
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 29

The sound of crying could be heard coming from the living room of the Uzumaki compound.

"Naruto-sama, I am sure she will forgive you in time." Shizune said, trying to comfort the sad Naruto. She was running her hands through his hair.

Naruto was laying face first into Shinzune's lap. He was sad. Why?

"But Rukia-chan hates me!"

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad." Tayuya waved off Naruto while laying on the couch in pajama clothes. It was her day off and had to listen to her man cry like a baby.

"But she won't even talk to me." The muffled voice of Naruto sounded from Shizune's lap. Her black and white maid outfit was getting wet and would surely need to be washed after this.

"Naruto-sama! I am sure you are overreacting." Ino came into the room and placed her hands on her slim waist.

"Nah un." The crying blonde replied in a childish tone.

"Don't worry pops! I'll go kick some sense into her for you!" Inari patted his chest. He was the man of the house when Naruto was gone after all. So it was his job to make sure everything was running smoothly.

"You make me so proud!" Naruto turned his head in Shizune's lap and gave his son a grin. "Just be careful, you know Rukia-chan has that gorilla strength." Naruto warned his adoptive son.

Inari scoffed. "You see these!" Inari flexed in his white muscle shirt. He was 13 but had impressive muscles for his age. "She won't know what hit her." Inari ran off to Rukia's room with big steps and confidence shining bright.

"That kids going to get his ass kicked." Tayuya laughed. Yea she loved the brat like her little brother, but he was way over his head. Her little snowflake was a real monster.

"Hey Yo!" Kurenai came through the sliding door of the front. The woman had a smile at being able to come home from that long mission. There was nothing like getting home after a long day of work and laying down for the first time.

"Ayo!" Everyone chimed in with a smile. This was something everyone did when they got home in the compound.

Kurenai plopped down next to Tayuya on the couch. The redhead laid into Kurenai's lap. "So what did I miss?" Kurenai asked while laying her head back and twirling Tayuya's long red hair.

"Just our future husband crying like a bitch." Tayuya received a pinch on the cheek for her comment.

"Language young lady." Kurenai glared down at Tayuya.

The dirty mouth redhead simply waved off Kurenai. The women could really have a stick up her ass, that was when Naruto wasn't up it. "Yea Sis, I'll try to watch my mouth next time." Tayuya drawled.

"You said that yesterday." Kurenai reprimanded. Until she sighed and laid her head back. This girl was really stubborn. Just like most of this Uzumaki clan she found herself being a part of.

They then all heard a scream and thud come from Rukia's room.

"What was that?" Kurenai asked on guard.

"Probably Inari-kun getting beat up by Rukia-chan." Ino sighed. "That kid is really hard headed."

"Your one to talk." Shizune said with a teasing glint in her eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ino bellowed in anger and a fist waving in the air.

"It means what she said." Tayuya smirked at the platinum blonde in Kurenai's lap.

Just when Ino was about to say something back to Tayuya, Inari came stumbling back in the living room. Except, he was different. The boy's head was encased in a giant block of ice. Inari let out some inaudible words due to his head being covered in ice.

Tayuya busted out laughing and rolled on the floor while crying tears.

Naruto also put his head back in Shizune's lap to hide his laughing face. Shizune looked the other way and held it together a lot better than everyone else who was laughing.

Inari feeling disrespected got angry and vowed to invoke his wrath on his family. It was something Naruto had taught everyone of the clan. 'Anyone who disrespects you should be dealt with.' So Inari would now follow those words until he couldn't anymore. He scanned the room with his shaky head, looking for the closest person to him.

It was Tayuya. She was also laughing the hardest at him, so Inari would make sure to hit her where it hurts.

The block head boy ran or wobbled to Tayuya until he was standing over her.

"What do you want ice cone!" Tayuya laughed at her joke.

Inari didn't say anything and only took a great jump into the air. His vision locked onto Tayuya. The boy fell down like a bird about to swoop down on its prey. Inari had his ice head aimed towards the gut of Tayuya and had a smirk on his face. Inari then impacted with Tayuya's gut.

The red head's eyes widened to a large amount and she turned pale and fell over.

Inari got up and flexed his muscles once again. "That's what happens when you mess with the top dog!" Inari stroked his ego more than he should have in this situation. But since no one could hear him, he had to speak to himself. The boy then felt an ominous presence behind him. Inari turned his head shakely.

