
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Battle against Kiri ninjas





Techniques that entail the use of swords, whether the users be shinobi or samurai. Kenjutsu can be used in combination with taijutsu, ninjutsu, fūinjutsu, chakra flow, and even genjutsu to achieve more devastating techniques

When it comes on to pure kenjutsu there is no village out there that can challenge Kiri expects the samurai in the Land of Iron

The existence of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist has encouraged every Kiri villager to strive to become a master of kenjutsu from their childhood

Even a villager who couldn't use chakra was strong just based on kenjutsu

Fighting a Kiri ninja in terms of kenjutsu is a very stupid thing especially when that Kiri ninja is one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist

Well that's only for normal kenjutsu masters, not black lightning Darui


Jin looked at his sword then looked at Darui who was ready to continue attacking

Darui's sword covered in black lightning is very powerful that attack just now left a lot of cracks on Kubikiribōchō

"Your title is well deserved"

Even if Darui's black lightning was very dangerous, Jin didn't back down nor did he feels scared

'His head will be a nice addition to my collection'


Jin inserted Kubikiribōchō in the body of the dead chunin that Darui killed

As one of the seven swords, Kubikiribōchō has the unique ability to regenerate using the iron harvested from the blood of its victims

"I hope you make this fun for me black lightning Darui"

Jin dashed at Darui with a maniac smile on his face



The sounds of the 2 blades colliding echoed through the forest

Jin was more cautious and wasn't stupid enough to directly block the attacks of Darui's black lightning coat sword. So he parried the blows instead of blocking them to lower the pressure Kubikiribōchō will take. With Kubikiribōchō durability, he shouldn't have to worry about the blade getting damaged

If Kubikiribōchō gets damaged he would need blood for it to regenerate and the dead body of the chunin wasn't going to last

Seeing an opportunity Jin spun Kubikiribōchō and sent an attack to Darui's side. Not trying to get cut in half Darui used his sword to block this attack


The force behind this attack was enough to send Darui flying

'Damn, I can't take a direct hit by that sword'

Touching his numb arm Darui set his sight back on Jin


Out of pure instincts, Darui bend his upper body backward at an almost 90 degrees angle

He looked at the giant sword that was now embedded in a tree behind him

"Oh you dodged that I'm surprised"

Jin looked at Darui who dodged his attack

Not wanting to lose this opportunity he dashed toward Darui who regained his balance and grabbed his head

Darui saw that Jin wanted to decapitate him by pushing his neck on the sword stuck in the tree

Grabbing onto Jins he sent a wave of lightning into his body. He then fell backward bringing Jin down with him and sent a kick in the chest sending him in the direction of Kubikiribōchō

The stun Jin was unable to move during all of this, because of Darui's previous attack

But he wasn't one of The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist for nothing. He quickly got rid of Darui's stun attack

Landing smoothly he took out his sword from the tree and turned to Darui

This wasn't just a fight between hostile ninjas, it was a battle between masters of kenjutsu


Kazuto looked at the Kiri chunin catching up with him from behind

'Well this seems far enough'

Kazuto stop and turned toward his opponent

The chunin was quite tall in terms of height and had a swole body

'Seems like taijutsu won't be very effective'

Kazuto analyzed the opponent that stood in front of him

Taijutsu was his greatest weapon at the moment see how this man was also a taijutsu expert. If he was fucked before now he is royally fucked

"Just stay still and don't make this difficult for me"

The was not interested in playing with a new genin that just came out of the academy. He could smell the boy's mother's breast milk from here

'I need one precise strike'

His only advantage right now was his opponent underestimating him. This was a blessing to Kazuto he only need to give the man an attack he never expected

Kazuto dashed toward the man and start throwing hands

Using Jutsus was not ideal in this situation, not only did he not know a lot of jutsus his chakra wasn't a lot. If he had to rank it, his chakra would be around high-level genin for a 7-year-old academy graduate this was a huge feat, however in front of a chunin who had years of experience that was nothing

He just needs the Kiri ninja to lower his guard and strike when he least expects it, so using less chakra is the right option here

The man caught Kazuto's fist with his big hands with ease. Seeing how dangerous this is kazuto sent lightning nature chakra to the iron knuckles on his gloves

"That stings"

The chunin let go of kazuto's hand because of the unexpected shock discharged by the knuckles

Kazuto would continue to attack the man and then retreat, it was a boring fight for the first few minutes until he saw an opportunity

The Kiri chunin was now full of openings, the man was a little interested in the student of the famed black lightning Darui but Kazuto was a disappointment

He saw Kazuto sending a palm strike and reached out to grab his hand as he did before

But this strike was different


Kazuto's hand had a flow of chakra behind it and it hit the man's chest

'I did it, let's hurry and finish him off'

"That was close"


Kazuto looked at the chunin that blocked his attack. That attack should have dealt a lot of damage and provided enough time for him to deal the final blow

It wasn't that Kazuto's plan was a bad one but against a seasoned ninja this had little effect. The chunin was able to see through Kazuto's attack last minute and blocked it

'That palm strike sure had a lot of force behind it'

The chunin looked at the hand he used to block Kazuto's attack with a bit of surprised

"Well let's stop playing around"

Lifting Kazuto in the air he threw a punch straight into kazuto's abdomen sending him flying



Kazuto slowly got up and cough out some blood

'My ribs are broken'

Clutching his side Kazzuto looked at the chunin that was slowly walking toward him with a pained expression

'Shit what do I do'

His initial plan failed miserably and the chunin was no longer interested in playing with him. His death was only a matter of time

'Damn it's not finished but it's the only option right now'

After struggling a bit he was able to stand up on his 2 feet and made 3 handseals

'Here goes nothing'

[Lightning Release: Thunder Fiend]


A and his opponent stared each other down

Unlike the chunin, Kazuto was fighting this chunin was a girl with a short and skinny body

'I got this'

After looking at his opponent A felt he had a shot of winning

The girl was silent and didn't speak a single word since she and A were having their staredown

Without further hesitation A dashed towards the girl at very high speeds

This girl didn't look like someone that specialized in taijutsu, he didn't want to give her a chance to use her other means and start throwing hands

The girl was indeed not that great in taijutsu but that doesn't mean she was a pushover

She dodged A attacks with ease, A, who didn't have much combat experience wasn't a huge threat to her

[Lightning plam]

A performed his first ever Jutsu against the chunin that was hit directly

"Phew glad that's over"

A looked at the girl who was now lying on the ground defenseless

'Let's finish this'

He was surprised about how easy that was but he had more important matters

"Hey kid is that how you treat a lady"

As if he heard a ghost A turned around with a pale face

"H-how are you here"

The person behind him was the girl

Soon he saw multiple figures emerging from the forest

"What the hell"

The figures were identical to the Kiri chunin and soon they surrounded him

'A clone jutsu, no it's impossible for her to have that much chakra'

A's brain circuits were running on high trying to comprehend what was happening


A muttered this word with fear in his eyes



'What shit luck'

"Run girl run don't let me catch you"

Mabui looked back at the chunin that was chasing her with a crazed smile on his face

This chunin was just playing cat and mouse with her and unfortunately, she was the mouse

'Today is not my day


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