
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Aftermath II


Chapter 72: Aftermath II

Jutsu of the day:

<Shocking the world no Jutsu!>

Courtesy of Yours Truly.


Time: 5 days after the battle

Location: Hokage Tower, Konoha



It was another bright and beautiful day in Konoha. The war near their borders didn't affect the people that much. After all, they weren't directly involved in said war.

Also, due to the new alliance with the Land of Water, trade had boomed.

The village was thriving with new life and activity.

Just like the founders envisioned Konoha to be. Bright and revitalizing as a great tree. That vision was being actualized.

Children were playing in parks without a care in the world. Something that was once impossible to even dream about.

Civilians laughing and going about their day, as they greeted their neighbors and friends. Peace was the word to describe this scene.

Almost no beggars could be seen on the streets, as jobs were abundant and there were organizations mandated by the prince, helping those who are down on their luck.

To sum it up, Konoha was living through the time of Prosperity. And all her citizens knew who to thank for all this.

No, not their new Hokage.

Yes, the 5th Hokage has done good for their village. But the main reason for prosperity is their beloved prince.

Someone who has unified them against the real threat and snuffed out the traitors. Someone who has been pushing the normal citizens to improve themselves, to change their luck.

He was the one who brought in so many new trades and improvements to their lives.

Not to mention has created a brand new relationship to their old time enemies. Who are now close to them as if they were distantly related.

Land of fire now has abundant sea trade, while Land of water was finally getting all the necessities at an affordable price. Creating a greater bond and sense of kinship between the nations.

And all this was known by everyone in the village. Their love for their beloved prince was immense. Even when he was outside the village, he had his people work for the village.

The villagers were waiting for their prince to come back from his trip of creating relations with other nations. The villagers missed his presence just that much.

Senju Tsunade also knew about the changes in recent years, and couldn't help but smile at the thought of her surrogate brother. A boy who was bright as the sun, and mischievous as an imp. But she wasn't worried about him. She has reports from many sources, including Mitsu's own, about how strong he was.

And when she learned about her surrogate brother unlocking the Senju heritage, she was beyond happy. But she did send a few admonishing letters to give him a piece of her mind for his shenanigans.

Although, she had to take a step back.

Mitsu had done something that was never done before. He made a lifelong alliance with a whole land, with both their Daimyo and Kage. An ironclad alliance, she might add.

Not to mention he has earned the love and respect from said country's people while being an outsider.

Also, his triumph over Karatachi Yagura pushed the whole thing even more.

She chuckled as she remembered the talk she had with Daimyo Kaneko. Remembering how he looked as pale as a ghost. Her old acquaintance had no clue about his son's prowess.

Though she was a bit worried about the crown prince. He didn't seem all too happy about his brother.

But, as she knew how Mitsu was. She let go of that worry.

'Sigh, drama with successions are always a bother. I just pray the idiot crown prince doesn't do something to end up in a permanent vacation…' She chuckled at the end and opened a can of sake.

Yes, a can of sake. Something new that Mitsu came up with.

Very convenient, she had to say. There were many different flavors and types of drinks compressed into these small cans. Makes carrying and drinking them on the go easier.

She knew that Mitsu was traveling the lands as he sent a monthly report without fail, through that masked idiot…

'Sigh… Where did he even get that idiot from? Just the getup makes me want to punch him to oblivion!' Tsunade grimaced.

Remembering the Robes that had cartoonish human feces as the design, while wearing a yellow smiley face mask…

Everything about him screamed ridiculous.

But he was a loyal subordinate who was also the best delivery boy they had.

She shook her head as she looked at the lack of paperwork in her table making her smile brighten.

'Mitsu's idea of delegating most of my work to capable people was brilliant. Haaah~ I only need to sign the most important ones and the overall reports during the weekly debriefs. This is how a Hokage should be.' She giggled as she took another sip of her can.

She then remembered how her sensei looked once she finally implemented the system.

It was as if he wanted to jump down some hole and never get out again. Her sensei was depressed.

Tsunade chuckled at the memory.

It was then an ANBU came to report.

"Godaime-sama, we have a report from the border. The war has ended." The ANBU said.

Tsunade was surprised, so she pressed, "Oh and how did it end and who won?"

"No one Godaime-sama…" The ANBU answered a bit apprehensive.

"What do you mean no one won? Did they vie for peace?" Tsunade asked in intrigue. It almost seemed unnatural for someone like Raikage, A or Onoki to vie for peace like that.

"Sort of. I believe you remember the report on the Phantom Blade, my lady?" When Tsuande nodded in affirmation, he continued,

"Apparently, the rogue, killed so many people of both sides that they decided to come to a truce and gang up on her."

"And I suppose, after they killed her, they thought that they no longer needed to continue this meaningless war?" Tsunade asked with a bored tone.

"Contrary to that, my lady… They lost to the Phantom..." The ANBU replied shuddering.

"THEY WHAT?!" Tsunade felt incredulous, and she could tell the ANBU was struggling to believe it himself.

"Indeed, the Phantom Blade defeated all their elites, both Jinchuriki of 5 tails and 8 tails almost killing them in the process, and has damaged the Raikage severely. We still don't know the extent of his injury. But it wasn't life threatening." The ANBU finished his report.

Tsunade was silent…

She simply couldn't believe what she heard just now.

"Are you telling me that one person, a supposed short woman, defeated not 1, not 2, but the combination of both Iwa and Kumo? Do you know how unbelievable that sounds?" Tsunade said while rubbing her forehead.

"I know, my lady. Here is the written report by Commander Bear. He has more accurate numbers and information in it." The ANBU gave her a scroll.