Tayuya's eyes were red and her hair flailed in anger while swaying like crimson fox tails. She pulled a knife out of nowhere and got ready to deal some real damage to Inari.

Without wasting a single second, Inari blasted out the door like a rocket. He began to scream his head off at Tayuya chasing him with clear signs of murder in her eyes.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Ino said while blinking owlishly.

They all turned to the hallway and saw Rukia walking out with her sword spirit out behind her.

"Rukia-chan! I'm sorry for coming in without knocking." Naruto told his daughter with an apologetic face.

Rukia's stern face softened and she looked at her dad. "It's okay father, I forgive you. It was only by mistake." At hearing Rukia's words, Naruto's face took on a more delightful appearance. That was until her sandal met his face and Naruto's head was spinning while smoke came from the point of impact.

"Yea right! As if I'd say something like that after you did what you did!" Rukia yelled with womanly fury towards her dad who was laying on the ground crying anime tears. Rukia then took a deep breath and relaxed herself. "You have to give me my privacy, I am a growing woman who needs her own space. You can't just come into my room like you did when I was younger." Rukia walked over and gave Naruto a hug.

"I'm sorry for being so mad at you, I just freaked out and pushed you away because I was embarrassed." Rukia said in an apologetic voice.

Naruto embraced the hug and gave a happy smile. "Don't worry Rukia-chan, I forgive you." The blonde then got a teasing smirk on his face. "At least I won't have to worry about you getting a boyfriend since your body hasn't developed."

Rukia got a tick mark on her head and her spiritual pressure flared to life.

"You dug your own grave on this one Master." Shirayuki thought in pity for Naruto. He could be so stupid sometimes. But she still found herself caring for the blonde.

Rukia, much like Naruto, performed a drop kick and sent Naruto crashing outside. What was she doing apologizing to her father, he really got on her last nerve sometimes. Rukia got up and walked to her room with steam blowing out her ears. One of these days, she was gonna kill Naruto.

"It was going so well." Shizune sighed sadly.

"He really dropped the bag on that one." Ino shook her head in disappointment. It was then they heard the front door slide open.

In walked to hokage with a drink in her hand. "Hey yo!" Tsunade yelled with a grin on her face. This was the best part about walking into this house.


"What brings you by Hokage-sama?" Kurenai asked.

Tsunade waved her off. "Please Kurenai, when I'm in here it's just Tsunade." She didn't really enjoy being called that by her family and close friends. "Anyways, where is Naruto? We have to get to the 5 kage summit."

Are you sure you should be drinking while going to such an important meeting?" Shizuen asked with a somewhat glare towards her teacher. This was just like the old times.

"Pfft, this is the perfect reason to drink. It's going to be a meeting between all the kage. No doubt some shit is going to pop off." Tsunade responded. Things like this always went off the deep end with no chance of seeing the surface again.

"Even still, you should show up looking your best." Shizune tried to explain to Tsunade but was cut off when she received a smack to her rear end. Causing Shizune to go red and let a cute squeal to escape from her throat.

"Relax babe, Mom isn't going to budge and in fact." Naruto walked over to a cabinet and opened it revealing some saucers and hennessy. "She has the right idea!" Naruto poured him and his mom a cup and they toasted before drinking with happy smiles on their faces.

"My god, these two are really going to represent our village at this meeting." Kurenai face palmed and felt a sinking feeling in her gut.

"But about this meeting Mom, who is the other person you are bringing with you?" Naruto questioned with an arm around his mother's shoulder.

Tsunade held a thinking gaze. She would have to bring two of her most powerful ninjas and Naruto was a no-brainer. "Well I was going to bring Kakashi and you but I have this feeling that shit will go off the deep end. So how about you and Karin." Tsunade chirped at the end with a wink.

"Aaaa, two perfect jinchuuriki and Uzumaki. What a devastating combo!" Naruto and Tsunade let out loud laughs that echo throughout the whole compound.

"Just let me go grab Karin." Naruto said and then disappeared in a blue flash.

Hyuuga Compound

Naruto appeared behind Karin who in nothing but her red underwear and bra.

The girl let out a scream and delivered a chakra empower slap to Naruto's face, but he didn't flinch and kept his eyes on her.

Thanks to his girlfriend's scream, Neji came running into the room with his byakugan activated and chakra ready to be unleashed. He then saw Naruto looking at Karin half naked.

