
NARUTO: Matryoshka - Kokeshi (OC)

He was an ordinary weeb, dreaming of reincarnation, yet never actually wanting it. I mean, he would die in those animes. he's a normal person, maybe a bit cowardly, and definitely not a fighter "So yeah, I accidentally put you file into the reincarnation stack, sooooo... I sorta need to reincarnate you, or else the worlds collapse" ".....What!?" Get ready for a story of a coward becoming the 4th strongest ninja in the Naruto generation! and all through the power of..... Dolls? ____________________________________________ Sakura will be on a different team. She will become much stronger and better than regular Sakura, and much sooner. I will try to make most of the characters morally good or better than some of their counterparts. Try and be a bit nice if you find anything bad, I'm not a genius of Wrighting or the world's best author, I'll still try my best.

Cursed_Shaman · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Once upon a 'space-time Jutsu'

It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and the sun was shining happily on everything! What could go wrong-


Yeah right, this is the Naruto universe. You can't go a single day without something happening somewhere, especially in Konoha. Home of the, soon to be, Number most unpredictable knuckle-head ninja.

??? Civilians "That dammed brat!!" "AHHH!!" "There he goes again." "Again, why ever time" "NOOOO, MY CABBAGES!!!"

??? Ninja's "Danm it, where did that kid go!" "That dammed demon brat..." "NARUTOOOO!!!" "Why is he so fast"

??? Anbu "Ugh, here we go again" "Every Time" "Seriously, on my break!" "Hahaha, now that was a good one"

Yes yes, Konoha was subject to another one of the blond's pranks, feared by even the Hokage with how good they were. It was said that even the past Hokage looked from heaven and shivered in fear.

BUT!! This story isn't all about Naruto, while this is his world, we are watching someone else. A new variable, he will ride along this crazy world with him. For that, we look elsewhere. Instead of the bustling and lively street, we look at an orphanage, one close by to a forest. On the second to last floor from the top, inside, one of the windows was blocked out by a thick blanket. Past that was a dark room, seemingly left to a single person. The only light was a candle as they were carving away at a block of redwood, which was not so blocky anymore.

??? "Hmmm, Just a bit more around the eyes and arms, then I can get to smoothing it out..."

A completely empty dango stick held between his teeth as this boy talked to himself, with a simple chisel they carved away at the wood. He was wearing a really thick hooded parka of an Icy-blue color, going past his knees. bulky black gloves, with icy blue linings, which were currently set aside as he worked. Puffy winter pants, a dark forest green in color. And a pair of blue-ish black furred snow boots. His fur-lined hood was down, revealing a sickly-looking boy.

??? "You're coming along pretty nicely. I think I can add a scripture to you now. Let's hope I made this one right."

His complexion was so pale, that you would mistaken him for a corpse drained of blood. The look definitely wasn't saved by the way you could see his bones protruding through the skin as if no fat or muscle existed. Just skin stretched onto a skeleton. His hands had purple, almost black markings that resembled a crude mix between bruises and frostbite. The mark formed like waves on the ocean, met flames on a fire, grown on vines. Though unseen, these makes traveled up his arms, getting denser as they covered his body, and could just barely see them on his neck.

??? "Was it 'to be blessed with' or 'to be gifted' that came next?"

His hair was of a gray so light, you should just call it white. it was long enough to reach mid back but was tired up in a way that would be unnoticeable. Looks as if his body produced not an ounce of Melanin for his hair or skin. His eyes however had a deep amber color to them, fading a bit redder near the iris, and a bit yellow near the sclera. Speaking of eyes, they looked bloodshot with deep bags under them, yet not a hint of actual tiredness or exhaustion filled his body or posture.

??? "Done, now. Should I paint it or finish it like this? Hmm, I'll take my time and enjoy some painting. If it does work, I want it to look good!"

This boy was our MC, Kokeshi Daichi. About 12 months ago, he obtained his memory from another world, and his 'reincarnation interview'.... well, most of them anyway. And in those 12 months, he has been working on his capabilities and the three Justu he knew. Thank you, Felix. In fact, he is currently doing one. '[][][] Clan Jutsu: Cursed doll creations'. A Jutsu that allows the user to apply special effects onto a doll using chakra and some simple writing. Though this jutsu works best with uzushio spirit seals, monk poem seals work just as well.

