
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 28

"He did what?" A young handsome man asked with irritation.

"Lord bee has disappeared." A busty woman with an emotionless face said once again.

The dashing man smacked his face with his hand. He then glared at Samui. "I thought you said, 'We won't let him out of our sight'." The man said in a voice much like the busty woman.

The woman looked away with a little bit of red on her cheeks and a somewhat embarrassed face. "Not cool." It was Samui and Naruto talking in the living room of his compound. She had come with her team which included Karui and Omoi. Those two were currently off, probably arguing somewhere.

"Don't worry Samui, I will talk to Gyuki. He will tell me where the idiot is." Naruto said and closed his eyes to connect to the biju.

"One more thing." Naruto cracked open an eye at Samui. "The Raikage has also called a five kage summit."

"About?" Naruto raised his eyebrow in question.

"It's about the Akatsuki. Now that you have beat pain, he wants to know what will happen now. Not to mention the war with the leaf and stone going on right now." Samui told Naruto.

Naruto hummed in thought. "This is actually a good chance to finish the Akatsuki."

"How so?" Samui asked, she had no idea how all the kage in one position would make this the perfect chance to finish them.

"Look, there is this masked fellow who is lurking in the background, he will no doubt show his masked face in an attempt to get these." Once Naruto finished his sentence he pulled out a glass jar filled with green liquid. There were two objects floating inside the jar.

"Woah, that's cool."

"Yea I know."

"What are those going to do?" Samui asked leaning closer allowing Naruto to gain a better look at her cleavage, but he didn't look since he already had women in his life and Kasumi's were bigger anyways. That reminded him that he really should talk to her.

"It's a trap sugar tits." Naruto said grinning and placed the jar back in a seal.

"Don't call me that." Samui said coldly.

"What? Sugar tits?" Samui's glare intensified but it did nothing to Naruto. Now that he knew she hated the name, he would call her that until he died.

They both turned to the window where a crow was pecking at it. But the crow was weird since its eyes had a sharingan instead of black eyes.

"Great, what does this fool want?" Naruto opened the window and the bird flew in and landed on his shoulder.

"Meet me outside the village in 3 minutes. Or else." The voice of Itachi sounded through the crow.

"Bitch." Naruto quipped sharply and grabbed the bird by the neck before opening the window and throwing it outside the village with great speed. All they heard was the cries of the bird. "These fools go learn to quit playing with me." Naruto patted his orange button up that was open showing his chest.

"Was that Itachi Uchiha?" Samui said hesitantly. Why was Naruto taking such a criminal so lightly. He was a S-rank ninja.

"Yea, he's probably here to talk about his weak ass brother." Naruto picked up a cup that had a brown substance in it. This was some liquor he got from Thunder's Peak. Which was where his summons resided. The liquid inside was called Hennesay and it was some good stuff. Harrio had a whole stash and decided to give him some as a reward for gaining sage mode.

"That's right, you killed his brother. Shouldn't you be a little worried?" Samui was worried for her friend. The woman didn't have many friends so she cherished the ones she had.

"Nah, Itachi's just a peaceful guy. He will understand."

"And if he doesn't?"

Naruto got an excited grin. "Then we dance!"

"You're crazy." Samui said in deadpan.

"Being sane is boring. You should try being crazy, it's quite fun." Naruto then walked to his room to meditate and find that rapping fool. Maybe they could hop on a track. He chuckled at that, maybe after everything was done. Naruto walked down the hall of the compound, he then got the idea to check on his daughter to see what she was doing.

Naruto walked to the door and opened it without knocking and wished he had knocked. Rukia was wearing nothing but her underwear and was getting dressed, but she was exposed and he could see.


"Ahhhh!" Rukia screamed with a bright red face.

"Sorry!" Naruto slammed the door and ran off to his room.

Rukia was in her room embarrassed and covering her chest. Chappy bounced over and licked her face. "Stupid fathers." Rukia mumbled while she just cuddled with Chappy.

"She's going to be mad at me for a while." A thought then came to Naruto. "I'd better knock on Inari's door from now on, or I might find him jerking off." Naruto shuttered at having to witness something like that.

