
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Seven swordsmen of the mist




The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist

An organization consisting of only the greatest blade-wielding shinobi of their generation that Kirigakure can produce. There can only be seven members at a time — hence the name

There was once a powerful clan that specialized in blacksmithing. This clan was very respected across the shinobi world for their creations. They created weapons like the sword of Kusanagi and even repaired the Treasured Tools of the Sage of Six Paths which were damaged by the flow of time

This clan soon join Kiri and created seven blades to show their loyalty

Twinsword Hiramekarei

Kabutowari the Helmet Splitter

Lightning fang Kiba

Blade of execution Kubikiribōchō

Sewing needle Nuibari

Great Shark sword Samehada

Shibuki the blast sword

Individually these are just blades with special abilities but together they can destroy a nation

After seeing the power the seven blades could produce other villages paid close attention to this ninja clan

It didn't take long for this clan to be destroyed by the cooperation of villages

There are only 7 swords and these swords are passed down from generation to generation. Other than the Mizukage and the tailed beast of Kiri, the seven swordsmen are the only force in Kiri that could threaten other villages


In a forest near Ragako Village

Team 11 stood in an open area paying close attention to their surroundings

"Do you think they will come"

A looked around and ask with some doubt, they have been here for an hour now

Since they knew a team of Kiri ninjas was coming they had a quick rest and prepared for battle. To not harm the villagers they moved into the forest that surrounded the village

"Don't know we left clues so they should come here"

Kazuto was also wondering where these guys were

To get them to come here they left some clues to attract their attention


Team 11 heard the sound of footsteps and put up their guard

"Well look what we have here"

They saw a man in black clothing and a ragged robe with a broadsword on his back walking towards them with 4 others behind him

"3 Kumo brats and the famous black lightning Darui, looks like we hit the jackpot boys"

The man looked at team 11 with mockery

"Jin, Executor of the mist"

Said Darui solemnly

He knew who the man in front of him was. One of Kiri's seven swordsmen, the wielder of Kubikiribōchō

Your personality influence what blade you get as one of Kiri's seven swords swordsmen

Every wielder of Kubikiribōchō is either a psychopath or a blood-thirsty animals

Kubikiribōchō is called the blade of execution for a reason. This sword specializes in decapitating the heads of its opponent

Jin is known as the executor of the mist because he takes missions to hunt down the missing nins of Kiri. He executes them in front of the village to show others what happens when you betray Kiri

Darui wasn't worried that he couldn't beat Jin, he was more worried about his students

'One swordsman of the mist and four chunins, this is not looking good'

Darui sensed the others behind jin were around chunin level. He was now in a tight situation he has to protect his students and fight 5 opponents, what made him worry was if one of the chunin skip past him and attack his students, as a ninja he knew how low a ninja could get just to complete a task

"I wonder what the Mizukage's face would look like when he sees me with your head"

Jin realized Darui's disadvantage, in a one-on-one fight his chances of beating Darui were low but no he has the upper hand

No longer hesitating Darui suddenly appeared in front of the chunins and slice him in half with his sword

The other chunins look to the side only to see their comrade dead

Jin took out Kubikiribōchō and attack Darui who was getting ready to kill another chunin

Darui easily countered Jin's attack and step back to guard his students

"What do we do"

Kazuto saw that their current situation was not looking good and locked to Mabui for advice

Although she was quite shaken Mabui quickly claimed down and assess their current situation

"We should split up"

Said Mabui with a bitter look on her face. She didn't think it would come to this

"Are you sure that's a good idea"

A didn't feel like this plan was a good one

"It's the only option, if we all stay in one area then sensei would always focus on us, which will distract him, not only that the other 3 guys will be able to attack us if stay too close. We need to get those guys away from sensei so he can focus on that Jin guy over there"

"But then we would have to fight one of them alone, we are just new genins"

"I know but we have no choice"

Mabui knew better than anyone how dangerous this plan was. She was the weakest in team 11 and fighting a chunin alone is suicide

Kazuto understood Mabui's plan but like A said they are just new genins no matter how much of a genius they were they could never defeat a chunin

"A Mabui's plan is all we got, its the best way to ensure our safety"


"No buts, I know you're afraid, I'm afraid as well but desperate times call for desperate measures, we can't run away in situations like this we can only fight"

Kazuto put his hands on A and Mabui's shoulders and look them deep in the eye

"If we make it out alive I'm treating you both to some of Anteiku's famous meals"

Mabui and A who were scared calmed down a bit after hearing this

"Find I'm doing this only for the lunch"

A knew Kazuto was trying to cheer them up, kazuto was right desperate times call for desperate measures

"Ok let's do this"

Kazuto and the others started to walk backward

"Where are you kids going"

Darui felt their movement and asked

"Sensei you take care of those guys we will escape and bring the intel to the base"

Kazuto answered while winking at his teacher a few times. Although they kept their voices low Darui was able to pick up on what they were planning

"Trust us"

Darui read Kazuto's lips and understand what he was saying

To think his students would take such a risk

Kazuto and the others then spirited off in different directions in the forest

"Go after them"

Jin couldn't allow this and sent his men after them

The 3 remaining chunins rushed to team 11 after hearing Jin's order

This would make his advantage a lot weaker but not by much he doesn't think those Kumo brats will be able to defeat those chunins

Darui was also worried about their safety but he chose to trust them

'I have to finish this quickly'

His sword got covered in black lightning and rushed towards Jin at neck-breaking speed


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