
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 31

Killer Bee was running through the snowy forest at great speeds. The sounds of battle along with the rumbles that felt more like earthquakes constantly sounded in his ears. Not to mention the humongous storm cloud above him that radiated power like a foul smell.

"What is going on eighth'o!" Bee asked Guyki, his tailed beast.

"From what I can sense, it seems that Naruto, Kurotsuchi, and some other person are fighting in the sky," Guyki informed his rapping friend. "Whoever they are fighting must pack some serious power to keep that manic Naruto interested for so long."

"You are right, when Naruto sees a fight, he strikes like a lion and doesn't miss. But if you make him board, you bound to come up missing." Bee rapped with his erratic hand gestures.

"I bet it's more of Kurotsuchi keeping him entertained. But what will he do about the Tsuchikage? I know Naruto doesn't show mercy, but will he kill that girl's grandfather in front of her? That will no doubt put an end to their relationship." Guyki voiced his thoughts to Bee.

Bee let a serious expression cross his face as he thought about the outcome of this. "I don't know, it is impossible to figure him out."

It was then Bee felt multiple chakra signatures appear around him. They landed in front of him and looked at him with hints of anger. It was Sasori, Dedari, along with a horde of white Zetsu and reanimated ninja.

"You may have beaten us the last time, but this time it's different! Hm" Dedari declared and already had clay birds flying towards Bee.

The clay birds were trapped inside bubbles before they exploded. "And how did you plan to change the outcome?" Utatake's calm face came into view from behind a tree.

"Nice save bro, if it wasn't for you, I'd be smoking meat!" Bee wrapped once more.

"You know we got it, let one of these suckers come and they'll be leaving in body bags! WEEEEEEE!" Fuu rapped with excitement. She sounded just like Bee but somehow more fluid.

Bee looked on with tears falling from behind his sunshades. Fuu had made him so proud just now, that he could die with a smile on his face.

"Let's just get this over with," Sasori said and pulled out an army of puppets that floated behind him ominously.

Kinkaku and Ginkaku flew down on the members of guardians with grins on their paper faces. The tools of the sage of six paths are in their hands ready to do battle.

"You fools bring shame to the great cloud that is Kumo." Killer Bee said seriously for once. "I will put you down."

"And I'll help!" A woman's voice sounded and blue Fireballs rained down like a storm on the clearing everyone was in.

Yugito landed next to the other Guardian members. Around her body was the black and green cloak of the Guardians. Under that was her regular cloud outfit.

"What are you doing here Kitty? Weren't you helping Bro?" Bee asked with a hint of worry in his tone about his brother's safety.

"Don't worry, a lot of the enemies dropped dead from the power output of Naruto, Kurotscuhi, and Madara Uchiha. Along with the combination of three perfect jinchuuriki fighting alongside the 4 Kage." Yugito finished with a grin.

"Oh, that's good." Killer Bee nodded until his eyebrows shot into his hairline. "Did you say Madara Uchiha and 3 Jinchuuriki?!"

"Yup!" Yugito gave a grin.

Back with the Kage, they were now fighting in a massive landscape. Bodies lay in pieces and uplifted boulders and rocks covered the field like a blanket. The shouts and cries of pain were all you could hear. When the sound of a jutsu being flung towards someone was not heard.

"Wind Dragon!" Temari swung her fan with all her might and a massive wind dragon sprung from her fan and consumed a hail of enemies.

Temari began to pant from exhaustion after using so many attacks and fighting for such a long time.

Kankuro lands next to her with many puppets surrounding him. "Are you doing alright sis?" Kankuro asked sending a worried glance towards his sister.

"Y-yea, I'll be fine, just a little t-tired from this battle."

"You have become quite strong, Temari." A familiar sounding voice sounded from behind Temari. The voice was also familiar to Kankuro as well since he stiffened and slowly turned around.

With a pit forming in the middle of her gut, Temari turned around and saw the familiar form of her father floating on a cloud of gold sand. "F-father."

"What do you want? Here to ruin more families!" Kankuro snapped with anger.

Rasa looked at his two kids with a straight face. It was only natural they would not be kind to him. Considering what he did to their younger brother. Gaara. The weapon of the Sand.

