
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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198 Chs

Chapter 193

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[I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!] 

[Savior in the DC Universe] 

[Marvel: I Started by Containing SCPs]

Yoei unsheathed.

Kyomu examined it closely, growing more satisfied the longer he looked.

"The Reaper's dagger and prayer beads are undoubtedly divine weapons."

With a casual flourish, Kyomu sheathed the sword.

After consuming the Reaper's dagger and prayer beads, Yoei evolved to possess two major soul-related abilities, perfectly integrating the traits of the Reaper's divine artifacts.

The Reaper's dagger primarily targeted souls rather than physical bodies. Thus, after Yoei consumed it, it naturally gained the ability to strike directly at souls.

"Now, it can truly be said that the blade cuts the flesh, and the heart severs the soul," Kyomu thought, satisfied. "Although Yoei sacrificed the ability to sever all chakra, the new ability to directly harm souls makes it unrivaled in single-target lethality.

Moreover, dealing with soul-based entities is no longer an issue. It's easy to destroy them at will."

Souls varied in strength, but the ability to harm them marked a significant advancement for Yoei.

Additionally, after absorbing the prayer beads, Yoei gained a second ability, akin to a spiritual passage or exorcism.

Kyomu could now freely switch between soul damage and soul passage. He could either obliterate souls or guide them back to the Pure Land.

"Is this considered stealing part of the Reaper's powers?" Kyomu mused with a smile. "This makes techniques like the Impure World Reincarnation almost useless against me.

Also, soul damage seems to allow me to extract chakra from souls, much like the Reaper did."

Kyomu marveled at Yoei's new abilities, feeling elated.

"This just encourages me to go on a rampage," Kyomu joked, securing Yoei at his waist. He adjusted his Ryukage ceremonial robe and strode outside.

"Good morning, Ryukage-sama!"

"Good morning to you as well."

Kyomu greeted the ninjas and villagers around him, strolling leisurely towards the Ryukage Tower.

Here, no one harbored ill intentions or feigned compliance.

Although the beginning was challenging, starting from scratch, the lack of internal strife and sabotage allowed Kyomu to swiftly address external threats.

His orders, as long as they were reasonable, faced no opposition. Absolute authority was immensely satisfying. Of course, if he overstepped, Tsunade alone could keep him in check.

She was the only person in the Land of Dragons whose power fluctuated, but everyone knew that Tsunade had once pampered Kyomu, and now it was his turn to pamper her.

"Good morning, Yugito."

Kyomu greeted Yugito naturally, though she seemed uneasy.

"Please don't be so polite. It scares me..." Yugito always appeared timid and cautious around Kyomu.

Since the day Kyomu halted her assassination attempts, Yugito hadn't tried again.

Whether she had changed or was mentally recovering, she was improving, gradually gaining Kyomu's trust.

Complete trust wasn't immediate; it required time. Kyomu's sincerity depended on absolute trust and loyalty.

Yugito wasn't there yet, but she excelled as a secretary. Tasks Kyomu assigned were always well-executed, saving him a lot of effort.

In her downtime, Yugito also fulfilled her duties as a secretary proficiently, serving tea, massaging legs, and shoulders.

"Don't be nervous. I won't bite," Kyomu patted her head before taking his seat. "Have you organized today's documents?"

"Yes, the most urgent ones are on top, and the less important ones are at the bottom."

"Good. Take a break, then make me some tea," Kyomu waved her off, adding, "Use the tea set Fugaku gave me. It holds special meaning."

Yugito's face fell. "You still haven't forgotten that time you cut down the Cloud ninja with that set, have you?"

Kyomu hadn't forgotten, and neither had Yugito. She had been a witness, and the memory still made her shiver, causing some physical reactions.

"It was a small milestone," Kyomu smiled. "Now go, and make it carefully."

Once Yugito left, Kyomu began his day's work, though he couldn't suppress his battle hunger.

He was eager to test Yoei's new abilities.

"Kyomu, here's your tea."

Yugito always addressed him by name, which was unusual, but Kyomu didn't mind correcting her.

"Just leave it here. Go call Shisui."

Yugito nodded and disappeared. Shortly after, Shisui entered in his Dragon ninja attire, kneeling.


"Didn't Fugaku tell you?" Kyomu smiled, motioning for Shisui to rise. "You should call me something else now."

Shisui's eyes brightened with excitement as he stood and bowed deeply. "Sensei."

"Haha, good!" Kyomu stood, walking around the desk to Shisui. "As the new generation of Uchiha, I have high hopes for you.

And for Itachi, though he's still young. When he's older, you both will follow me."

"Thank you, Sensei."

"No need for formalities," Kyomu patted Shisui's shoulder. "Loosen up a bit. Don't be as uptight as I am."

Pointing to a seat, Kyomu and Shisui sat to talk. "Shisui, if there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask."

"Sensei, I want to learn your Shunshin Genjutsu Blade." Shisui seemed more open. "It suits me well, but I haven't perfected it yet."

