
NARUTO: Matryoshka - Kokeshi (OC)

He was an ordinary weeb, dreaming of reincarnation, yet never actually wanting it. I mean, he would die in those animes. he's a normal person, maybe a bit cowardly, and definitely not a fighter "So yeah, I accidentally put you file into the reincarnation stack, sooooo... I sorta need to reincarnate you, or else the worlds collapse" ".....What!?" Get ready for a story of a coward becoming the 4th strongest ninja in the Naruto generation! and all through the power of..... Dolls? ____________________________________________ Sakura will be on a different team. She will become much stronger and better than regular Sakura, and much sooner. I will try to make most of the characters morally good or better than some of their counterparts. Try and be a bit nice if you find anything bad, I'm not a genius of Wrighting or the world's best author, I'll still try my best.

Cursed_Shaman · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Awakening of Soul

"99,983 bottles of milk on the wall, 99,983 of milk. Grab another, and put it on the shelves. 99,984 bottles of milk on the wall"

Darkness, nothing but darkness all around. Darkness that was somehow brighter than the sun.

'Danm. This is my, what? Millionth time doing this, how have I been here?'

"99,984 Bottles of milk on-"

'Yet I have not gone insane somehow...."

"99,985 Bottles of milk-"

'Well, maybe not fully. I don't even like milk, I'm lactose intolerant! I mean, I still eat cheese and yogurt but I hate milk. At first, it was Jam, then I did that like... 1... 2....3.... 10 gazillion times, then it was Bananas, then a whole bunch of others! I ran out of things to use, even the concept ran dry, now I only have milk!'

"100,001 bottles of milk on the wall, 100,001 bottles of milk-"

A flash of bright light-


As I was saying, a flash of bright light engulfs his non-vision.


The white fades away to reveal a cloud in the sky. A beautiful sunset of yellows and orange dipping into.... nothing, just... more sky? On the cloud was a bunch of household furniture out in the open, mostly of a Japanese style. Two people were sitting on pillows in front of a table, both male, with some tea and cookies set up in front of them.

One of the occupants of this cloud was a boy with skin so pale you could mistake it for a disease.

'Or a chronic shut-in'

His hair was a bit messy and short, a thin frame covered in a basic black t-shirt and what looked like Linen pajama pants of matching black. He had amber eyes, the only special feature, yet it could barely be seen through his squinting.

'HEY, I was just in a purely black void then suddenly a flash of white, then a bunch of colors! Sorry if that's too much for my eyes to handle all at once

As you can guess, that is our main character. Don't worry, all his fourth wall breaking is non-Canon is is separate from the in-story mc.

On the other pillow, sipping a cup of tea was... Hashirama? Wait, no! He has white hair and a much darker tan.... still, looks a lot like Hashirama. He wore a pure white yukata with golden linings and a silvery blue flower pattern fades from the bottom up, making the bottom half purely silvery Blue.

He stuffed s few of the cookies into his mouth and ate them quickly. Not paying much mind to the slightly confused guest.

??? "Ah, these treasures are some of the only good things about these reincarnation meetings. I can't get enough of these!"

'....what the hell is going on?'

Mc??? "What the hell is going on!"

The cookie-loving man took a break from his snacking and looked at the MC. He calmly wiped his mouth of the crumbs and washed it down with his tea. He slowly reaches behind himself and pulls out a file, putting it on the table.

??? "Okay, let's see. Your name is.... not really important anymore, so we'll skip that. But for introduction's sake, you can call me Felix. For now, I'll let you ask your questions and I'll answer them... if I'm allowed."


Mc "What....?"

Felix "....."

Mc "....."

An awkward silence persisted between the two, a crow cawing in the distance. During this, Felix grabbed another cookie.

Felix "Want to elaborate more on that question? Or do you expect me to answer you very vague questions of, and I quote 'What.....?' "

Our Mc blinked a few times before shaking his head, trying to get himself together. Looking around he asked.

Mc "Where am I, Who are you, and what going on"

Felix "Well, the first answer would be.... sudo-heaven. The next, I already told you, I'm Felix. But I'm also a god of sorts, not really but that is the close concept you have to what I am. As for what Going on... do you want to Long answer or a short answer?"

His speech was a bit muffled as he was eating more cookies as he spoke. Not caring about manners.

Mc ".....The short version??"

Felix "You had shifty luck, I made a mistake, and now you're being reincarnated, and No one can know"

Mc "...uhm..... what? Reincarnated, no no no! What? HUH? Why now! I can't be reincarnated, what do you mean accident!"

Felix "I guess we will need the long story!"

Felix flipped the pages in the files, going to the last few before looking up at the MC. He looked a bit awkward.

Felix "You see, I've only recently been moved into reincarnation. Only been doing this for the past trillions of eons, a real Noob if you will. I was setting up the papers for the reincarnation system, who would, who wouldn't, power levels, and all that stuff. I accidentally tripped, a few of the papers got mixed up, I was able to get most of them into the right place, all but a few."

The MC sat there listening, though they were shocked by every word, the amount of anime and time alone in that void made his mind strong enough to roll with it. Even if he didn't fully understand everything, he accepted it as it came.

Felix "A few of the papers that were meant to be sent to the afterlife were sent to be reincarnated, you are one of them. And I can't let anyone know this or I'll be demoted and your soul eradicated..."

Mc "I see.... wait. Eradicated!!! Couldn't they just send me to heaven or hell, like I was supposed to be?"

Felix Saddle shook his head no, elaborating on why, he spoke in a sorry tone.

Felix "No, even one who is chosen for reincarnation has their soul sent to a void chamber. The blackness you just came from. This is to slowly adjust their souls into slates so they can exchange worlds. This stops them from going to heaven until their next death. And since you're not supposed to be reincarnated... you can finish it from there."