Naruto cleared his mind and sat on his bed in a meditation pose. He began to relax and let his mind wander while being completely still. This was much easier now, thanks to the training he did at Thunder's peak. His sage training was really hellish. During training, Naruto had to ride a completely raw lighting bolt from the sky. He also had to meditate in the middle of a hurricane until he created the eye of the storm around him. Naruto then felt his mind leave him.


Naruto was then in a beautiful valley. There were several humongous heels that stretched for miles. A calm river flowed through the middle of the two overbearing hills. The grass was rich and green along with the trees that flowed in the wind.

"Man, I sure did a good job with this one." Naruto patted his chest in pride. Until he felt the murderous intent of Kasumi. Naruto looked over to a small cabin sitting alongside the river. Through the blinds, Naruto could see the angry slitted eyes of Kasumi. "If looks could kill."

The blonde then began to walk to the cabin while the pressure only increased. It felt like 3 mountains were sitting on Naruto's shoulders. Naruto made it to the front door and he knocked on it.

"Kasumi-chan, I'm here to make up with you."

Naruto received no reply from the other side of the door, making him sigh in sadness. "Look, I am sorry for what I said and it was completely out of line. You didn't deserve that. I didn't mean anything I said and hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me."

"Go away faggot!" Kasumi shouted from the other side of the door.

"Now that was just uncalled for." Naruto said irritated.

"Now you know how it feels." Kasumi growled from behind the door.

"Can you at least open the door so I can see your beautiful face?" Naruto tried again to get Kasumi to open up. But the fox was being stubborn.

"Why should I? H-how could you even think of saying those things to me? I've been nothing but good to you." Naruto heard Kasumi's voice crack from behind the door and he began to feel guilt rise once again.

"I was being an inconsiderate asshole. I miss you Kasumi-chan and I want to fix things between us." Naruto said with hope shining in his blue eyes and his palm gently resting on the door.

On the other side of the door, Kasumi had happy tears in her eyes and her hand rested in the same spot where Naruto was. Her orange hair flowed down her back and her usually well kept white Kimono was in a mess. This past week has been hell for the fox. Kasumi wanted to do nothing but run back into Naruto's arms and let him hold her like he always did.

Kasumi opened the door and she had finally been able to see Naruto's handsome face once again. Before Naruto said anything, Kasumi raised her hand and slapped him across the face, sending Naruto's head to the side.

"I deserve that." Naruto said and brought his head back so he could stare at the beautiful face of Kasumi. Her flowing orange hair that resembled flowing lava to her blood red eyes. That sharp face and whisker marks along with her cute button nose. Those orange white tipped fox ears and tails. Naruto opened his arms and like an arrow leaving its bow, Kasumi was in Naruto's arms and embracing him in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much!" Kasumi mumbled into Naruto's shoulder. She wrapped her tails around both of them. Naruto began to run his hands through her hair and gave the legendary fox gentle head pats which made her purr in happiness.

"And I've missed you." Naruto kissed the top of Kasumi's head and smiled at the two of them being able to make up.

"Naruto-kun." Saying that word felt so good to Kasumi. She hadn't said it in what felt like years and was happy to finally say it to the person she loved.

"Yes?" Naruto smiled at hearing Kasumi say his name and not call him bitch or fagot.

"I love you." Kasumi said with a blush on her face and ears flat on her head.

"I love you too." Naruto grabbed Kasumi's face gently and they looked at each other with loving eyes. Until they began to move closer and connected with a passion filled kiss, pouring their love for each other into the kiss.

They separate panting and cheeks red and eyes filled with love for each other.

"Well now that we're good now, Can I get your help?" Naruto queried with a smirk.

"I already know, you want me to talk to my brother and see where he and Bee are, right?" Kasumi said with an eyeroll, that idiot no doubt ran off because he felt trapped behind the wall of the village.

Naruto gave Kasumi another kiss as gratitude. "I'll leave you to it." Naruto disappeared from the mindscape allowing Kasumi to focus on contacting her brother. When Naruto opened his eyes he was sitting on his bed. "Let's go talk to the local snake charmer." Naruto rolled off his bed and left his room to where Anko's room was.