"It's likely the Shadow Clone Technique can't be instantly cast," Kyomu pinpointed the issue. "Instant casting requires more experience and skill than you currently possess.

But focus more on genjutsu. As a Uchiha, your Sharingan is a major advantage."

Looking at Shisui's eyes, he asked, "Is it one or two tomoe now?"

"One tomoe," Shisui said, his eyes turning crimson. "My talent isn't exceptional."

"An eight-year-old with one tomoe is impressive. Don't compare yourself to Obito. He's an anomaly."

Kyomu reassured Shisui, then discussed genjutsu principles.

Teaching Uchiha genjutsu felt like showing off, but Shisui's age and Kyomu's insights made it valuable.

So, an unusual scene unfolded. Kyomu lectured on genjutsu while Shisui, a Uchiha, listened intently.

After chatting, Kyomu asked about Shisui's mindset, finding it satisfactory.

Kyomu's fledgling faction was unified, without internal strife, each department working seamlessly together.

This was the benefit of unity, sparing Kyomu much effort.

Had he stayed in Konoha, Kyomu would have faced constant power struggles, and gaining control of the Fire Country would have taken years.

Not all problems could be solved by killing, but some required it.

Satisfied with Shisui's mindset, Kyomu planned to prioritize his training.

Shisui was young but mature, and no other new generation in the Land of Dragons warranted Kyomu's personal guidance.

Shisui was his only choice.

"Let's go. I'll give you some practical training."

"Will you be sparring with me?" Shisui asked eagerly, wanting to feel Kyomu's pressure firsthand.

"I don't have the time, and you're too weak for that now," Kyomu shook his head. "We're going to Kumogakure for some practice."

"Yes, Sensei!" Shisui responded, slightly disappointed but determined.

As they prepared to leave, Fugaku and Tsunade arrived, blocking them.

"What are you..."

"Ryukage-sama, you plan to go to Kumogakure alone with Shisui?" Fugaku asked directly.

"Yes," Kyomu saw no issue. "After Kumogakure, I'll visit Iwagakure. We'll strike on two fronts, making them behave."

"Stubborn kid, aren't you afraid they'll trap you?"

"I can handle it, and even if I can't, there's always Obito," Kyomu dismissed their concerns. "It's settled. Sis, handle the administration for a month. I'll be back by then."

"Just an excuse to slack off?" Tsunade rolled her eyes. "Go ahead, and don't come back!"

Kyomu didn't linger, activating his space ability to leave with Shisui.

"That brat!" Tsunade stomped in frustration, but had no solution.

Outside the village, Shisui's eyes shone brightly.

"Sensei, this is your space ability?"

"More like a space-based Kekkei Genkai," Kyomu explained briefly. "It's similar to Ōnoki's Dust Release but with different effects."

Shisui nodded, understanding somewhat, but Kyomu didn't elaborate, avoiding encouraging Shisui to aim too high.

However, he considered teaching Shisui his Flight Technique.

"Do you want to learn the Flight Technique derived from the Body Flicker Technique?"


Kyomu smiled, explaining the theory and detailed training methods to Shisui.

This took seven days.

Leisurely, Kyomu wasn't in a hurry, but the Cloud ninjas grew anxious.

Kyomu and Shisui, traveling light, entered the Land of Lightning.

"Kyomu, why are you here?"

"Aren't we negotiating?" Kyomu asked nonchalantly.

The Cloud ninjas were stunned.

Negotiating? They hadn't lost a war, so why negotiate?

"Kyomu, what's your game?"

"It's simple. I'll fight until you negotiate," Kyomu's light tone hid a fierce resolve, which Shisui admired.

That's my teacher. So domineering!

"Aren't you afraid we'll..."

"Not at all," Kyomu cut them off. "Any other questions? If not, move aside, or die."

Hand on Yoei's hilt, Kyomu stepped forward.

The Cloud ninjas retreated, fear creeping into their eyes.

Kyomu's past feats and the terror he invoked filled their minds.

Another step.

The Cloud ninjas parted, creating a path for Kyomu and Shisui to walk through, as if no one dared stop them.

"Aren't you afraid we'll unite the entire ninja world against the Land of Dragons?" a Cloud ninja shouted.

Kyomu said nothing, swinging Yoei backward.

A nearly invisible blade beam shot out, seemingly harmless but imbued with Yoei's new soul-damaging ability.

The Cloud ninja easily deflected it, but his eyes dulled as his life force faded.

Kyomu sheathed Yoei, drawing a portion of the ninja's soul and chakra into himself.

The ninja collapsed, lifeless and unmarked, terrifying the others into silence.


Kyomu murmured, leading Shisui forward, leaving the Cloud ninjas stunned and silent.

Watching Kyomu's back, the Cloud ninjas remembered an order: if any ninja encountered Kyomu, they could retreat unconditionally.

Such was the fear Kyomu commanded.

Following Kyomu, Shisui was now a devoted disciple.

(End of Chapter)