
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 30

Naruto and Madara were a split second away from clashing when a Lava covered fist connected with Naruto's jaw, sending him flying for miles until he reached the ice cold ocean. Naruto connected with the ocean and sank like a ship.

Madara let out a whistle at the strength behind the attack, this girl had an arm on her. But now he was disappointed that his dance partner was sent away. Madara let his satisfaction be known to Kurotsuchi. "Now why'd you go and do that, we were just about to have a good battle."

Kurotsuchi turned to the imposing Man in front of her and offered no words, only a scoff. Kurotsuchi struck out with a punch faster than the quickest lighting towards Madara's face.

Due to having many experiences with opponents going faster then the natural laws itself, Madara ducked the punch and used his advanced vision to for see the next attack, but was not expecting Kurotsuchi to speed up her attack and send a kick towards his waist, also sending Madara to the same location as Naruto.

The side watchers looked on with shock at the stone Kunoichi. She struck the Heavenly Demon, Naruto Uzumaki and Madara Uchiha.

"Ha, this everlasting storm will finally stop today!" Ohnoki boasted with arrogance on his face.

"You bastard! You won't get away with this!" Tsunade shouted with anger and took off her green robe, this old man was not leaving here alive.

Ohnoki scoffed. "and what do you hope to do?" The old man floated into the air with a smirk. "You can't reach me up here.

Tsunade grinned and vanished from her place on the ground and was above Ohnoki with her fist cocked back and glowing with her powerful chakra glowing on her hand.

The Stone kage's eyes widened and he had to use all his speed to evade the attack or suffer death. Ohnoki dodged but still felt the draft of wind and pressure blow past him. "Shit, if she hits me directly it's game over." Ohnoki thought with a foreboding feeling as he watched the ground and surrounding area be destroyed by Tsunade's punch.

Mifune seeing things were turning into a drastic situation, began to bark out orders to the samurai around him. "All Samurai! Evacuate the civilians while clearing out all the enemies you come into contact with!" Mifune ordered and ran off to go and help.

From the ground, rose white creatures and other Stone ninja with weapons and chakra roaring. All the Kage and guards got ready for battle.

"Well looks like brother was right, Shit was going to pop off." Karin said and pulled out a sword and her chains sprouted from her back.

"Well Naruto-kun is a magnet for trouble." Mei said as she got ready for war once again.

"Nothing I can't handle!" Ay shouted with joy and activated his lighting cloak and rushed into the army by himself.

"Man, this is so dole." Darui groaned with a lazy tone, before he followed behind the Rakage into the horde of enemies.

Without much being said, all the ninja rush into the horde of enemies currently standing front of them. The battle which will go down in history will now begin.

Over in the ocean, Naruto exploded from the sea in a fit of mad laughter. "That was a good hit little Bee!" Naruto stood on top of the water and threw his fist out to connect with Madara who had managed to catch himself in the air.

The water under them began to part and form trenches miles underground and even cause massive waves to form.

The Uchiha had a grin on his face. "Nice power, but can you keep at it!" Madara swung his gunbai from his back but found it blocked by the blade of Naruto. They began to clash with their weapons on top of the water with speeds unmatched.

Lighting came from the sky and they both jumped away, avoiding the hit. They rushed back in and clashed their weapons of choice against each other. Both Uzumaki and Uchiha had crazy grins on their faces.

Naruto then spoke up. "You are good, let's keep dancing."

Madara's grin increased as his eyes glowed with power. "You stole my line foolish child!"

They both jumped out the way of 5 massive lava dragons they impacted with the spaces they were at. The ocean began to transform into black rock and lava flowed through the cracks. Kurotsuchi came into view, but she looked different and Hot.

Her normally short black hair was long and flowing like multan lava with its fierce red color. Kurotsuchi's once pink pupil-less eyes were now lava red and possessed a black slit. The jounin vest was no longer their and in the place was just the red shirt with one long sleeve while the other possessed a normal sleeve, red skin tight pants and regular ninja sandals. The strange thing however, was the wings made from lava on her back keeping her in the air.

