
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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201 Chs

Chapter 194

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[I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!] 

[Savior in the DC Universe] 

[Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs]

Land of Grass.

The Daimyo fled with his family and wealth, devoid of any dignity.

Having fled before, the Daimyo of the Land of Grass was well-versed in this process and felt no guilt.

The ninja and villagers of the Land of Grass were used to this; it was too common. Their expectations for the Daimyo had long since vanished.

During peaceful times, the Daimyo collected taxes mercilessly. During war, he ran faster than anyone else.

The villagers were deeply disappointed in the Daimyo and harbored thoughts of rebellion, but few took actual action.

Firstly, they lacked power.

All the ninja in Grass Village combined barely numbered a thousand, and a third of them were loyal to the Daimyo.

Even though the remaining forces could kill the Daimyo, the Land of Grass still belonged to his numerous sons. They couldn't kill them all.

Secondly, there was intervention from larger nations.

Assassinating a Daimyo was something only Kyomu could do and still roam the ninja world freely, even founding his own country without immediate retaliation from the major nations.

For other ninjas, especially those from smaller countries, assassinating a Daimyo would lead to ninjas from neighboring major nations being hired to eliminate them. The new Daimyo would then purge the remaining rebellious ninjas with the help of these foreign ninjas.

Over time, these factors allowed Daimyos to maintain absolute authority within their countries, despite being despised by their people.

Even if the citizens lacked loyalty to their Daimyo, without a viable alternative, what could they do?

**But things were different now.**

When Kakashi led five hundred Ryu-nin into the Land of Grass, the Daimyo fled, but instead of resisting, the villagers welcomed Kakashi and his men.

"Uh... Lord Kakashi, it seems we are their saviors."

"Such is the nature of small nations," Kakashi sighed. "I didn't understand before, but now it's clear. Living in the shadows of larger nations, they're almost like refugees from the Warring States period."

"Lord Kakashi, should we..."

"It's not time for expansion yet; that's Ryukage-sama's repeated instruction," Kakashi said with a sly smile. "But Ryukage-sama also said as long as we don't leave evidence or give the major nations an excuse to unite against us, we can do whatever we want."

"So, you mean..."

"We're not Ryunin; we're bandits driven out of the Land of Dragons," Kakashi chuckled. "Go on, as per the plan, guard all routes. Intercept all trade caravans entering from the Land of Fire and other nations. We're not robbing them; we're buying.

"As for caravans coming from the Land of Earth, block them. Those who listen can go back; those who don't or have Iwa-nin guards, we'll treat as spoils of war.

"The rest, follow me to Grass Village and the capital. If the Daimyo returns, we'll show him what it means to be undermined."

Kakashi's intelligence and combat skills were unmatched. After years of experience, he had improved in all areas.

Handling this minor task was simple for him. Even if Kyomu stepped down, Kakashi could govern the Land of Dragons seamlessly after a brief adjustment.

Kakashi was Kyomu's right-hand man and the second-in-command in the Land of Dragons.

Thus, Kakashi's decisions were almost as authoritative as Kyomu's. Unless Kyomu himself opposed them, no one in the Land of Dragons would defy Kakashi's orders.

Kakashi had earned this trust, and Kyomu never burned bridges with his brothers.

Those who could endure hardship with him would share his prosperity.

"Sir, now that you're here, can we..."

"We're not Ryunin; we're bandits driven out of the Land of Dragons," Kakashi said, winking. "You can't integrate into the Land of Dragons, so for now, you'll be under our rule."

Some villagers were confused, but others quickly understood. As Kakashi finished speaking, the murmurs grew louder.

After a while, Kakashi unveiled a tactic taught by Kyomu.

"Are there any bullies or corrupt officials around?"

"Yes!" the villagers responded immediately.

"Any bandits or rogue ninjas?"


Kakashi smiled. "Alright, tell me about them. We'll record and investigate, then hold public trials."

"Sir, is this true?"

"Of course," Kakashi nodded.

"Praise the heavens, our good days are finally here!"

Tears of joy flowed as the villagers knelt in gratitude.

Kakashi didn't stop them. The governance model Kyomu envisioned placed ninjas at the top, responsible for public order but also enjoying privileges.

Kyomu had thought this through, combining the essence of revolutionary ideology with the realities of the ninja world to create a centralized system.

He intended to be the emperor of the ninja world.

Kyomu saw no issue with this, nor did his brothers or his ninjas. They were the greatest beneficiaries of this system, so why overthrow it?

As for future class conflicts, Kyomu was unperturbed.

The ninja world was his playground, but beyond it lay a vast cosmos, home to the Ōtsutsuki clan.

If the Ōtsutsuki could come to the ninja world, why couldn't Kyomu go to their home planet?

It made no sense otherwise.

Kakashi wasn't privy to Kyomu's long-term plans, but he didn't need to be. His current task was to assist Kyomu in building this system.

"Alright, stand up and speak. Form a line and take turns."

Kakashi quickly won over the people by dealing with local bullies and bandits. Meanwhile, the 400 Ryunin spread out, swiftly clearing out Iwa-nin, bandits, and rogue ninjas within the Land of Grass.

The operation was highly efficient, with minimal casualties.

Although the "Home Guardian" buff lost its effect outside the Land of Dragons, the improvements in potential and talent remained.

Kyomu's ninjas were elite warriors, many of them high-ranking. Among the 2,000 Ryunin, at least half were Special Jonin or higher.

While they seemed insignificant compared to Kyomu, in small nations, they were formidable.

Iwa-nin weren't weak, but the 500 elite ninjas Kakashi brought were top-notch, capable of dominating any other nation's forces.

Unless outnumbered three to one, victory was assured.

Kyomu's elite force was a major reason the major nations hesitated to unite against him.

A loss or a desperate move from Kyomu could devastate at least two major nations, a risk none of them wanted to take.

Unless Kyomu initiated the Fourth Ninja War, an attack from the Five Great Nations was unlikely.

Kyomu aimed to showcase strength without triggering a full-scale war.

The Sand had already been subdued, Konoha knew his power, and the Cloud needed another lesson.


In the Land of Lightning.

"You send one person, I send one person. If you win, I retreat ten kilometers. If I win, I advance ten kilometers. How about that?"

Facing the Cloud ninjas, Kyomu proposed an arrogant solution.

"Kyomu, you go too far!" Killer Bee trembled with rage, forgetting his usual rap rhythm.

"How many strikes can you withstand?" Kyomu posed, ready to draw his blade. "Care to test?"

"Kyomu, do you think we fear attacking the Land of Dragons?!"

"Try it," Kyomu challenged. "A barking dog doesn't bite. When has the Cloud ever announced their moves?"

Killer Bee was speechless. The Cloud's actions represented the Land of Lightning's honor. Allowing Kyomu to trample them would be disgraceful.

"Kyomu, let's fight!"

"As you wish."

Before Killer Bee finished, Kyomu had drawn his sword, a massive blade light slashing towards him. Before it landed, Kyomu appeared behind Killer Bee.


But that wasn't all.

Simultaneously, Kyomu's images appeared on Killer Bee's left, right, and above.

Killer Bee was stunned.

Kyomu, with one move, had him surrounded. The tactic and skill were nerve-wracking.

Moreover, "Wasn't Kyomu's space ability sealed by the Reaper Death Seal? How has it not only returned but grown stronger?"

Killer Bee's heart pounded, but he reacted swiftly.

As Kyomu approached from behind, Killer Bee entered Lightning Chakra Mode, his body covered in a red-tailed beast chakra.

"Facing me without full transformation means you underestimate me."

Kyomu's voice echoed in Killer Bee's ears as Yoei's blade struck.

Killer Bee anticipated his chakra defenses failing against Yoei's blade.

But his body wasn't pierced.

Relief washed over him, but then a searing pain struck his soul, affecting even the Eight-Tails within him.

"Bee! Let me out, now!" the Eight-Tails urged. "Kyomu's attacks target souls, reminding me of someone!"

"Who?!" Killer Bee instinctively asked.

"No time to explain. Another hit, and you're dead!"


Without hesitation, Killer Bee fully transformed into the Eight-Tails.

Kyomu remained unfazed, smiling as he moved away.

As he did, a red chakra and a barely visible white soul fragment clung to Yoei's blade.

In an instant, the red chakra and white soul fragment merged into Kyomu's body through Yoei's hilt.


Kyomu instantly recognized the soul fragment as the Eight-Tails', not Killer Bee's.


Another pained roar from the Eight-Tails confirmed it had lost a tail's worth of soul and chakra.

Licking his lips, Kyomu gazed at the Eight-Tails like a gourmet meal.

He wanted more.

Today, he would strip the Eight-Tails bare!

(End of Chapter)