
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 09

"I don't need your concern," Sasuke said emotionlessly, "I'm fine."

"That's good to hear," Sakura said, "I'm happy to see that Naruto's childish prank for a jutsu didn't get your spirits down."

"I lost to Naruto twice today," Sasuke said with a harden tone, "And the second time he showed that he had the chance not only to kill me but all of the other ninjas there! I see nothing childish about that!"

Sakura flinched at Sasuke's angered tone.

"Leave me alone Sakura," Sasuke said coldly as he walked off, "I have much to think about."

Sakura watched at Sasuke left without so much as giving her a glance.

"Hey Sakura-chan?" Naruto called out as he ran over to the pink-haired girl, "You busy? I was hoping that-"

Naruto was cut off when Sakura turned and tried punch him in the head. Naruto ducked at the last second and back away from her.

"Hey!" Naruto asked defensively, "What did I do?"

"What did you do?" Sakura barked, "You made Sasuke-kun look bad and messed up my chance to really to talk to him!"

"I don't see how that's my fault," Naruto replied, "Sasuke's failures is his own fault. You can't blame me that I managed to draw blood from him twice. And I wasn't going to let him look good while everyone else was expecting me to look stupid and be laughed at."

"Whatever," Sakura retorted, "Still, you have a long way to go before you can begin dreaming of measuring up to Sasuke-kun!"

"I don't see what's there to measure up to after seeing how low Sasuke fell for me as the hot "girl" I turned into," Naruto mocked, "Maybe he's also seething at the very fact that I'm not actually that "girl" he passed out for. But on the plus side of things, I personally confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sasuke-teme isn't gay. To be honest, I was starting to wonder seeing that he has never given any of you girls so much as a look."

Sakura felt her feminine pride deeply wounded from Naruto's stinging comments. It wasn't long before Naruto felt bloodlust building up within Sakura.

"NARUTO!" Sakura roared as she chased after Naruto who was now on the run from a raging Sakura, "YOU'RE DEAD!"

Once outside, Naruto turned to the left and ran around the corner with Sakura in hot pursuit.

"Get back here Naruto!" Sakura yelled as she continued running after him and out of the academy grounds. A figure jumped down from one of the tree branches after seeing the two figures running from the academy grounds.

"That should keep her busy for a while," Naruto said to himself with a grin, "I don't know how I learned Kage Bunshin, but that jutsu sure comes in handy."

Naruto found that for the past couple of months, memories of years of training, studying, research and new understanding have been appearing and integrating into his mind. He couldn't understand why this was happening to him but from what he was experiencing, he loved what was happening to him and how he was slowly changing, but both mentally and physically. He found that he was smarter, faster, and stronger and for some reason he couldn't understand, he enjoyed adult-oriented readings and had desires to peek in women's bathhouses, which he had to fight off. Hell, he even had a better understanding about his body and that of females.

For a while, Naruto wondered if it was some kind of unknown bloodline limit that was awakening within him. He thought about telling the Hokage about it but in the end he decided against it and decided that the few who knew about his changes and new found knowledge the better.

Going back to the academy's training ground; Naruto returned back to the human-shaped wooden post he embedded the kunai in. After seeing that no one was around, Naruto, summoning chakra and the required strength and speed, performed a swing kick at the post, effectively breaking the post in half with splinter shards flying all over the place with the main chunk of the post flying far from where it originally was until it hit the ground.

"Aaaaaahh," Naruto relaxed with large smile on his face, "That got the pent up anger out of my system; now for some well-deserved ramen!"

Naruto hurried out of the training ground and over to Ichiraku. While on the way, he pulled out his orange book and resumed where he left off at. A blush and perverted giggle escaped his mouth while reading his book and making his way to his next destination.

Unknown to Naruto was that a female figure was watching him from the shadows behind the trees the entire time and was shocked by the display of power and strength Naruto demonstrated, including when he eluded and tricked Sakura into chancing after a kage bushin he created.

'Naruto-kun,' Hinata wondered to herself, 'You're stronger and smarter than you let on. Why do you hide your real self from everyone? Could I ever be as strong as you?'

Hinata wondered this as she watched Naruto happily make his out to his next destination. Before long…

"Hinata-sama," a masculine voice called to her. The Hyuuga heiress turned to see Neji (age 10) approaching her.

"It's time to return home," Neji said with a neutral tone, "Your father wouldn't want you to be late for your Jyuuken lessons."

"Yes niisan," Hinata said. Truthfully, Hinata wasn't looking forward to her lessons and her progress in her clan's Jyuuken wasn't manifesting in the least much to her father's disappointment.

"Hanabi-sama (age 4) shows more potential than you Hinata-sama," Neji remarked coldly, "I don't see any reason for you to even bother to attempt to change what can't be changed about yourself."

Neji words pierced Hinata deeply. Normally she'd have given way to tears but watching Naruto had always given her the needed courage and strength to keep trying as hard as he does, especially today's events. Without saying a word to Neji, she left and made her way home with him escorting her.

While on her way, her mind drifted back to Naruto and everything she witnessed both with and without Naruto's notice. What she saw moments before Neji's arrival aroused an even deeper curiosity in Hinata about Naruto. She had to find out more about him that he sought to hide from everyone.

The Academy Field Day is over and now everyone knows where everyone stands…or so it would seem. Sasuke is humbled and angered by Naruto's actions and Hinata knows that Naruto is hiding his true potential and seeks to know why while wondering if she too could be strong like him.







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