"Woah. You look so hot right now." Naruto complemented Kurotsuchi and gave her a whistle. "Now, shake them hips girl!"

Kurotsuchi scowled down at Naruto. Even in situations like these, he could make jokes about her. She was now finding the idea of killing him much more appealing. "Can't you see, I have awakened the same power as you. Your defeat is all but certain."

"Come on then, Let's see it." Naruto waved her over with his hand and got ready. He didn't activate his Storm transformation since he wanted to test out the little bee first.

"Don't forget about me!" Madara was coming down with his gunbai ready to smack Naruto directly on the head.

Looking back, Naruto shot out a chain of chakra that grabbed Madara's leg and threw him to Kurotsuchi who punched Madara back down to Naruto. The blonde brought up his leg and kicked Madara back to Kurotsuchi who covered her hand in lava and was about to hit the Uchiha once again but was stopped when a blue fire which turned into a skeletal rib cage surrounded Madara, protecting him from the consecutive punches.

"I am not about to be some pinball." Madara fell to the ground and looked at the two monsters in front of him with hints of respect. He was getting excited at the three way about to go down, "If only Hashirama was here." Madara thought with sadness that his rival wouldn't be here to fight with him against these two. If only he could spill blood or die, this would be much more exciting since he would be putting it all on the line.

"Hey don't worry Madara! I can seal you away anytime, so you kind of can die if I get a good hit on you." Naruto informed the Uchiha. Naruto was sure that the Uchiha was sad he couldn't spill blood and fully enjoy the battle. But telling him that he could technically be killed at any time should have helped just a bit.

"Will you just die!" Kurostuchi said and appeared in front of Naruto with a punch.

Naruto disappeared in a blue flash while Kurotsuchi's punch split the sea's, like butt cheeks being spread apart. A crack spread at the bottom sea floor and all types of animals were spotted down.

Naruto came back into view and Kurotsuchi was right in front of him. "Woah, she's fast enough to track my flying raijin. My formula is better than my fathers." Naruto flashed away in more flashes, making a circuit of blue streaks across the water. Each time, Kurotsuchi was there with an attack that he was barely able to dodge. He appeared again and didn't dodge the attack, which lead to him being struck in the middle of his chest plate sending him crashing into the raging ocean and it's waves.

"Hahaha! You two are fun!" Madara dashed towards Kurotsuchi with 5 Fire dragons behind him and 5 blue beads shaped like magatama.

Kurotsuchi looked towards Madara and went through hand signs and blasted 5 of her own Lava Dragons towards Madara while dodging the blue magatama; however, she was not expecting them to turn around and strike her in the back.

Madara took full advantage of this and jumped on the air and hovered over the downed girl. "Firestyle:Majestic Destroyer flame!" He finished his hand signs and blew an intense heat down towards the red head.

Kurotsuchi looked up and cursed, she placed her hands down on the ground. "Lava protection god!" From the ground rose a giant dragon with its wings covered around itself and Kurotsuchi was in the arms of the dragon. More water turned to solid rock and created more ground for lava and water to mix, giving them a stable battle ground.

The fire from Madara connected with the Dragon statue and didn't do anything to the rock statue. Madara widened his eyes at his jutsu being stopped by something he had never seen before. "Nice defense." A blue skeleton hand formed and blue beads hovered in its palm. "Let's see more of that shall we!" the blue skeleton hand flew forwards and released the blue beads.

The beads connected with the statue and made it budge the slightest causing Madara to grin. He was loving this battle. Madara looked upwards with his rinnegan.

"Let's see your defense!" Kurotsuchi was falling down with her wings folded and hand glowing with dense chakra.

"Alright! Come on then!" Madara got ready to defend from the attack.