Without warning, Rasa shot his fist out and performed a grabbing motion. A giant hand made from sand rose from the ground and went to capture the two kids.

That was when the hand was stopped by 2 palms made from sand which caught the golden fist. "Hello again, Father." The emotionless voice of Gaara sounded. He floated down from a platform made from sand.

"So, you have become the Kage? Never thought I'd see the day." Rasa joked with sarcasm.

Gaara closed his eyes and let a smile come to his face. "I owe it all to my friend." The redhead exclaimed, smile still in place.

Rasa raised his eyebrow. His son had changed so much from the last time he had seen him. Once a bloodthirsty monster now seemed to be a well-mannered leader. But Rasa had a question he would like to ask his son. "And who is this friend?"

Gaara simply waved his arm in the direction of the monstrous battle taking place on the coastline. Rasa turned to see a demonic storm along with lava pools and the remains of two giant rocks. In the air were 3 people fighting a dangerous battle. The air itself seemed to shake in terror from the tremors being caused.

Rasa observed a humongous lava dragon fly towards a flying man in blue armor. He witnessed the man be encased in a protective blue light and jump into the mouth of the lava dragon. The man exploded from the back of the dragon and deliver a punch to the woman with lava wings, which sent her into the black layers of cooled rock.

"What am I seeing?" Rasa asked with his mouth slightly wide.

"Nothing for you to worry about, you won't be here long enough to see it." Gaara said calmly and sent a fist made from sand towards his father.

Ohnoki was flying thru the air trying to escape from Tsunade who was launching giant pieces of the earth up at him towards the air. What he thought would be an easy fight since Tsunade wouldn't be able to touch him, was not going the way he wanted. If he got too close to the ground, Tsunade would appear and send a massive blow meant to kill.

Even when he dodged, he was still struck by the air currents which were like rushing air currents blowing him off his flight path. Ohnoki decided he would fly higher into the air so Tsunade couldn't see him. Above the destroyed land of Iron country. He channeled his chakra and let it flow through his veins. Ohnoki placed his hands in a diamond and aimed down towards the ground. Ohnoki was sending out the chakra of Tsunade and the rest of her allies.

It was then he saw the form of Naruto floating high into the air with his hand raised elegantly into the air. It looked as if Naruto was reaching towards the heavens. Ohnoki got a better look at the gray sky and saw the terrifying form of Geundoowun.

"N-no, h-he can't use that! We will lose!" Ohnoki panicked inside his mind and switched his target towards Naruto who was miles away. The blast will not only hit Naruto but also Madara and even his…granddaughter. Ohnoki hesitates in letting the technique go and ends up hitting one of his own.

But if he didn't use this, The Stone would fall and this war would have been pointless. However, when this move hit Naruto, they would win and everything would all fall into place. Ohnoki would feel deep sorrow but he would get over it in the next couple of years. He'd make sure those leaf ninjas would pay in kind for putting him in this situation.

With a hard heart, Ohnoki let his Particle Style rush toward Naruto and the others.

Naruto floated in the air with a grin on his face. His hand was raised towards the heavens. The technique was already finished and ready to strike. He had yet to use this in the real world but there was no better time than now. This was an attack that would be a painting hanging on some rich fool's wall in the future.

Naruto clenched his fist as if he had just grabbed the heavens by the balls and spoke with a grin.


An intense bolt of lighting rushed down from the clouds with it's target clear in mind. Madara and Kurotsuchi looked on with shock and trepidation. That was no normal lighting bolt, it felt alive. The power was immense and something to be truly feared.

Madara's purple-ringed eyes glowed as a blue flame lit from his feet. "That Naruto, he is daring." Madara let his perfect susanoo wrap around his body protectively.

"Oh no, I have to do something!" Kurotsuchi folded her wings around her body and formed lava to enclose her. Leaving a giant floating orb of lava. Before the orb closed, she saw a familiar white light rush towards them and knew what it was. A beam of her grandfather's particle style. But why was he shooting that over here? Didn't he see she was fighting? Not to mention an attack that small and weak wouldn't do anything to the raging lightning strike coming towards them. The bolt seemed to be faster than light itself with how fast it was coming down.

The attack from Naruto connected with Madara and Kurotsuchi, sending them both to the ground and completely evaporating the solid black rock underneath. Madara gritted his teeth inside the susanoo as he felt the immense strain on his fake body as his susanoo was being ripped apart.

Kurotsuchi was in the same boat as she poured as much chakra as she could into the protective ball, hoping to somehow survive this blast.

Naruto looked to the side as he saw a beam rush towards him and in the distance, he could see the old man Ohnoki with a smirk. Naruto simply dodges the attack with a lazy look on his face.

"I've got you." Ohnoki said triumphantly inside his head. He gripped his fist and watched as the beam soon expanded and covered the sky, turning everything white.

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the attack expand and envelope him. This was going to kill him and the other two from how big the blast was. A holy white light covered the sky as nobody could see anything.

Ohnoki panted and floated down to the ground. He observed the aftereffects of his attack. The gray clouds were all gone and allowed the rays of the sun to shine down. Everyone took a moment to stop fighting and look up. They observed as Ohnoki floated to the ground.

"What happened?"

"Everything was just white."

Ninjas mumbled in confusion to each other. That was until they heard the laughter of an old man. Ohnoki was letting out a victorious laugh as he held his head back and let out a hardy laugh from his gut.

"Why are you laughing, Tsuchikage-sama?" one of the stone ninjas asked with confusion. Now was not the time to laugh as they were losing the battle and on their last leg.

Ohnoki calmed down and looked at the stone ninja. "We won! That brat is dead."

All the stone ninjas recoiled from shock. Their hearts began to tremble and hope began to rise.

"Y-you don't mean."

"The Storm of the Leaf is dead!"

"The Heavenly Demon is dead!"

The stone ninja looked around for the man who was normally clad in blue armor and kept a grin on his face. They couldn't see or feel his overwhelming power and began to let smiles cross their faces.

"HAHAHAHA!" One of the stone ninjas began to let out a burst of mocking laughter. "How do you like that leaf scum! That fucker is dead!"

Others joined in on his laughter and mockery of the leaf ninja. "So much for being a demon!"

"There's nothing left of that asshole!"

Tsunade listened to the taunts and felt her heart fall to her gut. She was covered in blood and grim from this battle. Her green robe had been left to fly off. She extended her senses and try to feel her son. Her head turned in all directions as she tried to feel anything.

"No, no, this can't be real." Tsunade dropped to her knees and she felt tears sting the corner of her eyes. Not Naruto, he just couldn't be dead. She couldn't lose anyone else. Especially not her son.

All the leaf ninjas looked down and felt their resolve weaken at the taunting words. Many began to weep for their fallen hero. While Naruto's closest friends dropped their weapons and comforted each other.

"Is this true, Naruto? Have you really fallen today?" Ay asked while looking at the sky. He looked to the Hokage who was on the ground clenching a fist full of dirt.

"I guess even the mightiest can fall." Mei said in a subdued tone as her time with Naruto felt too short.


The two looked to see that Tsunade had stopped shaking. "What do you mean no, I know it hurts but Naruto is dead." Ay told Tsunade harshly.

"No!" Tsunade said one more time but with more strength in her words this time. Black markings began to stretch across from the diamond seal on her forehead. A blazing fury had been set in the eyes of Tsunade as she gazed towards Ohnoki and the army of Stone ninja, Zetsu along with reanimated ninja.

"Naruto is too strong to have fallen to such an attack! And even if he did, my son would not want us on the ground weeping at his death. He'd want us to pick up our weapons…and FIGHT!" Tsunade dashed off and left a crater in her previous position.

Tsunade rushed towards the army in front of her with a fury unmatched. She pulled her fist back and got ready to release an attack like no other.

Multiple stone ninjas appeared in her way and slammed their palms on the ground. Massive walls rose up from the ground intent to block the Hokage's path. Tsunade simply scowled and sent her fist crashing forwards and increased her speed. The woman left a trail of destruction in her wake as she continued to move further ahead.


Tsunade connected with the walls in a loud explosion. But like most people thought, she did not stop and kept crashing through all the walls. Each time she hit a wall the sound of an explosion sounded out and many walls collapsed to the ground.