Naruto looked at the door which had a giant A for Anko on it. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Inari! I already told you that you're not allowed to ride my snakes until you finish puberty!" Anko shouted from the other side of the door.

"It's the one and only Naruto!" After his words, Naruto heard fumbling around and the sound of things falling along with cursing from the other side of the door. He chuckled to himself at Anko. He really missed her. It had been a week and 3 days since he had seen Anko since the jounin was out on a mission when he came back.

The door swung open to reveal Anko Mitarashi. Her purple hair was flowing down her back. Instead of wearing the black and purple trench coat Naruto had given her, Anko was wearing a full body fishnet that covered her top and bottom. Over this was a midnight purple baggy shirt that went past her waist and stopped at her midthigh. Anko's honey colored eyes that were beauty at its finest were wide in surprise.

"N-naruto-kun." Anko whispered in surprise, happiness, and confusion. It had been such a long time since she had seen her boyfriend. Not since that dreadful time in the office.

"I'm sorry." Naruto bowed his head to Anko while apologizing.

Anko looked at Naruto who was bowing his head to her. She hadn't seen Naruto bow to her since the woman had first become his sensei. Anko knew why Naruto was here apologizing to her. It was when he had blown her into the wall and just left without checking to see if she was okay. Which she wasn't.

Anko let a smirk cross her face and then pulled Naruto into her room. She closed the door and pulled Naruto to the bed. Pushing him on his back, Anko straddled Naruto's waist and looked down at him with crossed arms.

Naruto was about to put his hands on Anko's thick thights like he would always do when she laid atop of him. However, he stopped himself and simply let his hands rest at his side.

"Not even going to touch me?" Anko quipped, a little annoyed that Naruto was acting like this. But she also felt a little happy that he cared this much and would willingly restrict himself and admit he was wrong, unlike most men these days.

"I don't deserve to." Naruto said while looking away from Anko.

Anko leaned down and grabbed Naruto's face with her two hands causing him to look directly at her. "Naruto-kun, I forgive you."

"But I don't forgive myself! Not only did I hurt you but also said some uncalled for things to Kasumi-chan."

"Did she forgive you?"

Naruto closed his eyes and a smile came to his face. "Yes."

"So why can't you smile when I try to apologize?" Anko asked Naruto softly.

"Because I promised to keep you girls safe, but I did the opposite." Naruto answered sadly.

"But I'm fine now." Anko smiled at Naruto who only gave a half smile back. "I forgive you and always will." The purple haired woman came down and connected her lips with Naruto's in a passionate kiss. The feeling was overwhelming for both of them.

"I've missed that." Naruto gave Anko a loving smile that made Anko's heart skip a beat. His smile was really a national treasure.

Anko then got a mischievous smile. "There is still more you have to do in order to make it up to me." Anko said and raised up from Naruto's face and got back to her other position.

"I'll do anything." Naruto told Anko with determination.

This caused Anko to laugh before she got a perverted grin. "We will make love and you must call me Mistress the whole time!"

Naruto looked up at Anko before he laughed. He knew something like this was going to happen once he saw the perverted grin on Anko's face. This was going to be easy and he'd make sure Anko had a great time. "As you wish, Mistress." Naruto ran his hands up Anko's thick thighs and leaned up to plant kisses all along Anko's jawline and neck.


Anko took her shirt off and allowed her breast to bounce before they were grabbed and massaged by Naruto in a loving embrace. This caused Anko to moan in pleasure at the feeling she was getting from Naruto.

"Does this feel good, Mistress?" Naruto whispered in a sexy tone in Anko's ear.

"Y-yes, p-pleasure your Mistress."

Anko moved her hands to Naruto's well toned chest and quickly took his shirt off and threw it on the ground. The two then began to engage in a fierce kiss of lust and love. Naruto ripped Anko's fishnet clean off making the women yelp in surprise.

"So wild." Anko moaned in happiness. Anko was then pushed on her back while being kissed all over by Naruto. Anko was moaning like crazy and arching her back in pleasure.