Kurotsuchi was dropped kick in the face and sent flying into the black rock which had formed due to the battle. "Fuck! Only one person drop kicks me. Stupid bird brain." she looked up to see the grinning face of Naruto.

His hair was snow white and his eyes were blue with fox slits, making him look like an apex predator. In his hand was the Bongseon, which was glowing with power. Naruto's chakra swirled around him like an uncontrollable storm.

"Come on little bee, you can still dance can't you?" Naruto asked with a cheeky grin.

"Hmph, finally getting serious on me." Kurotsuchi stood up and rolled her shoulders and flapped her lava wings and rose up in the air.

"You two dance well, I'm glad we are all getting serious now." Madara used gravity from the power of the rinnegan so he could also fly somewhat.

All three of them held each other's gaze. They were all calm while the weather was raging, as if mother nature was upset at the battle about to go down. They all then charged in on an unspoken signal and clashed, causing the surroundings to be destroyed in an instant while the sea waves reached monstrous levels. The three was a good distance away from the land of Iron and simply hovered over the black rocks that had become the size of a village sized island.

Leaf Village

Smoke filled the sky and sounds of explosions and screams echoed across the sky. There was pandemonium in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Once again, they found themselves being attacked by other villages.

"Gentle step: Flaming rotation!"

In a form like a tornado, Ranmaru spun and created a pillar of flames that burned all the stone ninjas attacking the Hyuuga compound at the moment. They had been on the receiving end of multiple stone ninja jutsu and lost some good Hyuga in the mix. However, it wasn't just stone ninja as there were reanimated ninja as well.

"Ranmaru!" The red eyed boy turned to see his sensei Neji approaching with blood splattered on his white robe. "Head towards the Hospital and clear a path for the wounded, we must keep that place safe at all costs."

"But what about you sensei?" Ranmaru asked with clear worry in his tone.

Neji smiled just the slightest at his student being worried for him. "No need to worry, I will stay here and keep the clan compound safe."

Another explosion sounded and they all looked to see Kakashi and Sakura in a fight with a reanimated Kakazu.

"CHAAA!" Sakura came down with a fist glowing with chakra and it blew Kakazu's head apart. Threads shot out from the zombie man's body and trapped Sakura in a web of strings.

"Lightning Blade!" Kakashi came in and diced the strings up and allowed Sakura to get free.

"Thanks Sensei." Sakura nodded to Kakashi who kept his eye on the reforming Kakazu.

"Don't mention it, but what are we going to do about this guy." Kakashi said thoughtful as his Advanced Sharingan was out, showing he had managed to awaken the mangekyo sharingan.

"He keeps reforming every time we destroy him." Sakura noted with clear anger in her tone.

"Ice style: Sealing pillar!" Kakazu was trapped in a pillar of ice that reached the sky. A sealing formation appeared under him and he was dragged into it with a last cry.

The two members of team 7 looked over to see Rukia with an icy expression on her face. "That's another one gone." Rukia said in an emotionless voice.

"Rukia? What did you just do?" Sakura asked with surprise, all on her dirty face.

"I simply sealed him away, that's the only way to defeat these…undead." Rukia informed them all in a calm tone.

"I see, do you have any seals on you that may help us?" Kakashi asked while still staying on guard, they were at war right now and dropping your guard would lead to death.

"Here, don't lose them." Rukia grabbed a handful of seal papers from her black shihakusho and handed them over to her comrades. "You have to make direct contact with them in order for the seal to work."

"Right, we will work on trapping them." Kakashi said and then jumped off with Sakura to go and stop the invading forces.

Rukia rose to the sky and overlooked the whole village, she could see the village wall was basically destroyed and was being flooded with stone ninja, reanimated ninja and even these white creatures. She turned to the training fields and could see multiple battles going on. Anbu were leaping all around the village and sending out countless jutsu of mass destruction towards the enemy.