Ohnoki watched the unstoppable force which was Tsunade drive right through all of his forces. He prepared a jutsu for the force which was Tsunade. Ohnoki crafted a stone golem and allowed himself to be raised. Ohnoki made the golem stronger by using his Super Heavy Boulder Jutsu. This made the golem even heavier and would certainly pack a greater punch.

Tsunade busted through the last wall and made direct eye contact with Ohnoki. There was clear murder in her eyes and nobody would stop her. Naruto would want her to get back at the bastard that managed to kill him. With a mighty yell, Tsunade swung her fist towards the stone golem Ohnoki was riding.

The output of power knocked everyone back and ripped the ground to shambles. Ohnoki's golem was being destroyed but he quickly used earth chakra to place it back together. The skin on Tsunade's arm was being ripped off and her bones shattered under the tremendous pressure, but due to having her seal activated she was able to quickly regenerate and push back more force.

The two Kage were blown backward several feet as the force became too much. They caught themselves and glared heatedly at each other.

"This war is not over yet!" Tsunade said and got back to her feet. While her comrades gathered behind her with weapons drawn and ready to do battle.

"You've lost, Just accept it." Ohnoki retorted with a glare on his old face.

In the deep sea, Madara's body put itself back together. He then looked around to see his surroundings. "To think, he managed to destroy the perfect susanoo completely. Only Hashirama managed to do something like that." His plan would never come to be if he couldn't stop Naruto. As much as he enjoyed the battle, there was still the Moon's eye plan.

"I've got to put him down for good. It's time we use the big guns." Madara let his perfect susanoo come to life and he exploded from the sea.

In a sea of darkness, Naruto rested. His hair had returned to normal while his eyes were closed and a grin was on his face. The battle was great and he had no doubt it wiped out the island they were fighting on. Now he had to get out of this place. But first.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Kurotsuchi yelled at Naruto. She let a ball of fire hover over her finger and it showed Naruto laying under her with his arms around her waist, while she sat comfortably on his lap. Her face was flushed just the slightest.

Kurotsuchi was in her lava orb trying to avoid the death that was sure to come from Naruto's attack. She was still in her transformation and wondered why Naruto wasn't. But more importantly, how the hell did he get in here?!

"Oh you know, a little flash here and there. Then boom! Here we are." Naruto replied with a playful wink.

Kurotsuchi's red hair flared in anger while her eyes bore a hole into Naruto. She then got a good look at the blonde. His blue armor was gone along with his black undershirt. This revealed his steel-hard pecs and abs. Her face brightened and she punched Naruto in the gut hard.

Naruto let out a breath. "Ouch."

"You bitch, I almost died!"

"Sorry." Naruto said but didn't sound too apologetic.

Kurostuchi would have continued to yell at him more until she witnessed Naruto's face become an angry snarl and a beastly growl escaped his lips. "We need to talk." Naruto seriously spoke to Kurotsuchi who dropped her transformation.

"About." She leaned back and crossed her arms. But Kurotsuchi still rested on Naruto's lap while his strong arms were still around her.

"You grandfahter and this war going on outside."

Kurotsuchi's eyes narrowed down at Naruto. "Are you going to give up and return home?"

The blonde let a smile cross his face. "You know me better than that."

Kurotsuchi looked the other way with a huff.

"But seriously, I am going to kill Ohnoki."

Kurotsuchi did not yell or plead. She simply bit her lip and trembled. She knew this was the outcome when coming here. No matter what was done, Naruto would end up killing Ohnoki somehow. Even when she and Madara tried to jump Naruto, he would still push them both back.

"That attack was going to kill you and me just now. His own granddaughter. I can't let this slide." Naruto told Kurotsuchi in a cold tone.

"I…hate that it had to come to this." Kurotsuchi said as her shoulder shook. "I tried to get him to stop, but he never listened to me."

Naruto brought Kurotsuchi into his arms and let her rest on his bare chest. "I am sorry as well. I don't want to be the one to take your family away from you. Maybe you will forgive me sometime down the line." Naruto's voice was uncharacteristically soft and gentle.

Kurotsuchi laid her head on Naruto's chest and let a couple of tears fall from her eyes. "Stupid bird brain."

