
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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162 Chs

Chapter 158: Intensification.

Now, Danzo has become the focus of public opinion in Konohagakure. The villagers of Konohagakure have never been so united on one thing. Their belief is very firm, they must let Danzo die, they absolutely cannot let such a person continue to stay in Konohagakure as a high-ranking official.

As for the previous rumors of Naruto destroying Konohagakure...

Just blame it on Danzo as well. Anyway, he has carried so many blame, and he doesn't lack one. And most likely, he is the only one who can do this kind of thing. Anyway, it won't be wrong to put it all on him.

Once the villagers of Konohagakure find an outlet, find an emotional vent after the destruction of Konohagakure, they will burst out with unprecedented power...

This also led to the villagers of the entire Konohagakure not trusting their own high-ranking officials...

In addition, the Third Hokage is also a ruthless person. He has reported so many rumors, but he never thought about cleaning himself up, and he doesn't even have a desire to clean up. He has an attitude of "I don't care about the disaster after I die". Anyway, I'm dead, whether you are comfortable or not... That's none of my business. Anyway, I'm dead, what can you do to me?


Uchiha residence, Sasuke's house

"Damn it, Danzo actually did so many things against our Uchiha clan, I will kill him sooner or later!" Sasuke slammed the table and shouted angrily.

"Don't worry, a new dark secret will burst out every two hours. Before all of this end, killing Danzo is not cost-effective. Let him die when he is darkest." Naruto said with a calm face.

"Well, let's wait a little longer."

Sasuke nodded in response.

"Now, the whistleblower is still uncertain, but the people at the root have a very high probability of going to assassinate that guy. Be sure to protect the whistleblower well, if you can find it." Naruto continued.

"Um, I understand."


Inside the temporary concentration camp of Konohagakure.

"Damn it, how could Konohagakure have someone like Danzo as a high-ranking official? Is the Third Hokage blind? Why didn't he execute him before!" An ordinary villager said angrily.

"Who knows, but I heard that the Third Hokage and Danzo were classmates. The relationship between them should not be simple, right? Maybe Danzo is just doing the dirty work for the Third Hokage." Another person replied.

"Hmph, at least the Third Hokage-sama led us through the Ninja War and made great contributions to Konohagakure at critical moments. I know all of these. But what has Danzo done, besides his dirty deeds, I really can't find what use he has, what contribution he has made to Konohagakure."

The man took another sip of wine and continued, "In my opinion, Danzo is a bastard, his death would be the greatest contribution to Konohagakure, hmph!"


The person opposite him subconsciously wanted to explode, but still forcibly controlled himself, because he knew in his heart that he was a member of the root of Konohagakure, and his task was to wash Danzo and blacken the Third Hokage, to shift the appearance of rumors.

However, it is indeed a bit difficult to complete this task in this environment, because the rumors about Danzo are too many and too true, they are all truths revealed in the Hokage office...

Now Danzo has moved to the dark, he is now afraid of some Chunin Jonin from Konohagakure who do not have long eyes to collect his news, and then take action.

Just today, now many villagers have started to raise funds to send ninjas to hunt him down, but not many people are willing to take the task. After all, Danzo is a high-ranking official of Konohagakure, and it is not good to be rewarded and killed by the people of Konohagakure.

'So, let's take the initiative to slaughter him!'

Many Konohagakure Jonin thought so.


Not far outside Konohagakure village.

"Damn it, what the hell is that damn monkey thinking, why did he record those things, shouldn't those things be destroyed? What the hell is he doing!" Danzo punched the wall and roared angrily.

The Third Hokage is dead, Konohagakure is in turmoil, this was originally the time when he thought he was closest to the position of Hokage, but now it's different, it has directly become the time when he is farthest from the position of Hokage.

He originally planned to smear the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to the extreme during this time, and then send out his own forces to subdue him, preferably use Kotoamatsukami on him, and then take the initiative to win over the hearts of the people of Konohagakure, and then ascend to the throne of Hokage.

But now, the situation is different, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have known that he was going to die a long time ago, he recorded all his dark materials, and after his death, they were found by people, and even sent people to update in real time, sending out a new small dark material every two hours.

It's outrageous! It's too much!

"Danzo-sama, the whistleblower has been found, but Hyuga Hinata is by his side, our people have no chance to assassinate him." The root ninja reported.

"Then can't you kill him forcefully? Go and die with him!" Danzo roared angrily.

"Okay, we will..."

The root ninja answered mechanically.

"Come back to me, don't move, you absolutely can't move at this point in time!"

Danzo's brain was about to explode with anger, the root ninja was really mechanical, he used to think it was quite good, but now when he looked at it, it was really annoying, he was just talking, not letting these people really go to kill the whistleblower.

If the whistleblower is killed by the root now, or is attacked and retaliated against, this is most likely equivalent to Danzo indirectly admitting the truth of the matter, but he dare not take the initiative to clarify it.

Because it's all true...

Danzo still has one arm Sharingan...

If he ran out to clarify, as soon as others let him lift his blindfold, the fact that his right eye possesses Shisui's Sharingan would be directly exposed, all the charges would be confirmed, how could Danzo dare to clarify?

If it was for clarification that he transplanted his eyes, then it would be too much of a loss for Danzo. Now he feels that the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is very restless, and Uchiha Sasuke seems to harbor a great hostility towards him. To deal with the attacks of these two guys, he needs to ensure that he has enough combat power to deal with them.

