
Naruto: System, but not like any other

Join our friend Andrew. Whose soul got transferred into the universe of Naruto as a civilian, with a strange system by his side

Kurosawa_Taiki · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 14: Timeskip

[8 Years Later.]

8 years have passed now. And in that time frame, a lot of things happened. First of all, I got stronger now. My constant training and meditation helped me achieve what I have right now in terms of power and chakra. It is unparalleled what my power is right now, not to mention my eyes as well

It appears that my eyes upgraded the power of my Sharingan when it absorbed it back then. I didn't notice the change since I didn't even need to use it but when I did finally use them, I saw that not only did in fact absorb the Sharingan and its traits, it also upgraded it to an insane degree. The copying ability of the Sharingan of mine, well it can now copy any ability, or anything at all that I see with it. Whatever it is, I can able to copy it and use it. It has no limits to whatever it copies so long as I see it with my eyes of mine, then I can copy anything, literally anything

There's also the matter of my space-time manipulation. Back then, I sensed a disturbance out in space, but I haven't felt another one after that. I've been warily keeping tabs on this world because there is a chance that there are other beings not from here that made their way into this universe. I disregarded the Otsutsuki being the cause of it since the one that ripped apart the very fabric of space here made the ripping of space outside of this world, outside of the multiverse of Naruto. Very abnormal behavior that definitely isn't what the Otsutsuki could even do with their powers at all. They are limited to this world and this world only, with no universe crossing at all. At best, they are bound within the multiverse of this universe, not other worlds

And speaking about my space-time powers. In those 8-year time frame, I managed to make myself an ability inspired by Gojo Satoru's Infinity. But mine is more powerful and dangerous. Basically, how Gojo's Infinity works is that it takes a finite amount of space between the two subjects, and divides it at an infinite amount of times. That's why whenever something or someone gets close to him, they all stop before they could get close to Gojo. And like Gojo's ability, mine can also work passively and also manually

Now mine is a bit complicated. I can create an infinitely infinite space around myself from the subject or anything. Then compressing that space into itself infinitely, making a black hole effect into which anything or anyone that dares touch the space around me, they all start to get their existence erased out of reality slowly but surely whenever I want to. Every single time I activate this ability, the place that I create around me has dimensions upon dimensions on top of it. It perceives that the infinite space around me makes up for more than an infinite amount of dimensions as well in order for it to determine as such. I can control this at a level in which I can erase the concept of subatomic particles that make up everything in existence. I have pushed this ability beyond its limits, and now I can manipulate this at will. How fast or slow can I erase something or someone. How large I can create the space around me, and so much more. And all of this is possible because I am above space and time completely

There is also a name that I thought of for this ability of mine. There are so many possible names out there to choose and imagine. But, I will call this ability of mine, Divine Incursion

I also practiced with all of my chakra natures and also trained on my chakra control. Perfecting and mastering all of them easily. Though unfortunately, I didn't get that much Jutsus in the last 8 years because I was busy with something else. And besides, my arsenal of D-rank Jutsus from before should do me well for now. I can learn much more once I'm an official Genin of Konoha

But that's not all, because there is also another thing I have developed and mastered throughout the 8-year time that I had, and that is the Swift Release. With this, my speed will permanently increase over time. Making me nothing but a blur to anyone that faces off against me right now. And that will not be the end of my insane speed that's for sure

"A lot has happened in these 8 years huh..."

[It sure has. Finally, the fun begins now. Hehe.]

I was currently looking at myself in the mirror. I've grown over the last 8 years in terms of appearance. My iconic black fluffy hair, with my bright ruby eyes, complimented me so much, along with my too well-built handsome face. My body too also changed as my muscles were clearly visible now. There was no point in denying people's claims about my frame but it is to be expected anyway

Spending 8 years in the academy sure is something. I've been known to be the best student in class since back in first grade. Many girls looked at me differently now, except for Hinata and Sakura. Both of their hearts are locked in with Naruto and Sasuke, which I find quite funny. The girls now fantasize and admire me, perhaps a bit too much. Though they did try to hide their affection toward me, but it was very much obvious in the attention that they were giving me

The only reason I was safe from them from causing unnecessary scenes with me was because of a certain blond girl, and that was Ino. Girls are truly a work of art if I say so myself

[Today is the day that you'll get your headband. So, ready to show off now?]