"He, little bee." Naruto laid a gentle kiss on her forehead and he flashed away. Leaving Kurotsuchi in the sea of darkness to drown in her sorrows. This was a crazy world they lived in.

Leaf Village

A cloud of white smoke encompassed the area where Rukia Uzumaki was located. The young girl was standing in the center of the frozen forest which shined in the sunlight. The place looked as if it was just in 3 blizzards back to back.

Rukia was different. Her battle had forced her to take on this new form. Rukia was wearing a white, ankle-length kimono with lined snowflake patterns. The robe has an attached ornate collar, edges, and shoulder design with long, wide sleeves. There are long, flowing ribbons tied at her back that form numerous large loops. She has a small ice flower formation at the center of her chest, and a half crown of ice which extends around the back of her head. Rukia's hair was white and looked more like someone took a piece of a cloud and put it on her head. While her Zankaputo was transparent and seemed to be made from ice.

This was her banki, the strongest move she possessed. Rukia moved her white eyes towards Hanzo who was frozen a couple of feet in front of her. His face was in a silent scream while he was frozen over and no doubt dead again since he took this attack head-on. No way his soul remained intact after that.

Rukia tried to move but found the action incredibly hard and almost impossible. "Calm down Mistress, you need to relax and adjust your body temperature once more."

"Y-yea." Rukia responded internally but even her thoughts sounded tired. It was then she heard someone land next to her and Rukia moved her eyes to see Haku land next to her.

"Rukia-chan, w-what happened here?" Haku asked, looking at the rather beautiful scenery.

The corner of Rukia's lips curved up the slightest. "I unleashed my power on these bitches." she answered in a manner like her father.

the Leaf was now in a good place since this marked the end of all the battles going around in the village. They had managed to come out on top after countless hours of fighting. Now, they just needed to seal up the reanimated ninja and kill off those pesky white things and everything was good.

Land Of Iron

Tsunade fell with a yell and released a punch to the ground. The ground exploded into an enormous crater which killed many of her enemies.

Tsunade got to her feet and wobbled just the slightest. "We're almost done."

That was when the sky darkened and thunder roared to life announcing its fury to the world. The sea raged to life once more and a storm took over the land. Only one person was able to cause such chaotic weather. But he was dead right?

Tsunade looked up and hoped that this feeling she was getting was not wrong. Just once, could someone not leave her life? The clouds parted and the light shined through. A figure's shadow could be seen through the haze of clouds. The figure was tall and lean. But the strange thing was the 6 wings on their back.

"Naruto." Tsunade whispered. Tears of happiness fell from her eyes.

The clouds moved as if making way for a higher presence. Naruto appeared from the haze and he was different. The familiar form of his Storm Transformation was activated. But his sage mode was also activated as well. 3 sets of white wings on each side while a storm was behind him.

"Did you miss me?!" Naruto grinned down at the field of battle under him.

All the allies of Naruto began to cheer and shoot all kinds of praise in his direction. Like he was a god being worshiped by his followers.

"Woo, I thought he was dead for a second." Mei said and whipped a tear from her eye.

"You're telling me." Karin sighed in relief. "But what will he do now? He must have defeated those two since he is here now." Karin mused with a hand on her chin in thought.

"It's obvious, all those people will die." Mei said grimly. The merciless acts of Naruto were truly monstrous.

"No, he won't kill all those people." Karin said.

Mei looked at Karin confused. She remembered Naruto wiping out a thousand mist ninja like it was nothing. No way he was getting cold feet now. "Oh, and what makes you say that?" Mei queried with a tilt of her head.

"Because of that stone girl." Karin answered simply.

Ohnoki let out a growl. He was sure that brat had died. No way he survived a blast of that magnitude. So how? How was this brat alive?

He watched as Naruto descended down to the grown. Like an angel coming down to earth, but Naruto was far from an angel. He was a Demon. But this felt different. Naruto was not grinning or smiling. His sky blue eyes were narrowed in a glare while the chakra around his body vibrated Irritably.

"This was a long time coming, but it ends here." Naruto mouthed with lingering anger in his tone. The sword that had killed many before was clutched tightly in his right hand.