The MC looked at him before letting his face fall onto the table, signing heavily. While he always dreamed of being reincarnated as this super cool op character who helped everyone, he never actually wished for it to happen. He knew that he couldn't take the stress of being in another world. But, it seems he has no choice.

Mc "Fine, do I get to choose my world and get some supper cool powers at least? Like a system and stuff"

Felix "The answer is yes and no... mostly no. The worlds get randomly assigned to each file, you were given a modified Naruto universe. NRT_BR-195A Delta. And for the powers... sadly for you, we only set up power systems to the exact number meant to be reincarnated. Not more, not less. So, cool op Powers are a no-go."

Mc "Of course they are, 'cuss why not screw me more! ...wait... then why did you say yes and no?"

Felix smiled happily, you also saw a bit of a certain prankster in that smile. Her happily spoke as he wrote some stuff in the file.

Felix "Luckily for you, They only track power systems and highly outer powers and energy not of that universe! However, what they don't track is powers already in the world. While j can't make you op, are directly part of any major groups. I can give you a few advantages to help, nothing big but enough to get you situated!"

The mc perked up at this, though the thought of being op enticed him and bummed him. At least he's not being born as a normal civilian in this deadly shinobi world.

Mc "Care to tell?!"

Felix "Heh, in this universe there are a few changes. One of those is Uzushiogakure, the home of the Uzumaki! Here, Uzushiogakure had more than just one clan, the Uzumaki. They took in a bunch of misfits and unique clans. The Tsubo-Shiki (Cursed jar), Jūgo, Kurama, and a handful of others. I'm reincarnated you as a descendent of one of these clans, in the Naruto generation."

Mc "Coooool!! What clan am I going to be reincarnated into..... wait.... the naruto generation... but then Uzushiogakure will have been destroyed.... am I going to be an orphan then?"

Felix "Sadly yes. But, no need to be sad or worried. He's the deal, while I can't reincarnate you as an Uzumaki, I can with Any other of those clans. I won't tell you anything about your clan directly, you'll need to find that out yourself."

Mc "Okay

Felix "The clan you'll be reincarnated as doesn't have any Kekkei Genkai, only special Justus. I will implant the knowledge of three of their Justus, of My choosing, into your brain. Allowing you to use them. Then I'll implant the core knowledge of all the clan Justu into your subconscious. Before you ask why, it would make you op if you knew all of them, so I'm making it basic subconscious knowledge to allow you to create your own to suit your needs. You may accidentally recreate a few, but unlikely."

Mc "Huh, I see..... can I at least know some perks about my clan?"

Felix "Sure, both their chakra and chakra control are Natrally higher than average. Nowhere near any of the big clans, but enough to put you at the Nara or Akimichi level. Still good, but not OP. You have a faster metabolism, third to the Uzumaki, Hyūgas, and Akimichi."

Mc "Wait, Hyūgas? I thought that was just a filler episode?"

Felix "It was, in the original universe they just had slightly Higher than average appetites. In this universe though, it's been cranked to Uzumaki levels, and that has been more than doubled. So you'll need to eat a lot. Oh, you'll stay permanently skinny, like bones kind of skinny. Most of the food is stored as chakra in your marks."

Mc "Marks?"

Felix "Ah, also your clan has a special birthmark that covers a lot of their body. It naturally stores large amounts of yang chakra. Lastly, in games, you have some great luck, Matching Uzumaki luck. And matching out against Hyuga and Uchiha cheating skills... but only in games, and a few very dangerous situations."

Our Mc thinks about it for a bit.... while it was not overly powerful, it did give him one other two Natural advantages. And some pretty funny things that would fit perfectly in those funny moments.

Mc "Hmm, I think I can work with that! And with my knowledge of the show, I should be able to get myself pretty we off in this world! Since from what you said, it shouldn't be really different in the important part!"

Felix flinched and took a sharp inhale through his teeth, feeling a bit bad about his next words.

Felix "About that...."

Mc "What, don't tell me I'll have my memory wiped clean!"

Felix "Oh, nono! Nothing like that... but... you see.... okay, while the universe might not be majorly different from the show, I'm not really allowed to keep that knowledge intact..."

Mc "...what!"

Felix tried to calm the MC down s bit with some hand gestures, passing him a cookie as he ate it.

Felix "Now now, while I won't completely erase it from your memory. Letting you have all that knowledge would be bad. So here's the deal. You'll know about the world and the basic information, chakra, bijou, who Naruto is. Stuff like that. It will be like your experience of the show for the first time. You'll know major events happening, but not who caused it and what happened. When an event is going to happen or is mentioned, you'll get a feeling if it's good or bad. You'll have premonitions, but not the full knowledge."

Mc "....shiiiit.... well, at least it's I'm not going in completely helpless"

Felix "Yes, however, our time is getting close, so I'll have to cut the question short. Here, this is a basic file for the next life. There are a few things you'll get to pick. Your name is already chosen tho. Your current higher thought and memories will be repressed until the age of 4 to 5, a year before the academy starts. You'll be able to set up what you may deem necessary in that time. I need to go, once you are done, close the file and everything will start automatically. Bye!"

Felix passed the open file to the MC, a punch of stuff marked and unmarked. Felix fades out of existence as the MC I left alone, a mechanical clock counting down shows about half an hour left.

Mc " 'Sigh' welp.... this is a shitty outcome.... but, better than that void I suppose! Now, let's see what I can do to this next me!"

Our Mc started to write on the files, at the top left were mostly blank images with a face and body being slowly formed in it, making a bust shot. Under it was writing, names apparently.

First Name: Kokeshi

Last Name: Daichi 

Clan/Family Name: [REDACTED]