For this reason, Shisui's Mangekyou Sharingan is necessary and cannot be easily removed. If there is a period when Danzo does not have Mangekyou and Naruto and Sasuke suddenly attack, causing him to die directly, then Danzo would directly take off.

"So...what should we do?"

The Root ninja asked in confusion.

"How would I know what to do, use your pig brain to think about how to help me solve the problem!"

Danzo continued to scold angrily.

If it were usual, he would never say such things to the Root ninja, but now it's different. Danzo is almost being driven mad by the Third Hokage's revelations and his own Root ninja's dullness, so he said this to vent his emotions.

"Or, shall we kill all those who speak ill of you?" The Konohagakure Root asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Danzo's mentality exploded for the second time.

In a certain cave base...

"Pain, are you really willing to accept that thing that guy said? That kind of guy who doesn't want to show his face and hides his head?" Konan shouted with her fists clenched.

On the side, the skinny Pain was firm in his expression. He coughed twice and said, "Konan, after fighting with the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, my vitality has been over-consumed. The consumption of the Super Shinra Tensei is too great. Even if I don't accept the transplant of that thing, I'm afraid I won't live long... So, this is my only way out."

Although he said so, whether the actual situation is like this is not necessarily the case...

With the remaining vitality of Pain, fighting at high intensity two or three more times is not a big problem, but he is very clear in his heart that even if he uses all his strength now, he cannot defeat the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki head-on and successfully capture the Nine-Tails.

His so-called strongest Ninjutsu, the Chibaku Tensei, basically cannot play an effective role when facing Naruto's instantaneous movement due to the Flying Thunder God. He needs to gain stronger power.

Even the source is not necessarily safe.

If he does not accept, Pain will 100% fail to successfully capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, 100% fail to complete the dream of world peace of Yan, if he accepts, he still has a chance, but the price is to gamble his own life on this slim chance.

Pain chooses to gamble, even if the probability is small, there is a chance of success, if he does not gamble, he cannot see the possibility of successfully capturing the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

As for these words, they are just said to Konan, he does not want Konan to hinder him.

"Pain... Do you really have to do this?"

Konan asked softly.

"This is Yahiko's wish, and then, this is also my wish." Pain answered firmly.

Konan was silent.


On the outskirts of the Konohagakure Root base.

"Report, Danzo-sama, there are a large number of Konohagakure ninjas actively attacking the Root outside, should we..." The Root ninja asked with a serious face.


Danzo's face twisted, and his fists were also clenched tightly. He was very upset by his own ninja's attack.

The Root ninjas are now counterattacking. The question they asked was whether to kill or not. If the Root ninjas are not allowed to kill, the Konohagakure ninjas will inevitably fight sooner or later. Because the Root ninjas are not good at holding back, once they fight timidly, their combat power will be greatly reduced.

The Root is Danzo's suicide private army. How could he teach these people how to hold back? What he taught was how to beat people to death. If they don't kill, the combat power of the Root ninjas will not be good.

But if the Root ninjas kill...

Then the situation will be even worse. Once they start to kill, the Konohagakure ninjas will not be able to not fight back. In the end, there will be rivers of blood, and the power of Konohagakure will be consumed. Of course, the most important thing is that Danzo's Root ninjas will suffer losses.

Not only that, once Danzo gives the order to kill, it basically confirms that he is not a good person. By then, the Konohagakure ninjas will be even happier to fight him, and the intensity of the chase will further increase.

"What are Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura doing, don't they care at all! As the core high-level of Konohagakure, can't they even control the ninjas of Konohagakure!?" Danzo shouted harshly.

"Ninjas are originally commissioned to do tasks. There are people in Konohagakure village who spontaneously initiated commissions, asking the ninjas in Konohagakure village to... attack us. This has nothing to do with the high-level of Konohagakure, they have no middleman relationship." The Root ninja said in a low voice with embarrassment:

"And... the task is above all."


Danzo cursed again. Now he is eating Huanglian as a dumb, and he can't tell the bitterness. The concept of task priority is proposed by him, and it is also he who spread rumors that Hatake Sakumo was scolded to death for saving his teammates and then promoted to the pinnacle.

Now, the Konohagakure ninjas have a task, and this task is to kill Danzo. Moreover, it is an important task issued at the time point when the Konohagakure village is extinct and basically no one publishes tasks. So, in the eyes of those ninjas, the task is definitely the top priority, and killing Danzo is very important.

Normally, attacking one's own higher-ups is not a glorious thing, but now Danzo is stinky, and in Konohagakure, he is a person who is shouted and killed by everyone. Moreover, the Root ninjas dare not kill, and the Konohagakure ninjas are now attacking Danzo without any psychological or physiological burden.


With a loud noise, Kakashi, who was surrounded by blue thunder, broke through the wall and appeared in front of Danzo, looking at him coldly and said, "Please come with me, Danzo-sama."

"Damn it, Kakashi, are you planning to join them too?" Danzo shouted.

"I'm sorry, I am a ninja, and it is my duty to perform tasks. And you, just happen to be my task target, the task is the top priority." Kakashi stared at Danzo coldly and said.

Before, he didn't know the real reason for his father's death. He only thought that the rules of the ninja world and the ninjas were too cruel, cold-blooded, and ruthless. But now he understands that this is a rumor deliberately spread by Danzo. If it weren't for Danzo, his father would not die from rumors, would not commit suicide, and he would not be upset for so long.

