
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Aftermath I

Edited by: ShinBowlnoodles#3554


Chapter 71: Aftermath I

Jutsu of the day:

<Shocking the world no Jutsu!>

Courtesy of Yours Truly.


Time: After the battle.

Location: Cliff where Hidan and Obito were watching



Obito and Hidan were silent as they witnessed the literal war-ending attack.

A cold breeze blew, making them both feel the chills of coming winter, or was it chills of fear? Not impossible after what they spectated. But which one caused them the chill neither could tell.

Obito tilted his head up, noticing a change in the sky... As he muttered to himself, "The clouds…"

Hidan hearing him looked up and saw that the overcast sky had a circular clearing, from where the sunlight was gracing the war-torn ground It looked as if someone tore a hole in the sky.

"It happened when she raised his sword and started that technique… It blew a hole through the clouds…" Obito muttered.

Hidan nodded.

Things turned silent again as they were watching the coalition of Iwa and Kumo trying to get some resemblance to reality back as they scurried around helping those who were still alive…

This war has caused a lot for both Kumo and Iwa but Kumo lost the most.

Hidan seemed indifferent to all this for him sacrificing lives and killing was part of his religion and being a fanatic of said religion, the only thing he found undesirable about all this was being unable to kill all those people in the name of Jashin.

After contemplating for a second he asked "So, Madara… When are we going to recruit those Nightingales and that Phantom? I want to sacrifice them if they refuse."

Obito looked at him incredulously but answered nonetheless.

"We are not." He answered then turned back to the battlefield.

"And do tell why not?" The Jashinist asked angrily.

Obito sighed internally at the fanatic's idiocy.

"I miscalculated the strength of the Phantom, someone like her won't be happy to serve under someone else that easily, if she was injured and we saved her, that would have created some goodwill between us and negotiation would have been easy but things didn't go according to plan," Obito answered.

He made up that excuse, he didn't want to tell the newest recruit that he wasn't sure about their success, he wanted to keep the infallible image of Madara.

'I am not confident enough to escape with you, you damn idiot! If the Phantom decides to attack us, I will have to leave you behind… Didn't you see how strong she was?' Obito cursed Hidan inside his head.

The Jashinist was too self-engrossed to even care about someone's strength all he wanted to do was kill and sacrifice.

A flaw all 'immortal' beings had.

They always think they are infallible, they throw caution to the wind just because no one can kill them, or so they believe.

Hidan got angry, "But I wanted to SACRIFICE them!"

Obito shook his head, holding back a sigh.

"We will find some other things for you to sacrifice, let's get out of here, even… I can't sense where the Phantom is at the moment…" Obito looked around.

"Fine! But I want 20 people to sacrifice!" Hidan whined.

Begrudgingly Obito nodded at the demand… Akatsuki needed members right now… So he couldn't just throw away someone of Hidan's caliber.

"Fine, let's go inform Pain, we need to think of some countermeasures against this Phantom."

Saying so, he grabbed Hidan's shoulder and disappeared with <Kamui>.



Time: After the battle.

Location: Where Haku and the others were watching from.



"That was incredible…" Haku said in awe.

"Indeed that was," Itachi answered his Sharingan was activated.

Fuse looked indifferent but nodded nonetheless while Tobi stayed silent.

"I will go and make sure things are alright." Tobi again spoke in a serious tone that wasn't like him. But everyone now thought that he gets all serious when it comes to death and war.

They knew that the eccentric man was very kind-hearted.

So no one bothered to ask him anything and simply nodded in understanding.

After Tobi left, the others were simply looking at the aftermath of the battlefield.

The ninjas of the 2 fronts were still standing around in disbelief while others were crying and screaming from the injuries.

But that didn't concern them.

Their master had won not that they doubted him but the display was incredible nonetheless.

Haku smiled gently as she looked at Itachi, "Senpai, do you think master exerted himself much?"

Itachi turned silent.

This confused Haku she was new to Mitsu's entourage and even though she has known him for 2 years now, she has only seen him fight with his seals on and not even use many Jutsus.

She knew her master was strong, as he had defeated Yagura, and she heard of how strong Yagura was.

But that last attack her master used was way beyond what Yagura did in the village.

"I wouldn't worry about Mitsu-sama. He is fine don't worry." Itachi replied.

Haku nodded in understanding. She trusted Itachi's judgement.

Silence returned between the subordinates of Mitsu.

But it was finally broken by Haku, as she smiled and looked at the now clear sky, "It's good that our master can protect himself, I don't want him to get hurt."

Hearing her both Itachi and Fuse could only chuckle.

She was so innocent after all which prompted them to treat her as their little sister after she joined Mitsu's entourage.

Which sometimes annoyed Haku as she was running 14 years old now.

She appreciated the kinship from her colleagues but being treated as a child still irked her, especially from the legendary Bro con.

'Sigh… Even Yukina-nee and Master treat me like that… I can't believe Master gave Fuzzy-senpai an order to blast anyone who tried to hurt me… Worst of all, Yukina-nee agreed. Sigh… Speaking of master… Where is he

Haku thought internally, before looking around not finding her master.