"I see…"

Tsunade silently looked at the scroll. But seeing that the ANBU hadn't left, she asked, "Is there anything else?"

"What should we do about the information on this rogue and her team?"

"Put her in the Bingo book. No bounty. We don't need our ninjas going after her for stupid notions of glory. And let them know not to engage the targets if they ever find them. They will either ask civilly or they will run in the opposite direction. Clear?" Tsunade asked.

"Crystal, my lady." The ANBU then disappeared, leaving behind a contemplative Tsunade.



Location: Mizukage's Office, Kirigakure



A similar report was relayed to the Godaime Mizukage and her right hand man, the Jinchuriki of six tails.

Utakata blew on his pipe as he asked Mei, "So what are we doing about it?"

Mei looked at him and didn't seem bothered, "Nothing. Simply put the info on the bingo book, and tell our ninjas not to pursue or engage."

The Jinchuriki chuckled, "You also think it's them?"

Mei let out an irritated groan, "IT IS THEM! No, it is him..."

She rubbed her forehead as she continued, "The outside world might only know about his <Wood Release>, which he deliberately let people know, might I add. But I was there… I know it wasn't the fabled Kekkei Genkai that beat my predecessor… "

Utakata laughed as he blew on his pipe.

"You think it's funny?" Mei felt irritated.

"It's hilarious. And don't worry about our little prince. He is quite fond of you, isn't he? Mei-neechan~?" Utakata teased amused.

Mei didn't grace him with an answer and simply cursed under her breath.


Time: A week after the battle

Location: Kumo Hospital, Kumogakure



Outside a hospital room, Raikage A was standing in front of a glass window, peering inside. Where lay a patient, recovering from severe burns in the ICU.

Yes, it was Killer B.

After almost being pulverized by the Phantom's attack, he was brought here to be treated. But it wasn't doing much for him.

"How is he, doctor?" A asked in a low voice.

"Yondaime-sama, we did all we could, but these burns are not made from fire chakra. It's pure chakra that hit every point of B-sama's skin. And we believe there were some residues, and when B-sama's tailed beast chakra tried to heal his skin, they clashed. Which caused the current situation." The doctor said with a grim face.

A growled lowly.

"Tell me how to fix him dammit! I am not going to let my brother suffer!" A growled out.

"I am very sorry Yondaime-sama, but there isn't much we can do. Medical knowledge hasn't advanced enough to treat B-sama… At best we can do is lessen his pain as he heals naturally with his Beast chakra." The doctor answered.

If A still had his hands, he would have hit something by now. So he kicked an opposite wall to show his frustration.

"Is there no other way?" A asked a bit depressed.

"There might be a way… But you might not like it, Yondaime-sama." The doctor spoke cautiously.

A leveled him with a glare, as he growled out, "You are TELLING ME THERE IS A WAY. AND YOU HAVEN'T USED IT YET!"

He was feeling like strangling the doctor, but again, his lack of limbs were stopping him. Which frustrated him even more.

"F-forgive me Y-yondaime-sama, that wasn't my intention. It's simply because it's not something we have here in Kumo. Or should I say someone…" The doctor replied a bit fearful.

"No, don't tell me you are talking about that woman!" A growled out.

"My Lord, Senju Tsunade is the best medical Ninja in the world. I can only think of her to properly treat B-sama, and even your amputations… There is still residual damage in you."

A didn't like the idea of begging Senju Tsunade, the Hokage to fix his brother… He didn't like it at all.

But he knew that he had little choice at this point.

He grunted and looked back at B who was unconscious in his hospital bed.

Then walked away towards his office. He had much to think…


In Kumo Jonin headquarters. All active Jonins were called back to receive a new notice.

A Kumo Jonin asked his friend, "Gera, do you know what this notice is about?"

The Jonin named Gera answered, "Honestly? I think it's about… that…"

The first Jonin had a look of understanding, as his face contorted into rage and fear. He said, "Are they going to make a team to hunt that down?"

Gera shook her head. "I don't think so… After what that did to us… I don't think we will ever live that nightmare down…"

They turned silent as the Jonin Commander walked in. It was Darui. Everyone thought that he was dead when the Phantom attacked him at the start. But apparently he was knocked out and had a massive concussion.

Everyone settled down as Darui spoke.

"I am not gonna say any bullshit and get straight to the point. We have updated the bounty book. No, we are not going to hunt that bitch… We can't lose any more ninjas…

But we will be offering a great reward for any hunter-nin out there to get us that bitch's head…

A-sama only has one order for you…

'If you meet that bitch… Survive and get the hell out of there.' That's all." Saying so he left…

These events had hit Darui hard as well.

After all, he was the first one to go down in the battle. He was of no use… He felt like a joke.

The other Jonins were somber… They were angry for the lack of retribution… But after the long 1 and a half years of fighting that demon… They knew they had no chance for revenge themselves…

Slowly making a file, they started taking the new bingo book.

The Jonin that spoke earlier said to Gera, "How much bounty do you think is on its head?"

Gera was silent for a second as she replied, "Not less than 100million Ryo…"

The first Jonin gulped and opened the book to be stunned.

"1… 1 billion Ryo?"

Everyone was flabbergasted.

But after thinking for a bit, they understood what it meant.

This way, there will be way more people going after the Phantom… And many Ninjas of other villages might even die due to this, while their own will be kept safe.

This is a simple tactic to lower the number of elites from other villages. Yes, this was a trap and bait, and most will know what it was by just a look.

But there will be many greedy ones who will still test their mettle…

This will also make their loss look a little less embarrassing. Seeing that the opponent was simply that strong.

But only time will tell how this spectacle will end.



[A/N: Hey there beautiful people! Sorry for being late, I had connection issues.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Half way there!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts