
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 08

The result was instantaneous and extremely effective. Males of various ages and ranks were blown back and off their feet from nasal bloodloss, and the Hokage himself was no exception. True to his words, many of the ninjas were knocked out with blood coming out of their noses. Naruto dispelled the jutsu seeing that it accomplished its designed purpose.

"Oiroke No Jutsu!" Naruto laughed, "I warned you that my new jutsu is dangerous! I can effortlessly kill all of you right now in the comatose state I put all of you in!"

The girls weren't amused at all by the stunt Naruto pulled just a moment ago. But they were even angrier at how Naruto proved his point as he pulled out his kunai and acted as though he was slitting the throats of all of the knocked out males as he hurriedly passed them by, though he only gave each of them a small cut on their neck. Though Hinata was impressed that Naruto was able to knock out all of the ninjas around him however, she too frowned at the method in which he did so. The girls were expecting the older kunoichis to lash out against Naruto for what he did, but were surprised that they didn't do anything to reprimand him.

"Aren't any of you kunoichis going to punish him," Ino screeched, "That perverted stunt he pulled-"

"Was very effective," one of the kunoichis interjected, "It even knocked out the Hokage."

"Never knew the old man of his stature is as big a pervert as all the other men in Konoha," remarked another kunoichi.

"Girlfriend where have you been," whispered another kunoichi, "There was a rumor years ago that he used to peek in the women's bathhouse with his pupil Jiraiya-sama."

"How come none of you are angry at Naruto?" Sakura asked indignantly, "He made us girls look bad!"

"Exactly how ignorant and naïve are you really about the world of ninja?" asked another kunoichi, "I don't know what Iruka is teaching you girls, but the real life of the ninja isn't fun and games. Cunning, planning and deception are among the many tools ninjas must have in their arsenals and sometimes we must use unfavorable methods to achieve and complete our assigned missions. And there are occasions when seduction and sexual incentives are among the tools that we ninjas have to use also at our advantage.

"Naruto clearly demonstrated his understanding of what I'm saying when he got the males and even the Hokage to drop their guards against him. I know he's the least favored boy in this village but today's event shows that he holds promises."

"I'm more disturbed by the fact that Naruto can play the role of a slut so convincingly that all the guys can fall for him," Sakura remarked.

"Would that happen to include Sasuke seeing that even he was caught off guard by Naruto's jutsu?" the same kunoichi asked pointing to Sasuke. Sakura and the girls turned and saw what the kunoichi was talking about.

"Looks like Naruto knows more about what kind of girl appeals to Sasuke than any of you girls do," the kunoichi joked as the other kunoichis laughed at the younger girls' expense seeing that all of them continuously failed to get Sasuke to notice them. The girls, minus Hinata, didn't take too kindly to the implications of the kunoichi's words as they wondered what about themselves they were lacking in, in terms of feminine appeal.

After another minute, the males gradually woke from their induced slumber. When they all did, they found that the females gave them all dirty looks.

"You're all dead and disgraced!" Ino barked.

"I can't believe all of you fell for Naruto's perverted jutsu!" Sakura added indignantly.

"Hey," Naruto replied with a large grin, "It got the job done! So what do you think jiisan? Ready to hand over that Hokage hat to me seeing that I took you and all of the male ninjas out with a single blow? If all of you take a moment to feel the cuts I put on your necks, it shows that if I were serious, you all be dead now!"

Hiruzen felt his pride deeply wounded from Naruto's latest stunt and remark. He knew that he and along with all the others was going to be the laughing stock of the entire village for who knew how long. Looking for a way to save face, Hiruzen said, "There's a lot more to being Hokage than just performing the strongest or the most effective jutsus to take out your enemies Naruto. And it's not about getting your way all the time just because you possess governing power. As the Hokage, I serve the village, not the other way around."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked curiously.

"As the Hokage," Hiruzen elaborated, "You must love, nurture, and protect the village and everyone living in it, young and old. And most importantly, you must be ready to lay down your life for the village at a moment's notice."

"But isn't that what all of us ninjas are supposed to do in the first place jiisan?" Naruto asked. Hiruzen nodded, "Yes Naruto, that much is true. But as the Hokage, I have to take on weighty responsibilities that affect the lives of everyone living in the village. The ninjas and civilians of the village rely on the Hokage not only for leadership but guidance in preserving the morale and stability of our society while developing future adults like yourselves who will be the next generation to step up in preserving and protecting Konoha and the foundation it was built on."

Naruto took a moment to take in everything Hiruzen was telling him. Though the others, were listening also, Naruto felt that Sandaime was talking more to him than the others.

"If I learned to do all that," Naruto asked, "Would you stepped down as Hokage and let me take your place as your successor?"

"Only time will tell Naruto," Hiruzen said with a smile, "But you still have a long way to go in your maturity and development."

"Just you wait," Naruto grinned, "I'll prove to be the best choice as the future Hokage!"

"We'll see," Hiruzen said as he turned to everyone else, "Everyone here did well today, and I'm happy to see all of the excellent progress you all have made. I hope all of you continue in your advancements and become the new leaves that will blossom and radiantly flare with the will of fire of our village."

After the Hokage's concluding words, Iruka directed the students back into the building. As the Hokage was watching the youths go back into the building, he noticed how the kunoichis were whispering and snickering about how he managed to narrowly escape looking bad in front of the young female students after the stunt Naruto pulled.

"It'll be a while before I hear the end of this," Hiruzen sighed with dismay.

(Later That Day)

Everyone was going home for the day about their day at the academy was over. None of the girls really said anything about what Naruto did and how even Sasuke had succumbed to Naruto's trap. The guys grumbled at how Naruto made them look bad while Shikamaru really didn't care more or less. Sasuke wasn't at all pleased at how Naruto twice caught him off guard with the second stunt being worse than the first one.

'How could I have slipped so badly and allowed the dobe to make a fool out of me twice in one day in front of everyone,' Sasuke wondered, 'He even managed to outwit and make a fool out of the Hokage and all of the other ninjas that were there today! He even showed that he had the advantage to kill all of us after he-'

"Sasuke-kun," a feminine voice called out him. Sasuke turned to see Sakura approaching him.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked. Catching up to him, Sakura said, "Don't feel bad about what Naruto did. You still did very good out there."





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