
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 012

"That isn't true," Naruto said with conviction as he braced and held Hinata by her shoulders, "And don't ever believe that you are!"

A surprised Hinata looked at Naruto with teary eyes.

"Despite what happened today," Naruto continued, "You came all the way out here following after those bullies who were chasing after me! You showed more concern for my well-being than your own! That's not something a weakling or a coward would do! You do have true courage deep within yourself Hinata and it's just dying to come out! I know it!"

Hinata couldn't believe what she was hearing, and from the very person she always admired and secretly watched in the shadows.

"Do you really believe that," Hinata asked with uncertainty.

"Of course I do," Naruto smiled as he released his hold on her shoulders, "I have no reason to lie to a girl as pretty as you."

Hinata's heart started racing and beating hard as she felt excitement filling her soul.

He said I'm pretty, Hinata screamed happily in her mind, Naruto-kun thinks I'm pretty!

"You think…I'm pre-pretty," Hinata asked while desperately hoping she wasn't dreaming.

"I do," Naruto said, "You're a pretty maiden with beautiful hair as serene and lavender as midnight with lovely eyes as full and illustrious as the brightest of moons. You're like a gentle spring rabbit that moves ever so gracefully and elegantly through the meadows."

He's singing poetry to me about me, Hinata thought dreamily. Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a clean cloth and used it to wipe the tears away from Hinata's face.

"Maidens like you shouldn't have reasons to cry," Naruto said, "And if someone gives you one, I'll help you leave them out to dry. Dattebayo!"

Hinata's reasons for her sadness and depression were gone and were replaced with happiness and optimism.

"Thank you for your kindness Naruto-kun," Hinata said.

"No Hinata," Naruto replied, "I should be thanking you Hinata."

Now she had a confused look on her face.

"Thanking me for what," Hinata asked.

"For not revealing my true skills to the others and keeping what you know about me to yourself," Naruto said, "I will admit that you have what it takes to be a true spy mistress. I couldn't believe that only recently I found out that you've been watching me all this time."

"Wha-What are you…t-talking a-about,"Hinata asked nervously. Smiling at Hinata's behavior, Naruto continued as he stepped closer to Hinata, "When I said that your hair is like midnight and your eyes are like the brightest of moons, I was referring to your habit of always watching me in the shadows; hiding behind trees, a building or something to keep you hidden from my sight just so you can watch me."

Hinata found herself captivated and charmed by his words.

"You're not angry at me for…spying on you," Hinata asked meekly and shyly.

"Why would I be angry," Naruto asked, "I was alone in the dark while your moonlight eyes watched over and acknowledged me. Your acknowledgment of me encouraged me to keep going in spite of what everyone says of me and for that, I thank you."

Naruto took Hinata by the hand and asked, "Hinata, I don't want you hiding from me anymore. Would you like to become my friend?"

Hinata heart again was racing and beating hard while seeing that Naruto was holding her by the hand. Looking into Naruto's eyes, she saw the sincerity in his question.

"It would mean so much having you as my friend Hinata," Naruto said honestly, "I have very few people I can call friends and I would love very much so to call you my friend. So how about it, would you want to become my friend?"

Fighting back hard the urge to faint, with a blissful smile and blush on her face Hinata answered, "I'd love to become your friend."

Naruto walked with her from the forest hand in hand back to the school where Hyuuga Kō was waiting and looking around for her. When Kō caught sight of them walking and talking together happily, he went over wanting to know where they went. Hinata explained that she went for a small walk with her new friend so that she could talk about things. The Hyuuga heiress saw the look of somewhat disapproval on Kō's face in her choice in choosing Naruto of all people as a choice of association.

"Hinata-sama," Kō said, "This…boy isn't looked on fondly by the villagers and knowing your father, he more than likely won't approve of your association with this boy."

"He's my friend," Hinata defended, "My first friend in fact, and I won't let anyone take that away from me!"

Hinata held Naruto's hand tighter and Naruto held her hand just as tight to give her moral support. Kō saw the look in Hinata's eyes and found a strength in them he hadn't seen before.

"If that's how you feel Hinata-sama," Kō said, "Then I'll respect your decision and not interfere."

"Thank you," Hinata said never releasing her hold on Naruto's hand.

"By the way Hinta-sama," Kō asked, "On my way here, I heard that four boys were admitted into the hospital for intensive care after being viciously attacked by swarms of bees. From what I heard, they said Naruto was responsible for throwing a beehive at them."

"Do you honestly think that Naruto-kun could carry and use a beehive as a weapon without being brutally attacked by the bees themselves," Hinata asked. When Kō thought about, he found what Hinata said logical.

"I see your point," Kō admitted, "Though some are willing to believe what the boys were saying-"

"Those boys are bullies," Hinata interjected, "And they were bullying me earlier today. Naruto-kun defended me and got those bullies away from me. How they later got ambushed by bees, I guess they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Naruto-kun wasn't near them when they got attacked. He was with me when the attack took place."

Kō nodded in acknowledgment of Hinata's words.

"All right then," Kō said, "I believe you Hinata-sama. But we best be on our way home now."

"Can Naruto-kun…walk with us," Hinata asked.

"He's your friend Hinata-sama," Kō said, "It's not a problem."

Kō walked from behind as he watched Hinata walked hand in hand with Naruto. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen Hinata genuinely happy, smiling and giggling. When he turned to look at Naruto, he found that the boy was just as happy, no sense of malice and danger as many claimed him to be. Though a prankster but not a threat.

While walking together, Hinata saw how some parents were looking at both her and Naruto. Some were whispering while others sneered at them with disapproval. She looked and saw how Naruto was looking at everyone looking down at him. She held his hand tighter to reassure him.

"It's OK Naruto-kun," Hinata said, "Don't pay them any mind. I'm your friend, remember?"

Smiling brightly, Naruto said, "Yeah! I didn't forget!"

The onlookers knew better than to try anything unless they wanted to feel the wrath of an angry Hyuuga clan leader, Hinata's father. And seeing that the older Hyuuga was allowing Hinata to walk with Naruto in the manner she was doing so gave the impression that Hiashi had no ill will toward Hinata and Naruto being together as friends. Some started wondering if this was so among all the other members of the Hyuuga clan.






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