Kokeshi: "Hmmm, since this will be a more defensive trap, I think black will be a good base color. Let's add gold color inlays with negative blue accents.

Oh yeah, the knowledge of this jutsu also told him there are hundreds of branching types of fuinjutsu, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The easiest to learn and use, and the one he was given knowledge of, was the basic form of 'monk poem seals'. Which uses simple poems and scripture written with a strong intent, this forms a natural spirit medium for chakra, allowing effect to be formed. However, because of the simplicity, vagueness, and unpredictability of humans, It make getting the desired effects a bit tricky.

Kokeshi "There, done! My first full cursed doll. Ment to create an anti-chakra field. Now, let's so if it works, time to channel my chakra."

After saying that, he puts the doll onto a simple wooden plate with some carvings in it, unrefined silver lining the carved pathway. The doll was in a giant circle with two smaller circles connected, one on each side. He puts his hands on the two smaller circles.

Kokeshi "This would be easier with hand signs, making it faster and more portable. But until I get into the academy, this chakra plate will do."

This chakra plate was a simple toy for kids, allowing them to create small lights. A carving of the Chinese zodiac in the center forms a circle. Very basic and crude, however with some modifications and adding some of my seals to the toys. Tada, you made a great chakra conductor..... well, great is a severe overstatement. It was poorer than cold iron, but both the silver and Slightly higher chakra, it was good enough.

Breathing In he focused his chakra and pushed it into the plate, having the channels glow and create a pulsing and layering bubble around this basic redwood doll. After forming around 8 to 10 layers, he pushed his chakra just a bit more. Causing the layers to strain against each other. This resulted and each layer, one after the other crashing into the doll. Making it shake and crack, before those healed up.

Kokeshi "Whew, this is draining a good bit from my reserves, and I've been trying to grow them. So it's working well, or close enough to what I want. Just a few more, then I can test."

Soon, the final layers crashed in, leaving only one last one. The one keeping the chakra in. Instead of crashing in, it slowly shrunk, and started to cover it like an air-tight seal. Covering every corner like skin. Before it fades out of view, locking in the chakra and effects.

Kokeshi "Nice, it finally worked. Let's see how accurate I got this, but first I need to see its reaction."

Sending a quick pulse of chakra through the board again, it interacted with the doll. It caused a visible chakra flare, almost like a flame around the doll. The zodiac also started to glow before dying down, leaving only a monkey, dog, and goat glowing. He took out a notebook before writing those down, drawing the doll with the scripture.

Kokeshi "There. I know what zodiac this doll prefers, and while I don't know much about it yet, I'm sure the academy will..... why do I think that again? Agh, premonitions are so confusing. Never mind, let's test this."

he slides on his gloves, strapping them on tight. Putting up his hood, a faint chakra flashed from a small doll-shaped cham on the bottom of his coat. His face is no longer visible, leaving only two glowing white orbs as eyes, Changing shape with his facial expression. Grabbing the doll and standing up.

Kokeshi "This is going to be fun."

A grin formed in the darkness of the hood, just as glowing and white as the eyes, Creating an unsettling sight.

- This episode was sponsored by Konoha -

Pain wants to stop you in any way it can and to prevent you from continuing on, but according to Ninja legend Naruto, pain doesn't have the final word.

Naruto believes that Icy Hot pain relieving cream can soothe and provide relief from any Akatsuki members when applied properly. For example, In their eyes!

- This episode was sponsored by Konoha -

In a certain clearing surrounded by a dense forest, our entertainment Kokeshi was standing. Looking at the sky, his hood still on, and that creepy shadowed hood effect still Going. A grin on his face, looking a bit more like a smirk.

Kokeshi "I'm half a mile or so from the orphanage, I can barely so its roof!"

Panning over to where he was looking, you could just barely make out an open rooftop along the tree line. That being the partly isolated orphanage, the current home of our MC, and former home of the walking plot armo- I mean... naruto

Naruto 'Very funny, just because I got Kurama, and my father was a Hokage, and my mother was an Uzumaki, and I could master Sage mode quickly, and I mastered Kurama's chakra, and mastered them completed the Rasengan, and I can make 10000 of shadow clones, and I able to use talk-no-jutsu on almost everyone..... that doesn't mean a "walking plot armor"... it doesn't!'

