
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 157 The Third Generation's Fatal Stab.

After hearing Hinata's words, Naruto and others showed different expressions, but most of them were doubts and incomprehension. Sasuke couldn't understand it at all, he couldn't see the feasibility of this method.

It feels better to kill directly!

"You, you saw something, right?"

Naruto suddenly asked.

"What are you talking about?"

Hinata naturally asked back.

"From the beginning, your attitude has been very wrong, as if...you knew something in advance, you should have gotten the news from somewhere, right? If I didn't guess wrong, it should be related to Shimura Danzo, and moreover, this news is very critical." Naruto continued.


Hinata's eyes were a little dodgy, and she said in a small and slightly trembling voice, "Maybe you think too much, I don't know anything."

She is a bit flustered now, although Hinata's character has changed a bit at this time, but it has not completely changed, and she will still keep some of the previous shyness and nervousness.

"Is it, I see."

Naruto said softly, without breaking it.

Now he has probably seen it. Hinata is to understand some key information in advance, and it is also news that is beneficial to Naruto, but this news is very hidden, and ordinary people don't know it.

If she doesn't know these things, the idea should be how to solve the problem, just like Sasuke, instead of persuading him not to do anything like now, thinking about waiting for a while, public opinion can solve the problem.

Naruto could probably guess that the one who started spreading rumors was most likely the Third Hokage's backup plan, and Hinata just happened to know about it through some channel. Because apart from the Third Hokage and Orochimaru, no one knows Danzo's dark secrets so well.

However, exposing Danzo's dark secrets doesn't benefit Orochimaru at all. As a rogue ninja, spreading rumors would be very laborious, so he probably wouldn't do it. The probability of doing this would be the Third Hokage.

Comparatively, appointing Naruto as the Fifth Hokage was his idea. He might have guessed this situation a long time ago, so he made preparations in advance.

It just...

Naruto really isn't interested in the position of Hokage...

But it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't take the position, there's no problem at all. The Third Hokage's backup plan can help him solve the current predicament, which is enough.

"You don't know anything and still talk like this? How can you say that, Naruto, let's go and slaughter the higher-ups of Konohagakure together, killing two birds with one stone, it's perfect!" Sasuke said very assertively.

On the side, Karin forcefully poked Sasuke, who looked at Karin, who was making crazy eye signals, with confusion. He was somewhat bewildered, but Sasuke thought for a moment and didn't continue to speak.

Although he occasionally acts silly, he knows that Karin has a lot of careful thoughts, reacts quickly, and it's correct to be a little restrained at critical moments. There's no need to continue to be stubborn at this time.

It's... it's not because of her!


A day later...

The brand new rumors really appeared. Someone found some fatal dark secrets about Danzo in the ruins of the Hokage office.

For example, during the withdrawal from the battlefield in the Ninja War, Uchiha Kagami was killed by Danzo. Originally, Danzo planned to take Kagami's eyes, but because he was afraid of being questioned by others, Danzo only took Kagami's right eye.

In order to cover up the truth that his right eye has Sharingan, Danzo wrapped his right eye with a bandage, claiming that he was seriously injured, and it was with that eye that he used Izanagi to assassinate Shisui.

You should know that when Danzo was young and on missions, Uchiha Kagami used Sharingan many times to help Danzo get out of trouble. His behavior can be said to be ungrateful.

And this is the beginning of the Uchiha clan's anger, it's top-secret information that only Sarutobi Hiruzen knows. Under normal circumstances, it's absolutely impossible to leak fatal information.

Not only that, the dark secrets also include Danzo assassinating Uchiha Shisui, causing the conflict between Konohagakure and Uchiha to intensify, and then the Uchiha clan, who was in charge of Konohagakure's police department at the time, became emotional in law enforcement, greatly affecting people's livelihood and public security.

In the end, Uchiha Itachi, in order to protect Konohagakure and his younger brother Sasuke, made an unequal agreement with Danzo to destroy Uchiha and leave Sasuke, and eventually became a rogue ninja of Konohagakure who slaughtered his entire clan.

Danzo once used funds to blackmail the head of an orphanage to go out and perform intelligence reconnaissance tasks until he died in battle. In the end, his actions caused the children in the orphanage to become homeless, without anyone to support them, and he took the opportunity to brainwash those orphans and make them members of the root of Konohagakure.

There is also evidence that Danzo once colluded with Orochimaru to conduct forbidden research...

There's also Hatake Sakumo's death...



Danzo's dark secrets were directly blown up by the Third Hokage, and now the whole Konohagakure is in chaos.

Of course, the most important thing is that the prejudice of the villagers of Konohagakure against Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage, also comes from the rumors spread by Danzo. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people should not know that Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, because the Tailed Beast weapon is the most important thing in the village and should not be exposed easily.

But all of this was done by Danzo...

This piece of information is actually very important. Its importance lies not in the message itself, but in its ability to shift the contradiction in the attitude of the villagers of Konohagakure towards Naruto.

In the past, the villagers of Konohagakure had a very bad attitude towards Naruto because they thought Naruto was the Nine-Tails, which was a matter of course. But now they suddenly find out that Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage, the son of a hero, and it turns out that they have been treating the son of a hero like this.

When faced with this kind of thing, any normal person would feel uncomfortable, right? They feel guilty, but they don't want to change. They know they have done something wrong, but it's too embarrassing to want to change and please others, so the villagers of Konohagakure actually don't want to see Naruto doing well.

This also led to the smooth transmission of rumors spread by Danzo in the village before, without any blockage. As long as Naruto made a mistake, a big mistake, then they are still the group of people who stand on the moral high ground, they can continue to firmly believe that they are right, there is no need to please Naruto in the opposite direction, facing that kind of embarrassing situation.

This is human nature!

It's also an important place for new public opinion!

What's important about the new public opinion? Its focus is on shifting the fire of contradiction. It blames the long-term mistake of the villagers treating Naruto badly on Danzo. It's precisely because he spread rumors that led to the villagers doing this kind of thing. The core of the mistake lies with Danzo, not them.

When the villagers think that we were also deceived, we are also victims, they will feel much more comfortable in their hearts. When facing celebrities, they won't feel particularly embarrassed. As long as they unanimously scold Danzo, a thousand mistakes, ten thousand mistakes, are all Danzo's fault.

一 一 一 一 一

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