
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Individual Growth(1)




When the topic of kenjutsu is brought up. Many talks about the samurais in the Land of Iron, Kiri, and few individuals

Kiri is a village that is well known for its kenjutsu and is consistently praised as the best, but people often forget that Kumo is also a village that has a number of ninjas that are masters of kenjutsu

Since the founding of the 2 villages, this competition about who is the best at kenjutsu has sparked a lot of conflict between Kumo and Kiri ninjas

It said that if a kenjutsu master from Kumo and Kiri ever encounters each other

A battle between sworders is unavoidable


In a forest near Ragako Village

A fierce battle between two well-known ninjas is taking place

The sound of metal colliding with each other could be heard throughout the forest, and a large number of fallen trees and ravines could be seen at the site of battle signifying how fierce it was


Jin jumped a few meters away and looked at the crater that was emitting smoke and had a trace of black lightning in front of him with a serious expression

Soon Darui emerged from the smoke and stood in front of him without making a move. They had forgotten how long they were fighting because they were so engrossed in comparing their skills in kenjutsu

When it comes on to pure kenjutsu, Jin surpasses Darui in this regard, however, Darui's black lightning was too much for him. The destructive power of Darui's strike forced him into a corner at times

But that didn't mean he was out of the fight just yet

"We have already compared our skills in kenjutsu, I say it is time we finish this"

Darui nodded to what Jin just said and the aura around him completely change

Before they were just testing each other kenjutsu, it's not every day you get an opportunity like this but they still had important matters to attend to

'I truly have a long way before I can call myself a master of the sword'

The battle between Jin has made Darui realize. He is still far from the top in terms of kenjutsu

"*Sigh* It's a pity things had to end here"

Jin held his sword and got in his stance looking at his opponent with pure killing intent but from his words, one could hear a hint of respect


Both Blades once again collide

Taking advantage of Kubikiribōchō weight, Jin sent Darui's sword flying sky high, disarming him. Not phased by what just happened Darui used his impressive speed and show Jin why the Narukami clan are taijutsu specialists from birth

Hitting him with the 3 piece combo, Darui had enough time to perform a series of handseals

[Water Release: Water Formation Wall]

Jin was pushed back as he got caught in the middle of a large wave of water. Not giving Jin enough time to respond, Darui performs another set of handseals

[Lightning Release: Wave of Inspiration]

In only a few seconds Darui was able to catch Jin in a fusion jutsu

Jin clenched his teeth and endure the pain of being electrocuted, as a ninja this wasn't something to worry about but what made him worry was the stun effect

Another reason why the lightning release is feared is the ability to stun their opponent for a few seconds, one might think a few seconds isn't long but it only takes 1 second to have a missing head

Catching his falling sword, Darui appeared in front of Jin and slashed with the intent of divorcing his head from his body

Jin's body went into overdrive, his survival instincts were now off their leash, as one of Kiri's seven swordsmen, a stun attack wasn't very effective but he was sure that if he didn't do something he would be the one getting executed

Maybe out of pure willpower or the grace of God, Jin was able to break free in time and perform his own attack

His mouth bulged, where he then spit out a mouthful of purple liquid, at point-blank range, there was no way Darui could escape this unexpected attack

The purple liquid covered his face, effectively blocking his sight, which gave Jin enough time to escape

Caressing his neck, Jin looked at Darui who wiped off the purple liquid with fear and excitement

Even in the face of death, the man still had the balls to be excited. He was truly a maniac

Darui looked at the purple liquid on his hands and continue attacking. He didn't know what that liquid Jin ejected out of his mouth was, he needs to end this quickly before it takes effect

[Hiding in Mist Technique]

Jin knew that he had a disadvantage, in frontal attacks so he used Kiri's most famed jutsu to assist him in this battle

Soon the area was filled with thick fog, blocking anyone that enters vision. This technique uses quite useful because it blocked the opponent's ability to see but it also blocks the user's ability to see making it a double-edged sword

But over time, the users of this technique have found ways to bypass this making this a powerful jutsu

Darui obviously notice the situation he was now in, after a few seconds he closed his eyes and put all his focus on his other senses

Feeling a disturbance he turned in the direction of the source. He then heard the sound of a kunai flying towards him which he easily blocks

