
Naruto: My Harem Academia

This fanfic takes place in My Hero Academia world where Naruto is Transmigrated into and he finds there are two types of people Hero and Villain. But every system is corrupted and this was no different, since any person with powers wanted to be a Hero, not for being the right thing, but for fame, money, recognition, a true hero never expected anything in return, he only did what he believed correct, everything was wrong, children from a young age only want to be like the heroes they admire, only to change in the future and see for their own goals. So what will Naruto do here, will he change the society itself but to do that he has to choose his path and that leads him to two choices.... Villain or hero or will he create a path of his own ? Warning:- Those who are light hearted person please do not read this as there will be dark scenes in the fanfic so please better be prepared before reading the work. UPDATE TIME will be half an hour after server reset. Update schedule will be 1 day per Chapter and there will be bonus chapter as well but they will be according to the Goal. #Goal 300 PS( POWER STONE): 1 BONUS CHAPTER 600 PS : 2 BONUS CHAPTER 1000 PS : 4 BONUS CHAPTER ALSO Advance Chapters will be uploaded on PATREON account so if you want to read them then support me on Patreon. PATREON:- https://www.patreon.com/Skythe Disclaimer:- This is a TL work done by me.

Skythe · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs


Naruto's expression looked cold and emotionless as he walked through the hallways of the house, reaching the back door, he left to make hand seals and disappear in a shushin of leaves. The seconds passed. He reappeared in the office of the Hokage tower, where he met the Gondaime Hokage. "Hokage-sama," respectfully, the Uzumaki bowed, putting one knee on the ground and bowing his head.

"..." Behind the desk was Kushina Uzumaki, the current leader of the village hidden among the leaves. Right now, she was wearing the characteristic white and red cloak on her shoulders, and the hat was left aside on the desk. "Naruto-chan?" It was strange to see what was once a happy, carefree, and even imperfect woman now being a serious and rigid woman with a look that only reflected tiredness. "Is something important happening?" She asked calmly as she placed the pen on her desk, where there were hundreds of documents that needed to be reviewed and signed.

"..." With concern, the younger Uzumaki took out a small box wrapped in gift paper. Walking to the desk, he saw several bowls of instant ramen. His mother stopped eating at home a long time ago. Even over the years, she was in charge of lifting a village in ruins. Now they were fine, but they had not yet fully recovered. "Tomorrow is Natsumi's birthday... give her this tomorrow and have breakfast with her. I will be a Genge with your appearance to attend to the civilians who come tomorrow." Saying that, he took the gift to give it to his mother, who just remained silent.

"..." With a sorrowful look, Kushina just nodded her head, extending her hands and carefully caressing her eldest daughter's face. Since when did she grow so much? "Thank you... I will make this up to you, I promise." Kissing her son's forehead, the older man got up from his seat.

"I left some of tonight's dinner on the kitchen table..." The redhead just nodded her head to leave the office, leaving the blonde boy alone who only began to clean the office in silence. As the minutes passed, he saw satisfied that the office was clean. When he was about to leave, he heard the door being opened.

"Oh?" The newcomer turned out to be Danzo Shimura, an old man with dark hair and a curved posture. He wore dark clothes with a white kimono underneath and leaned on a wooden staff with his right hand. He also had bandages covering his head, more specifically his right eye. "Uzumaki, I see that Hokage-sama is not present," he spoke calmly, looking at the blonde brat who had just finished tidying up the village leader's desk.

"If you have something to say, tomorrow I will inform Hokage-sama of your arrival, Shimura-san," answered Naruto in an unfriendly manner, walking through the office to be face to face with one of his mother's advisors.

"Do you know me?" Danzo asked coldly, not taking his eyes off the Jinchuriki of the nine-tailed beast.

"Danzo Shimura, the vulture of the village hidden in the leaves. You served in the second and third great ninja wars as a companion of the Sandaime Hokage under the command of the Tobirama Senju. It is difficult not to know who you are," said the younger blonde without eyelashes. He never stopped looking at the old man's only eye, which remained impassive.