If it weren't for Guy, he couldn't imagine what kind of person he would become... and the culprit that caused all this was Danzo!

"Danzo, my task is to capture you, but the task targets of other people... that may not be the case, give up resistance, Danzo." Kakashi continued.

"Hmph, hold him back."

Danzo directly ordered.


The Root ninja did not hesitate, directly took out the Kunai and killed Kakashi.


However, the result was not good. Kakashi, who had practiced Senjutsu and used Lightning Release activation, was very strong in Taijutsu. Whether it was speed or strength, it was impeccable. The Root ninja could not stop him at all.

"Tsk, useless guy."

Danzo had just opened the back door channel, and when he found that the Root ninja had not stopped Kakashi, he couldn't help but curse.

The next moment, the Root ninja on the ground suddenly jumped up, hugged Kakashi, and shouted at the same time, "Danzo-sama, run!"

"Tsk, Chidori!"

Kakashi frowned and directly released the power of the lightning element without a seal.


The Root ninja screamed incessantly, the effect of the electric shock was obviously very good, but this guy still stubbornly dragged Kakashi and shouted, "Survive, run quickly, Danzo-sama! Ahhh!"

"This guy..."

Kakashi's eyebrows tightened, and then he launched an electric shock several times to try to break free. As a result, the Root ninja was stunned by the electricity, but still instinctively blocked him. Kakashi didn't want to kill the people in his village directly, so he couldn't continue to chase.

Damn it!

Danzo closed the back door and locked it, sneering and saying: Hmph, you are still a bit useful.

"Damn it, this guy is going to escape!"

Kakashi clenched his fists, but he didn't dare to struggle too hard. He was afraid that he would accidentally tear off the arm of this Root ninja. Even if he was Danzo's man, he was also a Konohagakure ninja. Kakashi didn't want to hurt the people of Konohagakure.


Soon, another figure broke through the wall and entered. It was Might Guy in a green tight-fitting suit and a black watermelon head. He looked at Kakashi who was being dragged by the Root ninja and laughed, "Yo, my dear friend, it seems you need a little help!"

"Please, Guy."

Kakashi sighed and said, "Just now, that guy Danzo escaped from that door. If we hurry up, we still have a chance to catch him."


Konohagakure Village, on the other side.

Now, the hardest thing in Konohagakure Village is not the difficulty of building houses, but the difficulty of clearing the ruins before building houses. Due to the previous fierce battles, a large amount of ruins piled up on the ground, various scorched earth further increased the difficulty of construction.

At the same time, due to various industries have been hit hard, the economic system of Konohagakure is now on the verge of collapse. It's hard to eat, and paper money can't exchange for anything. Now food is the hard currency.

And Sasuke, under Karin's hint, quickly understood these truths. He helped people in Konohagakure clean up the ruins and catch prey at the fastest speed, and gathered a large amount of money in a short time, which was of no use to ordinary people.

However, money is useless relatively speaking. It's no problem to use this money to hire ninjas. Catching Danzo is the reward Sasuke offered.

He just likes to see Danzo being hunted down, and the more miserable he is hunted down, the more comfortable he is.

In addition...

This accident also made many ninjas realize a problem. When the disaster really comes, ordinary people have no resistance at all. They need ninjas to help with everything, and at this time, money is useless, there is almost no purchasing power, but they can still hire ninjas to help.

And now, many ninjas have begun to reflect, is the mode of ninjas helping people do tasks really correct? Is the reward they ask for too little? But isn't the whole ninja world like this? Is it a bit wrong for us to think this way?

Although there is no actual progress, many people have already had some special ideas in their hearts, but they will not make these ideas public.

This is not good...

However, the higher-ups of Konohagakure have not realized these problems yet. Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura are still trying to rebuild Konohagakure in the old way, hoping that the timber industry will soon return to its former prosperity.


"Money, so much money, haha!"

Sasuke looked at the money he had earned, feeling very cool. Although this money can't buy anything in Konohagakure now, it doesn't matter. As long as he goes to other ninja villages, he can buy a lot of valuable supplies, more than what he has paid now.

Those with money are not stupid, they certainly know these things. But the current situation is too dangerous. They spend money to buy something to eat first, and there is a great possibility that they will starve to death directly. They don't want to live in Konohagakure without a home. Even if they migrate, they have to hire ninjas. It always costs money.

At this time, during the crisis of Konohagakure, the higher-ups of Konohagakure decisively issued an order, asking some ninjas to guard the village. Those who want to leave the village have to spend a lot of money, in order to avoid population loss.

But the effect... can only be said to be average...

As long as you give the Konohagakure ninjas a little money, a little more than their salary, you can pass. There is no need to pay so much money to the high-levels of Konohagakure.

And now it is a turbulent period. The ninjas and people of Konohagakure do not believe in the high-levels. For their orders, the Konohagakure ninjas are not too loyal. After all, they are all for money. Why not take more money? The high-levels of Konohagakure give so little...

They have no hearts!

"Sasuke, with our current resources, if we sell the mansion of Konohagakure, we should be able to get a lot of money. In this way, we..." Karin looked at Sasuke and laughed.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Sasuke directly interrupted in a stern voice, staring seriously at the slightly scared Karin, finally sighed, and said in a soothing tone, "I know what you mean, but some things cannot be sold. For example, this home, this is where I grew up, and it also carries all my past, childhood, and is a proof of the existence of the Uchiha clan. This home is very important to me."

"I know you want to do good for me, try to maximize the benefits, but on this matter, I absolutely cannot give in.... Hmm, I was a little excited just now, sorry."

"It's okay."

Karin came back to her senses, showing an apologetic look, and said, "I should apologize. This home is so important to you, I shouldn't have suggested that."

Sasuke touched Karin's little head and changed the topic, "By the way, next, we should prepare to find someone to buy supplies out of the village, right? I hope to make a big profit, buy a few more sets of real estate, land, now the land price in Konohagakure is very low and very cost-effective."


Outside Konohagakure Village, a group of ninjas with Kusagakure Village forehead protectors looked at the destroyed Konohagakure and couldn't help laughing, "Huh, is this Konohagakure? It has become like this, it's really miserable."

"Yes, yes, we used to feel that Konohagakure was a pretty strong ninja village. Now when we look at it, it's actually just that. The envoy of Konohagakure once extorted me five million ryos on Karin's matter, huh, today I will seek justice for Kusagakure Village!" A tall Kusagakure Ninja said strongly.

"Let's go, negotiate with Konohagakure!"

"First extort them ten million, then get Karin back, let that guy named Uchiha Sasuke kneel in front of our village, otherwise we Kusagakure Village will never forgive them."


Outside Konohagakure Village, on the other side.

"Is this Konohagakure? I didn't expect it to become like this, it's really miserable." A ninja with a wave-patterned forehead protector looked at Konohagakure from a distance.

"Yes, but according to reliable information, the Three-Tails in our village is in Konohagakure. Although it's not good to take advantage of others' danger, we must take back what belongs to us. The interests of Kirigakure Village cannot be violated." A middle-aged man with one eye covered said firmly.

As soon as the words fell, the people of Kirigakure Village accelerated towards Konohagakure. Their mood was not complicated, and even a little relaxed. After all, Konohagakure had just been attacked and was still in a weak state.

In this state, Konohagakure absolutely cannot dare to conflict with Kirigakure Village. By then, even if they are a bit stronger in the negotiations, it doesn't matter. They don't need to be too cautious, just be careful not to push Konohagakure to a dead end.

On the Eve of Negotiations.

Konohagakure Temporary Base Core.

"Two advisors, the envoys from Kusagakure Village and Kirigakure Village have now arrived in Konohagakure and are currently in the reception room for negotiations."

The receptionist Anbu's expression changed slightly, and finally said as if squeezing out, "The attitude of the envoy from Kirigakure Village is slightly friendly, most likely talking about the sudden appearance of the Three-Tails."

"But on the other hand, Kusagakure Village... their attitude is a bit unfriendly. They said... our previous envoy defrauded their village of five million ryos and took Karin away. If we don't solve it properly... they will take the opportunity to start a war."


Utatane Koharu angrily slapped the table, frowning and shouting, "There is such a thing, which guy is making enemies in Kusagakure Village? Actually extorting five million ryos from an allied village, is this what a ninja should do? And, how do we not know about this? Did they make it up?"


Mitokado Homura also sighed deeply, helplessly holding his forehead with one hand and said, "Such a thing would happen, it's really... If it's usually okay, but at this critical period after the war, Konohagakure can't stand the toss, it's terrible... By the way, did those guys say which envoy did this? If I remember correctly, the previous negotiations should have been done by Sarutobi Hiruzen's direct Anbu. Those three guys shouldn't do this."

"They said, it's Uchiha Sasuke."

The Anbu ninja answered.


"Uchiha Sasuke? Didn't that guy just finish the Chunin exam?"

The two Hokage advisors were confused at the same time. They didn't know about Sasuke's diplomacy, because Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't intend to let them know at all. He knew in his heart that these two old guys would never give Sasuke this opportunity, just because Sasuke was young and from the Uchiha clan.

"They also said that they want Uchiha Sasuke to come over in person to kowtow and apologize, otherwise... they will... concentrate their forces... and attack Konohagakure." The Anbu ninja said with an ugly face.


Utatane Koharu was instantly furious, subconsciously cursing, "What the hell is Uchiha Sasuke doing, causing such a big trouble for Konohagakure under unknown circumstances, doesn't he have any concerns in his heart! Hurry up, call Sasuke over, we will start negotiations immediately."

Anbu: ...

Although he kept his head down and didn't speak, he had his own thoughts. First, Konohagakure's internal affairs had not received any information about Sasuke going out as an envoy, at least not now. So they should not be completely sure that Sasuke made this mistake. It could very well be a trap deliberately set by Kusagakure Village to plot the Sharingan.

However, this Hokage advisor actually took the unverifiable matter as a fact, and really planned to question Sasuke and let him apologize to the people of Kusagakure Village...

Although doing so is the easiest way to achieve peace, isn't it a bit too spineless? Doesn't it make the ninjas of Konohagakure seem too weak? That's just Kusagakure Village, an insignificant border country!

Just because of their words, they threatened you to let the genius in your village come to kowtow and apologize, you really plan to let Sasuke go? He is a genius of the Uchiha clan, how could he agree? Isn't this a bit too much?

Sigh... Indeed, the higher-ups are not good...

Anbu sighed deeply in his heart, and replied a little helplessly, "Yes," and then disappeared.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura looked at each other, and they both saw the complexity in each other's eyes. They are now two people, and there are just two envoy teams that need to be received. One is the Kirigakure Village envoy team who came to investigate the situation of the Three-Tails, and the other is the troublesome Kusagakure Village envoy team.

If possible, they don't want to face the Kusagakure Village envoy team under this situation. Once they handle it slightly unfavorably, it may cause huge losses to Konohagakure.

"Sigh, I'll go to Kusagakure Village."

In the end, Mitokado Homura took the initiative to speak. He looked at Utatane Koharu with complicated eyes and continued, "Before Sasuke comes to apologize, I will try to hold them back. The matter of Kirigakure Village... I'll leave it to you, cheer up."


Utatane Koharu looked at Mitokado Homura, who showed a helpless smile. She was not only a little moved, but her expression also changed. However, she soon returned to normal and said, "Don't worry, I will do well."


Uchiha Clan Residence.

"...The specific situation is like this."

After explaining, the Anbu ninja looked at Uchiha Sasuke with complicated eyes and said, "Sasuke, I know this may not be your fault, it's just the ninjas of Kusagakure Village, who want to harm the genius in our village."

"I know, you are from the Uchiha clan, your self-esteem is very strong, you can't possibly apologize to the people of Kusagakure Village. In this case, you run away first, I will say you went hunting, and drag it for a while, maybe there will be a turn for the better later."

"Run? Why?"

Sasuke raised his eyebrows slightly and asked back.

"If you don't run, you will have to face those troublesome Kusagakure Village ninjas, you will have to..." Anbu couldn't help showing a worried look. He cared about Sasuke's physical and mental safety, because he is the genius of Konohagakure, and also the future of Konohagakure. The future of Konohagakure must not be broken at this time.

"Troublesome? Who is troublesome?"

Sasuke stood up directly, with a disdainful smile on his face and his hands in his pockets, and said, "Kusagakure Village, it's just a village that gathers a bunch of rotten shrimps and fish. What threat can such a guy have? Being threatened by them, it's just that the high-levels of Konohagakure are too weak. I'm not afraid of them at all."

"But... war..."

"Haha, war? Are you joking? Haha, hahaha, hahahaha!"

Sasuke laughed, he laughed wildly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, even to the point of being breathless.

Soon after, he slightly restrained himself, covering his face with one hand, revealing a slightly upturned corner of his mouth, and said, "They are just hundreds or thousands of trash, what qualifications do they have to start a war? I alone can slaughter the entire Kusagakure Village, why should I compromise? What qualifications do the weak have to make demands on the strong?"

"Besides, what they said is true. I was indeed in charge of diplomacy last time. I accidentally scared their envoys away. I'm really sorry. I hope the people who come to negotiate this time can be a little braver. If the negotiation is too simple, it's not interesting."


The Anbu ninja was shocked. He really didn't know that Sasuke had done such a thing. But from what he could see now, Sasuke gave him a more stable feeling than those high-level people in Konohagakure.

As if there was an invisible sense of security, as if seeing the savior of the wicked, if he were to lead Konohagakure, maybe...


Sasuke left, head held high, without a trace of apology, as if to say, the last negotiation was not accidental, he did it on purpose!

The Anbu also silently followed behind Sasuke...

Actually, Sasuke didn't want to deal with so many troubles at first. It was a headache for the Konohagakure layer to worry about. He was too lazy to spend so much effort to manage. But since meeting this Anbu, Sasuke's thoughts have changed. There are still good people in Konohagakure. If all people are denied because of a few high-level people, isn't it somewhat unreasonable?

In addition, the matter of Kusagakure Village was caused by him. It's normal for him to solve it. Sasuke is not the kind of person who does something wrong and then leaves a mess for others. He still has some sense of responsibility and self-esteem.

His inner pride does not allow him to escape!

This is Sasuke!

Most importantly, those little xx from Kusagakure Village actually wanted to take Karin back. How could Sasuke possibly bear it? Even if those people are not aggressive, have a good attitude, and pay a commission, Sasuke will absolutely not agree, because he has already...

Ah, I didn't mean to, I thought...

In short, it is absolutely impossible for the people of Kusagakure Village to take Karin away!

These guys' attitudes are still so bad, full of little xx, they need to be punished well.


On the other side, in the negotiation room.


"Hey, hey, hey, where is Uchiha Sasuke? Where is the guy who robbed us of five million ryos and stole the precious medical tools in our village?" The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys slammed the table and shouted at Mitokado Homura.

"Cough, cough, that, I have already sent the Anbu of Konohagakure to call him. He will arrive soon. The envoys of Kusagakure Village have come to Konohagakure, and they must have traveled a long way. Come and have a cup of tea and rest a bit." Mitokado Homura said with an awkward smile.

Although he knew that Konohagakure was stronger than Kusagakure Village, it is a special situation now. Konohagakure has just been attacked. If a conflict occurs with Kusagakure Village at this point in time, and a part of the troops is dispatched again, it will make Konohagakure appear too weak and there is a high probability that it will cause the next Ninja World War.

The ninjas of Sunagakure Village would definitely covet the rich land of Konohagakure. The shadows of Kumogakure Village and Iwagakure Village are not easy to deal with. In this situation, someone must stand up to uphold justice.

But it definitely won't be Uzumaki Naruto, that guy will definitely not become the Fifth Hokage, it's better to let Jiraiya or Tsunade be the Fifth Hokage.

"Hmph, tea? come and pour it for me."

The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys smirked, noticing that the higher-ups of Konohagakure seemed to lack confidence, so his attitude became increasingly arrogant, pointing at the empty cup in front of him.

"Cough, your words, aren't they a bit too much?" Mitokado Homura also squinted his eyes, staring at him intently.

"Too much? You still know what's too much?"

The envoy of Kusagakure Village slapped the table and shouted, "That Uchiha Sasuke, he directly used Genjutsu to turn all the envoys in our village into idiots! What he did is too much!!"

"By the way, I just ask you whether you pour tea or not, if not, I will leave immediately, return to Kusagakure Village to gather troops to attack Konohagakure, after all, we are just a small village, presumably your big Konohagakure, should not look up to it, right? Hahaha..." The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys laughed disdainfully.

"Yeah, yeah, we are a small village."

"Tsk, it's hard to say, the village has become like this now, how many living people are left is uncertain, maybe it's just a large village now, right? Hahaha!"

"That's right, maybe, haha!"


At this moment, the laughter of the Kusagakure Village envoy team echoed throughout the conference room, Mitokado Homura was restless, he lowered his head and his face was dark, as if he wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill into.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a crack to drill into...


Mitokado Homura raised his hand tremblingly, the old man didn't expect that at his age, he would have to pour tea for the envoys of Kusagakure Village, this was simply a great humiliation.


The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys suddenly shouted stop.

Mitokado Homura looked up in confusion, a glimmer of hope rose in his heart, perhaps, the people of Kusagakure Village were not so excessive? They also know how to leave some room?

"Cough, cough, you see, we have been here for so long, now the tea is almost cold, can you personally brew us a new cup, and then serve it to us?" The envoy of Kusagakure Village asked with a malicious smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, we don't drink cold tea."

"You are in a high position, you must not even be able to make tea, right?"

"Haha, yeah, you brew a pot of tea~"


Mitokado Homura clenched his fists, he really wanted to explode now, but, reason told him, he can't do this now, otherwise it will cause the war between Konohagakure and Kusagakure Village to be ignited, leading Konohagakure to further decline.


The spirited village of Konohagakure, the people, what's the difference between living and dying?

Even the soul is gone!


Suddenly, the door of the conference room was kicked open by someone, the noisy sound of the Kusagakure Village envoy team was instantly interrupted, they subconsciously became nervous, their eyes looking at the black-haired young man standing at the door.

And just now, Mitokado Homura, who had been frustrated to the point of exploding, took a look at Sasuke, and quickly shouted, "What on earth are you doing, this is our distinguished guest, hurry up and apologize!"

"Can a guest who called me to kneel be called a distinguished guest?" Sasuke directly scolded.

At this moment, the Anbu standing behind him were dumbfounded, they never expected that Sasuke would dare to do such a thing, this guy actually dared to speak like that.


Listening to him scold people is really cool!

"Hey, you kid..."

The arrogant leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys came back to his senses and pointed directly at Sasuke and shouted.

"Shut up!!"

Sasuke interrupted with a loud shout, his three-tomoe Sharingan staring at the envoys of Kusagakure Village, as terrifying as the endless abyss of hell.

"Did I talk to you?"

He took a step forward, his aura surged.

"Did I let you speak?"

He stepped forward again, his aura increased for the second time.

"Do I even give you the right to speak?!" Sasuke finally stood in front of the table, bursting out with terrifying chakra, and shouted.


The wall cracked...

In an instant, the entire conference room was silent, the envoys of Kusagakure Village were scared silly, Sasuke's extremely dominant attitude made them feel like children seeing their father, where would they dare to bark like just now?

Mitokado Homura was also stunned, his brain crashed.

And the Anbu behind Sasuke, they only felt refreshed all over, as if they had opened the door to a new world, the whole person was different, at this moment, he made up his mind: from today on, no longer be Anbu, I want to follow Sasuke all the time! This is the life I want!

Sasuke walked into the conference room with his hands in his pockets, his Haki leaking out, and without caring, he glanced at everyone and directly cursed, "Tsk, a bunch of trash."

After speaking, he glanced at the negotiating bench of Konohagakure, and then at Mitokado Homura, the color of disdain instantly overflowed on his face, the three-tomoe activated its pupil power, the purple thunder Susano'o arm formed in an instant, and fell under the horrified gaze of everyone.


The bench cracked and split in half.

Sasuke walked up, directly kicked the half of the bench where Mitokado Homura was sitting, and with a "clang", it hit the wall. Mitokado Homura on the bench was still a bit stunned, and his heart was full of fear of death.

Just now, it seemed like he was about to die...

What the hell is Uchiha Sasuke? What does he want to do?

Sasuke sat on half of the chair, propped up his leg, and looked at the people of Kusagakure Village who were still sitting there, and said with an unhappy face, "You still dare to sit in front of me? Are you tired of living?"


"I'm very sorry!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"I was wrong.."


The envoys of Kusagakure Village were instantly subdued, they all stood up one after another, feeling uneasy, the leader of the envoys was the first to feel something was wrong, they were clearly here to take advantage of the fire, why are they now being scolded like grandchildren? The script is wrong!

"Wait, you Konohagakure are now, now still in a period of weakness, right? If we Kusagakure Village at this time..." The leader of Kusagakure Village whispered.

"Ah? What did you say? I can't hear you!"

Sasuke leaned back, one leg on the table, and interrupted with an impatient look.

"I...I'm saying..."

The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys had already made up his mind, determined to let Sasuke know the seriousness of the matter, but as soon as he spoke, his body would tremble subconsciously, his heart rate inexplicably fast, as if just looking at Sasuke, just speaking would feel inexplicably terrifying pressure.

What the hell is going on with this guy?

How could Konohagakure have such a terrifying guy?

Is this Genjutsu? Did he use Genjutsu on me?


Thinking of this, the leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys directly mustered up the courage to form seals with both hands, trying to release the Genjutsu.

But... reality did not change at all...

What is this, not Genjutsu?

"Ah, what are you doing? You don't think I'm using Genjutsu, do you? I disdain to use Genjutsu, it's boring to the extreme."

With that, Sasuke looked at the Kusagakure Village envoy who was still standing in a seal formation. His eyes widened, and he barked, "Standing in a seal formation while negotiating with me, are you... looking for a fight?!"

"Ah, sorry! Sorry!"

The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoy quickly apologized, retracting his hands. He was internally exclaiming: Impossible, how could such a person exist? How could there be such a terrifying person in this world? I was merely facing him, talking to him, and my body would subconsciously tremble, my heartbeat would accelerate at a strange frequency. How could such a person exist!

"Tch, coward."

Sasuke continued to curse in disappointment. He looked at the Kusagakure Village envoys who were taller than him and suddenly remembered what Anbu had told him - they wanted to take Karin back and continue using her as a medical blood bag.

Thinking of Karin's past experiences, a fierce anger surged in Sasuke's heart. He looked at the few people with icy eyes like a tyrant and said, "During negotiations, shouldn't both parties converse at roughly the same position? You guys have raised your field of vision so much, looking down on me... what does that mean?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the mental state of the Kusagakure Village envoys exploded. They couldn't sit now, and their line of sight couldn't exceed Sasuke's. This was simply too difficult!

On the other side, Mitokado Homura, who had just come back to his senses, realized that something was wrong. He subconsciously wanted to stop Sasuke, but the latter just glanced at him casually. One look made him feel a terror akin to death, leaving him unable to utter any more words.

Is Sasuke... really that terrifying?

But if they negotiate like this now, will it have a negative impact on Konohagakure in the future, leading to deeper problems? Isn't this too risky?

Seeing the hesitation of the Kusagakure Village envoys, Sasuke decisively increased his eye power output, simultaneously releasing a powerful chakra intimidation and shouted, "Can't you hear me?!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The Kusagakure Village envoys were scared out of their wits. They actually slowly squatted down one by one, looking straight at Sasuke.

"So, what do you guys want to talk about? Hurry up and speak. I'm cooking at home and don't have time to waste with you," Sasuke said.

The Kusagakure Village envoys looked at each other. In the end, the leader gritted his teeth and said, "Actually, we just want Karin..."


Sasuke's eyes widened, suppressing his aura.

"...We want Karin to have a good life in Konohagakure."

The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys quickly corrected himself.

"Oh, that's more like it."

Sasuke withdrew his aura and casually said, "We don't have much resources in our village now. You guys just send more fruits and food from your village here. You don't need to give too much money, just give me about ten million ryo, and we'll call it even."

"This... ten million ryo..."

The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoys was shocked and said with a bitter face, "Our Kusagakure Village... really doesn't have that much money. You just took five million from us not long ago, and we've been fighting with the Bamboo Shoot Clan... we're out of money."

"Whether You guys have money or not, that's none of my business."

Sasuke said mercilessly, looking at them with eyes as if looking at trash, "From now on, I'll only give you three days. If you can't bring the stuff... I'll just go and destroy your village."

With that, Sasuke stood up, casually stretched, and said, "Don't waste my time, I still have food cooking at home."

He left directly.

The Kusagakure Village envoys were still squatting in the conference room, and Mitokado Homura was also stunned.

What the hell? Konohagakure doesn't have to pay anything, and they can just rob them of ten million ryo? And even a bunch of supplies that Konohagakure needs the most?

They can actually negotiate like this!

"Cough, cough, please hurry back to your village, Sasuke-sama's patience is limited. If you can't deliver the supplies and money to Konohagakure within three days..."

Anbu said, a playful look gradually appearing in his eyes, he continued, "What will happen to Kusagakure Village afterwards, I don't know. But, you guys probably don't want to experience the taste of losing your homeland, right?"

"You... you Konohagakure... think you can eat us just like that? The way you were nodding and agreeing just now was simply laughable. It's just bullying by power, do you think we will submit?" The leader of the Kusagakure Village envoy clenched his fist and shouted.

Anbu: "Ah, what did you say?"

The Kusagakure Village envoy shivered subconsciously, his momentum instantly wilted, and his eyes dodged, "No... nothing."

He panicked.

On the Other Side.

The envoy team of Kusagakure Village left, still unable to get rid of Sasuke's psychological shadow when they left, and they had an inexplicable fear of the word "ah". Just hearing it would make them feel weak and panic subconsciously.

"It's really outrageous, too outrageous."

Mitokado Homura slowly stood up from his chair, muttered unhappily to himself, the gaze and attitude of that Anbu ninja made him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Why, a mere Anbu, can actually be more domineering than him, a Hokage advisor?

How dare he?

"Hokage Advisor-sama, for the sake of your reputation, I hope you can take the initiative to resign. You are no longer suitable to sit in this position." Anbu ninja said indifferently.

"What are you saying?"

Mitokado Homura clenched his fist and shouted.

"You are no longer suitable to be a Hokage advisor, you will only disgrace Konohagakure and gain no benefits if you keep sitting in this position. Please resign voluntarily." Anbu ninja said firmly.

"Do you know how much consideration and worry I have put into doing this? Once Konohagakure and Kusagakure Village conflict under these circumstances, how much manpower and material resources will it take to launch a high-intensity war? Sunagakure Village, which has always been coveting Konohagakure's territory, won't they attack? Won't Iwagakure Village and Kumogakure Village launch a great ninja war? Have you thought about all these things?"

Mitokado Homura screamed hoarsely, as if defending his last dignity.

"If you had half the aura of Sasuke, those small fry wouldn't dare to act rashly. It's precisely because of your weak and incompetent performance that they think Konohagakure is weak and can be bullied."

Anbu ninja sighed, took a deep look at Mitokado Homura, and continued, "Letting people like you continue to hold power and manage Konohagakure is the greatest misfortune of Konohagakure. If you don't resign, I will be the first to quit my job as Anbu."

With that, he took off his mask, revealing a resolute side face like a knife cut, and said firmly, "I mean what I say. Not only that, but I will also incite other Anbu to resign at this point in time. Because... there are already too many people dissatisfied with the upper echelons of Konohagakure."

"We are ninjas, not fools. Almost anyone can see how the power and rights of Konohagakure have changed after the Fourth's death. The heroes of the war have died one after another, the head of the Hyuga clan is also going, the Uchiha clan was exterminated because of you... Under your wise leadership, Konohagakure is getting weaker and weaker."

"If you continue to lead, Konohagakure will be destroyed sooner or later. So, step down, while you haven't been dug up any black spots, hurry up and step down yourself. After all, I don't want to tell the story of you serving tea and water to the Kusagakure Village envoy today."

"Former, Hokage Advisor-sama."

Mitokado Homura was stunned, looking at the determined Anbu in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and began to reflect subconsciously.

Could it be... was I really wrong?

Do I really have to abdicate?


Meanwhile, the negotiations on the other side...

"What, our Konohagakure's Yamanaka Ino is the Three-Tails Jinchuriki? Where did you get this information from, is the source reliable? She has never left Konohagakure, you Kirigakure Village can't slander us like this, after all, we are also victims of the Three-Tails." Utatane Koharu firmly denied.

"Well, the source of the information is not important, what's important is that we can confirm with 100% certainty that this information is correct. We hope that your village can hand over the Three-Tails Jinchuriki and avoid any unnecessary conflicts with us, Kirigakure Village." Ao said with a light smile.

They indeed received the information, and they couldn't confirm the truth of the information. But at this time, the truth of the information itself is not important, confirming the reality of Konohagakure is the most important thing at this time.

If Konohagakure, for the sake of peace, is willing to sacrifice the clan ninjas in their own village, it means that Konohagakure has become extremely weak. Even if the information is false, capturing a clan ninja is still a gain, and if they can interrogate the secret cultivation techniques of the Yamanaka clan, it would be even more profitable.

Moreover, they can directly sign an unequal contract with Konohagakure, allowing the Yamanaka clan to pay money to redeem Yamanaka Ino in Kirigakure Village. With Konohagakure's current power, even if they redeem her and find that their own people have been tortured beyond recognition, they probably wouldn't dare to say much.

Money, secret techniques, they are sure to gain one of them. As long as they stick to this point, Kirigakure Village will have gains.

Why not do it?

After all, when Kumogakure Village previously demanded Konohagakure to hand over the body of Hyuga Hiashi, they were willing to agree. These guys have no backbone and no bottom line, Ao doesn't need to respect them at all.

So, sticking to this point without letting go is the most advantageous for Kirigakure Village. Whether Yamanaka Ino is the Three-Tails Jinchuriki or not is actually not important.

"I can assure you that Yamanaka Ino has never left Konohagakure once. I can investigate her mission records, life history, these are all solid evidence." Utatane Koharu said after some thought.

"But, this is your Konohagakure's evidence, how do we know you haven't faked it? How can you guarantee its authenticity? We are all smart people, we all know that it's very simple to fake data in your own database, especially your village..."

Ao's smile gradually became playful, revealing a smile that his scheme was about to succeed, and continued, "The Hokage building in the center of your village has been destroyed, there must be many secret files that have disappeared, right? Can you really find the corresponding information? Even if you can find it, will you show it to us? What you show us, won't it be faked? So, we have no reason to believe you at all."

"Damn it..."

Utatane Koharu's face became extremely ugly, facing this situation, she really couldn't think of a solution. Since it's already like this, she could only make a sacrifice...


A dull thud sounded, this momentum, it was Sasuke next door releasing chakra, and because Sasuke's chakra was too strong, it caused the room here to crack a bit.

The people on both sides of Kirigakure Village and Konohagakure fell silent at the same time, looking at each other with serious eyes. The people of Kirigakure Village were afraid that if something unexpected happened, they might fall here. Utatane Koharu was also afraid that if something unexpected happened to Konohagakure, the whole village would fall here.


After some thought, Ao secretly activated the Byakugan and looked into the conference room on the other side. He saw Sasuke with one foot on the table, looking arrogantly at the squatting Chunin of Kusagakure Village, scolding them like a teacher scolding students.

Who is that guy?

Such terrifying chakra!

Wait... something's not right...

Could it be, he noticed I was watching him?

He's looking over here! He's coming over!

Damn, what is he going to do?!

一 一 一 一 一

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