
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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198 Chs

Chapter 195

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Chakra reserves have always been the main limiting factor in Kyomu's ability to fully utilize his power. While sword techniques, ninjutsu, and taijutsu don't consume much chakra, his Space-Time Kekkei Genkai requires an ocean of it.

Kyomu, unwilling to become a Jinchuriki, had to find alternative methods to increase his chakra reserves. In the past, Matatabi served as a chakra battery due to Yugito's connection, but Matatabi had since refused to assist Kyomu.

Although threats could coerce cooperation, all tailed beasts, Matatabi included, were proud and would rather die than be subjugated by someone they didn't respect. Unless they were forcibly extracted and sealed, they would refuse to cooperate.

Even after Kyomu re-engineered his body, fully realizing its potential required time. While he now had the time, any method that could accelerate his growth was welcomed.

Enter the Eight-Tails.

The Eight-Tails had become Kyomu's most delectable target. Every attack that landed on it made the beast his "meal," with its soul nourishing his own and its chakra bolstering his reserves.

The violent nature of tailed beast chakra was of no concern to Kyomu; his body's deep genetic makeup, containing crucial genes from the Ten-Tails and Kaguya Otsutsuki, could handle it.

By using Yoei to absorb the Eight-Tails' chakra and soul, Kyomu could fully utilize these resources and further unleash his body's latent potential.

A win-win situation... well, for only him.

In another flash, Kyomu reappeared beside the Eight-Tails, Yoei slicing forward with a seemingly unimpressive strike. However, to the Eight-Tails, this mundane-looking attack was deadly.

The massive beast reacted with surprising agility, dodging to the side, but its counterpunch met only air as Kyomu teleported away effortlessly.

In the blink of an eye, Kyomu reappeared in the beast's blind spot, plunging Yoei deep into its body.

The Eight-Tails roared in pain.

The massive sound waves and subsequent retaliation were met with Kyomu's elegant and unhurried teleportation.

As he reappeared a short distance away, Yoei's blade carried a fresh batch of tailed beast chakra and a gray-white soul fragment, both of which were absorbed into Kyomu's body.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, Kyomu savored the experience of "carving meat" from the Eight-Tails and feeding it to himself.

"More chakra, tailed beasts are indeed nourishing," Kyomu muttered before teleporting back into the Eight-Tails' blind spot.

By now, the Eight-Tails was down to six tentacles. The once-formidable beast had lost a quarter of its chakra and soul to Kyomu, a situation that left the ninja world's top powerhouses trembling.

"Just two more strikes, just two!"

As Kyomu moved to deliver another blow, the massive form of the Eight-Tails suddenly vanished, leaving the human-sized Killer Bee behind.

"Escaping?" Kyomu shook his head disdainfully. "How disappointing."

Kyomu wasn't about to let them go, though. Maintaining his strike, he teleported next to Killer Bee, slicing across his shoulder.

"Did you dodge? No matter, the next strike won't be as lucky."

Kyomu's eyes grew cold as he readied another attack. Lightning-style chakra flowed through his body, enhancing his speed, strength, and reaction time to their limits.

Though not as powerful as his violet lightning, the blue lightning was more than enough for Killer Bee.

In an instant, Kyomu teleported to the fleeing Killer Bee, channeling Wind, Yin, and Lightning chakra into the surrounding space. The area around Killer Bee became a deadly maze of solid blades, leaving him no room to maneuver.

"This is the power of my master's blade within a spatial technique!" thought Shisui, watching in awe. "Amazing, it's like an elite ninja fighting a novice."

Of course, it was easy.

Having absorbed a quarter of the Eight-Tails' chakra and soul, Kyomu could now use his spatial abilities freely. Against such overwhelming power, Killer Bee was like clay in Kyomu's hands, utterly unable to resist.

The soul damage and chakra siphoning inflicted far more serious and fatal wounds than physical attacks.

There was no escape.

Killer Bee could only watch as the myriad blades closed in, his body unable to move. In a last-ditch effort, he transformed back to his full-tailed beast form, hoping to survive.

"Alright, I accept your proposal!" Killer Bee conceded, "But you can't kill me!"

Kyomu looked at Killer Bee and smiled, drawing his blade back.

Blood sprayed as a fresh batch of red-tailed beast chakra and a gray-white soul fragment were absorbed into Kyomu's body.

"Refreshing," Kyomu muttered, causing Killer Bee to grit his teeth in silent fury.

"You continue with our agreement," Kyomu said, wiping blood from Yoei before sheathing it.

"Shisui, step forward," he called, then turned to Killer Bee. "My student, a Chunin, now it's your turn to send someone."

Killer Bee clenched his fists in anger, but he had no choice. Bloodshot eyes, he pointed out a particularly skilled Cloud Chunin.

"You better keep your word."

"My word is as solid as a rock," Kyomu said cheerfully, then added coldly, "Life and death are at stake; it's every man for himself."

With that, Kyomu patted Shisui on the shoulder in encouragement.

Shisui stepped forward, facing the Cloud Chunin in a deadly duel.

Kyomu, arms crossed, watched calmly, unconcerned for Shisui's safety. He even found time to observe Shisui's technique for potential improvements.

"There's room for simplification in Shisui's moves," Kyomu thought as he watched the fight unfold.

Ten minutes later, Shisui ended the fight with his signature "Phantom Blade Formation," killing the Cloud Chunin in full view of everyone.

Though slightly different from Kyomu's technique, Shisui couldn't yet perfectly use shadow clones, relying instead on genjutsu to disorient his opponent before finishing them with a quick strike.

"Not bad, Shisui's genjutsu talent is strong, and with the 'Home Guardian' buff, he's even stronger than in the original timeline," Kyomu thought, feeling satisfied but annoyed by the hateful glares from the surrounding Cloud ninjas.

"You can collect the body now," Kyomu said, his words like a knife to their hearts.

Arrogant, brazen, but they could do nothing.

Here he was, in their territory, using their lives to train his student.

They were furious, ready to kill him, but they had no choice but to suppress their rage and collect the body.

"Killer Bee, ten kilometers ahead, prepare another strong Special Jonin," Kyomu said, leading Shisui past the Cloud ninjas with leisurely steps.

"Oh, and let your Fourth Raikage know to have peace terms ready before I reach the Cloud Village."

With that, Kyomu and Shisui continued their journey, their arrogant figures fading from sight.

"Master, you're so arrogant," Shisui couldn't help but say.

"With my power, I stand alone in the ninja world. Why shouldn't I be?" Kyomu replied, seeing nothing wrong. "And with the Cloud, you have to crush them this way. Killing is secondary; breaking their spirit is key.

When we reach the Cloud Village, they'll behave for a long time."

Kyomu's plan was simple: force the Cloud to negotiate peace through sheer dominance.

Once he had beaten them into submission, they would remain compliant for years, giving Kyomu time.

When that time came, even if the Cloud recovered, so would the other four villages, ready to unite against him.

But Kyomu wasn't afraid; he welcomed it.

"I understand, Master."

"Good, remember to always underestimate your enemies strategically but overestimate them tactically," Kyomu taught. "And your technique earlier could be more concise. For example..."

As Kyomu explained, Shisui absorbed every word, ready to improve in their next battle.


Two days later, they advanced ten kilometers.

This time, Shisui faced a Special Jonin from the Cloud.

The fight was tough, and Shisui narrowly survived. His blade couldn't penetrate the Special Jonin's lightning armor, and each strike posed a significant threat.

But this was what both Kyomu and Shisui needed. Only through constant battle could an Uchiha grow quickly and effectively.

Shisui's Sharingan evolved to two tomoe.

"Master, I've failed you," Shisui limped back, the Special Jonin dead behind him, his eyes wide in posthumous confusion from Shisui's genjutsu.

Kyomu watched the Cloud ninjas collect their comrade's body, enjoying their helpless glares.

"Hate me all you want, but you can't touch me," Kyomu thought.

Shaking his head, Kyomu patted Shisui's shoulder. "That's the limitation of the 'Phantom Blade Formation.' It's a transitional technique, useful for mowing down enemies but not as a main attack.

"It's fine for now, but you need to develop stronger moves."

Shisui nodded earnestly, asking for guidance. "What path should I take, Master?"

"Your genjutsu talent is impressive. While it will have limitations in the future, it's worth focusing on now.

"As for attack techniques, you can learn my swordsmanship, though your build might not suit Lightning-Style Eight Gates. Focus on genjutsu for now, then work on chakra control and advanced applications. Once you master those, you can choose any path."

Shisui pondered for a moment. "I understand, Master."

Kyomu nodded, leading Shisui closer to the Cloud Village, their proximity bringing the Cloud ninjas to the brink of collapse.

Who could possibly stop Kyomu?

(End of Chapter)