This went on for a few minutes until Jin finally decided to come out of hiding

"So you decide to stop playing small games Jin"

Darui felt Jin's arrival and asked

"Yes, but it seems like I now have the upper hand"

Although Jin couldn't see in the mist he could hear Darui's heavy breathing

'Shit poison'

Darui notice this change in his body and his biggest fear became a reality, the purple liquid was actually poison

Darui wasn't angered that Jin used such shameless methods. as a ninja anything that increases your chance of completing your task is completely valid, he was mad that he fell for such low-level tricks

The tables were slowly turning


With a wary look on his face, the swole Kiri chunin looked at the young genin that looked completely different

'What is that Jutsu'

Kazuto at the moment has gone through a huge transformation. He had a long horn made of lightning at the center of his head, his 2 feet were clad in boots made of lighting and one of his hands was like claws

Kazuto looked at the man with an indifferent expression but inside he was freaking out

'Focus, kazuto, you need to focus'

[Thunder fiend]

A jutsu he recreated from an anime he watched called black clover. A technique used by Luck Voltia in the anime

The user clads their feet and hands with lighting and uses their increased speed to blitz a target, ricocheting around an area. The user's momentum also increases the strength of their strikes

Kazuto choose to recreate this technique because of how easy it was to recreate. This technique was a lot like [Lightning Release Chakra Mode] albeit weaker

while [Lightning Release Chakra Mode] amplifies everything from strength, durability, speed, and reaction time,[Thunder fiend] but a huge emphasis on speed

One might say then why not just learn [Lightning Release Chakra Mode]?

That jutsu is way out of kazuto's league at the moment, he tried once and that day he learned why the jutsu was the pride of Kumo

But it gave him an idea. So he starts to recreate [Thunder Fiend] as an experiment, but it was too soon to actually perform. The jutsu was very unstable at the moment and if he doesn't solve this then he would be injured giving the chunin an opportunity to end his life

The 2 ninjas young and old stared down at each other without making any moves. The man wanted to see what this jutsu was before acting and Kazuto was buying time

Taking a deep breath, Kazuto slowly calmed down the storm rampaging his him body. He showed the fruit of his chakra control training and getting everything under control

After seeing everything was now stable Kazuto made him move


The chunin's eyes opened wide and touched his right cheek


Looking at the blood on his hands the man turned around and look at Kazuto who was also looking at him

Soon Kazuto disappeared as he did earlier but this time the man was prepared, unfortunately, that still could stop Kazuto's attack

'This speed '

Looking at the wound on his hand the man no longer thought of holding back

'I need some time to get used to this speed'

It was the first time Kazuto actually used this Jutsu so it will take a while to get used to

Clenching his fist, he savored the taste of his growth. Today starts a new chapter in his life and the start of his journey to be a 'monster'


I see some comments talking about me following the original. About how the test was unnecessary and how the C-rank mission is just a cheap rip off

I'm not gonna deny anything but I'm just surprised at the number of people only looking at the surface of things

The test was created to introduce Mabui, I didn't want to just put the mc in a team then boom there is a random character with them that feels unprofessional

Now the C-rank mission bs. What most of you see is the mc doing a low-rank mission that suddenly increases in level and danger just like the original

But what I see is more materials I can write about. So the story follows the same as the plot but has any of you thought of the aftermath of this mission

After this, I can write about a war between Kiri and Kumo and we follow our mc in his first war or I can write about Kiri and Kumo making peace and how the mc goes to Kiri as a diplomat but gets caught up in a civil war where he has to choose between helping Kiri or the ninja clan or if I'm lazy enough I can write about chunin exam in Kiri where they try to kill all the Kumo genin as revenge and then start a war later

They are many things I can write about with just this copycat arc. Stop looking at the surface and things and look deeper. I can't just create something out of noting

Imagine if I said Kumo and Kiri are warring with each other. Why are they having a war? because of an island, well that's dumb. You see what I'm saying

And I'm not gonna pull the, my book I can do anything card because it is very dumb. You are the reader you have the right to choose to read or not I'm not entertaining myself I'm entertaining you

But if I can't entertain you then leave there is a million and one naruto fanfic on web novel I'm sure you will find something that fits your taste


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