
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Individual Growth(2)





Arguably the most underrated jutsu category in the shinobi world. Unlike ninjutsu, the effects of genjutsu are not real, being only sensory illusions experienced by those who fall victim to it

A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing it has experienced physical pain

Genjutsu is strong but isn't widely used by ninjas. As a type of jutsu that falls under yin release, not everyone is able to use genjutsu. Unless you are from the Uchiha clan, the Chinoike clan, or some ninja clan that specializes in genjutsu you won't find a lot of genjutsu specialists in the ninja world

Although there aren't a lot of people that use genjutsu, it's one of the most feared jutsu categories because of hard it is to deal with. You don't know you're fighting against a genjutsu specialist until you are already in their genjutsu


'Shit, I got careless'

Kumo genin looked at his situation with regret written on his face. The female chunin looked very weak, physically speaking, so he knew she wasn't the best at taijutsu which he excels at. But she was someone that accompanied one of Kiri's seven swordsmen so she couldn't be weak

He initially thought she was someone that majored in ninjutsu, so he tried to stop her from getting any chance to perform a jutsu, but he made a grave mistake

A lot of ninjas overlook genjutsu when they meet an enemy, the first thing they look for is taijutsu, ninjutsu, kenjutsu, or physical features that may match a certain ninja clan

Genjutsu and funijutsu, have a huge advantage when meeting an opponent. Only when the opponent is hit do they know what they are capable of

'I should have paid attention in class'

How to counter genjutsu isn't taught a lot in the academy but they do teach the students about [Illusion Technique Dissipation], although academy students are unable to use the technique efficiently, they know a little about countering genjutsu

The female chunin walked slowly toward A. Seeing this he tried to move but his body stood in one place

"The son of the 3rd raikage. Hmm I wonder what face your father will make when he sees your head"

The chunin caressed A's cheek while the other party was still trying to resist

"Resistance is futile, this is my world, I control everything"


A wave of antagonizing pain flowed throughout A's body, and the scene before him change. Everything was dark. not a single light source

His body suddenly felt weak to the point he almost fell to his knees, when he saw a figure standing in front of him

"Is this all you got A, is this the power of someone that wants to stand by my side"


Yes the person in front of A was his cousin 'Kazuto'

'N-N-no this isn't real it's just a genjutsu'

"Pathetic, I don't need someone as weak as you"


The sound of broken glass echoed in A's ears

"I-I'm not weak"

The fear in A's heart was growing at a fast rate

"To think that you would fall for a genjutsu I'm quite disappointed in you A"



A saw another figure who looked like his father appeared

"Is this the future raikage, I worry for the future of the village"

"You are the disappointment of the Narukami clan"

"Look at this idiot"

Soon many figures appeared whispering in A's ears

"Stop it, shut up"

A covered his ears to block the sound but it was futile the sounds only got louder



"The village's disappointment"

He heard hundreds of voices in his head and some of those voices were familiar. His classmates, friends, the clan elders, family members

'Shut up, none of you are real'

'Your just an illusion'

'So please'



The unexpected silence causes A to raise his head. The only thing he saw was more than a hundred pairs of eyes looking down on him. The figures that surrounded him were pitch black to the point you couldn't even see their face

"You will always be behind Kazuto"

Said the figures in unison


A felt something inside him break. The thing he held onto, his last line of defense, was broken with just 6 simple words

"So this is your deepest fear"

The Kiri chunin that disappeared earlier suddenly appeared behind A. She looked at the young boy that was on his knees staring into space. The light in his eyes completely vanished, he was like an empty husk

She could only shake her head at this sight. Honestly, she was quite shocked, this was something she didn't expect to see in a 7-year-old

"Well let's just get this over with"

It was a sad sight but it didn't pressure the female chunin. She took out a kunai to end the boy's life swiftly

A noticed what she was going to do but he couldn't move, there was not a single ounce of power in his body to fight back. He just sat there waiting for his death

"Idiot are you going to die like this"

'Huh, K'

He heard a voice that resembled his cousin in his head

"What about our promise, if you die even in death I won't forgive you"

'Our promise'

Deep memory in his heart unlocked when he heard these word





A three-year-old A and Kazuto are making their way home after a duel. A challenged Kazuto to change his name to B but he lost in the end

"So K, what's your request"

A was in a happy mood today but he didn't forget the reward the winner of the duel

"Well I don't want anything from you so you don't have to worry"

Kazuto didn't take the fight between them seriously, so he didn't care about the reward

"No you won so you have to give me a request, I will bother you every day if you don't"

Although Kazuto didn't take it seriously A did, and he was willing to bear the consequences of losing the duel

"*Sigh* Fine"

Kazuto knew his cousin's personality and didn't continue to reject it and gave in

"My request is for you to live"


A looked at Kazuto with a confused look, he was preparing himself to give Kazuto his toys but he didn't expect this

"A listen to me. In the future, we will be ninjas, our life will always be in danger, and we will go to war and meet powerful ninjas. We will die if we aren't careful, so my request is for you to live. No matter how strong your opponent is, no matter how dangerous things turn out, you just need to survive. Even if you are facing a God you have to live"

Said Kazuto with his hands on A's shoulder, A could see that kazuto was very serious about this and listened closely

"I-I don't know what I will do if you die before me"

The expression on Kazuto's face eased up a bit

"Don't worry K I will never die"

"I know you won't because. You are my partner and my brother, if you die I won't forgive you"


'How could I forget that day'

A was slowly coming back to his senses and a wave of guilt come over him. The genjutsu used by the Kiri chunin was to bring out the victim's deepest fear. He feared that everyone will see him as a disappointment and he didn't have to power to stand by Kazuto's side

Since his birth, he has always been compared to Kazuto. Everything he did others would bring up kazuto even things like grades on the test given by the academy. He didn't hate kazuto nor was he jealous but he saw Kazuto as a benchmark, if he couldn't keep up with Kazuto the fear that others will be disappointed in him was slowly planted in him

But no matter how hard he tried to get closer Kazuto was getting further and further away he couldn't even touch him when sparing anymore, that's when a new fear emerge. He feared the day he would be jealous of Kazuto, he feared the type of person he would become because of a growing hatred towards Kazuto. This was something he didn't want to happen but what the illusions said almost made that fear reality

A was disappointed in himself to have been troubled by something like this, he was disappointed that a seed of jealously was growing within him, and he was disappointed that he would feel this way towards his friend, his cousin, and his brother

'I need to move'

Regardless of all of that, he was now in a bad position, the genjutsu master was now seconds away from killing him

'Move you worthless piece of shit'

He was commanding his body to move so he could escape but he was still under the effects of the genjutsu

'Damn it I can't die here, move body, move'

He bit his tongue out of frustration after realizing his body wasn't listening to him




The chunin saw A move a bit, this surprised her a lot since it should be impossible

A didn't pay attention to her and put all his focus on movement


"What are you doing"

The stun chunin looked around and saw that her genjutsu was on the verge of collapse, she looked at A with pure shock, no genin should be able to break out of her genjutsu

"I made a promise that no matter what I will live"


A slow turned around and looked at the woman who was still trying to comprehend what was happing


"I refuse to die here"

Taking advantage of the woman's loss of focus A gave her a Chris brown special sending her flying


"How did you break my genjutsu"

The came back to her senses and saw that her genjutsu was completely broken by A

Impossible, how can a genin escape that

This was her famed genjutsu, the same technique she sued to kill a lot of enemy ninjas but the same genjutsu she was proud of was broken by a genin, one that just graduated. She felt like everything she was taught was now useless in the face of plot armor

Breathing a sigh of relief A attacked without hesitation he was sure to win this fight


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