
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 011

"Sasuke is said to have the highest grades in your class yet he too was taken out and "killed" by your proclaimed worst student like all the others. The point I'm making to you Iruka is that Academy grades do not measure a ninja's potential."

Iruka saw where the Hokage was coming.

"From all this Iruka," Hiruzen stated, "I believe you ought to reassess how you're evaluating your students' abilities. Naruto may not have books smarts like Sakura or the highest grades like Sasuke but from what I was told by the other kuniochis who were there during the Academy Field Day, they find that Naruto understand some of the more deeper principles of the way of the ninja with regards to cunning, deception and using sexual incentives against the enemy."

Iruka didn't say a word as he thought about what Hiruzen was saying.

"That is all Iruka…," Hiruzen said taking a poof of his pipe, "You're dismissed."

(End Flashback: Present Day)

"Hey," Naruto shouted, "Iruka-sensei!"

Iruka snapped out of his trance and returned back to reality.

"Oh, uh," Iruka apologized, "Sorry."

"And you yell at me for spacing out in class," Naruto mocked, "Practice what you preach Iruka-sensei!"

Some in the class snickered at Naruto's remark to the now embarrassed Iruka. Though annoyed, Iruka said nothing to that remark.

"Whatever," Iruka said, "Just go back to your seat."

Naruto grinned and walked back up the stairs to his desk. As he was sitting down, Hinata was gazing over at him. Before she turned her attention back to the front of the class, she thought back to an incident that happened three months ago…

(Three Months Ago)

Hinata was leaving the Academy and making her way home. Passing by some trees, she came to a halt when some older boys approached and blocked her path.

"Hey guys look," the lead bully said, "It's the Hyuuga heiress."

"I bet she thinks she's better and above all of us," the second older boy said.

"That's…not true…," Hinata stuttered, "I don't-"

"Liar!," the third boy shouted as he stepped over to her, "You think that just because you belong to the Hyuuga clan that you should be treated like royalty while looking down on us like peasants."

"Well," the lead bully said, "I think we ought to teach this Hyuuga some manners and respect. Get on your hands and knees and apologizes for your arrogance!"

"But I…," Hinata stuttered in her defense.

"I said get on your hands and knees!," the lead bullied yelled hotly. Frightened by the older boy's rage, Hinata did as she was told.

"Now apologize!," the fourth bullied ordered.

"I'm…I…I'm sor-sorry," Hinata managed. The lead bully went and pulled Hinata's head back by her hair.

"WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!," the lead bully yelled, "APOLOGIZE PROPERLY!"

"I'm sorry!," Hinata cried with tears building up and falling from her eyes down her face. The lead bully didn't know what hit him when a fist came and punch hard in the back on his head, forcing him to lose consciousness momentarily before letting going of Hinata's hair as he fell straight to the floor on his face.

"What!," the third bullied exclaimed back they turned to see their attacker.

"Look what we have here," the second bully remarked, "It's the failure and weakling Uzumaki Naruto."

"A failure and weakling," Naruto asked before pointing to the knocked out leader, "Was I the one who got his fat ass knocked out?"

"Shut up!," the fourth bully shouted, "You did that because you know in a straight fight you'd lose against him and us!"

"And you guys who proclaim yourselves as future ninjas of Konoha show your strength by bullying younger girls," Naruto mocked with contempt, "You guys are disgusting trash! In fact, none of you are even worth the toilet paper I wipe my ass with!"

The boys as that point were seething bloodlust toward Naruto.

"…Na-Naruto-kun," Hinata muttered weakly with worry for his safety.

The bullies' leader was now getting back up. As he did so, he was rubbed his now sore and throbbing bruise on the back on his head.

"Kid," the leader growled menacingly, "You're gonna regret that!"

"Make me!," Naruto laughed, "But you guys will have to catch me first! After all, I'm as sly as a fox!"

Naruto then turned and started running into the woods with the bullies chasing after him while forgetting about Hinata completely. Concerned for his safety, Hinata chased after them while trying to keep up with them. Before long she saw that the bullies lost sight of Naruto.

"Where did that little shit stain go," the leader said while he and his gang were scanning the area. Hinata looked around in search of Naruto while keeping out of sight so not to draw attention to herself. Just as she was about to activate her Byakugan, she caught sight of a large oval object of some sort coming across the heights of the trees and into the location of the four bullies. One of the bullies looked up in time to see something falling and coming at them.

"What The Hell," the second bully remarked. But the bullies reacted too late when the object crashed down and burst in the center of them, revealing to be a beehive. The enraged bees shot forth and swarmed around the four bullies by the many hundreds unleashing painful strings after stings upon the bullies. The boys screamed from the excruciating pain as they tried to swat and beat the bees away but that only served to anger the bees further as they continued to assault the bullies with their sharp stingers. They four boys soon ran as fast as they could back to Konoha with the bees continuously attacking them fiercely.

Hinata watched the scene unfold until the screaming boys were out of sight and hearing range.

"That ought to teach those vermin disgrace to all ninjas a lesson," a voice said. Hinata looked up to see Naruto standing on one of the high tree branches.

How did he get up there, Hinata wondered before she saw him jump to a lower branch on another tree and then another. A moment later he jumped down to the ground and walked over to Hinata.

"You OK," Naruto asked as he approached her. Hinata blushed redder as he decreased the gap between them and stood in front of her.

"Yes," Hinata said lowly.

"Hey," Naruto smiled, "You don't have to be afraid of me. I rescued you from those bullies, remember? They won't be bothering you anymore."

"Thank…you," Hiinata said meekly and appreciatively, "But…won't they be coming after you though?"

"They'll be too busy receiving medical attention after those bees are finished with them," Naruto grinned, "Right now they're the least of my worries."

Hinata let a few tears fall down her face.

"Why are you crying," Naruto asked.

"I'm sorry. I was…too weak," Hinata cried, "I-I couldn't hold my…ground against those bullies."

"You're not weak Hinata," Naruto assured, "You were simply outnumbered by those older boys. It wasn't your fault at all."

"It was my fault…," Hinata cried, "I-I'm…too weak and too much…of a coward to…st-stand up f-for myself. Even my father and sister, and everyone in…my family thinks I'm weak and useless."






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