"Yes, your death slowly approaches." Ohnoki spoke on guard. There was no telling when Naruto would strike.

"My death, I plan to live a long healthy life." Naruto chuckled. "When I die, it will be surrounded by women and this beauty right here." Naruto held up his elegant blade. He observed how the red and purple mixed all along the blade and had to say it was a sight to behold.

When Ohnoki saw Naruto raise his sword he sunk his feet into the ground and got ready to move if necessary. "You die today!" All of the remaining stone ninjas surrounded Naruto with weapons drawn and sent the killing intent toward him.

"I look forward to seeing how Kurotsuchi runs the village in your absence." Naruto told Ohnoki with anger seeping off him and the grip on his blade tightened.

Ohnoki widened his eyes in surprise. "S-she's still alive?"

Naruto let a smile cross his face. "She's stronger than you know. In power and strength."

"I-" Ohnoki tried to respond but was cut off.

"I don't give a fuck. You can think about your choices in hell." Naruto addressed. It was then he disappeared from his position.

All the stone ninjas looked around with fear on their faces. Nothing good ever happened when Naruto wasn't in view.

Ohnoki prepared a jutsu. Until he felt someone behind him. The world lost color and became inverted. The last thing he saw was his granddaughter looking down at him from the sky in a floating orb of lava. Her pink pupiless eyes gleamed with tears. The pity and sadness she held for him was clear for all to see.

Naruto had cut off the Tsuchikage's head. The white-haired boy didn't even flinch or recoil at such a kill. Everyone stopped what they were doing to witness the historic sight which took place.

"You Bastard!"


Stone ninjas hauled insults toward Naruto with clear anger. They were all about to advance and try to avenge their fallen Kage, until Kurotsuchi landed in front of him.


"Kill him!"

"Take revenge for your grandfather!"

Kurotsuchi clicked her teeth and released some of her killing intent and chakra for the remaining stone ninjas to feel. "All of you shut up!" She bellowed with fury. Rather it was towards her comrades, the situation, or Naruto killing her family in front of her. It was a good combination of all of the above.

"This war is over and we are heading back to earth country!" Kurotsuchi yelled with her powerful voice reaching all those present.

Some of the stone ninjas looked as if they wanted to retort but when they looked at Kurotsuchi they all lowered their gazes. Nobody had the nerve to challenge the powerful figure which was Kurotsuchi.

Naruto looked and felt a little conflicted at his actions. He felt sad for making Kurotsuchi so sad and wondered if killing her grandfather was the correct thing to do after all. It was something time would heal, but right now he would try and do something for Kurotsuchi.

Naruto walked up behind her and attempted to say something. That was before Kurotsuchi spun on her foot and send a chakra and lava-enhanced fist into the chest of Naruto. The winged man soared through the air like a comet.

"I deserved that." Naruto mentally nodded before he connected into the ground and left a Naruto-sized crater in the ground.

Tsunade rushed towards Naruto and yanked him from the ground and went to heal him, but it wasn't needed since he was completely unharmed.

"Hello mom, you look quite lovely." Naruto waved with a sly grin.

Tsunade wrapped Naruto into a bone crushing hug. "Don't scare me like that again." The powerful Hokage's voice cracked as she sobbed into Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto simply wrapped his arms and wings around her while brushing her hair softly. Until he picked something up with his senses. "Mom, this battle isn't over yet."

"What do you mean? The stone ninja are leaving." Tsunade questioned.

Naruto got up and made a shadow clone. The blonde grabbed Tsunade and began to fly back to the others. "Naruto!" His mother yelled while trying to escape the grip of the clone.

"The final Dance." Naruto looked up and saw Madara in his perfect susanoo pierce the clouds. The giant blue figure had two glowing swords shaped like Katana in its hand.

"Don't lose step just yet!" Madara yelled with a grin on his face.

Naruto's lips curved into a fierce grin. "Bitch please."

The susanno swung its swords and two blades of chakra rushed towards Naruto's position on the ground.

"Can you kill this Bastard already!" Katsumi yelled in his head. She wanted Naruto to kill the person who controlled her long ago.

"On it." Naruto flapped his wings and evaded the blue chakra blades.

The susanoo then fell onto Naruto with crushing weight and slammed into the ground. The ground completely shattered and sent a shockwave which blew all the onlookers off their feet.

"Crushed like a bug." Madara mumbled with crossed arms. He was expecting better. That was until Madara felt his susanoo tremble and move without his command.

"Get this shit off me!" Naruto held the foot of the susanoo up with both arms and with a great push, he tossed the foot off him.

"What! He managed to lift me?!" Madara thought with surprise. Since lifting the susanoo was equivalent to lifting several mountains.

Naruto jumped into the air and flew circles around the towering susanoo. Causing Madara to send out wild swings in hope of catching Naruto with one of his blades. However, the surrounding area was being completely destroyed and that meant the others were in danger.

Naruto threw up his hand and wrote out a powerful barrier seal which went up around the others. Due to being distracted, Naruto suffered a blow from one of Madara's blades.

"You've got to pay attention brat!" Madara chimed with a grin.

Naruto rolled on the ground before he swung his hands into the ground and dashed back to Madara. He took flight and dodged a swing from his right arm of Madara's susanoo. Naruto blinked out of view and was in front of the diamond where Madara was located.


Naruto's fist connected with the blue flames which soon shattered and made way for Madara who was launched to the ground with great speed. A grin spread Naruto's lips as he observed the falling Uchiha. "Time to wrap this up."

Madara crashed to the ground and grunted in annoyance. Noone had ever done that before so he was shocked. He was going to move until Naruto dropped down with a knee to Madara's gut and sent him deeper into the ground.

"I won." Naruto placed his hand over Madara's heart and watched as seals spread across the cracked chest of Madara.

The Uchiha could feel his strength and Consciousness waiver. He had been defeated and there was nothing he could do about it. "Good dance, Naruto."

"Right back at you." Naruto grinned down towards the Uchiha who grinned back, before he glowed white and his body crumbled apart. Above him, Madara hovered for a second before disappearing.

"Not supposed to happen, so I guess Itachi beat Kabuto." Naruto grinned at the sky. The Uchiha had done the world proud. It was sad that nobody would ever know about the heroic act of Itachi, but he supposed Itachi would like something like that. "But someone else needs to die." Naruto turned his slit eyes to a pile of rubble.

Naruto dashed towards the rubble and sunk his hand into the ground and pulled up a body of black mass. "The little rat shows itself."

"Y-you can't kill me." Zetsu gritted out. He was trying to turn his body into liquid and escape but he couldn't.

"Maybe I can, Maybe I can't. You are just going to sit in this seal." Naruto raised up the seal he had for Madara and tapped Zetsu on the head with it. The black mass was then sucked into the seal and let out a final protest.

Naruto then obliterated the seal by shredding it to pieces with wind chakra. "Now it's over." Naruto let his transformations drop and laughed in victory. He dropped the seals and let everyone make their way toward him. This war was over, and they would no doubt through a giant party tonight.

With this final battle being won, the world could now move onto a new age of Shinobi. Things would change, but one thing was for sure.

Naruto Uzumaki would be kicking ass and taking names! And laying down the D.

"You got that right!" Naruto sent a wink to the camera and the person currently reading this story.

Wooooo! This mud is finished. It took 9 months, damn you could have had a whole baby. I'm actually very proud that I finished this story. not many people finish their stories cause they either give up or some other bullshit, but I ain't like that. I'm different!

Now this story was trash starting off, I had no idea what I was doing and simply sat down and made a story of the top of my head. for damn near this entire story I was just flying off the seat of my pants and doing straight ass pulls. So, if you stuck with me from January all the way to August, I rock with you dawg. But now it's time to move on. I will probably go back and fix the beginning up to make things easier to read. A part of me just wants to leave it how it is so I can see my progress.

It's not the best story but it's good enough for me. I hope this leaves you satisfied, but for some of you it won't. feel free to review and tell me how you feel. and since you like me so much, why don't you go and read one of my other 2 stories? BTW Uchiha Saviour coming soon. speaking of that, that story was posted on YouTube by QuadX. Big achievement for me. You should go watch that video if your intrested in it.

Ight, that's it! Imma see yall ass on my other story. And thank you for seeing this to the end.