
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

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Chapter 156 Solution.

The atmosphere cooled down a bit, no one spoke, but soon, Sasuke spoke again, "Naruto, the people who spread rumors are the high-levels of Konohagakure, why don't we solve the problem from the root, and directly kill all the high-levels of Konohagakure."

"Otherwise, even if we use some clever method to perfectly solve this problem, there will be another problem, another rumor, and it will never end. I don't like this kind of trouble."

Naruto looked deeply at Sasuke, feeling very reasonable in his heart. He knew the core of Konohagakure's collapse plan. It was Danzo who wanted to be Hokage, but the Third Hokage had been clinging to the position of Hokage and wouldn't step down, so he found Orochimaru to cooperate and kill the Third Hokage, but there was a slight accident in the process.

That organization, it's called the Akatsuki...

Based on Naruto's speculation, Danzo is very eager to become the Fifth Hokage now. He will definitely clear all obstacles for himself to become the Fifth Hokage, including himself who was named by the Third Hokage to inherit the Fifth.

In addition, even if Naruto was not named, he is also the most important Nine-Tails Jinchuriki of Konohagakure, possessing the power of the Nine-Tails. For his own rights, Danzo will definitely not let him go. There will be a conflict between him and Danzo sooner or later.

However, it is said that Danzo has Shisui's eyes, which can change other people's will without being noticed. That thing is really too dangerous and must be guarded against.

"Sasuke, as far as I know, the object of your revenge is named Shimura Danzo, the leader of the root of Konohagakure. It was he who ordered your brother to slaughter the Uchiha clan, and the strongest Uchiha Shisui in your Uchiha clan was also killed by his sneak attack." Naruto said directly.

"Nani, Shimura Danzo? Hmph, I remember this guy." Sasuke said viciously.

He didn't ask about the source of the news. Sasuke knew very well in his heart that since Naruto had said so, the news must be 100% guaranteed. He is very willing to believe in Naruto.

"According to my information channel, Shimura Danzo has already transplanted Shisui's eyes, and at the same time inlaid many Sharingan on his hands, just to launch Izanagi, and he also used Izanagi to sneak attack Shisui." Naruto said.

"Izanagi? That is..."

Sasuke's pupils gradually enlarged. He had seen the stone tablet of the Uchiha clan, so he naturally knew what kind of forbidden technique Izanagi was. It was precisely because he knew these things that he felt even more outrageous.

To supplement, although his eyes have not evolved to the level of Mangekyou, Sasuke's pupil power has already surpassed the level of ordinary Mangekyou, so what he can see is far more than just Three Tomoe Sharingan.

"You know..."

Naruto looked at the surprised Sasuke, his expression changed again, and continued: "In fact, I have always guessed that the extermination of the Uchiha clan is not just because of the Uchiha's problem, but because Danzo needs a large number of Three TomoeSharingan, and he also looks down on the Uchiha clan..."

"So he targeted Uchiha everywhere, leading to intensified conflicts and eventually leading to the extermination of the Uchiha clan. If it is said that Danzo targeted Uchiha because of the night of the Nine-Tails, there were Uchiha people controlling the Nine-Tails, then he should be looking for someone, someone with Mangekyou, instead of directly exterminating the entire Uchiha clan."

"Is that so? Just for Sharingan, for Uchiha's Sharingan, so it led to the extermination of our Uchiha clan! As a result, my brother, for such a person, to protect such Konohagakure, he exterminated his own clan and carried everything to become a traitor! Damn it! Ah!!"

Sasuke roared angrily, and the pupil power in his eyes suddenly increased again.

He can completely guess that the reason why Itachi is willing to agree to do this is simply because he doesn't know the dirty things behind him. He doesn't know what kind of people Danzo and the Third Hokage are. He naturally regards these two guys as good people.

Itachi never doubted them, he just thought it was a problem within the Uchiha and the wood industry could not adjust. Looking at the situation at the time, exterminating one side is the best solution. He chose Konohagakure in hesitation, because Uchiha couldn't beat Konohagakure. Instead of ending with both losses, it is better to directly exterminate Uchiha.


If Itachi guesses Danzo's thoughts, would he really be willing to do this?

The answer must be no...

"Naruto, where did you get these secret messages from, are they really true?" Ino asked suspiciously.

"You can choose not to believe, it's your freedom, I won't disclose the source of the news." Naruto said.

He is willing to believe Orochimaru's news, but others may not necessarily. Rather than being questioned after saying it, it is better to directly hide the news channel, not to give others the opportunity to question, and thus ensure the mystery of the news.

The most important thing is that Naruto doesn't want to spend a lot of effort to prove something to others, it's meaningless, a waste of time, it's enough to let key people understand.

Fortunately, Sasuke is willing to believe him, and there is no need for any special reason to explain. To some extent, Sasuke is the most comfortable person Naruto feels to get along with, even surpassing Ino Hinata at one point.

The tacit understanding between men does not need to be explained, and good brothers do not need to prove, they know each other, understand each other's characteristics, and there is less proof and doubt, which is good.

"It's really troublesome."

Sasuke whispered, and the three tomoe in his eyes became more brilliant, as if he had completed some kind of transformation. But this kind of transformation has not yet reached the level of evolution, his Sharingan is still at the Three Tomoe level, and has not been upgraded to the Mangekyou level, it's just that the pupil power has become stronger.

Karin silently patted Sasuke's back, leaned on his side, Sasuke also took a slight breath, and quietly held her hand under the table.

"Well, I don't want to ask where Naruto's news comes from, and I don't want to care about the authenticity."

Hinata glanced at Ino and said, "I think our situation is too passive now, it's best to find a way to fight back. Since he can spread rumors about us, why don't we just spread rumors about them?"

"Anyway, Naruto knows so many black materials about them, whether it's true or false, as long as it sounds reasonable, spread these news out, directly treat others in the same way, and cure others."

Sasuke glanced at Hinata and asked, "People have the right to start, what about us, people? How many people can spread rumors in reverse? How can it be better than their effect? Unrealistic."

"That's not necessarily true."

Hinata's face slowly showed a strange smile, as if she had already encountered something, and said, "Just wait a few days, and the news will come out in a few days."

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