"Naruto! What are you doing?!" Neji screamed and would have attacked if he didn't remember who Naruto was.

"Well I was coming to get my sister since we have to guard Mom at the 5 kage summit." Naruto drawled in deadpan. This was something and he had a good idea at what these two were about to do.

"Why can't you use the door like a normal person?!" Karin screamed and shook her hand to free the pain she was feeling from slapping Naruto. The guy was tougher than the hardest metal and built like a mountain.

"Still! I don't want you to see my girlfriend half naked." Neji moved Karin behind him. Neji took off his already loose robe and wrapped it around Karin to snuggle into it with a blush on her face. Neji was not the most emotional person but when he was, it was also that much better.

"Sorry." Naruto said in deadpan.

"At least turn around!" Neji shouted in outrage and a tick mark.

Karin just sighed at her brother. He was a pervert and that was all there was to it. He'd have sex with his real mother if he could. Little did Karin know.

"How long until we leave?" Karin sighed out.

"Like right now, so be quick. Just like Neji is." Naruto left in a blue flash back to his compound with his final words being given.

"Jezz, Your brother is a handful." Neji said and pulled Karin to him.

"Did you not hear what he said just now?" Karin asked while laying her head on Neji's chest.


"He said for me to 'come' quick just like you always do."

Neji stayed silent for a while as he processed the words and any hidden meanings that he might be able to find. "Come quick, Cum…quick." A lightbulb went off in Neji's head as he finally understood what Naruto said. "That mongrel!" Neji roared out in anger.

Karin just laughed to herself at how easily it was to rile up her boyfriend. It was something Naruto took advantage of every time. After Neji's defeat to Naruto and running countless missions with the blonde, Neji slowly let go of his hatred for the main branch and fate complex.

It was also thanks to his little apprentice in Ranmaru. He took the boy under his wing and began to train him in the false claims of being the servant of Ranmaru. Hinata did not like this and vowed to change everything along with Naruto. Neji hoped that day would come soon.

Village Gates

The whole village was gathered to give farewells to the Hokage and her guards.

"Have a safe trip!"

"We'll miss you Naruto-sama!"

"Make sure to kick their asses if a fight breaks out!"

These were only some of the things being shouted in the large group of people.

Naruto had a smirk on his face. He was now wearing his blue battle armor with Kasumi wrapped around his neck giving him an orange fur pelt. Under his armor was black undershirt and pants. He was wearing a black glove on his left hand. His blade was on his waist concealed in its sheath humming in excitement for the bloodshed that was no doubt to come.

Karin was next to Naruto and in similar battle armor except hers was lava red in color and possessed a white fur pelt. She was wearing black a black long sleeve under her armor and skirt that was covered by the bottom of her armor, leaving her long legs to be shown and give a certain Hyuga a show. On her lower back rested a long sword with a red handle and golden feather tail resting on the end by a string.

"Okay Naruto, take us there." Tsunade said and turned to the smirking blonde.

"Roger Roger." Naruto replied in a robotic tone and gave a salute. 2 clones popped into existence. They picked the two women up in bridal style carries and began to float in the sky.

"Well be back soon Konoha!" Tsunade yelled to everyone below her before she was cut off by Naruto as he blasted off in a trail of blue light.

Flying over the lands of the elemental nations never got old and the view was always something to behold. That was until Naruto went through hand signs and spoke the name of the jutsu.

"Storm Release: Flying thunder." Under Naruto formed a dark gray storm cloud big enough for them all the rest on. He landed on the cloud and his clones set the other two woman down on the soft cloud.

"Naruto, what is this?" Karin poked and sensed the cloud.

"It's a jutsu from my bloodline, I just make a cloud made from storms and we ride on top of it like this." Naruto replied while lying on his back.

"Well it is certainly great for travel." Tsunade said and laid next to Naruto followed by Karin who did the same.

Iron Country

Outside the gates of Iron Country sat two samurai gate guards. They looked up into the normally gray clouds that were raining snow. They then saw a cloud that looked as if it didn't belong.

"Is it me, or does that cloud seem to be rumbling like thunder?"

"It also is moving incredibly fast."

The two noted and then saw the cloud plummet to the ground with great speeds. And the faint sound of screams could be heard coming from the cloud.