So she asked the still smiling duo.

"Senpai, where is master?"

Itachi chuckled, "Aww, is our little Haku-chan already missing her beloved master?" He teased.

Haku didn't grace him with an answer and instead looked at Fuse.

"Sigh. Mitsu-sama should be in one of the Hotsprings and reading… You know how he is." Fuse answered tiredly.

Haku knew exactly how her master was.

'Does Master really like those kinds of things? I heard Master was smitten with a girl back in Konoha.

Hmm, I wonder what our future mistress is like? Will she allow Master to live his... fantasies?' Haku thought innocently.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, which brought her out of her musings. Tilting her head, she found Itachi looking at her with a knowing look.

"Don't think too much about what Mitsu-sama will do Haku-chan, no one can tell what our…mmm... Unique master will do, all we can do is be there for him." He said with a smile, which Haku returned.

"Sigh… I just hope… he doesn't do something drastic…" Fuse said from the side, looking tired.

Haku giggled at that and got up from where she was sitting.

"Well, shall we go find our 'Unique' master?" She offered.

Both males nodded and they all flickered away.



Time: 2 days later

Location: Iwagakure



Onoki was sitting in front of a stack of papers doing his best to slay the foul beast known as paperwork.

His hate was at an all-time high because of one single entity, a single person has made his work life hell.

The Phantom Blade.

The supposed woman was a menace, she alone caused 60% of his new paperwork.

"I hope that bitch dies from this combined attack, damn giving me more and more paperwork! OUCH!" Onoki muttered to himself, only to yelp from back pain.

"Damn it, damn it! I am too old for all this!" He cursed under his breath.

"Too old for what Gramps?" Sounded a new voice from the other side of the paper stacks.

Onoki was surprised as he didn't see his granddaughter come inside because of his vision being blocked by the paperwork.

"Ah, Kuro, your dear old grandfather is too old for all this paperwork, dear. I wish your imbecile of a Father would take assist me with my duties, however, he prefers being a shinobi!" Onoki said harshly.

Kurotsuchi looked down.

Onoki realized his mistake and tried to soothe his grandchild.

"Forgive me, Kuro… I shouldn't have said that. I am sorry about your father, how is he now?" Onoki's voice turned soft.

Kuro shook her head, "It's… alright… Dad is breathing and that's a blessing… But… He will only retain one of his arms… His Ninja career might be over…"

Onoki patted his granddaughter's back, "There, there. I don't think one hand is enough to keep that man from action, Kuro but, I am truly sorry about what happened."

Kuro shook her head, "No… It was the phantom's fault! I will kill her myself." She said with eyes full of vengeance.

Onoki soothed her saying, "There might not even be a need for that dear."

"We have made a deal with Kumo to attack the Phantom together with all our best ninjas. Han is there, and also our Explosion Corp."

"And Kumo sent their 8tailed Jinchuriki and Raikage himself went to deal with this."

Kuro looked worried, "Are you sure about this Gramps? What if the Raikage betrays us?"

Onoki shook his head, "It is possible however they will have losses from their side as well.

Kuro only nodded.

"Don't worry my dear, we should be getting news about the battle very soon, hopefully, we will see the Phantom's corpse as well!"

Onoki looked vicious.

They then talked about Kuro's team and how her training was going.

Right after Kuro left, an ANBU informed Onoki that a messenger from the frontline has arrived and was looking for an audience.

[A/N: Most important messages are delivered by Jonin level shinobi and rarely, summon beasts but most summon beasts are within Konoha. I have no idea if Iwa has any.]

Onoki of course agreed hurriedly. He was excited about the good news but when he saw the state of the messenger ninja, his heart fell.

He didn't even need to hear the message, simply looking at the Ninja told him what might have happened.

But when the Ninja opened his mouth and gave him the sealed scroll from the Commander…

"I'm sorry Tsuchikage-sama…"

Onoki didn't hear him and unrolled the scroll after breaking the seal.

||Lord 3rd,

I beg your pardon, and painfully need to state that, we have lost.

The Phantom was way beyond what we initially thought.

The Raikage lost both his forearms and over 200 total losses from Kumo's side

We also lost many due to the technique. But she retreated after using the technique, and we couldn't sense her any longer. We assume that technique drained her enough to retreat.

Kibe Shuichi, acting commander of Iwa forces.||

Onoki felt like having a heart attack after reading the letter… The whole thing seemed unbelievable to him he was so lost.

He didn't know what to think about all this. So many of his elites died… And they had no results to show for it.

"Send a letter to the frontline and order them to retreat, the war is over!"

What will happen tomorrow, no one knows… but they did know that Iwa has gained another lifelong enemy.

The Phantom Blade.

[To be continued]


[A/N: Hey there beautiful people!

I have decided on my schedule for the 5 chapters. I will take Tuesday and Saturday off. My time zone is +2 GMT. As for extra chapters. If we reach the goals then I will post extra chapters on Tuesday. Thank you.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]