenting itself early, who wouldn't try and get a hold of these.'

I thought, closing the scroll and laying it back in the hands of Naruto

I walked back to my initial spot from earlier, and resumed time yet again as everything around started to go back to normal

"You dare interrupt me? You fool! Haha!"

Mizuki exclaimed like a maniac as he launched an attack towards my head. I causally side stepped his attack which surprises Mizuki

"I thought you'd be faster Mizuki, or are you just slow in general?"

I said with a smile as I launched a knee into his stomach, sending him back yet again into the same tree as before. But this time, the attack I did was much stronger, making Mizuki spit out blood

Just then, Iruka arrived and saw the scene in front of him

Iruka was told that Naruto stole the Forbidden Scroll just like in the show, though what he didn't expect seeing was me and Mizuki

"What the? What happened here?"

Iruka walked towards us, his mind raced to try and figure out what just happened here

I took the intiative to speak to him first

"Iruka-sensei. Mizuki here manipulated Naruto into stealing the scroll for himself"

I said to Iruka as I pointed towards the bloodied Mizuki

When Iruka heard it, he couldn't believe it, especially seeing Mizuki beaten up badly

"He what?!"

Iruka said in a surprised tone and expression. He then faced the direction of Mizuki with a serious face

"Mizuki, is it true?!"

"Yes, and what are you going to do about it huh Iruka?"

Mizuki responded with a grin towards him. I then started to sense him gather chakra

'So he's going to resort to that huh'

I thought as he started to transform. The curse mark activated as a great amount of Nature Chakra enveloped him and his appearance changed into some sort of animal. He became larger than before and looked at us angrily with killing intent

"Mizuki?! What's going on with you?"

Iruka witnessed this scene and was horrified

"Iruka, go and take Naruto away. I'll deal with him"

I looked at Iruka and exclaimed confidently, as he looked at me wide eyed. Thinking I was crazy even saying that to him

"Andrew, I-

"Don't worry, Iruka. I'll be fine... "

I reassured him and gave him a smile. Iruka contemplated for a while and decided to go with my word

"Alright, we'll go. But you be careful Andrew you hear me?"

"Yeah yeah. Loud and clear"

I said and he nodded. Turning around and faced the still shakened Naruto

"Come on, Naruto, let's get out of here"


They then fled the scene as only me and Mizuki were left here in the forest

"You will die today you brat!"

Mizuki suddenly rushed at me, his speed greatly increased compared to earlier that's for sure. But I didn't give a shit at all, dodging his attack and we went into hand to hand combat

Mizuki launched a slash towards me, which I dodged. Kicking him in the stomach as he staggered, but quickly recovered and launch a bunch more attacks at me

I casually dodged all of his attacks, while giving him my own barrage of attacks. Punching and kicking him precisely at all parts and angles of his body

Because of my absolute limitless and adaptive strength, each one of my attacks were extremely strong. Resulting in Mizuki having big bruises and blood bleeding all over him


He shouted and again launched at me. I jumped back to dodge another one of his attacks and then raised my hand in front of me with a hand sign

"Firestyle: Fire Ball"

I mumbled, and launched a huge fire ball at the rushing Mizuki. He was taken by surprise seeing the fire ball as he was hit point blank

I then threw multiple kunais towards him, all of it with explosive tags



A huge explosion erupted as the leaves from the trees around us fell down or was vaporized by the explosion. There was also a crater in the middle of were we are as I walked towards it

Then, I saw Mizuki laying in the crater as he was back to his original body. But, he was covered in blood. It was a sight to see that's for sure

I then grabbed my sword and jumped down right next to Mizuki

"Y-you... How"

He said to me as he struggled to say words

"If I tell you, you wouldn't believe"

I then brought my sword forward and stabbed Mizuki straight into his heart. Killing him instantly

But strangely, the sword glowed right after I killed Mizuki with it. It then proceeded to drain the remaining life force out of him, and from what I can see with my eyes, his soul as well

"What the? Well, this is new"

[Holy hell, I didn't know it could do that... And, you're blade... It got stronger, I can feel it.]

"Really? So if I kill with this sword. It gets stronger?"

[Yeah, it seems so.]

"Shit, that's crazy"

I then brought back my sword and wiped off Mizuki's blood from it. Putting it back

Then, not a second later, I sensed chakra signatures coming straight towards here

'They're here'