
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 010

(A Year Later)

Ever since the Academy Field Day, some at the academy looked at Naruto (age 10) differently, while others looked at him suspiciously. He was still the same class clown with the lowest grades and worst student with problems performing the simplest Bushin No Jutsu and Kawarimi. Iruka sighed at how Naruto performing in class while thinking about what Hiruzen discussed with him some time ago…

(Flashback: A Year Ago)

Iruka was on his way to the Hokage Tower after being summoned to report to the Hokage after his day at the ninja academy was over. He could only wonder what the Hokage wanted to talk with him about as he entered the building and made his way up the stairs to the floor of the Hokage's office. Upon arriving, he knocked on the door and waited from a reply.

"Yes," Hiruzen said from the other side of the door.

"It's me Iruka," Iruka said, "You summoned me to report to you after my day teaching the class was over."

"That I did," Hiruzen confirmed, "Please come in."

Iruka opened the door and stepped into the office, closing the door behind him after entering. The Hokage placed some tobacco into his pipe and lit it before taking a puff out of it and exhaling the smoke from his mouth.

"Iruka," Hiruzen said, "Do you know why I summoned you today?"

"Not entirely sir," Iruka said, "But I'm sure that it would be a matter of importance."

"The Academy hosted the Field Day event as a means to gauge and critique the level and caliber of all of the future Genins of your class. After everything we saw, tell me please what you think of your students' progress."

"From what they demonstrated they collectively show tremendous promises," Iruka replied, "Some more than others."

"With regards to the latter part of your statement," Hiruzen asked, "Who do you believe shows the most promise in your class?"

Iruka thought about what Hiruzen was asking.

"From Uchiha Sasuke's performance and grades," Iruka said, "He's well on his way on becoming Rookie of the Year by the time he graduates and becomes a Genin. Many consider him a genius like Hyuuga Neji who's also well on his way on becoming Rookie of the Year of his class before Sasuke."

"I understand where you're coming from…," Hiruzen replied before calmly taking a puff from his pipe and exhaling, "…But you didn't answer my question. So I'll ask you once again, who do you believe shows the most promise in your class?"

The Hokage's reply caught Iruka off guard.

"I thought I answered your question sir," Iruka said.

"All you gave me was an assessment of Sasuke's academic skills," Hiruzen stated, "Not the answer to my question."

"But sir," Iruka said, "With regards to every subject I cover and teach, Sasuke proves to be the top student of his class and shows more seriousness in his training, studying and practice. Not that I'm undermining the progress of my other students, but Sasuke stands out above this fellow classmates even without having an activated Sharingan."

"…What's your assessment of Naruto's progress and overall performance," Hiruzen asked.

"…He's my worst student I'm sorry to say," Iruka replied with a sigh, "His grades are the poorest and he still has difficulty perform even the simplest Henge No Jutsu and Bushin No Jutsu properly. He spends much of his time pulling pranks, running and escaping from ninjas he victimize with his pranks, sleeping in my class and he barely does his homework correctly. In terms of the ideal student, Naruto and Sasuke are polar opposites."

"And what was your impression of Naruto in his performance during the Academy Field Day two weeks ago," Hiruzen asked.

"His winning the first match against Sasuke caught me, as well as everyone else off guard," Iruka admitted, "Some wanted to believe that it was an absolute fluke but your detailed explanation silenced whatever argument some wanted to make against Naruto's performance."

"And that Oiroke No Jutsu he used against us," Hiruzen asked. Iruka blushed and lowered his head in shame.

"My most shameful moment," Iruka replied, "Some of the kunoichis won't let me and others hear the end of it. To be honest I'd have thought that they of all the ninjas would have been the angriest at Naruto for that stunt he pull on us. Instead the complete opposite happened and they spoke of him in admiration; even now they do."

"Because he did something that others including Sasuke would have failed to do at his age," Hiruzen stated, "And he openly admitted that things would have been different if he were serious."

Iruka thought about it and that was when he realized where Hiruzen was going.

"He "killed" us," Iruka acknowledged, "All of us, including you."

"Effortlessly," Hiruzen emphasized, "That's the point I'm making Iruka. Many believe Sasuke to be the most promising student of your class. But the Academy Field Day clearly showed otherwise. Naruto had it within his power to put all of us to death that day because he was clever enough to deceive us into dropping our guards without alerting us to what his motives were. It's embarrassing for me to even own up to the fact that I was taken out by a hentai jutsu in front of everyone before being "killed" by the user.




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