Before the cloud impacted with the ground, 3 figures jumped off it and watched the cloud disappear like it didn't exist.

"Well uhhh, that was weird."

A blue flash appeared in front of them putting the two guards on alert. They almost dropped their weapons when they saw Naruto standing in front of them.

"N-naruto Uzumaki!" The guard stuttered out."

"Yup that's me, We are here for the summit." Naruto acknowledged.

"R-right." The guard saw Tsunade Senju the 5th Hokage and Karin Uzumaki the container of the 4 tailed monkey, Son Goku. He allowed them to pass.

Once they all walked into the snowy village, they soon went to their hotel to chill until the time of the meeting. And now was the time.

"Alright, Naruto stay on your best behavior." Tsunade fixed Naruto with a stern glare.

Naruto had the nerve to look offended. "What are you talking about Mom? I am a well mannered young man."

Karin looked at Naruto as if he had grown a second head. That was bullshit and even Naruto knew that.

"Just don't be making comments and leave that stone kunoichi alone." Tsunade gave Naruto another stern glare. Those two in the same room was a fight waiting to happen. They were somewhat rivals in bloodlines. It didn't help that Naruto always found some way to tease her. Whether it be his lewd remarks, arrogant attitude, or just beating her every time they fight.

"That will be hard, I just can't resist messing with Kuro-chan." Naruto said in a helpless manner. If this was another life, those two would most likely be a married couple with the way they argue.

"Let's go." Tsunade said and walked out the room. Why was she trying? This was going to be a shit show anyways.

All the kage could be seen seated at a circular table with their two guards behind them in an upper part of the room. The kage had their hats resting on the table while everyone just stared. at each other.

"So Raikage-sama, Since you called this meeting, can you tell us what is going on?" Miffune, the leader of the Iron Country asked in a polite tone.

The man nodded in respect to the country's leader. Ay then turned to Tsunade with a questioning look. "Have you received word from my brother? That and the problem about the Akatsuki is why I called this meeting." Ay bellowed in a hard tone.

"Yes I have, Naruto over there tells me that Bee was traveling, and handing out concert tickets. He claimed to feel 'trapped' inside the walls of the village." Tsunade had to fight hard not to laugh or even chuckle. That man Bee was such a handful, she was glad Naruto was at least present.

"Uhh, Tsunade-dono, Naruto-kun is not here." Mei said in a deadpan.

Did the Hokage have a couple of drinks before coming here? Well, She did as well.

Tsunade and Karin slowly turn to the spot Naruto is supposed to be with blank faces. Like Mei said, Naruto was not standing behind her like he should have. It was then Tsunade clinched her hand causing veins to appear and her Chakra to vibrate around her body.

Karin quickly sensed all of Inon Country for Naruto's chakra signature and only sighed at where the troublesome blonde was.

"That damn Idiot, I'm going to wrap my hands around his neck and never let go." Tsunade said quietly, not wanting to lose her temper in front of such important figures.

"I'm right here." Naruto said from behind Kurotsuchi. Like Naruto had done many times before, he delivered a nice smack to the ass of the stone kunoichi. Just like he remembered, her ass was tight and firm but still round and juicy. It was one of her best features if Naruto was being honest, right next to her loveable personality. "Nice and firm, just how I like it." Naruto grinned next to the young woman.

Kurotsuchi was feeling utterly embarrassed. She was a whole new shade of red. Not only did Naruto smack her ass for like the 100th time, he did it in front of all the kage and her grandfather. "I'll definitely kill that bird brain for this!" She thought in anger as her hair flickered red and an intense heat picked up.

"No way, Don't tell me." Naruto thought in growing excitement. He knew exactly what this rise and flow of chakra meant. An excited grin grew on his face as he could feel his chakra react and begin to flow in anticipation for a fight.

"You brat! What the hell are you doing?!" Ohnoki shouted in anger and floated from his seat.

Thanks to Ohnoki's shout, Kurotsuchi snapped back into attention. She lowered her chakra and turned her red cheeks to Naruto and gave him an angry glare. She sent a punch as quick as lighting to Naruto's head but like many many times, Naruto dodged and floated over to Tsunade's side of the room.

"You are so dead!" Kurotsuchi shouted to Naruto with her fist covered in dripping Lava.

"Why so hostel little Bee, I am just trying to get hot and heavy with you." Naruto sent the girl a playful wink.