The hokage tower was riddled with cracks and on the verge of collapsing. A pink crystal dragon roared and made contact with a stone dragon in a mass explosion, blowing up a training ground.

"Guren is taking down foes left and right, Nice." Rukia complemented.

Rukia looked down to see Kurenai, Tayuya and Kin placed a mass number of Stone ninja's in a genjutsu which allowed Ino to burn them all into ash with a powerful fire jutsu that covered the whole forest they were in.

It was now her turn to get back in the battle to defend her home. She gazed around until she found someone causing mass damage to their forces and village.

Rukia began to vanish and reappear across the village using Flash Step. She had finally mastered it under the teaching of her father and sword. The girl's spiritual pressure began to rise in anticipation for the fight to come. Gripping Shirayuki in a tight grip just like her father had instructed her to do, she flashed step for the last time and landed on the ground in a explosion of ice and froze all the surrounding stone ninja, she also managed to get some reanimated ninja trapped as well. Rukia's finger got a glow to it and then began to quickly write seal formations on the ground and watched as the black seals expanded on the ground and sealed the reanimated ninja up.

Rukia turned around and was about to flash step away, until she felt an intense heat and had to dodge a ball made from flames. "What was that? No flames can melt my ice." Rukia turned around and saw a woman standing with white fire balls floating around her.

Standing tall with fair skin and pupilless brown eyes was a woman with mainly green hair and burnt orange tips. Her hair was tied up in a bun on the top of her head with two long strands coming down the side of her face. Her clothes consists of a sleeveless, backless top and short tight pants, with two lapels on the front and the back while also leaving her back exposed. She wears an obi around her waist, as well as purple arm-warmers which extend up to her shoulders, and has bandages around her thighs and ankles.

This was Pakura. And she had used her Scorch Release to break from the frozen pillar before she could be sealed. "Ah Yuki member? Haven't fought one of you guys in a while." The woman's voice was soft and gentle, and almost…regretful.

"How did you break from the ice? No fire should be hot enough to melt my flames." Rukia demanded. She then put out her sword and got ready to fight.

"It is my bloodline, Scorch Release. I am also sorry for the damage I am causing to your village." Pakura answered Rukia's question and fell into a fighting stance, as her own flames and chakra flared to life. "The name is Pakura by the way."

"I'll stop you so that won't happen anymore." Rukia proclaimed proudly and flared her spiritual pressure. "Let's dance, Shirayuki!" Her normal looking Katana then turned into a beautiful all white blade, a white tassel formed at the edge and swirled in the chaotic wind which was Rukia's spiritual pressure.

Rukia then vanished from her step and managed to appear behind Pakura in the blink of an eye. Rukia swung her blade down that was cloaked with a frost cold mist and aimed to slice the zombie ninja in half.

Pakura was no elite jounin of sand for nothing and body flickered from her position, causing Rukia to slice nothing but air. When Pakura appeared once again, it was with a hand covered in white flames and heading towards Rukia's back.

The hand exploded through the back of Rukia and began to melt her from the inside. "I am sorry, young one." Pakura apologized with a heavy heart. If only she had control over her body, she would put an end to this madness.

That was until her hand lost its flame and got cold, a feeling she never really felt since being in the sand and having a fire type bloodline. Pakura looked to see her arm being covered in ice and the fast moving ice was making its way up her body at a rapid pace. The black haired Yuki's body quickly turned to ice, and trapped Pakura in a pillar of ice.

"Now, to seal you away." Rukia appeared from an ice shard on the ground and began to draw seals once more, until her ice pillar melted and the ground became burnt from the blazing heat coming from Pakura.

Pakura exploded from the melted ice, and went through hand signs for a destructive jutsu. "Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder." Flaming orbs began to form and shine like little suns. The white orbs of flames then began to orbit around Pakura, as if she was the sun and her flaming orbs were just planets being pulled by her strong gravity.