Anyway, with a grin, kokeshi placed the newly made doll onto the floor. Getting ready to test his new creation. Stepping two paces back, her clapped his hands together, channeling chakra into his hands. After a few minutes of build-up, he slaps his hands onto the ground and shouts.


After saying the basic, and usually test, phrase, his chakra rushed out of his hands. While normally this would disperse or channel into the ground, the doll not only acted like a lightning rod for chakra, it was designed to pull in his chakra with this technique.

That being said, the cursed doll greedily took in all the released chakra, and once the needed amount was achieved, the effect was active. The nearly invisible blue chakra barrier pushed out of the doll, covering half of the medium to a small clearing. A feeling of heaviness and exhaustion filled his chest as he looked around, feeling slower.

Kokeshi "...hmmm, so at least one of the desired functions works. A barrier jutsu, let's run some tests."

Kokeshi walked to the edge of the barrier, pushing his hand out, not a single force resisting. Walking out of it, the feeling disappeared. Grabbing a rock and throwing it at the barrier, shows that it was not solid, passing through. Walking back in, he tried to channel his chakra again. However, to feeling increased a bit, making it harder. Once releasing the chakra, it instantly disperses and gets sucked into the doll. A grin formed on his shadowy face.

Kokeshi "Hahaha, yes! I finally got it to work! Or something close enough, I'll have to test this on another person to see if it has the full effect. But even if not, this is good enough for now! My anti-chakra/anti-jutsu barrier is a success! Not only using the surprising chakra but eating it to keep itself active. Great! Now, time to deactivate."

Clapping his hand together, Kokeshi gathered some of his chakras, feeling a bit dizzy, he knew he was getting a bit close to his chakra limits. The strain made it a bit difficult, but he then slammed his hands down and shouted.


The doll, started to vibrate a bit, making Kokeshi a bit nervous. And for good reason. The chakra barrier rushes past him, the quick change throwing him off. It then crashes into the doll. All the stored-up chakra, unnecessary for the doll right now, explodes outwards into a forceful chakra flare.

Kokeshi "no no no no!!"

Most of the chakra was just smoke and kinetic energy, but it was still a bit much for him. He gets knocked back and covered in smoke, groaning he slowly gets up and looks at the doll. It was fine, it. It was a bit dirty from the dust it kicked up. Coughing, he spoke tiredly.

Kokeshi "Ugh, an explosion...again!! Well, at least it's not on fire like the last one. I had to get a new jacket. Hmmm, I'll have to check, but if it makes the explosion every time I deactivate it, I could use it to my advantage!"

Kokeshi stood up and grabbed the doll, grinning a bit, however, it did not show on his non-face. He put it into one of his jacket's inside pockets, with the two others. Looking up at the sky, he enjoyed the clouds passing by, putting his gloved hands into his pockets.

Kokeshi "Hmmm, tomorrow is the entry exam for the academy. Since I'm not a clan member, official or legally, and I'm not Naruto with his plot armor."

Naruto 'I told you, I don't have plot armor!'

Kokeshi "I won't automatically get in, I heard that test can be brutal... but that is coming from civilian children, with my training, my non-official clan line, and my brain... I think I could pass. But, I am still a child. So, let's take the rest of the day off to relax! I wonder if I have enough for mochi, oooh! Maybe I can even try some of the cactus fruit mochi I saw yesterday! I heard Suna's cactus fruit is like a sweeter lemon, mixed with Kumo's dragon fruits!"

Kokeshi jovially walked to the edge of the clearing, going a bit to the left of the orphanage, straight to the rest of the village. Not a care in the world, other than that mochi! Not noticing a ninja with a blank white mask watching him, a Konoha leaf symbol carved into the mask. They disappear with a smokeless sunshine, going to who knows where.


So, how was it? Was it good enough? I hope I did well, I feel good about this idea! I hope I can keep going with this, and get good responses! 

I've only recently started writing stories, so I hope they are at least decent! Tell me your thoughts, and if you have any ideas or suggestions for this. From the next chapter and beyond! I would love to use some of your guy's ideas, just in case I somehow run out of mine! Hahahaha!