God dammit! She hated this fucking blonde. Always making her blush no matter how hard she tried to fight it. Even when they were in a life and death battle, he was quick to make a joke.

"Ahem, can we get back to the point of this meeting?" Mifune asked but it sounded more like a demand.

"Yes, let's." Gaara's calm voice spoke up for the first time. He was not surprised at all by the events happening right now. This was really the only outcome when you put the Leaf and Stone in the same room. And on top of that, Tsunade brought Naruto of all people with her. Bringing him was like saying 'bring it bitch'. None in their right mind would openly try to attack with the world's most battle hungry damn near crazy man in the room.

"What do we have here? Not having a meeting without me are we?" The deep voice of Tobi came from a swirling vortex.

"You're right on time bitch." Naruto said with a smirk towards Tobi. There was nothing like disrespecting your enemy before stomping a muthole in their ass.

"Aaaa, 9 tails." Tobi slightly glared towards Naruto. This boy was really getting on his last nerve.

"Still with that? I may have 6 wings but 9 tails I do not have." Naruto grabbed Kasumi from his shoulder and held her in front of him. "But this little minx here happens to have 9 tails." Naruto said with a devilish smirk and spoke in a teasing tone of voice. Kasumi's one tail turned into 9 and they swung around in the air.

"You've been after me all this time, and I'm right here." Kasumi's voice was also teasing and playful. It was her nature after all to be this way.

Obito from behind his mask narrowed his eyes at the beast in front of him. Without thinking much on it, Obito dashed towards Naruto with speeds that no one could track in an attempt to catch Naruto off guard and snatch the 9 tails right from under Naruto's nose.

Naruto only smirked wider as he spun and avoided Obito. "Ohh you got to be quicker than that." Naruto baited Obito even more by tossing Kasumi up and down in his hand.

Obito growled and launched himself at even faster speeds towards Naruto who simply evaded him once again. But like air, Naruto simply disappeared and floated back to the ground from the ceiling.

"Ohh you almost had it." Naruto and Kasumi let out mocking laughter at Obito who was snarling behind his mask. Kasumi then went back into the seal as Naruto's face became serious in a matter of seconds.

"I've got a deal for you bitch." Naruto's tone was dead serious and lacked any kind of playfulness.

"Why would I make any kind of deal with you? You're soon going to be dead?" Obito asked just as seriously. Standing here would allow Obito to somehow think of a plan and allow the things he had behind the scenes to be set in motion.

Naruto reached behind him and pulled out the special eyes he had been saving for this moment. Naruto saw everyone's eyes go wide in the room and release a gasp. "Oh yea, the rinnegan."

"Give it." Obito barked in anger.

"I will, just make this deal with me." Naruto said with a menacing smirk.

Tsunade had enough and rose to her feet. "Naruto! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Quite, I'm just trying to enjoy myself." Naruto said with a cold edge to his tone. He had never used this tone with his mother so it came as a shock to Tsunade.

"What deal would you like to make?" Tobi asked.

"I will give you these eyes, if you take off your mask and implant these in your head right now so we can fight." Naruto revealed the deal to a surprised Obito, but he wasn't the only one because all the Kage and guards were shocked into silence.

"What is he playing at? This seems too good to be true. But this is something this maniac would do for a good fight." Obito went over the possibilities in his head. He activated his mangekyou sharingan and scanned the eyes floating like small rocks in the water. "I can't see anything wrong with the eyes, and if everything is as simple as it sounds, I have no reason not to accept." With the real Madara being brought back to life now, his game of playing as Madara was over.

"You got a deal." Obito put his hand up and removed the orange mask. This allowed everyone to see his heavily scarred face.

"You one ugly son of bitch." Naruto blinked at the man in front of him. "What's your name shithead?"

"It doesn't matter, just hand me the eyes so I can kill you." Obito held his hand out for Naruto to hand him the jar.

With a simple flick of his wrist, Naruto sent the jar flying towards Obito who caught it. Obito scanned the eyes once again just to be sure. Like last time, he didn't see anything wrong with them. Without wasting much time, Obito plucked out his right eye and quickly placed in the rinnegan. Like a broken dam, the power flowed into Obito like raging rapids. He began to laugh evilly as he could now complete his plans.

Naruto then began to match his laugh with his own grin.