Rukia seeing that the sand kunoichi is attacking decided she would set her plan into motion. Going through the appropriate hand signs, Rukia placed her hands on the ground. "Ice Release: Ice Rock Dome of Magnificent Nothingness!" Rukia froze the ground and air in order to create a thick dome of ice to protect her from the white balls which fell onto her position and melted the ground around her.

"Impressive, but you need to attack in order to defeat me." Pakura encouraged the young girl with fierce purple eyes.

Rukia remained calm as she peered from behind her ice dome with her purple eyes that glowed an intense violet. Rukia went through more hand signs and the dome quickly went from a protective dome of ice to a "Ice Dragon!" The magnificent dragon made from ice came to life with a powerful roar that caused the air to tremble and ground to quake from its roar.

Pakura smiled at the massive jutsu coming towards her and weaved through hand signs to counter the life threatening jutsu in front of her. "Scorch Release: Great Steaming Explosive Blast." she said softly and all the balls orbiting around her combined into one massive ball of flames. It shined so bright that even the shadows melted away from the intense light. It's heat was terror as the woods began to be lit ablaze as the flames reached from tree to tree.

The two jutsu met in the center with a fierce clash that caused the ground to be completely destroyed and several miles of landscape to be uplifted. The Ice dragon held firm as it went against the flames that seemed to burn brighter than the sun. To the shock of Pakura, she could see her Jutsu being forced to cool down. Beginning to sweat, Pakura was forced to apply more chakra and cause the jutsu to grow bigger and burn brighter.

Pakura cast a glance towards Rukia to see if she was struggling like she was. To her utter shock, the girl was calm like a river but her eyes were fierce like raging rapids. "Damn this jutsu caster, I wish I could see the look on their face when I am defeated." The woman resigned herself to the defeat that was soon to come.

Rukia Flashed step from her position and appeared behind Pakura. "1st dance, Tsukishiro." Rukia calmly stated and a white pillar rose from the ground and even reached the heavens. Pakura was frozen in place inside the jutsu and couldn't even move. "You danced well, it will be something I remember down the line." Rukia noted with respect and pride. She drew a seal formula on the ground made from chakra and sealed Pakura up for good.

Rukia then jumped high into the air and looked at the forest fire spreading across the village. "Let's do something about that." Rukia channeled water chakra and spat out a large sea of water. She used the Water Style: Exploding Water Shock Wave to spawn a great amount of water to put out the raging fire.

"That was a good fight Lady Rukia, she didn't stand a chance." Shirayuki said with pride in Rukia's abilities.

"Jeez, you're starting to sound more like my dad." Rukia let out a little laugh. She too was being affected by the arrogance of her father. He said' take pride in your strength, and to not be afraid to flex your power on these bitches'.

Shirayuki let out an angelic giggle. "I can't help it, Master rubs off on me from time to time."

Rukia floated down from the sky into the thick cloud of mist that came from putting the massive fire out. Her eyes then widened and Flash stepped out of the way of a Kusarigama that was trying to slice her in half. The sharp blade managed to slice apart the cloud of mist in half and blow it all away.

It revealed a muscular man of above-average height, with long blond hair reaching down to his back and a scar on his right cheek. He had a dark hat on his head and his lower face was mostly obscured by a helmet-like respirator.

He wore loose wetsuit-like outfit typical of his village, accented by bandages wrapped around his wrists and lower legs. A flak jacket with swirls on the chest-plate, standard shinobi sandals and a dark cloak that reached down below his waist. Underneath this wetsuit, he donned a dark, short-sleeved, midriff shirt which exposed his lower abdomen.

"I am Hanzo and that was a good fight little girl, but you die here." Hanzo said and dashed towards Rukia with great speeds jounin would find hard to keep up with.

Rukia met him in the middle of the clearing and they connected blades. "You are no match for me." Rukia told him icily.