"Anything to please you." Naruto raised up and took off his pants and this allowed Anko to see his dick which was twitching and ready to go. Naruto hovered over Anko and aimed his dick at her entrance. "How do you want it?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

"Let's just go slow right now." Anko said and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"As you wish Mistress." Naruto slowly pushed himself inside Anko causing the woman to let out a small scream of pleasure.

"That's the stuff." Naruto groaned before he slowly pulled out and thrust back into Anko. who screamed in pleasure. The two then began to make slow love to each other in this position.

10 minutes later Anko was a reverse cowgirl bouncing her ass up and down on Naruto's man meat.

"Ohhhh That feels so good!" Anko screamed as Naruto began to meet her thrust with his own.

"Glad you are enjoying yourself Mistress."

30 minutes later Naruto was standing and holding Anko under her thighs while he thrust up into her and the sexy woman would let out a moan of pleasure each time.

"How does it feel? Mistress?"

"I-it feels great! K-keep pleasing me!"

20 minutes later Anko was back on the bed with her tongue hanging from her mouth and tits bouncing like crazy. Naruto had Anko's legs on his shoulder while he was pumping into her at a stable pace.

"Here it comes!" Naruto leaned down and placed his arms on the side of Anko and picked up the pace. Making Anko scream in euphoria.

"Inside! Do it inside!" Anko wrapped her legs around Naruto's back.

The two linked lips and moaned together and Naruto released his cum inside of Anko.

Lemon Over :(

After a cold shower and a little more fooling around, Naruto was back in his room and was finally going to go see the rogue Uchiha. Naruto was in his closet trying to figure out what he was going to wear and was finding it hard since he had a lot of outfits. A regular ninja would dress ready for a battle but Naruto was not a regular ninja and just had to be different.

Knock Knock Knock

The blonde turned to his door with a raised eyebrow. "Come on in Kin-chan."

His door opened and the slim figure combined with the long black hair and maid outfit of Kin came into his vision. "Hello great Master." Kin beamed with a bright smile and bow.

"What's going on my beautiful servant." Naruto gave the young maid an excited grin and peace sign.

"Well I've come to give you a new outfit, I made it myself." Kin chattered on with a radiant smile and stars in her eyes.

"Oh?! Well if you made it, it must be good. Let's see it." Naruto smiled.

Kin pulled out a white box from behind her and laid it on Naruto's bed. "Prepare yourself, this will knock your socks off!" Naruto moved closer so he could see the great reveal. Kin took off the top and it revealed a black luxurious kimono with white edges and possessed big arm sleeves. On the left side of the chest was a red Uzumaki swirl and the same thing on the right side. A black obi wrapped around the waist and To finish it all was a pearl white haori which possessed a white fur collar.

"Oh shit! This is nice!" Naruto picked it up and looked at every inch of it.

"It pleases me greatly that you like my gift Naruto-sama!" Kin clapped her hands together and did a happy dance inside her head.

"Let's put this on right now!" Naruto undressed in a second, leaving his naked form in front of Kin who began to blush up a storm. No matter how many times she had made love with her master or seen him naked, his glorious form still left her speechless.

"O-ok M-master." Kin walked over to the clothes and began to get Naruto dressed.

Outside the village

Itachi leaned against a tree with his eyes closed and a slight frown on his lips. It had been 1 hour and 28 minutes since he had sent that bird to Naruto's compound. He even sent a slight threat to show Naruto how serious he was. But all he got for his efforts was a crying flying bird. Maybe if he had asked nicely and not tried to threaten Naruto they could have already gotten this out of the way.

All he wanted to do was talk to Naruto about the death of his brother. It was true that Sasuke was a traitor to the village and in league with another traitor, but he figured that since he was the last Uchiha there would be some kind of leeway. But he should have known better. It was Naruto Uzumaki who encountered Sasuke after all. Naruto was one of the strongest ninja the world had ever seen along with being the most cruel and merciless. At just 14 years old, the boy was already on the front lines of war and killing high profile ninjas. Many thought that the high profile, bloody path, and tuff life would crush the boy and he would only become a shell of his former self like most ninja.