"Naruto! Do you know what you've done?!" Tsunade shouted and was going to charge him but was held back by a chakra chain from Karin. The red head had a small smirk on her face and sent the hokage a wink. She had felt it at the last second.

"Laughing at your demise? That's so like you." Obito laugh in victory.

"You just don't get it do you?" Naruto still laughed. This fool.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you really think I would hand over those eyes to you without taking proper measures? You dumb bitch." Naruto began to slowly raise his hand in a half ram seal. "There is no way I can forgive the person who was the cause for both my parents deaths, Obito Uchiha."

"And what of it? You don't stand a chance against me at this point." Obito proclaimed with arrogance all in his tone.

"You die here." Naruto said in a fierce tone and channeled his chakra. It was then Obito began to catch on to what Naruto was trying to do. He was going to blow the eyes up in his head while killing him at the same time. "Die." Naruto's tone was murderous and cold.

With a last shout, Obito's head exploded in a blood mist and chunks of his brains scattered all around the room. "Aaaa, now this might be one of my favorite kills." Naruto said in bliss. He had managed to get revenge on this bastard for killing his parents.

"N-naruto." Tsunade stuttered out.

The mentioned blonde turned to his busty Mom and walked over. He gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead. "I'm sorry for acting out like I did."

"You idiot, why didn't you inform me of your plan." Tsunade said and hugged him back.

"It was best if you didn't know, it would make the situation much more believable." Naruto patted her head.

"Damn! This brat killed him, he was our plan to win this! I've got no choice, the other guy will just have to pull his weight." Ohnoki activated a hand sign under his desk.

Karin felt the chakra spike and turned her red eyes to the old man. "What di-" Karin was cut off when an explosion out side rocked the room and she felt the massive chakra of someone outside along with countless others.

"Die you bastard!" Ohnoki flew from his seat and held his hands up and performed the particle dismantling jutsu. Ohnoki shot out the white beam towards Naruto and then it expanded to hit the whole room and wipe out all the kage in one blow.

"Grandfather, so we are really going through with this?" Kurotsuchi said with hesitant and slight sadness in her tone. She may have hated Naruto right now, but they were friends of opposite sides.

"Yes! Now is not the time to feel sad, I am sure that brat won't be out from that." Ohnoki snapped at his granddaughter. "Make sure you kill him this time." He ordered Kurotsuchi in a stern tone of voice.

"Yes." She said seriously and left in a puddle of lava. She felt a pit of sadness in her stomach for what she had to do. But also did not want to do this. Why couldn't her old man just see the error in his ways and apologize? None of this would have happened if he didn't attack during the chunin exams.

Naruto appeared outside the now blown up chambers with all the kage, Mifune and guards. He had shadow clones grab them while he took Tsunade and Karin. "That old fool, what is he thinking?" Naruto looked at the building which had a hole in it from Ohnoki's attack and was falling apart due to the heavy damage it suffered.

Naruto and Karin's head snapped to the roof of the building where someone with an incredibly large chakra was standing. It was a man with long black spiky hair, and red armor. His arms were crossed and he had a sharingan activated while a white gunbai rested on his back.

"This is perfect, the 5 Kage and the 'Storm of the Leaf'. The 9 tails and 4 tails. Did Christmas come early?" It was Madara Uchiha and he looked menacing. His red eyes gleamed in the snowy weather.

"Who are you?!" Mei shouted to the man.

"I am Madara Uchiha. Now, who wants to dance?" He asked with a dark smirk.

Naruto stepped up with an excited grin. This was Madara fucking Uchiha. The rival to the first Hokage. No way he was missing this dance. "You want to dance? I don't think you can keep up with my steps."

"Hmph, I've been dancing before you were even born child." Madara replied with arrogance. He was looking at Naruto with interest.

"Oh yea." Naruto raised his chakra to monstrous levels as it took life behind him and the ghostly figure of a thunderbird with it's 6 wings spread and letting out a powerful screech that caused the air to ripple and ground to tremble.

"Now that's impressive." Madara said giddy. This kid's chakra was really something to behold. He was getting excited. If Madara had blood, he was sure it would be on fire right now. Snatching the gunbai off his back, he got ready to do battle. His eyes evolved into the famed rinnegan and he launched himself down with a grin.

Naruto wasted no time and shot upwards with a chaotic grin and eyes glowing a fierce blue.