"Hm... brats usually don't know who I am," the old man spoke mockingly, smiling slightly when he saw the Uzumaki boy frown.

"I'm not like the others," the younger shinobi replied firmly, crossing his arms, waiting for this conversation to end so he could leave.

"I think so," losing his smile, Danzo took out a scroll from among his clothes, showing a small dark scroll. He threw it to the brat, who caught it without problems in the air. "It's what my men got in their infiltration in Kumo..." With curiosity, he saw that the boy just put the scroll away without saying a word. He was discreet, that was good. "You must already know about the attempted kidnapping of the eldest heiress of the Hyuga Clan?" She asked as he looked disinterestedly at the office around him.

"Hinata Hyuga, the eldest daughter of the head of the main branch of the Hyuga clan. There was an attempted kidnapping a few days ago by the diplomatic shinobi of Kumo. Luckily, he was killed by the girl's father before he could leave the village with the heiress. Although now that is leading us to a possible war against Kumo for killing one of their men who, according to them, acted alone." Danzo couldn't help but smile at what he heard. The brat was well informed about everything. He was smart, more than it seemed.

"You're right, a possible war is approaching. In that scroll is not only what my subordinates got, but also a deal that was reached with the Yondaime Raikage. They want the head of the murderer of the shinobi of their town, obviously, it is not known."

"We will give it," he said the last thing with extreme seriousness, earning a doubtful look from the young shinobi.

"So we are preparing for a possible war?" She asked with regret as she thought about his younger sister and other acquaintances. War was always around the corner, and this time it seemed inevitable.

"No, we will kill Hiashi's twin brother to take his place," that response caused the Uzumaki to look up in disbelief, earning only a dark smile from Danzo. "No matter how many times I see that expression, I never get tired of seeing it, right?" "Are you surprised that we condemn an innocent man to avoid a war?" He asked somberly, looking directly into the eyes of the child who only looked away, "This is how the world works, what is necessary must be sacrificed for the greater good, no matter how badly it is seen, remember that," he strongly emphasized to the girl, hitting the ground with his cane.

"It's not right," looking back at the war vulture, Naruto refused this solution. That man who was going to be sacrificed must have had his family, friends, children; his life was worth as much as anyone's, but he still was going to be the scapegoat to get out of this problem.

"Since when does the right thing give us peace?" That question baffled the boy who saw how the old man raised his cane to point at the photographs of the previous kages hanging on the walls. "Do you think they were heroes? That the honorable Hokages were heroes who led our village to a land of honey and milk? Brat... sooner or later you will know that in this dark world heroes do not exist," growled the old man who slammed his cane against the ground again.

"Naruto could only remain silent, listening to what the Shimura was telling him, still reluctant to believe everything he heard.

"Do you have any idea how many lives Hashirama Senju and Tobirama ended in the first great war, of the bodies that Sarutobi accumulated in the second, do you know how many lives your father ended?" That last question caused the younger blonde to tense up, and Danzo's smile only grew bigger. "None of them were heroes; they were just people who valued the survival of our village over the others. There is no such thing as good or evil, only the supremacy of surviving no matter the cost... When the time comes, you will have to do things that you will later regret, all with the aim of just keeping the village safe and preserving the weak peace we have." Giving a sigh, Danzo turned around to head for the door.

"I just want peace," the old man stopped in the doorway to hear the brat finally speak.

"If you want peace... prepare for war." Taking one last look, the boy saw that he was still firm in his ideals, but that would change. In the end, everyone does it. "The day will come when you will have to decide, the lives of some few and the life of an entire continent. One day, Uzumaki Naruto, you will have to become what you fear most, to do things that will not let you sleep peacefully, until the day you die…."

End of Flash back:

[ If you want to read advance Chapters then go to Pat reon and support me there as I have already uploaded advance Chapters there.

PAT REON I'D:- Skythe ]