He was one of the people that thought the boy would not make it. After fighting him twice and feeling the bloodlust and power from the boy was a real slap of reality for the Uchiha.

Itachi then felt the unmistakable chakra of Naruto Uzumaki. "He's not even trying to suppress himself." Itachi thought to himself as he straightened up and prepared himself for battle if necessary. Maybe Naruto was allowing him to feel his power as a reminder. To know who it is he's about to speak with.

"Grab your weapons when you see Naruto!" The white cloaked blonde came from the woods rapping a tune. "Call for backup when you see Naruto!" He sang once again.

Itachi looked curious at what the 9 tails jinchuuriki was going on about. Not to mention his state of dress. Itachi could see no weapon or any sign that would make him thank Naruto was here to fight. "Does he not see me as a threat? What is he going on about?" Itachi felt his Uchiha pride suffer several lethal blows. To be passed off by a boy who was the same age as his younger brother really did numbers on his self esteem. It was then he felt the urge to prove himself but then the domineering power of Naruto came to his senses once again. It seems it was more of a reminder to his enemies.

"What's good with you Itachi? Still running with them faggots?" Naruto sat down on a throne of water and looked at Itachi with a grin.

"Naruto Uzumaki." Itachi said blankly and looked at Naruto with his sharingan.

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

"What took you so long? I called you here 1 hour and 34 minutes ago." Itachi expressed with the emotion of a brick wall.

"Well I was going down on my girl and one of my clan members got me this new outfit. I just had to give her my thanks." Which was true. Naruto had to give Kin a reward for her hard efforts. All the girl wanted was to watch a movie together while she got to make him clothes from time to time.

Itachi did not need to know he had sex with one of his girl friends. That would explain why Naruto was late and in such a good mood. He came to the conclusion that this was Naruto's first time. This explained everything now, including the good mood Naruto was in. But he was not here for that.

"Do you know why I am here?" Itachi questioned Naruto with a glare.

Naruto put a finger to his chin in thought and hmm. "It's because I killed your brother." That seemed to be what Itachi was looking for since his glare became more intense.

"Why did you do it?" Itachi voiced with a stern tone and his finger twitched just the slightest.

"What kind of question is that? The little shit was a rogue ninja who was allied with Orochimaru. What kind of leaf ninja would I be if I didn't kill him?" Naruto scoffed. Maybe if Sasuke just ran away from the village and did his own thing, he would have considered capturing him. That was when he remembered what the dead Uchiha said. "Not to mention, he dared to insult me and my clan! I just had to take his head off."

Itachi looked down at the answer he heard from Naruto. It was true that his brother was a traitor of the highest caliber. Not only because he was the last of a clan but because he was working with Orochimaru. It appears Naruto was just doing his duty as a leaf ninja and clan head. But that does not mean he likes it.

"What if I said I wanted to kill you and take revenge for my brother." Itachi asked Naruto with a serious voice.

Naruto threw his head back in laughter. He grabbed his stomach at an attempt to ease the pain from the laughter. The blonde stopped and flicked his wrist allowing Bongseon to appear and the thin sword to shined brightly. "Itachi, you know as good as I do. This is not what you want. Fighting me would only send you to your brother faster, unless that's what you want." Naruto told Itachi condescendingly. He would simply take off Itachi's head in an instant and go home like nothing happened.

Itachi looked down at those words. What was he thinking? Fighting Naruto in his condition was sucide to say the least.

"Listen Itachi, I imagine you are in shambles right now. Your little brother is dead. And for some reason you seem to care. This does not match what everyone knows about Itachi Uchiha, the clan slayer." Naruto crossed his arms and looked at him with a frown. Naruto did not like Itachi because he killed his family which was a big No for someone like Naruto who was an orphan.

"I did what I had to. It was for the village." Itachi told Naruto emotionlessly.

"But when is it enough? From what you say, it sounds like you were ordered to kill your clan which sounds crazy." A frown appeared on Naruto's lips. To think this was something that the old Monkey would approve of. "If so, that is a whole other situation and I don't care enough to actually check. The fact that you haven't denied what I said means it is true. But since you seem to not be 100 percent loyal to them faggots, tell me some information." Naruto created a chair for Itachi and used wind chakra to push him down in it.

The two then went on to converse about that S rank group which would soon be no more. Naruto received some vital information about the remaining members. But what really surprised him was the information about the masked man being Madara Uchiha. At first Naruto was ecstatic at being able to face someone who could give him a good challenge but was saddened when Kasumi told him it was some poser.

Itachi told Naruto that they had teamed up with Kabuto and planned to launch a full war on the nations. Itachi did not know how they would do it, but only that it was going to happen. But the real surprise was that the hidden stone village was working with them. Itachi also 'handed' Naruto a crow with a mangekyo sharingan in it. Itachi said it was just in case.

"Thanks for this information, it will surely help us in the future." Naruto got up and stretched.

"Yes, this went better than I thought it would." Itachi said and bowed his head to Naruto.

"Say, if you come to the village there might be a way to save your sick ass." Naruto joked with a grin.

"No, I will suffer through this pain and take it as my punishment."

"I knew you was going to say some fruity shit like that. Buttt it's your life. See Ya!" Naruto then jetted up to the sky and flew off.

"A strange person that Uzumaki is." Itachi let a slight smile curve on his lips. He then turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the village.

In a remote location, there were 2 figures talking to each other.

"I've got something that will help us in this battle." The hooded form of Kabuto said and a forked tongue came from under the hood.

"Just show it already." Tobi orders Kabuto to get on with it. He had to deal with the snake's prideful boasting all the way over to this graveyard.

"Alright, You don't seem to be in a good mood, is that because of a certain blonde?" Kabuto teased with a grin.

"Just show it." Tobi jumped at Kabuto in an attempt to grab him by the throat and choke the life out of him.

Kabuto slithered back and slammed his hands together. The ground rumbled and from it rose 3 coffins. The lids to them fell to the ground and it revealed the form of Sasori, Deidara, and Kakazu.

"Our members have come back to life in order to help us achieve our goals." Kabuto cheered.

"You called me out here for these 3? They won't change a thing." Tobi turned his back and began to walk away.

"Still not satisfied, don't worry. This will surely bring you to your limit." Kabuto brought his hands together and licked his lips in excitement. The ground shook again and another coffin rose. The lid exploded off and someone stepped out.

"Finally, I've made my great return." A deep voice sounded.

Tobi began to shake intensely while his sharingan eye was wide as it could be. "Wh-where did you find his body?" Tobi questioned Kabuto.

The long haired man turned his sharp gaze to Tobi who stiffened. "Obito, why was I brought back…like this."

"Things have not been going well." Obito answered his former teacher.

"What do you mean? How many tailed beasts have you captured? Where is Nagato?" Madara throughout questions in a rapid succession.

"There are no tailed beasts currently captured." Kabuto answered with more excitement than needed.

"What?! Obito, what the hell have you been doing all this time?" Madara asked Obito angrily and blasting the man with a tremendous amount of killing intent.

"I-it's not my fault, The 9 tails Jinchurrki has been getting in the way of everything." Obito tried to defend himself from the wrath of the legendary Uchiha.

"And what have you done to solve this?" Madara asked angrily.

"Nothing." Kabuto sang. He was really not helping and only making things worse.

"You are pathetic, I will go lay this brat to rest myself." Madara said and got ready to leap off.

"Woah, woah." Kabuto made a hand sign and restricted Madara's movements. It was harder than he thought though, because Madara was fighting back and glaring at the hidden snake. Kabuto was in cold sweat as he wrestled control over Madara. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, that 'brat' is the strongest man alive at the moment. If you rush over there head first, you will no doubt be defeated in a pathetic way."

"What are you saying? No one is stronger than I, Madara Uchiha!" With a shout and burst of power he released the grip Kabuto had on his soul. His eternal light made way to the world and he glared down at Kabuto with his head held high. "Know your place."

"Just wait, you can capture him at the 5 kage summit that is going to take place soon!"