"Well see." Hanzo gripped his blade and flicked his wrist so the steel ball at the end of his blade could wrap around Rukia's blade. Once Hanzo had Rukia's blade captured, he brought the blade part of his weapon down and went to cleave Rukia in half.

That was until Hanzo was stabbed all over the body by giant ice needles. This was a jutsu Haku had taught her called One Thousand Needles Of Death. Rukia Flash stepped from her former position and rushed in to slice the man's body apart and give her a chance to seal him away.

Hanzo shot out a Fireball that hit Rukia point blank and blasted the girl back into several trees. He then reformed quickly and appeared over the girl and brought down his knee on her chest, causing Rukia to open her mouth in a silent scream.

"Didn't I tell you? You can't beat me." Hanzo was about to stomp on Rukia's face but was blasted away when he was hit by a blue fire in his ribs.

Rukia had hit him with Hado 33. A fire spell. She quickly got to her feet and raised her blade in a formation. "Third Dance, White Sword." Rukia's abilities sky rocketed and her blade took on the form of a cold white mist. "Now the real dance will start." Rukia performed multiple Flash steps until her blade met with Hanzo's chest and cut him wide open.

Unlike she was expecting, the wound did not heal over or regenerate. Rukia's eyes widened as she remembered her blade was a weapon from her soul. So this mean she could attack the soul directly and with a good hit, put the reanimated ninja down for good.

"What happened to the confidence, You are not scared are you?" Rukia asked with a mocking undertone.

"Shut up!" Hanzo roared out and a burst of poison expelled itself from his body. It rushed towards Rukia who simply countered it by sending a wave of ice out that froze it in seconds.

"Useless." Rukia appeared in front of the man and went to cut off his head but Hanzo brought his blade up in time and blocked. They then began to disappear in a water works of sparks and clangs of metal. Appearing all over the forest and sending out powerful jutsu, hoping to catch one another off guard.

Rukia slid her white blade down the scythe looking blade of hanzo and cut his rebreather off. She was aiming for the head but only managed to get his mask since Hanzo dodge at the last second. Hanzo swung his blade upwards by the chain part of his weapon and hoped to cut the girl open but only cut air.

Rukia jumped back and held her palm outwards. "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws." Rukia mentally finished her incantation, as her hand got a blue glow to it. "Sokatsui!" Rukia shot out a massive blue orb of fire towards Hanzo.

"Hmph, Fire Release: True Hydra Technique!" Hanzo released a large fire dragon that possessed three massive heads and cried out.

"He's stronger than Pakura, I'll have to use my trump card if I want to come out of this without taking too much damage." Rukia said in her mind.

"Are you sure you want to use 'that', we could still use more training on it." Shirayuki said with worry laced in her tone. This was no laughing matter and Rukia had to be 100% sure or it would all backfire.

"We have no choice, let's do it." Rukia declared and tilted her blade and a cold light flickered in her eyes. "Banki, Hakka no Togame." An avalanche of ice exploded from the tip of Rukia's blade and rushed towards Hanzo who had to jump out the way, since he knew no fire jutsu he had could melt that ice.

Thinking Hanzo had an opening, he leaped towards Rukia with his killing intent clear and blade glimmering in the sun. That was until it froze over, and his eyes widened.

Hidden Cave

Itachi was walking through a forest. He was wearing his old anbu clothes from when he was a leaf ninja. On his back rested a tanto most anbu members use.

He had a goal in mind. Take down Kabuto Yakushi. Normally he wouldn't engage in something like this since he was sick and this would surely be his last duty of protecting the leaf village. But Naruto had given him something…special.

It was a pill containing the 9 tails chakra while being mixed with the healing properties of Karin Uzumaki healing skill. It was something Naruto was going to give Kakashi when they were going after Gaara. Itachi had been sent this pill via Thunderbird summoning on morning.

The pill was like a regular medicine ball but 100x times more effective. It would push his sickness back and act as a short term medicine, but once the effect went away, it would make Itachi's sickness come back even stronger and most likely kill him if this fight didn't.

