
Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards

Traveling through the world of Naruto, he is just a four-year-old boy who has no talent, no family, no blood, and no tailed beast. Unexpectedly, after completing the Jain test, the system suddenly awakened. Since then, he has drawn the glittering fruit, the shaking fruit, the dragon-killing magic crystal of fire, the magic eye of death, Geass, the blood of the ancestor giant, the eye of reincarnation, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye… Also, Demon Sword Muramasa, Death Note, Longinus Spear, Godzilla, Zanpakutō*Kyoka Suizuki, Zanpakutō*River Blade, Natural Teeth…

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6

Laiduo thought to himself, the first time he killed someone, he didn't feel the kind of soft-hearted and disgusting feeling described in the novels he read in his previous life.

After all, he came to this world, and the three battles are imminent...

Orochimaru may have also thought of this, and will bring them out to perform killing tasks when they have just graduated from school, so as to train them early.

"It would be a relief for them to be able to die unconsciously."

"Enemy attack!"

Suddenly, the piercing cries of bandits came from the yard in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in the cottage continued to light up.

"It seems to be exposed after all." Lai Luo killed the bandit in front of him and rushed towards the post.

"I'm sorry, I was careless and let the thief find out and shouted it out." The three of them gathered together, but Hong Yuhi said with guilt on his face.

"It doesn't matter, most of our tasks have been completed, and the remaining soldiers, the old and the weak, can't make any waves!" Lai Luo comforted.

"The most important thing is that we continue to complete the task!"

After Lei Luo finished speaking, he rushed up again.

With the time to speak, the bandits have gathered over. Lai Luo slashed a thief's throat with an ice wheel pill and immediately did a backflip, narrowly dodging the knife that slashed at him.

One instantly came behind the other and slashed with a knife.

"go to hell!"

A big man with a ferocious face stabbed Lei Luo in the waist with a knife while he was being entangled by his companions.

Unfortunately, the expected blood spurt did not appear.

The direction in which the big knife was stabbed turned into a bright light, and then disappeared.

Natural department!


"No, it's impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible. When you kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will end up like this sooner or later..."

Lei Luo turned around and said lightly.

Reaching out a finger, a golden light flashed away.

In the next second, a blood hole as wide as a finger appeared on the head of this hideous bandit and fell to the ground.

The corpses were lying on the ground in a mess, and the air was full of the pungent smell of blood.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a torrential downpour.

After more than half an hour, the three of Lai Luo got together again, and there were only corpses on the ground behind them, most of them died in Lai Luo's hands.

This heavy rain made the blood pooled into countless streams flowing on the ground, and then slowly seeped into the soil.

The thieves in the entire cottage were all dead, leaving only a few poor girls who were kidnapped by them, who were cowering and hiding in a room, crying in fear.

The system's prompt also sounded in Lai Luo's mind again.

"Ding dong...Congratulations to the host for completing the first drop of blood on the mission and destroying all the bandits. Get the mission reward god-level lottery point *1."

Chapter 9 S-level props, fairy beans!

"It's finally over," Lai Luo thought.

When the three of Lai Luo arrived at the meeting place agreed with Orochimaru, Orochimaru was already waiting there.

Orochimaru: "Well done, those women will be taken in by Moxigan Village, let's go back to the village!"


"Lei Luo-kun, you are really a qualified ninja seedling, I can't help it... Hehehehe..."

In the pouring rain, Orochimaru's voice seemed extremely feminine.

After returning to the village and submitting the mission report, the Orochimaru team disbanded and went back to rest.

As for Orochimaru, it disappeared before entering the village, and I don't know where it went.

Lai Luo returned home, washed briefly, and fell asleep. Although Lai Luo has the ability of the glittering fruit and the ice wheel pill, but his body is very ordinary, and after a long battle, mental fatigue is unavoidable.

"Hmm." After sleeping for a long time, Lai Luo woke up.

"Ah, I finally feel alive. It's really tiring after a day of rushing and fighting."

"It's like a fight like the generation of Senju Hashima and the Ninja Shura Uchiha Madara that lasts for a long time. How did you persevere?"

"No wonder Madara Uchiha keeps saying, 'Do you want to dance just because of you?' In his eyes, everyone except Senju Hakuma is rubbish."

Lai Luo stretched, if he met Madara in the future, he could say, "I not only want to dance, but also dance!"

"System, come out, I remember that I still have a god-level lottery point, right?"

System: "Yes, host, you still have a god-level lottery point."

Lai Luo: "System, don't you have any special abilities or something? Just a lottery turntable?",

System: "Yes, the system has its own storage space, but the storage space can only store system lottery items"

Lai Luo: "Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier, I thought you were the turntable?"

System: "Host, you didn't ask me either"

Lai Luo: ?.?

Lai Luo: "Forget it, I don't care about your system, I'm going to draw a lottery!"

System: "Ding... Random rewards are being drawn..."

The sound of the system machinery appeared again, and six different rewards appeared again in the six fan-shaped reels.