"I am already the top student so showing off wouldn't mean much for me"

I said and it was true. I dominated the whole class and gained perfect scores on everything. Flawless performances in my academics, sparring, shuriken, kunai throwing, etc. Beating out Sasuke which he couldn't help but be angry at me. And what else is that every time there was a sparring session, Iruka would not put Sasuke against me per my orders at the time, and up until now, which made him even angrier since he wants to challenge me, but he couldn't get any chances to do so

He is an avenger after all like he said in the show. His pride as an Uchiha is certainly large, especially after the massacre of the Uchihas and the bonus trauma he got from his big brother, Itachi, via Tsukuyomi. What a loving big brother

He isn't the one to show respect to me. He does somewhat acknowledge my strength but doesn't respect it. I assume because we are of the same age, and me being the one having more power and being more stronger than him is what hurt his pride as an Uchiha. That's why he has this vendetta against me in a way, and also a hint of jealousy as well

"It's time to go. I look decent enough"

I said to myself again, standing in front of my mirror and admiring myself

Pic (For reference. Credits to the owner)

Today is the day I will finally be a Genin. Tomorrow is where we will find out what team we will be assigned to and who will be our partners and our Jonin sensei, today will be the graduation exams in order for us to get our forehead protector. There will be a written exam first, then the last will be the practical exams where we will be tasked to perform the basic Jutsus that we were taught throughout the years. Seems easy enough for me

But I've been thinking that they could put me in a team with the person that has the lowest performance in class, because I am the top student after all and to balance out each team, the system the Academy works on is the top student will be usually paired to someone with low performance in the Academy, and a female one as well since every team will contain at least one girl

Or potentially, they would just leave me by myself with a sensei. Since my performance may break the system a little bit considering the talent in this class and the big clan names that are also present

The original placement of teams may be changed because of my appearance and performance. Though we shall soon see, though wouldn't be funny if me and Ino somehow managed to team up... Yeah

[Hmm... Heh.]

I heard Lix mutter to himself quite mysteriously. He might be plotting something and I'm a bit worried as to what could it possibly be

After checking myself one last time in the mirror, I went downstairs for breakfast. Talked a bit with Mom and Dad before I got out of the house, and went toward the Academy

It was the usual time I went to the Academy so there weren't many people awake yet. It was a peaceful walk to the Academy that's for sure

There's also the matter of Hiruzen. He has been keeping tabs on me for the last few years now. Unfortunately for him, he cannot use his crystal ball on me to gather any intel. He hasn't approached me yet, but I expect him to do so soon

There is also Danzo. My prediction was correct, he sent two Root ninjas to spy on me a couple of years back after the Uchiha Massacre. Though it was a waste of time because I didn't let them feed off any information about me to Danzo. I've been one step ahead of him every single time and I can tell he has had about enough of it

And while I was reminiscing about what happened over the past 8 years of my life here, I arrived in class and as usual, the sleeping Shikamaru was first here. I took my seat and started to meditate while waiting for the rest

After a while, the room was starting to fill up. And then came a particular girl that sits next to me in class

A girl with the most beautiful blonde hair I have ever seen came and sat next to me gracefully. Her shining green eyes looked at me with love and care. And snow white milky skin that could make any man's eyes fall out, just begging to be put back just to see it again, as well as a well-built physique that shows that she is very much capable of defending herself while wearing her purple attire. It was none other than Ino

"Good morning"

"Good morning Ino"

We greeted each other like normal as we talked about the upcoming tests that we were going to take. Even up until now, her blush seems to never go away from her face. She really only blushes to me and no one else. I also tutored her as well and because of that, she was growing quite strong under my influence. She is quite a fast learner too which is a plus. And what's even more surprising is that Ino passed Sasuke, and now she is number 2 in the class behind only me. It was a sight to behold

A few minutes later, Iruka arrived and commenced the exams. First off the written exam. It didn't take me long to finish it since it was easy. I had no problem with it, and Ino did too. I meditated in the meantime while waiting for the others to finish

After that, it was now the practical exams to which we would get called one by one to the next room to perform the basic Jutsus that we have been taught over the years. One by one, each student came back with a forehead protector, and some came in without one while wearing a sad expression. Then, It was now my turn to take the exam as my name was called out

"Good luck Andrew. Like you even need it"

Ino said with a smile. Looking at me as I nodded at her

"Who knows, maybe I need it if I start to mess it up"

I said while standing up and making my way to the other room

"I'm not falling for that silly. Just go there already, I'm tired of your sarcastic remarks"

She replied in a joking matter. Her smile and eyes didn't leave my back until I finally left the room.