Itachi saw a cave covered by a grove of bushes and trees. He activated his Susanoo and punched right through the cave wall.

"Damn, I thought Pakura would be enough to kill Rukia. Her death would no doubt make Naruto suffer. I guess she is stronger than I gave her credit for." Kabuto raged to himself.

"You should know to not underestimate that clan by now." Itachi spoke calmly. He knew all too well how strong Naruto was.

Kabuto peeked at Itachi from under his cloak with a sick smirk on his face. "Yes, I do know." Kabuto turned around and allowed Itachi to see his new body modifications. Kabuto's skin was now white as snow while looking as if he had snake scales. A tail came from under his cloak. "But I am different now, no one can defeat me now!"

"Let's see about that, shall we?"

Land Of Iron

"Hahahaha! Out of the way sweetheart, the men are fighting!" Naruto created a giant blue thunderbird talon made from his bloodline and swatted Kurotsuchi from the sky.

Naruto evaded a swing from the grinning Madara's gunbai and shot out a punch that sent Madara flying back several feet in the air. Naruto held up Bongseon to the sky and caused an intense storm to pick up behind him. The storm struck all over the land of Iron and even rained down lightning strikes towards Kurotsuchi on the ground.

The wind was out of this world while the waves were now threatening to swallow everything whole. Kurotsuchi flapped her lava wings and flew back into the air but was hit by a shadow clone of Naruto holding a Rasenshuriken, which exploded on her, sending the stone kunoichi back to the solid Lava that only seemed to get bigger over the course of the battle.

Naruto swung his blade down on Madara and a blue beam shot from the blade and rushed towards Madara. "Nice, but let's see how you defend." Madara placed the gunbai in front of him and sent chakra into it with a grin. "Uchiha Reflection." The beam shot from the gunbai back towards Naruto with greater speeds and power.

It connected with Naruto and exploded in the air. Naruto could be seen falling down from the sky like a comet. He connected with the black rock on the ground and groaned in discomfort. Naruto blinked his blue eyes and shook. his white hair, a grin then formed and he exploded out from the ground.

"Now it's my turn to attack." Madara summoned his susanoo and they both went through hand signs. "Heaven concealed."

The clouds made way for a giant rock that was falling from the sky. It was coming down and if it hit, bye bye Iron Country.

"No way!" Naruto shouted in excitement. This guy Madara was really something else. He got into a stance with his blade on the ground and performed the attack with ease. "Even the heavens shake in fear when thy name is mentioned, Heaven splitter!" Naruto performed a powerful upwards vertical slash towards the heavens.

The meteor was cut into and so was the one behind it that Madara had stashed away. Even the clouds were pushed apart and showed a long slash in them for miles across the earth.

Madara looked on with a slightly wide mouth, but it was quickly pushed away as his grin only increased if possible. "He's quite the guy like that Kabuto fella said."

"You've got to be kidding me! Calm down, we can still possibly take this victory today." Kurotsuchi rose to her feet and rushed towards Naruto. She was sure after using a move like that, he would be tired somewhat.

Naruto ducked his head and sent an elbow towards Kurotsuchi's gut. She blocked it and flipped over Naruto and went for a punch to the back of his head. Naruto sidestepped the punch and performed a dropkick to Kurotsuchi's face and sent her flying back.

Before she could be sent to far, Kurotsuchi threw out a fist of Lava that hit Naruto and sent him flying as well. They both crashed into the ground and crafted trenches in the ground.

"Let me show you…how to really blow this bitch up." Naruto quickly got to his feet and shot up in the sky. The white haired boy raised his hand to the sky and let the storm clouds gather around him and the country of Iron. Once again, Naruto had summoned Geundoowun from his Storm Release. "Let's see you reflect this bitch."

"Fall." With a strong command and closing of his fist, the attack happened.