S-Class Skill: Return of Life

S-Rank Skill; Eye of Darkness

S-Class Items: Devil Fruit. Meatball Fruit

S-Class Item: Fairy Bean*1

S-level skills: Forbidden Art. Eight Dun Armors

S-Class Weapon: Lake Toya

Lai Luo: "Damn it, why did Lake Toya appear again, are you targeting me in the system?!"

System: "All reward draws are random, don't blame the system for the host's black face!"

Laidlaw: "0.0"

Lai Luo: "Fortunately, except for Lake Toya, the others are okay, it is worthy of being an S-level reward,"

"Return of Life" is a skill that appeared in One Piece. It can freely control the body, hair, and internal organs. As long as the consciousness is poured into it, it can freely control any place.

The "Eye of Darkness" is the core of the male magician in the dungeon, using the eye of darkness to replace the heart of the body, thereby obtaining huge magic power. Do not die even if HP is 0, but enter recovery mode.

"This is a huge amount of chakra combined with an immortal body in the ninja world. With this, why don't you want to make waves?" Lei Luo thought to himself.

The third meat ball fruit is the same as the Glitter Fruit that has been eaten, it is the Devil Fruit from One Piece. It is a type of devil fruit superhuman. After eating it, you will have a pad of meat like a cat's paw in your palm. It can bounce anything, including fatigue, pain, and even injuries. It can also bounce air into a palm at the speed of light. Shape shock waves and pierce objects continuously.

The fairy beans after that are a magical item from Dragon Ball. As long as there is still a breath, no matter how many injuries you eat, you can recover well.

"Forbidden Technique. Eight Gates of Dunjia" is Matekai's unique trick, almost kicked out the Hokage finale, the current Matekai is only his graduate of the same period, and it is far from the future Kaihuang.

The last pit, the garbage wooden sword - Lake Toya not to mention!

Lai Luo: "Draw, let's start the lottery!"

"Ding dong, prizes are being drawn..."

"Ding Dong...Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-class item: Xiandou*1."

Lai Luo looked at the results of the lottery and pouted.

Although the fairy bean is very useful, there is only one.

Talking is better than nothing, and it is another chance to save lives.

Lai Luo knew that the outbreak of the Third World War was not far away, and he must improve himself as soon as possible to develop the ability of the glittering fruit.

All intrigues and tricks are paper tigers in front of strength.

Only when you are strong enough can you control everything.


At the same time, somewhere in the Konoha border area, the Orochimaru secret laboratory.

Orochimaru took out a hair and started a simple test.

Not long after, Orochimaru looked at the test results with a frenzy.

"Is there a strong vitality in the cells? It can even promote the growth of plants. I don't know how it will react with Mudun cells."

"Boundary of the Light Escape Xueji? As far as I know, this kind of special Xueji has not appeared in the ninja world for hundreds of years."

"It is very similar to the hydration technique of the ghost lamp family, but it has great penetrating power and heat. In terms of pure combat, it is far superior to the hydration technique of the ghost lamp family!"

"However, what I value is not this kind of combat ability!"

"Lei Luo-kun, you really gave me a big surprise..."

Further experiments were continued.

And that hair is Lai Luo's hair, and I don't know when Orochimaru kept it.

Behind him, on the dark wall, are densely packed with dozens of huge petri dishes as tall as one person.

In this petri dish, dozens of human bodies of different ages are quietly soaking in it.

There are delicate women, strong men, and children.


In the following days, Lai Luo would train with Hong and Xiyan every day, familiarize himself with his abilities, and further develop them.

All the abilities of the Devil Fruit are developed slowly, and the system rewards are only those developed by the yellow monkey at the beginning.

In his previous life, Lai Luo lived in the era of information explosion. He didn't know how much bigger his brain hole was than that of Kizaru, so it should be no problem to develop some abilities that suit him.

As a Sannin, Orochimaru has to be busy with research again. It takes about a month for the fourth team to send out a mission. At first, they were all about exterminating bandits and escorting supplies. Later, they began to accept some tasks of chasing down rebellion and investigating intelligence.

With the passage of time and the gathering of intelligence, Laidlaw knew that peaceful days would not be long.

Just like that, a year and a half passed slowly.


Konoha Hokage Building

A shadow flashed by and appeared in Hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama, urgent information!!"

Chapter 10 Emergency information, the war is about to start!

"Hokage-sama, urgent information!"

"The troops of Shayin Village are gathering at the border, and many leading troops have entered the hinterland of our country of fire!"

After listening to the report from Anbu in front of him, Sarutobi Hizan Sandai took a deep breath.

"Three generations of Fengying disappeared a few years ago, and there have been many conflicts between my country of fire and the country of wind."

"Do you want to start a war by gathering a large army this time?"

Anbu: "Lord Hokage, the troops of Yanyin Village have also assembled on a large scale in Kamabashi Bridge, intending to attack the country of grass!"

The Country of Grass is only a small country, but its geographical location is located on the border between the two countries, serving as a strategic buffer point for the two countries.

Sarutobi Hiizhan: "It seems that this is an appointment between the two countries, what about Yunyin and Kiriyin?"